Workplace at the River
Workplace at the River
Workplace at the River
@susangan7320 5 месяцев назад
Pastor ur suppose 2 hv meeting next month but ur not around already, how ha?
@shuz5 5 месяцев назад
Tq for recording this, superb content for marketplace
@daudeckcheim4318 Год назад
Good example of an excellent teaching, to reach perfection(maturity, fathers/mothers in Christ. 100 fold fruitfulness, kings n priests, sons of Zadok, holy of holies ministry, etc )
@thespecifictime Год назад
Great explanation, I was hoping for more but the speaker knows that it is better to keep in short and simple yet easily understandable
@tankimmoeymay2035 Год назад
Yr English better than me.
@leefamily3559 2 года назад
So blessed to listen to your testimony Mary.
@eprohoda 2 года назад
Workplace!Yo! you made superb picture! haev a good day- 🙃
@elijahofmalachi45-6firebal9 2 года назад
Delete or reject the messages from the messenger of Malachi 3:1 and you choose to reject Jesus Christ herself and will die with the wicked. Romans is not referring to Eunuchs where one partner is transgender. 🏳️‍🌈 Eunuchs that are born that way are transgender. It's even in the Bible. Yes, the bible was written by bigoted men and is way outdated and was changed and should be thrown out. But even Jesus spoke about transgender people. Eunuchs made that way by others were abused (it doesn't happen to everyone that is abused). Those that choose to live like Eunuchs FOR THE SAKE OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN are bisexual people that choose partners of the same sex characteristics but opposite in regards to gender. Notice, God PREFERS for people to be in LGBT relationships. Eunuchs are same sex couples. One partner is transgender. Transgender is when someone is born with a gender opposite the sex characteristics normally associated with that gender. God made us male or female, determined by gender, located in the brain. Your gender is located in your brain and determined at birth. I have an identical twin sister that is female in gender. I am male in gender. I am Elijah of Malachi 4:5-6 and that means any discrepancies in the bible are ultimately decided by me. Plus, it states in Deuteronomy that nobody was castrated back then. And that doesn't make sense anyhow. No one is born castrated and no one is born making the decision to be celibate. But, that is what God wanted the lying preachers to think so they wouldn't take it out of the bible. Intersex people still have one gender or another because gender is located in your brain. And Acts 3:22-23 says it will come to pass that anyone that fails to listen to me will be utterly destroyed from among the people. So anyone that says different than this won't be here much longer. It's everyone's choice. .. Anyone teaching the LIE of monetary tithing or getting paid in any way to minister will also die with the wicked. Peter 2:9 says we are ALL ministers . . . . Jesus was transgender and will return as a woman. Malachi 2 proves Malachi 3:8 is prophetic instruction for the thieving church leaders to bring back the money they were never supposed to take for ministering and God will end Covid. Every major church around the world knew this since August of 2020 but they LOVE MONEY so much they chose to kill everyone with Covid instead of returning it! James 5:2 Rich people are NOT Christians and the wealth they selfishly kept to themselves will only be used as evidence to burn them. The 2 witnesses are righteousness and judgement, not actual people. There is no ONE antichrist; it was made up by people that worship money. Stay out of the fake churches or you will die with them and their lies. In order to be a church, the place must house people inside it. Otherwise it's another private money-making business serving satan and part of Babylon. There is no such thing as rapture. Jesus comes back to rule. God's people are caught up spiritually... Anyone getting paid or collecting money for ministering in any way whatsoever, including books and worship songs, and conferences, will die with the wicked by their own choice...... Anyone that endures to the end will be miraculously healed of all diseases and disabilities. I already had a dream about the metal in my ankle being removed and boned restored miraculously and I took off running. I can not run rn.....
@conniekcchin 2 года назад
MaryChen, thank you for your wonderful testimony. May God blessings be upon you & your family always.
@jasonhype3948 2 года назад
Hi!, love the work. You might be interested in this channel 👉 #drjohnaking. I find him informative, yet down to earth.
@miapudding281 2 года назад
Hello, keep up the work. From what you said, I think you might be interested in this channel 👉 #drjohnaking. I find him informative, yet down to earth.
@andylee1716 2 года назад
Agree, I can relate to millennials, as a business owner I was doing my business without proper targeting, was wasting time and resources until I took a step back and focus just only on the millennials group.
@chuachi769 2 года назад