Gen Con
Gen Con
Gen Con
Dress To Quest || Episode 25 || Deep Freeze
14 дней назад
50 Years of D&D - 3rd Edition
21 день назад
50 Years of D&D - 2nd Edition
21 день назад
50 Years of D&D - The Original Edition
21 день назад
50 Years of D&D - 5th Edition
21 день назад
50 Years of D&D - AD&D Edition
21 день назад
50 Years of D&D - 4th Edition
21 день назад
Blood on the Clocktower: THE PLAN
21 день назад
@Dan-lb4zp 11 минут назад
Break ends @ 3:24:29
@johanjonsson5770 14 часов назад
The combined power of Mending, Prestidigation and Calligraphy is a mighty tool for a skilled Macramancer
@christopherfaenger4141 20 часов назад
4:10:10 - "Anybody have a trowel?" You WOULD if this were DCC!
@total_dk6517 22 часа назад
THE PLAN should have been used to release the Marionette 😅
@aurelia2132 3 дня назад
It always disappoints me to see players purposely getting Mez-turned just for fun. It feels like it takes away all of the challenge of the Mez ability. Instead of the risk being "you might be too obvious in seeding the Mez word, and draw suspicion," the risk is just "you might offer Mez turning to someone who's not interested" -- which, in this and the TPI group, never seems to happen. The players always seem perfectly happy to go along with it -- which means there's no real risk involved. It feels like such a sting for the good team, who just lost a player for no reason except lulz. It's fundamentally different from playing as the Goon or the Politician, where the player is intended by design to lean into the idea of turning evil -- so watching a Mez game just ends up feeling like watching a Bounty Hunter game, but with no offsetting positive benefit for the good team. Now, realistically, I can tell that the players in these streams are all fine with that kind of gameplay, so obviously it's totally cool to play that way if you know your table are all happy with that being the case! But I know that, as a player, I would feel really let down if my table was playing the Mez role like that.
@ulfjohnsen6203 3 дня назад
In a game with a soldier and a mayor, and no source of poison, evil has very little chance of winning.
@Aeon08897 4 дня назад
Explain to me how the content at 28.50 is acceptable? Reverse the orientation and it would be cancellation and blocking of anyone that spoke like that. Why is this heterophobe allowed to still be on RU-vid? And don’t say it’s was a joke, that is never an acceptable excuse the other way around.
@deadlyDM 5 дней назад
Good to see Mearls!
@aurelia2132 5 дней назад
Normally on Clocktower streams, when players preemptively declare that they have "a plan," I cringe because I know it's going to be someone deciding to make weird chaos plays that make the game harder for the other players purely for their own entertainment, which feels frustratingly unsportsmanlike. In this case, though, The Plan was purely delightful all around. Huge round of applause to everyone for brightening my whole day with this.
@m.h.6470 5 дней назад
That "Lightning Rod" amne ability, that Lorinda suggested should be its own townsfolk character, but with a little less certainty: "All minion abilities have a chance to be redirected to you". With the chance element, the ST would have the option to let some things through, while particularly good or bad snipes can be blocked. I think it would be very balanced. Could be named "Taunter" or "Protector" (since lightning rod isn't a character, but an object).
@McAwesomeReaper 6 дней назад
I thought at first the 5/22/2020 set was better, but now I'm not so sure. What an absolute pleasure to behold.
@christopherfaenger4141 6 дней назад
For me and my friends some of the lasting linguistic effects from D&D were "colour", "armour", and "grey". 🙂
@nickgr8artist 6 дней назад
30:20 Alex claimed a role that wasn't even on the script. And Will didn't catch it. 😂
@marathuzula9024 7 дней назад
What was the adventure Merls ran called? is it available on any online Dmsguild or some such?
@johanjonsson5770 16 часов назад
This an old adventure from White Dwarf 1980 called: "The Halls of Tizun Thane" by Albie Fiore
@r0ri-ok1ne 8 дней назад
it would be fun to see you play other old scripts
@TudorH56 8 дней назад
I imagine I missed something but Jams mentions not asking Arwell their pick one night and he is currently DA protected. Would that have meant he wouldn’t have been DA protected, should have died to the execution and then Ellen could have been open to execution final night? Fun game enjoyed a lot, just asking for understanding.
@m.h.6470 10 дней назад
JC: "loads of worlds, where we haven't killed an evil yet"... when the ONLY 2 dead players got killed in the night (and there is no vig on the script!, so no reason for the demon to kill a minion) 🤣😂🤣
@ifeelallflumpy 10 дней назад
All of these games are in a rush? maybe make some time before playing? takes you out a little bit where each game you're speeding through things
@enecio8407 10 дней назад
The reveal took longer than the game ;)
@husbbant8357 10 дней назад
Trying so hard to not leave a negative comment but it would be sooo easy
@MidnightBreeze1234 9 дней назад
Why would it be so easy? What was negative about the game/video? Just curious.
@cjmattocks 11 дней назад
I think you helped the amnesic to much
@MathBlade314 11 дней назад
Like and subscribe for new experiences of an older game! :)
@bishop1412 11 дней назад
"I'm expecting a lot of deaths this game"
@julesvanoosterom 10 дней назад
The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men Gang aft agley
@SpkrFrDead 11 дней назад
I always enjoy these videos, thanks everyone!
@somecallmetim4490 11 дней назад
I'm so curious what moonchild used to be called.
@Lightterr 11 дней назад
im also curious now haha, been googling for a while but it seems there is no info on the internet.
@thebestkevinsmith 11 дней назад
It does seem to be scrubbed from the internet. Moonchild is the name referenced in every post I see going back as far as 4 years ago. In astrology, the term "moonchild" is used to describe people born under the sign of Cancer (which is ruled by the moon, apparently). And when you look at the Moonchild's ability, it spreads death like a cancer... Maybe that's what it was, and it was viewed as being insensitive? That's my best guess.
@smifull 10 дней назад
I believe it used to be called the "Gypsy", which is a slur to Romani people
@somecallmetim4490 10 дней назад
Ohh, makes sense then.
@vastowen4562 9 дней назад
@@smifull wait, is it? I had no idea that was a slur, I just thought it was a nickname or a name for nomads in that area. Seen it used a lot on tv/around the internet like that
@dragonese9995 11 дней назад
Old sailor seems like the best DA bluff ever created
@fowad27 12 дней назад
Can someone help me understand why Amy rose outing the entire grimoire was a good move from an evil perspective?
@total_dk6517 21 час назад
Not always a good idea, but it makes it so (good) players have a harder time confirming themselves by getting information about each other (like a Cannibal talking with an executed dead player) - since they all know each other's roles beforehand. I think that's the theory anyways.
@queenannsrevenge100 12 дней назад
Anyone else here from Sly Flourish recommendation? I’m always a sucker for history lessons
@memeslich 12 дней назад
@robertg3260 12 дней назад
Its "Core" "Tee" "A" (Long A). It's a french word. "ER" endings on french words make the long "a" sound (manger = to eat is pronounced "maan-jay" for example. (On courtier pronounciation)
@danielboggs2013 13 дней назад
Enjoying these a lot. I think an opportunity was missed however had each game used the same characters, updated to the next rule set. <shrug>
@OlaRozenfeld 14 дней назад
Savant info note: you can always flip both parts of the statement. So you could have simply said "Either the Spy or the Godfather is in play".
@tigriscallidus4477 14 дней назад
I really dont get why that "Interviewer" was keeping using WoW terms for 4E. This is exactly the old 4E hate, and its so unnecessarily. Cooldown in MMOs lead to rotations, while once per combat powers lead to wanting to find the best situation to use it. "Hotbar" was alread used in Baldurs Gate with Spells. Its not like WoW did this first. From someone writing books about D&D I would have hoped to have a bit more understanding of game mechanics on a deeper level. Instead of just assuming "Oh its clearly inspired byWoW" asking about the inspirations were, would have been a lot more professional AND interesting. We got to hear that for example the inspirations from Roles came from D&D. Would have loved to hear more about inspirations.
@marco0445 11 дней назад
It was clearly inspired by WOW, even the roles. The designers literally admitted to it in the panel. "This is exactly the old 4e cope". Damn easy to flip the script isnt it? I mean just look at how WOTC marketed 4e PSG: "Looking at the summer months, June brings the Player's Strategy Guide, akin to a computer strategy guide but for Dungeons & Dragons. It offers up advice for building the best possible player character from the options available (including tips and tricks for using D&D Insider's tools) and better fitting them into your party" Stop neglecting all criticism to an edition just bc its your favourite, thats what infuriates me the most. Every edition has its problems and its important to recognize the huge failure WOTC had with 4e (see Paizo etc). 4e is the least D&D of all editions, no discussion.
@tigriscallidus4477 11 дней назад
@@marco0445 have you even listened to the designers? The "interviewer" assumed it was from there. Then one designer said the other played wow not he. And the wow player literally said he had the idea about roles from D&D adventure play. Also there is another video with the 2 designers also from gencon before this (it was mentioned) where they said more about this that "the only idea he used from wow was that everyone should be able to contribute in combat". Also remember the marketing was NOT made by the designers.
@tigriscallidus4477 11 дней назад
@@marco0445 also 4e was not a failure. It was at ita time the BY FAR mowt successfull roleplaying game. Way more successfull then pathfinder. You can find this by googling. The "pathfinder qas more successfull than 4e" was debunked by swveral people who worked at both companies and is another stupid and wrong 4e hatememe. 4e was not as successfull as WotC hoped for, but it was still the most successfull rpg before D&D 5e
@marco0445 10 дней назад
​​​@@tigriscallidus4477Everything in the design process pointed to making D&D more like a game (18:51 the literally name an example, Gleemax) Fact is, the Execs wanted to gamefy a game that suffers because of it. This is why the question at 29:32 is excellent. If you look at the following panel for 5e, you can see everything wrong with 4e even better. And the devs literally admit at 32:41 to taking inspiration from MMOs, not just WoW in general. The order is: Execs wantes to catch WoW/MMO players The designers made a gamefied version of D&D, hurting the core identity of a *collaborative story-telling* roleplaying game (it was still there but other editions allow for far more immersion, just by the nature of their language and vibe). This made D&D 4e stand out even less. I played all versions and my favs TTRPG Systems are Pathfinder 2 and Level Up 5e. And I dont know why someone would wanna play 4e. You want a gamefied, balanced (debated) combat with social rp and connection set in the D&D universe? Go play a MMO RP. Otherwise go play any other D&D edt./pathfinder etc. It just was a wrong step in a direction that left the game without/with less identity. I mean look at how starved the market was and the success of 5e. By no means a perfect edition, but one that was: 1. Widely accessible 2. Focused on immerssion and Role-Playing instead of balanced game mechanics.
@archiato6478 10 дней назад
​@@tigriscallidus4477By the divines bro is coping harder than Shar.
@henriquefernandes7747 15 дней назад
And in my table, we had the custom of using the names from the credits section as character names. And this is why my oldest 3e character is called Chas De Long (3e's product manager).
@pISSUMTREE 15 дней назад
I was very excited for 3e when it launched. All the build up from reading Dragon magazine had me frothing at the mouth lol. One thing I loved is when the new PHB launched it had a character generator CD and was also sold at a special price for the first few weeks.
@masondeross 15 дней назад
I wish Patters had told Suey she can screenshot the grim, like he did at the beginning with the real widow. And clarified that her character has not changed. He said her token was now the widow "because it has to be", which makes sense from his perspective that he means because of how the grim sharing only works with the widow token, but to her could mean because she has become the widow.
@marathuzula9024 16 дней назад
MONTE COOOOOOOOOK been really enjoying this series, but have to say I might be most excited to see Monte Cook.
@memeslich 17 дней назад
Would love to see you dudes hey Ray on to talk what happened with the 2024 rules update
@Mishtimaus 17 дней назад
Pretty sure "nil" is from the Latin "nihil" which means nothing
@christopherfaenger4141 6 дней назад
Doctors give the instruction for certain patients: "nil by mouth" meaning they aren't supposed to eat anything.
@SlyFlourish 18 дней назад
Absolutely fascinating conversation to hear the inside story of how D&D 5e got built. Just amazing.
@Mishtimaus 18 дней назад
Very interesting video!
@MathBlade314 19 дней назад
The plan! Hopefully is to like and subscribe!!
@beldar1215 19 дней назад
Can't hear a word they are saying. Ok - it did get better.
@nrkhan00 20 дней назад
i have never commented on a clocktower video until now but i needed to let it be known theres actual tears streaming down my face from "the plan" so thank you for the hardest laugh ive had in a minute
@nrkhan00 20 дней назад
@MathBlade314 19 дней назад
Welcome to the commenting community @nrkhan00! I am glad you’re laughing and I wish you many more laughing reminders tokens.
@Treybon_ 20 дней назад
Really impressed at Jammingz ability to maintain his ability while under cere-madness. Very well done
@Steev42 20 дней назад
40:00 "Has anything you've seen been weird so far?" No, nothing at all...
@unknowncomic4107 20 дней назад
I am really enjoying this series. I have been playing for 48 years. Nice to see some of the old hats in the mix. I love D&D but also...Marvel Super Heroes forever!!!
@wildcamel5699 20 дней назад
What are the names of all the characters?
@thisisEHAM 20 дней назад
I gotta *hand* it to them, that was a funny plan.
@ribbonquest 20 дней назад
Kudos to Hobb sticking to the bit.