Storm The World TV
Storm The World TV
Storm The World TV
Storm the World is a new album due for release in Sept feat 14 original songs dedicated to the life & teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Women Of Valor Book Completion
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Chanukah Concert Intro 5782 2
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Chanukah Concert Intro 5782
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Let The Light Shine On
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Simchas Torah 5782
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High Holidays with Boca Beach Chabad
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Rabbi Foreman ISRAEL BONDS
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Meron - four years ago
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@VictorineKra-q7p 5 дней назад
Toda raba rabbi.
@VictorineKra-q7p 5 дней назад
@jeromerodriguez1568 Месяц назад
Je me suis emparé de l'état juif, Baruch j'adore du premier jour
@yogiyonah Месяц назад
Madhime brings me to tears, I loop the video cry, and 🕺💃 for hours on end B"H especially in these uncertain days in Israel, it's about building trust in Hashem (Bitichon Hashem) and killing our cousins from LOVE ❤️😢B"H Yesher Koach
@samueldelgado1458 Месяц назад
What tragedy? will someone please remind me....
@DrShinnyPrathap-JesusForEver Месяц назад
28:57 🙏
@Ewahochman 2 месяца назад
@katiska65 2 месяца назад
Thank you🇫🇮❤👑🇮🇱👑💥🕎💥🛐
@user-iq2dd1rv4z 3 месяца назад
@datemet9890 4 месяца назад
muito lindo
@augustsoomre4795 5 месяцев назад
Luuka evangeelium 24:Jeesus ilmub üheteistkümnele jüngrile 36 Aga kui nad seda kõike rääkisid, seisis Jeesus ise nende keskel ja ütles neile: „Rahu olgu teile!” 37 Aga nemad kohkusid ja lõid kartma, arvates end vaimu nägevat. 38 Ent tema ütles neile: „Miks te olete nii kohkunud ja miks sellised kahtlused tõusevad teie südames? 39 Vaadake mu käsi ja mu jalgu, et see olen mina ise! Puudutage mind kätega ja vaadake, sest vaimul ei ole ju liha ega luid, nõnda nagu te minul näete olevat!” 40 Ja seda öeldes näitas Jeesus neile oma käsi ja jalgu. 41 Aga kui nad rõõmu pärast ikka veel ei uskunud ja imestasid, ütles ta neile: „Kas teil on siin mingit söögipoolist?” 42 Nemad panid ta ette tüki küpsetatud kala, 43 ja Jeesus võttis ja sõi nende silma all. Johannese evangeelium 14:Jeesus julgustab jüngreid 1 Teie süda ärgu ehmugu! Uskuge Jumalasse ja uskuge minusse! 2 Minu Isa majas on palju eluasemeid. Kui see nõnda ei oleks, kas ma siis oleksin teile öelnud, et ma lähen teile aset valmistama? 3 Ja kui ma olen läinud ja teile aseme valmistanud, tulen ma jälle tagasi ja võtan teid kaasa enese juurde, et teiegi oleksite seal, kus olen mina. 4 Ja kuhu ma lähen, sinna te teate teed.” 5 Toomas ütles talle: „Issand, me ei tea, kuhu sa lähed, kuidas me siis võime teada teed?” 6 Jeesus ütles talle: „Mina olen tee ja tõde ja elu. Ükski ei saa minna Isa juurde muidu kui minu kaudu. 7 Kui te oleksite tundnud mind, siis te tunneksite ka mu Isa. Nüüd te tunnete teda ja olete teda näinud.” 11 Uskuge mind, et mina olen Isas ja Isa on minus. Kui te ei usu muu pärast, siis uskuge mu tegude tõttu. Apostlite teod 20:28 Seepärast pange tähele iseennast ja kogu karja, kelle ülevaatajaks Püha Vaim on teid pannud, et te karjastena hoiaksite Jumala kogudust, mille ta on saanud iseenese vere läbi. Pauluse esimene kiri korintlastele 15:3 Ma olen teile ju kõigepealt edasi andnud seda, mida ma ka ise olen vastu võtnud: et Kristus suri meie pattude eest, nagu on kirjutatud pühades kirjades, 4 ja et ta maeti maha ja äratati kolmandal päeval üles pühade kirjade järgi 5 ja et ta näitas ennast Keefasele, seejärel neile kaheteistkümnele, 6 seejärel näitas ta ennast ühtaegu enam kui viiesajale vennale, kellest enamik on veel praegugi elus, mõned aga on läinud magama; 7 siis näitas ta ennast Jaakobusele, seejärel kõigile apostlitele. 8 Aga kõige viimaks näitas ta ennast ka minule kui äbarikule. Pauluse kiri galaatlastele 4:4 Aga kui aeg sai täis, läkitas Jumal oma Poja, kes sündis naisest, sündis Seaduse alla, 5 lahti ostma seadusealuseid, et me saaksime pojaseisuse. 6 Et te olete aga pojad, siis on Jumal läkitanud teie südamesse oma Poja Vaimu, kes hüüab: „Abba! Isa!” 7 Nõnda ei ole sa enam ori, vaid poeg, aga kui sa oled poeg, siis sa oled ka pärija Jumala kaudu. Pauluse kiri filiplastele 2:Hümn Kristusele 5 Mõtelge iseenestes sedasama, mida Kristuses Jeesuses: 6 kes, olles Jumala kuju, ei arvanud osaks olla Jumalaga võrdne, 7 vaid loobus iseenese olust, võttes orja kuju, saades inimese sarnaseks; ja ta leiti välimuselt inimesena. 8 Ta alandas iseennast, saades kuulekaks surmani, pealegi ristisurmani. 9 Seepärast on Jumal tõstnud ta kõrgemaks kõrgest ja annetanud talle selle nime, mis on üle iga nime, 10 et Jeesuse nimes nõtkuks iga põlv nii taevas kui maa peal kui maa all, 11 ja et iga keel tunnistaks: Jeesus Kristus on Issand - Jumala Isa kirkuseks. Pauluse esimene kiri Timoteosele 3:16 Tunnistatavalt suur on jumalakartuse saladus: Jumal on avalikuks saanud lihas, õigeks tunnistatud vaimus, nähtav olnud inglitele, kuulutatud paganatele, usutud maailmas, võetud üles kirkusesse. Kiri heebrealastele 13:8 Jeesus Kristus on seesama eile ja täna ja igavesti! Pauluse kiri Tiitusele 2:11 Jah, Jumala arm on ilmunud päästvana kõigile inimestele 12 ja kasvatab meid, et me, öeldes lahti jumalakartmatusest ja ilmalikest himudest, elaksime praegusel ajal mõõdukalt ja õiglaselt ja jumalakartlikult, 13 oodates õndsa lootuse täitumist ning suure Jumala ja meie Päästja Jeesuse Kristuse kirkuse ilmumist. 14 Tema on loovutanud iseenda meie eest, et meid lunastada kõigest ülekohtust ja puhastada endale pärisrahvaks, innukaks headele tegudele. Peetruse esimene kiri 1:14 Nii nagu kuulekad lapsed ärge ka teie kohanege oma kunagise teadmatuseaja himudega, 15 vaid saage pühaks kogu oma käitumisega, nii nagu on püha see, kes teid on kutsunud; 16 sest kirjutatud on: „Olge pühad, sest mina olen püha!” 17 Kui te hüüate Isaks teda, kes mõistab erapooletult kohut igaühe tegude järgi, siis elage kartuses oma majalisepõlv, teades, et 18 teid pole lunastatud kaduvate asjadega, hõbeda või kullaga teie tühisest esiisadelt päritud eluviisist, 19 vaid Kristuse kui laitmatu ja puhta Talle kalli verega. 20 Tema oli selleks ette määratud küll enne maailma rajamist, aga aegade lõpul on saanud avalikuks teie pärast, 21 kes te tema läbi olete ustavad Jumalale, kes on tema üles äratanud surnuist ja andnud talle kirkuse, nii et teie usk ja lootus oleksid Jumalas. Johannese esimene kiri 4:2 Te tunnete Jumala Vaimu sellest: iga vaim, kes tunnistab Jeesust Kristust lihasse tulnuna, see on Jumalast, 3 ning ükski vaim, kes seda Jeesust ei tunnista, ei ole Jumalast, vaid see on antikristuse oma, kellest te olete kuulnud, et ta tuleb, ja nüüd ta juba ongi maailmas. Johannese ilmutus 1: Temale, kes meid armastab ning on meid lunastanud meie pattudest oma verega 6 ning kes meid on teinud kuningriigiks, preestreiks Jumalale ja oma Isale - temale olgu kirkus ja võimus igavesest ajast igavesti! Aamen. 7 Ennäe, ta tuleb pilvedega ja iga silm saab teda näha, ka need, kes tema on läbi torganud, ning kõik maa suguharud halisevad tema pärast. Jah, aamen. 8 „Mina olen A ja O,” ütleb Issand Jumal, „kes on ja kes oli ja kes tuleb, Kõigeväeline.” 17 Kui ma teda nägin, langesin ma tema jalge ette nagu surnu. Ning tema pani oma parema käe mu peale ja ütles: „Ära karda! Mina olen Esimene ja Viimne 18 ja Elav. Ma olin surnud, ning ennäe, ma elan igavesest ajast igavesti ning minu käes on surma ja surmavalla võtmed. 19 Kirjuta siis, mida sa oled näinud ja mis on ning mis sünnib pärast seda! Johannese ilmutus 19:12 Tema silmad olid nagu tuleleek ning ta peas oli palju peaehteid. Neile oli kirjutatud nimi, mida ei tea keegi muu kui tema ise. 13 Ja tal oli üll verre kastetud kuub ning oli nimetatud tema nimi - Jumala Sõna.
@justinludeman8424 5 месяцев назад
Todah rabah Rabbi!
@antonellabaluganti8109 5 месяцев назад
Scialon fratelli che ascen vi benedica grandemente tutti ora e in eterno gloria eterna ad ascen nei secoli dei secoli senza fine amen alleluyia
@FranciscoSzekely 5 месяцев назад
Beautiful and inspiring. Touches my heart.
@peterrahbaek3921 5 месяцев назад
Amazing, Thank You for sharing:)
@FabioLuiz-bd2cv 5 месяцев назад
❤❤❤❤ shalom ❤❤❤❤❤
@gabrieladimirova2552 5 месяцев назад
Beautiful songs to the Lord🥰
@erikmoses6437 5 месяцев назад
Beautiful. It would have been even more beautiful in modern Hebrew.
@SavvySheitels 5 месяцев назад
love the melodies,now i need to have a coach to helpme when to sing these
@clintn.kildepstein1656 6 месяцев назад
What a haunting tune😢
@learntogrow6861 6 месяцев назад
BeautiFul - thank you for sharing
@sofianjmekeru8525 6 месяцев назад
Amen! Amen! God bless Israel! 🙏❤️🔯
@EdHotchkin 6 месяцев назад
Thanks you forthis.
@ariellazeitlin 7 месяцев назад
What a beautiful song
@jesusmanuelacosta1645 8 месяцев назад
I always listen to passover music and meaning yearlong to feel ok for being Jewish. Moreover, all non-Jews must repent and become like Christ Jesus, the firstfruits, the first Inside Jew too (Romans 2:28,29) in JCP: Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism: to only protest sin and satan/evil urge, not one another. If any in JCP cannot identify as an Inside Jew too, for the cup must be cleaned on the inside too, not just look nice from outside; such christians, Catholic or Protestant must know that their lives are HIDDEN in Christ JESUS. re: Proverbs 25:2 & Colossians 3:3. Do not be afraid. Be cool; not mean in all THIS meantime up to y3k/6760. Many blessings. Shabbat Shalom. Psalms 17 & 27. Amen God's h2o Ministries מעיין
@jesusmanuelacosta1645 8 месяцев назад
Isn't this seder passover music great for all millions in FCI I JEWS: Family Church Israel Inside Jews. J.E.Ws also means J.oy E.ternally W.aters for baruch Hashem our Fountain of Living Waters. Many blessings in our sadness. Psalms 6 & 16 & Proverbs 6:23. Wait for 7 Shevat, 5784-Wednesday-17 January, 2024. Amen God's h2o Ministries אמנ.
@nurybrillidguzmanavila649 9 месяцев назад
Hashem Elokim Adonay
@lauraoneill5193 9 месяцев назад
Why the differant thinkness/width of the strips on your priest showl?....
@lauraoneill5193 9 месяцев назад
God knows his faith and truth that he is to keep! Yeshua means GOD SAVES!.... His love and truth be with you, amen!....
@almaconnelly 9 месяцев назад
@Vincentbyers-fg4ob 9 месяцев назад
😮t but I tried to find her one bread of the apostles we call it in Malta in Easter, so I felt good after and I met on the way with three friends I did not see for a long time and ,when I went to give her the zpostle circle round bread with almonds I told her ,they were by order to buy one, so she said " you tried hard to make me happy And because you made me happy you arechaply because you wanted to walk and you tried your best and succeeded and you met three friends you have not seen for a long time ,see she said whztvyouvgive your neighbour comes back exactly to you , Many might not agree as saints forgave thrir enemies who killed them and they forgave those who trespassed against them to trespass means you go into other people 's private lives and make your self thevjudge not pray for those whoasked to pray to holy mother snd Jesus in their intention no you make yourself God because you wear his white robe no you pray to ho,y mother to vthst person as she is advocate of sinners not anyone on,y her as she is holy so she goes in front of the ho,y one neither you or me for thzt person intention a father of a priest taught me that st seminary ,his son wascpriest of vocations and we helped in cleaning after ass we had tea and cake and his RENTS SAJD THANK YOJ AND HIS FATHEF TOLD ME LRAY FOR THSTVPSRSONBINRENTION NOT MAKE YKHR SELF AS IF GOD NO DO NOT MAKE YOURSELF AS god youare not a God only one isBod is not you or me we are just messengers of God eith good intentions of God tosay when acperson is wrong to be righteous with God not use power to rule that is Satan, power of God if fatherhood and love asGod says so our father not my father but our father as God wants all his children home butbif one uses power to rule and control thzt is satanists not of .god and no one is stupid even those eith a cigarette in thrir hand we know thst thst cigarette is their friend tell me st 13 when I had to help ztvhome as we were six eith father when mum passed away we do not say fied in report of doctor about the patients in night futy as nurses we write ,patient passed away as we fo not die,our body yes but our soul goes for judgement we do not usecpower as mothers as churchbis a mother e cent it or not you represent God and godcis power of love not yo rule and control with whst youbplan znd want youare dinners we all are dinners so no onectule over dinner only God but eithbl9ve znd grace andvmercy we go home gerevour spirit znd everlasting not eith your private agendas we call on God not on man to help us asGod is God not man so beware of what aggression you use yo get uour way yes thstvis aggression even if it means intercession not good as Godvis gentle fourit not aggression thatvis you ,so control your secession as we sre not stupid we know persons thry getvhonour behind thrir backs even more they say about their aggression even family members tell about aggressive and control ejoever it is as wevknow all that according yo their heart jif itvis holdenvgeart thry say that man is a holy man if not they say nothing as thry cannot stop an aggressive person it is just bad luck that one has tobput up eith aggressive spirits as thry are truly angry persons always want thrir way ve ause they are aggressive moody people houser e them they zre alright forbone second then after thst second thry want again snd again as very sad persons they are selfish moody aggressors not nice spirit but Satan like as the opposite of lovevis selfishness whst thry plan is their happiness always thrir wsy they want hoodcparents give good to thrir chi,dren and they stayvlast as thry love children more than themselves those are goodcpzrents not spiol thrir children but discipline them even when thry go places you sit there and you do notcgetbpicket money if you do not do chores and come in yime at home and say p,ease and thankyou and also if they are grown and do not listen father thrir fault snd they pay for choosing bad not good thrybkearn thevgard way so you toobout there if acperson tries to help you you fo no hurt thevperson who naively tried to help you ,with your song of elite dion and Pavarotti cfo not be stupid because who wants your love and hate people want a God not a man yo love them as your judgement foes not vount as no one isGod onlyJesuS IN THE FAYHER IS GOD ASCHECTOO OBEYS STILL HIS FATHER IN EACHBOF US,YOU BREAK THE HOLY TEMPLE ,IN LEGION WE ARE TAUGHT TO GIVE OURVINTENTIONS FOR PERSONS TO JOLY MOTHER YO HIVE AWAYVHERVGRACESCOF JNTERCESSION TO JESUS AS HE IS GOD GOD HEALS SO DO NOT NAKE UOYR SELF GOD YOU ME WE SERVE GOD WE ZRE NOT HODS WE ARE ALL DINNERS ,PETER SAIDCI KEFT NY FAMILY AND I CANNIT COME TO hEAVEN we are all begfars of a rich God asGod grace and mercy are his riches to go to home those zre best gifts mercy snd grace so stop going zgressivevout there because no aggressor is a friend but abbuser dear so stop being an abuser with uiyr bad song thrnbi love you thrnbi hate you ,you fo not gzte your mother do you because she gave you life you zrechandsome because you fo look like your parents so fo not be an aggressor for other seniour citizens parents stop your do stupid ways enough now or you get holy mother yo intervene stop being an aggressor as savage animals are ageessirs not men ok stop I tell you bang your head yo a door not seniour citizens who had been hurt for do long eith intel8gent bad intelligence we are not stupid it takes a mire stupidcperson yo think we are stupid we have spiritual warfare such as you so mind your own business and teach thst holy mother evennpoles go to her don't we and intercession bket herctakevourvintercessionnorayers not man orceomen as all depend on Holy mother zndJesus asche is God not you so stop bring as if you are God asconlybonevis God Jesus
@Vincentbyers-fg4ob 9 месяцев назад
@nancylouthen1752 9 месяцев назад
So prophetic words penned by such a young woman. Beautifully and respectively sung by R’Ruvi New. G_d bless her family🙏
@daphnazuckerbrod9317 10 месяцев назад
@jeromerodriguez1568 10 месяцев назад
Thank you Rabbi. Excellent and beautifull songs Hasheem bless us in these troubles Times.
@yanirbrc 10 месяцев назад
ואוו זה נדיר ❤❤❤
@emanuelamanucci18 10 месяцев назад
Questo uomo canta divinamente 🤗👍❤️
@nancitawil5397 10 месяцев назад
איזה שיר יפה ועצובה 🥹🎶 יהי זכרה ברוך חיילת אמיצה 🕯️💙🇮🇱 ברוך דיין האמת 🙏🏼
@stevecraig-ug3ec 10 месяцев назад
The song was composed by a follower of the Rebbe of Modzitz, while on a cattle car train on his way to treblinka death camp. The man's name was Reb (rabbi) Ezriel Dovid Fastag. He began singing the song over and over on that fateful journey. He asked that anyone who made it out alive should bring his song to his Rebbeh. A young boy jumped from the train and continued singing the song so that it would stay with him. In 1945, after the was was over, the boy made his way from Switzerland to New York, and sang the song to the Rebbe of Modzitz, fulfilling the request of its holy composer. The song is a song of hope. Its meaning is as follows: I believe with a perfect faith in the coming if the messiah, and even though his coming has been delayed, even so, i continue to believe. A beautiful, emotional, and haunting song.
@ConanObrien22 2 месяца назад
But who sing this version at the event?
@stevecraig-ug3ec 2 месяца назад
​@@ConanObrien22there's no soloist there. It's being sung by a few thousand people attending the event.
@ConanObrien22 2 месяца назад
@@stevecraig-ug3ec yeah but the song in the background is pre recorded, I think. The was it the one with Motty Steinmetz in 2021?
@stevecraig-ug3ec 2 месяца назад
@@ConanObrien22 it was being played live on clarinet.
@ConanObrien22 2 месяца назад
@@stevecraig-ug3ec I see. It's very similar to this pre recorded version at Crown Heights. I just found out about the song and the history behind it. Very haunting yet beautiful. ru-vid.com6FU7Y5OoE3k?si=TP8KsXXKj0sF4krf
@gilaslonimavneihahoshencrystal 10 месяцев назад
כל הכבוד! מצבה מדהימה ומשמעותית ביותר
@rachelkrieger243 10 месяцев назад
@DarcyRusDevorahWallenLCSW 10 месяцев назад
@miriamabenaim9683 10 месяцев назад
So beautiful
@JAFFAWIRE 10 месяцев назад
She was my cousin's daughter. I last saw her when she was only 9. One of the few younger relatives I had a connection with. I wish I'd stayed in touch.
@HJackMiller 10 месяцев назад
So sad and so beautiful.... Just wow
@philiplwhitmandpm4650 10 месяцев назад
i am humbled,every day when i lok up to the sky,i will say good morning and good night to G-D asi have my entire life,Adi will be in my heart as everyone else i pray to G-d for.
@yossy770 10 месяцев назад
@chananew6871 10 месяцев назад
@aimanimtiaz1066 11 месяцев назад
Islam is the Real Religion, follow Islam.
@aimanimtiaz1066 11 месяцев назад
Misguiding the Jews, Read Holly QURAN So that you come