
@yy8283 2 дня назад
@user-jk6zl9ud8f 2 месяца назад
@lixiaoxiao-dp4vb 3 месяца назад
@dodoo159632 6 месяцев назад
華晨宇 肚子多餓 一直在吃
@user-bw5om8gl3o 10 месяцев назад
真他媽的好爽的歌 舒服的痛 這編曲真的很棒
@josephguo6256 10 месяцев назад
西亚俄罗斯东欧人的中国就是cathey 不是 chin or sin. Cathay 就是契丹,原来叫Khitay (Khitan), 英国人是对,本来不是同一个国家,更不是同一个民族。
@De_liebste_un_beste_Mensch 10 месяцев назад
This was a lifetime achievement award but the movie itself was just infantile garbage. The most overrated movie in history.
@JudgeCommitee-ck5wq 10 месяцев назад
The ancestors would like to share with you real news on Amy Goodman, democracy now, and the young turks on RU-vid. The fake news is hiding information from you about Elon musk involvement in communism.
@user-rc8lg2sg5t 11 месяцев назад
I spoke with this sister tonight between maghrib and isha prayer (about an hour) We spoke about Allah (The God) The One who has no beginning and no end. The One who has full knowledge of everything that happens before it happens. The One that is neither limited by time nor space, and to whom nothing is hidden. The One whose vision encompasses all whilst no vision can encompass Him. The One who can hear all and knows our deepest thoughts. The One who flattened the earth and made it liveable for His creation. The One who brings rain from the clouds and revives the dead land after its death. The One who created man from dust, then from a drop of semen, and nurtured the foetus in the womb. The One who gives life and death. The One who over centuries revealed to mankind different miracles, inviting them to know Him and believe in Him. The One who sent messengers to each nation and revealed scriptures to them, and sent Muhammad as the final Messenger and the Qur’an as the final scripture. The One who created this life as a test and the afterlife as an eternal abode. The One who guides whomsoever He wills and lets go astray whomsoever He wills. Does it make sense, that God has created us, then God will not make it clear what God wants from us? We as muslims believe that GOD (Allah) has sent messengers and books down to mankind so that we may know who God is, and how to worship God. God has made it clear to us that this life is a test, and the ones who worship God and do good deeds, God will reward them with paradise. And those who turn away from God and refuse to worship God, then God will account them for rejecting the truth. Our purpose of life in this world is to worship GOD (Allah) alone without associating any partner(s) with HIM, and to pass the tests He gives, and to work towards earning a place in eternal Paradise. By recognizing the meaning of life, our relationship with GOD (Allah) strengthens, and peace and tranquility increases in our lives. I told her that Allah has been sending messengers and books since the beginning of time so that mankind may know Him and worship Him alone so everytime a nation began to leave or distort what the past messenger or prophet came with, Allah commissioned another prophet or messenger to call the people to believe in his message and everything that he came with and he explained to us that disbelief in him is disbelief in the one who sent him (Allah). Allah has commissioned the final prophet and messenger for all of mankind; Muhammad may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him after the distortion of his religion and his prior books. So us as Muslims believe in all of the prior prophets and messengers and all of the prior books as Allah has commanded. and I explained to her that Islam is just the Arabic word for the same religion that was given to the first man, Adam. It simply means in English: "To submit your will to God's will." Therefore, Islam is not a new religion, rather it is the same message preached by all earlier prophets such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them all). However, God’s final message to mankind was revealed to the final messenger Muhammad, as a revival of the lost teachings of previous prophets and as a reconfirmation of the eternal message, and that message is: To worship and believe in the 1 true God - Almighty (Allah) with no partner(s). She asked me : are all the religions accepted by God!? I told her that islam is the only religion accepted by God and No one will enter the heaven unless he believes in all the true messengers:- During the time of Prophet Noah no one will enter the heaven or be true believer unless he believes in Noah During the time of Prophet Abraham no one will enter the heaven or be a true believer unless he believes in Abraham and all the messengers before him During the time of Prophet Moses no one will enter the heaven or be a true believer unless he believes in Moses and all the messengers before him During the time of Prophet Jesus no one will enter the heaven or be a true believer unless he believes in Jesus and all the messengers before him During the time of Prophet Muhammad no one will enter the heaven or be a true believer unless he believes in Muhammad and all the messengers before him. To be A true believer you must believe in all the messengers whom God has sent God has mentioned in the holy Quran that who ever refuse to believe in any true messenger he will refuse him: read the following verse: she opened the translation and read the verse from the Holy Quran: "Indeed, those who disbelieve in Allāh and His messengers and wish to discriminate between Allāh and His messengers and say, "We believe in some and disbelieve in others," and wish to adopt a way in between - Those are the disbelievers, truly. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment". The last message from God Allah has been sent down to mankind and it is obligatory upon every individual who understands Islam and hears about the last prophet Mohammad, to believe and worship God in a way that He is pleased with; by worshiping him by himself, praying 5 times a day, fasting the month of Ramadan, staying away from fornication and so on. So whoever here’s about this last message and rejects it then God will reject him. I told her that Muslims must believe, love and respect Jesus and his message of worshiping God (Allah) alone without any partner We believe that he was one of the mightiest Messengers of God (Allah) the almighty God (Allah). We believe that he was born miraculously, without any male intervention. We believe he was the Messiah translated Christ (peace be upon him). We believe that he was NOT God, NOR the son of God NOR was he crucified. In Islam, it is compulsory to believe in Jesus Chirst, we love prophet Jesus, but we believe that prophet Jesus and prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them both ) are prophets, They were revealed to guide us to the path of God and path of paradise, path of love and path of peace. The greatest benefit of being a Muslim is that a Muslim is promised by God the reward of eternal Paradise (Heaven). Hell is the abode in which the God Allah has prepared for those who do not believe in Him, those who rebel against His laws and disbelieve in His Messengers. It is the punishment for His enemies, the prison for evildoers. Then I said to her: "Let me say this to you: “This life is short as a dream ..no one knows when he will die! What will be your answer to your creator if he ask you in the judgment day: Why didn’t you pursue the truth? Why didn’t you believe in the last messenger?” The God (Allah ) explains to us in the Quran that many people will turn away from his religion because they hold on to what their forefathers are upon. Allah explains to us that these such people have no excuse with him. Then I asked her: So if that all makes sense to you, and you have recognized the truth in your heart. Then you must take first step towards becoming a Muslim. Don't let your past hold you back from doing the right thing. Become a true believer today! Then she decided to accept islam! facebook.com/hayan.yafae?mibextid=ZbWKwL
@user-rc8lg2sg5t 11 месяцев назад
Is it accepted logically that the Lord of the Whole world sleep? Then who takes care of the heavens and earth when he sleeps ??? Who manages the affairs of the heavens and earth? Is it accepted logically that God who created the whole world needs food and drink? Then how will He discharge the filthy things? Is it accepted logically that God who is perfect needs to sleep, to eat, to drink etc. The True God doesn’t need anything or anyone. If He needs food, drink and sleep then He is weak. Is your God weak? Is it accepted logically that a God who gives life and causes death to die? Then who took His soul? And if He dies, what will happen to earth and all creation on the earth? To whom they resort if God dies? To Whom they call and invoke for their needs ?
@user-rc8lg2sg5t 11 месяцев назад
#Jesus was the way, the truth and the life? Every prophet is the way to God in his time. Abrahim and Noah were the way to their people in their time. If you say only jesus. So Noah and Abrahim went to hell Because there was no jesus in their time. John 14:6 said Jesus said he was the way, the truth and the life. The way is the means towards reaching your goal, target and destination.The goal, target and destination in this context is God. If Jesus was the way to God, does that make him God?Is God the way too?If you say, God is the way too, then the way to where? If you believe in Jesus is the truth , the life and the way , you should know that he isn't god but he's prophet alone , Bible says that Jesus Recognized, Prayed, & Worshipped the Only True God Jesus prayed to God with the words: John 17:3 “…that they might know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” Jesus prayed to God all night: Luke 6:12 “he continued all night in prayer to God.” How did Jesus pray to God? Matthew 26:39 ‘…he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father…” Even Paul said: Hebrews 5:7 “During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.” Who was Jesus praying to when he fell on his face with loud cries and petitions?Was it himself?Was Jesus crying in tears to himself pleading to be saved from death?No man, sane or insane, prays to himself!Surely the answer must be a resounding ‘No.’ Jesus was praying to “the only true God.” Jesus was the servant of the One Who sent him.Can there be a clearer proof that Jesus was not God? The Quran confirms that Jesus called for the worship of the Only True God: “Truly, God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him (alone).This is the straight path.” (Quran 3:51) No one will enter the heaven unless he believes in all the true messengers:- During the time of Prophet Noah no one will enter the heaven or be true believer unless he believes in Noah During the time of Prophet Abraham no one will enter the heaven or be a true believer unless he believes in Abraham and all the messengers before him During the time of Prophet Moses no one will enter the heaven or be a true believer unless he believes in Moses and all the messengers before him During the time of Prophet Jesus no one will enter the heaven or be a true believer unless he believes in Jesus and all the messengers before him During the time of Prophet Mohammed no one will enter the heaven or be a true believer unless he believes in Mohammed and all the messengers before him. To be A true believer you must believe in all the messengers whom God has sent God has mentioned in the holy Quran that who ever refuse to believe in any true messenger he will refuse him: read the following verse: "Indeed, those who disbelieve in Allāh and His messengers and wish to discriminate between Allāh and His messengers and say, "We believe in some and disbelieve in others," and wish to adopt a way in between - Those are the disbelievers, truly. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment". So Islam is just the Arabic word for the same religion that was given to the first man, Adam. It simply means in English: "To submit your will to God's will." Therefore, Islam is not a new religion, rather it is the same message preached by all earlier prophets such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them all). However, God’s final message to mankind was revealed to the final messenger Muhammad, as a revival of the lost teachings of previous prophets and as a reconfirmation of the eternal message, and that message is: To worship and believe in the 1 true God - Almighty (Allah) with no partner(s). Allah has been sending messengers and books since the beginning of time so that mankind may know Him and worship Him alone so everytime a nation began to leave or distort what the past messenger or prophet came with, Allah commissioned another prophet or messenger to call the people to believe in his message and everything that he came with and he explained to us that disbelief in him is disbelief in the one who sent him (Allah). Allah has commissioned the final prophet and messenger for all of mankind; Muhammad may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him after the distortion of his religion and his prior books. So us as Muslims believe in all of the prior prophets and messengers and all of the prior books as Allah has commanded. We believe in the book ( gospel )which God has revealed to the prophet Jesus But The bible had been changed greatly over time. That doesn't mean it's completely destroyed or altered 100% . There are still some verses that are consistent with the true message of Jesus and moses which is the oneness of God. The greatest evidence for the distortion of the Bible is the existence oindifferent versions ofntof the Bible, while the Qur’an is preserved, as God revealed it, and the reason is that God promised to protect it from increase and decrease In Islam, it is compulsory to believe in Jesus Chirst, we love prophet Jesus, but we believe that prophet Jesus and prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them both ) are prophets,. They were revealed to guide us to the path of the God and path of paradise, path of love and path of peace, Christianism is not the religion of beloved jesus christ, jesus was on the monothesim , the oneness of the almyghty God, that is Islam , so if you really love and want follow Jesus , then it is possiable in Islam only . The last message from God Allah has been sent down to mankind and it is obligatory upon every individual who understands Islam and hears about the last prophet Muhammad , to believe and worship God in a way that He is pleased with; by worshiping him by himself, praying 5 times a day, fasting the month of Ramadan, staying away from fornication and so on. So whoever here’s about this last message and rejects it then God will reject him.
@zagnut36 11 месяцев назад
By far to this day shes a knock out incredibly Talented and my Favorite Charitor on Star Trek discovery cant wait for Section 31 to debu
@amporu 11 месяцев назад
dang that weechat, i almost click it...
@Playlist_99999 11 месяцев назад
最喜欢这种又有音乐又有节奏的歌曲 👍🏻 尤其是深深的歌聲, 永遠都能打動人心。太好聽了😍👍"
@nissan_skyline 11 месяцев назад
How cool that the only 2 women of color to ever win an Oscar for Best Actress are both on stage, Halle Berry and Michelle Yeoh. It's so well deserved.
@BeingGraceDivine 11 месяцев назад
exactly!! was thinking the same thing!
@goodvibe47 10 месяцев назад
Both are Bond girl and contestant of Miss World.
@lauradeluca6520 10 месяцев назад
Lupita Nyamko won to an Oscar ❤
@JacobNightingale 11 месяцев назад
She so haawny.
@ashraffar-rayyan9869 11 месяцев назад
Proud to be Malaysian 🇲🇾
@Ling0215 11 месяцев назад
好美的楊紫瓊 as Chinese, I am SO happy to see the FIRST Asian lady who wins the best actress Academy Award, she opens Asian actor a new milestone in HOLLYWOOD
@jasonm.b1971 11 месяцев назад
Aw just love her, my fav actress since Crouching Tiger❤
@user-xy8rd3zq3y 11 месяцев назад
장에서 불명예스럽게 다들 버비리 힐튼이던 힐슨거리로 집합들 해 공개발표들 안하지 이것들이 더 맞으려구.....야 너 돌체던 다 모여 아널드도 싸그리 이 잣것들을....안모여 공개발표 분명히 안해 법정으로 끌고가보리 싸그리 다 모여 우선 차량압류부터 다 해버리구 멜깁슨 전부 다 해 야 독일인 친구까지 이곳으로 다 모여 법정에 가기 전에 애들이 거짓말까지 니 애비 친구지 내가 니 친구던 이 것들이 감히 컸다구 뭉둥이에 야 할리데이비슨 전국망 연락해 도주로 차단에 진실여부에 미국에 자존심이야 다 모여 집결 처분은 말구 우선 압수와 압류에 진실공개 여부에 신고던 그럼 경찰에 범죄사실까지 전부라 나야 좋다 야 한푼도 없는 트럼프 넌 빠지구 니 부인 참여에 말라니던 아방카 너두 와 ~~생방으로 해 요청자 문이다. 다 안모이지 국제금융감독위 빠삐용친구까지 미국에 자존심을 내걸구 싸그리 램프에 뭔 바퀴벌레인지 검은 물질 없던.....마저 해 당장 집결.... 야 호주에 독일의 스웨덴이던 다 모여 일본인에 차이나에 친구도 전부 싹 다 문선주친구 싸그리 전부다. 모여 도저히 더는 못 참겠다. 집구석이 개아작에 어느 정도여야지 처리안 모임주체 나사 너희도 다 친구들 모임주체 오바마 너두에 콩구의 필리핀이던 몽골에 소수민족의 이스탄불이던 러시아친구들에 영국왕실자분의 근위대까지도 민속축제보다 더하게 생방송에 전세계방송참여까지 한곳으로 현지에서 해
@user-xy8rd3zq3y 11 месяцев назад
신발 또는 의상의 일부에 번호 그리고 등록에는 헬멧도 따라 잘 생각하면 충분해...하나 말 해준거야 기념 참여 각국자에 도미노....뭔가 참여자면 알지...뭔가를 알아야 충분해!!! 언제던 참여에 있어 이는 같이 뜻있게 지원이던 하겠다 그림이라도 디자인이나 설계라도 어느 특이한 창의라도 ...뭔가를 전했는데 처음의 블록 말구 다 쓸어진 블록에 뭔가를 했었어...전세계 알였던 메시지가 있었다구 머드컵이던 마크던 이것들이 문선주와 너희들 재산 반뿐이냐 개뿔도 없는것들이 다 털여서 개털들이 뭘 잘 했다구 ...재산 반만 걸었던 나중에는..... 이것들은 위 아래도 없이 저것들에 내가 혼나두 맞으것을 생각하면 폭력교실들 이 잣것들이 ... 야 마크보다 머드컵 니 별명은 앞으로 마스크도 못되는 친구 머드컵이다. 빌어먹을 농은 잘 있던 빌게이츠...너랑 다른게 없은것들이 나와서.... 빌게이츠 별명 이제야 알았남...빌어먹을 넝......빌게이츠... 야 머스크 내 전기 마하 차량의 전지 밧데리에 뭔가 없던 하나 더 말 해줄까 트럼프 모르게 나사던 그 부인께 한국 자유의 여신상 내걸던 한국에 공개확인 서치라이터던가 램프에 뭔가 안붙어 있는지 항상 영상전송에 따른 세계최장수램프 기록에는 영국에 미국일까에 ....아직도 안끝났는지 뭔가 시커먼게 ...야 머스크 내 차량탁송에 전지밧데리 잘 보라 했지 너 말이 없다 모른척이냐 ...그러다 또 혼난다. 니 애비도 알고있는데 짜식들이 볼기짝 맞으려구 애비한테...말 그래도 안하지 죽으려구 혼난다 깜빵갈래 너 그리구 마크 왜 졌다구만 해 발표도 없이 말 진짜 안할래 정말 혼나려구 내가 폭력교실 저것들한테 혼나구 맞은것을 생각하면 이것들이 제자라니 어떻게 교수도 모르구 친구던 마 똑바로 해라 처벌 따르니 공개적으로 안전하지 이 잣것들이 처벌 받겠다는 것인지 벌금형으로 끝나겠던 내가 노벨협회자인데....알아서 행 그러다 나중에 진짜 쭉어 분명히 안하지 머스크 친구 너두 이 마스크에 마크던지 죽으려구들...자신의 묘를 만들던 파구 지럴들.... 도와준다 했으니 돕지만 분명히는 해야 널 믿고 인정에 따르지 ....폭력서클부터 이것들을 그냥 야구뱃트 들고 쫓아간다. 도망가면 니 집구석까지 버버리힐슨이던 이 잣것들이 샤넬스톤이던 스티븐에 잡스의 스텔라던 머덕에 그 보다 멜깁슨과 함께 처들어간다. 똑바로 못하지 공개발표 안해 그런다 진짜 신뢰에 무엇보다 누가 너희 믿겠던...안해 강요에 강제는 없어도 협박 따른다 나 문선주다. 별도 관련이 없을까??? 진짜 법정에서 해볼래....각오해 기간 지났어 증거가 없겠냐구 짜식들아~~~자신의 묘를 벌써 파냐 방카에 참호도 못되는 그딴 묘지구성을 다들 벌써 죽고싶어서들 안그래 데미모어...그리고 아놀자에 아놀드에 스티븐도 한번 놀아줬더니 애들이 머리 위에서 놀여 지럴병들이다. 야 안되겠다 브루스 윌리스 니 애들 이대로면 안되지 않겠냐 브루스 윌리스와 멜깁슨 몽둥이 준비해라 먼저 차량 압수하구 도망 못가게들..... 멜깁슨 이것들이 날 폭행에 샤론스톤 이 개 같은 것들이 얼마나 내가 맞았는지...엉엉어엉~~뭉둥이들 준비 해 개생이들 쫓아가서 보자 이것들을 애들을 이따위로 실버스타스텔론 니것들이 진짜~~제자들이 맞나 날 마구잡이로 ....타이슨 도저히 못 참겠다 교수입
@Phlowermom 11 месяцев назад
What the hell are you on? We've read this post several times, even out loud and we're stumped as to what your message means. Are you angry? Proud? Hurt? Outraged? Happy, even though it doesn't sound happy? Further clarification is requested.
@chinesesong89 11 месяцев назад
优美的旋律,有韻味的歌声令人陶醉💖💖太好聽了😍👍谁认同? 👇
@DAEMON05 11 месяцев назад
One of the best.👌🏼
@sammyjays8270 11 месяцев назад
I'm so happy for her. I've watched all of her movies from asian film to US. She's an amazing actress, and martial performer. Congrats Michele 🍸 ❤🎉
@cogibuns 11 месяцев назад
I'm crying watching this again like woooow
@BeingGraceDivine 11 месяцев назад
me too!
@Chemwarrior319 11 месяцев назад
Worst movie ever. I just wasted my 2 hours on this piece of shit. This movie won oscar because people who sat there in academy loves LGBT shit.
@petrmiros9908 11 месяцев назад
As Ricky Gervais would say: "Dont cry, its pathetic, its just an award" :p
@ccsun6930 11 месяцев назад
@petewong2372 11 месяцев назад
@sergc8494 11 месяцев назад
Well said, and congratulations.
@chriswlee7181 Год назад
@YuliyuliRenzarrrenza Год назад
@YuliyuliRenzarrrenza 11 месяцев назад
@theovanroost7825 Год назад
Disgusting smell of soya sauce!
@macondo0143 Год назад
Disgusting smell of Trailer Park !
@shimejih6359 Год назад
Shush you unseasoned piece of chicken
@yungswavy8325 11 месяцев назад
I'd take that any day over the smell of guns if you ask me lol...
@zuhasajid900 11 месяцев назад
I reported you
@theovanroost7825 11 месяцев назад
@@zuhasajid900 love U
@diegoalcantara3645 Год назад
Merecido es una gran actriz
@vliusha Год назад
@Francis-mt8xu Год назад
Not good actress..oscar is robbed
@jejedesalpes7886 Год назад
shitty comment
@user-dv2rr8nm1u Год назад
😮😮😮😮 estás loco o no sabes de cine olvida ya a Rambo 😂😂😂😂😂
@petewong2372 11 месяцев назад
If you have not see her films then don’t be ridiculous
@De_liebste_un_beste_Mensch 10 месяцев назад
She has more talent in her fingers than you will ever have at all.
@kogyaru24 Год назад
Everyone loves Michelle, not only just because She's Professional, SHE'S ALWAYS HUMBLE
@theovanroost7825 Год назад
I don't love her, so shut your politically correct mouth!!!
@michaelyang8999 Год назад
兩岸好好交流不是很好嗎,整天喊打殺,吃飽沒事幹嗎? 香港已不再是國際化的香港,澳門也失去曾經的賭城風華,留給台灣一個自由發展空間,留給台灣快樂淨土,對兩岸人民才是幸福啊!
@user-bw5om8gl3o 10 месяцев назад
政治高層怕啊? 他們心裡清楚人性 能騙一天是一天
@djchenyao Год назад
@user-dw8qk9pl7z 11 месяцев назад
@moscaonthewall Год назад
Great speech! I kinda wish she would have said, "Jackie, where's your oscar?" LOL😜
@justinamey7116 Год назад
He already has one. A lifetime achievement award.
@moscaonthewall 11 месяцев назад
@@justinamey7116 ah, didn't know. Although, that's kinda cheating lol. But he really deserves it. It sucks that the academy doesn't think action movies/actors deserve oscars.
@ART-oq4ek Год назад
She is a Malaysian actress. Credited as Michelle Khan in her early films in Hong Kong, she rose to fame in the 1990s after starring in a series of Hong Kong action films but shes not deserving for an oscar awards. Many asian country critisize her acting performance is quiet poor.... many celebrity has better than her performance. Too bad the oscar is bias💯😆😆😆😆😆
@dennysh33 Год назад
@marcsao1213 Год назад
What asian countries are you talking about? Any proof?
@Joaquin602001 Год назад
deserving of an Oscar or not, she still won, and there's nothing you can do to change that
@macondo0143 Год назад
you are just a bitter loser...."oscar is bias" nice try Trump !
@ashraffar-rayyan9869 11 месяцев назад
​@@marcsao1213she just say her mom watching in kuala lumpur, malaysia 🇲🇾
@rebekkhongsai5811 Год назад
@andrewfrantz5502 Год назад
Michelle Yeoh was correct. The best things come to those who wait.
@andrewfrantz5502 Год назад
Michelle Williams is next.
@chriswlee7181 Год назад
M. Williams,... She is an excellent actress
@michelletan1835 Год назад
@user-rd1wu1ul4d Год назад
@YuliyuliRenzarrrenza 11 месяцев назад
Zhou xingzhe tampan dan bernyanyi sangat baik
@danwei5308 Год назад
@huangshabaizhan326 Год назад
@hfshdfootballsports4801 Год назад
国泰不是-->英国安泰 吗?简称国泰。不是中国的国民安泰。
@zhengpinau Год назад