Silver Linings Podcast
Silver Linings Podcast
Silver Linings Podcast
Silver Linings Podcast
Lessons you can learn from the voices within Lori Vallow’s head.
Lori Vallow’s murders, including her own children, are one of the most horrific crimes of this generation.
Lori’s brother, Adam Cox and Uncle Rex, try to help everyone make sense of it and take away something of value.

EP047 - Alex's Good Friend Mary
3 месяца назад
Silver Linings Podcast - EP039 - Denim Slade
5 месяцев назад
Silver Linings Podcast Announcement
6 месяцев назад
Silver Linings Podcast - EP028-Requests Please
8 месяцев назад
@zdhl30 9 часов назад
Also How to process the media spin. The anger and frustration of reading things you know are NOT true. In the big scheme it doesn't really matter that the details are wrong because of what they did was bad, but it still upset me. Then the annoyance of people trying to get you to talk about it. I was just contacted by Steve Wilcos show because his sister contacted them and gave our name and we haven't spoken to her in years. I can't comment because I don't know. I wasn't there. Whatever I thought in the past is not important. No one cares what their childhood is really, they just want to judge it or accuse them of lying or whatever. They were horribly abused, it's why I called it early that they will be in prison for murder and sure enough. But I am the bad one because I was comfortable enough to articulate the truth. Anyhow. Even after 18 yrs I guess I am bitter. lol. Oh and I even had to watch a show on ID accusing the eldest of another murder that I know he didn't do, so that pissed me off and I knew then how people twist things to their point of view. Confirmation Bias. Just like Lori and Joes Death. She took it as confirmation that her prayers or thoughts could kill someone. I love what about BOB.
@zdhl30 10 часов назад
As a spouse of a sibling of two murders...what would you wish your spouses were equipped for? What Do you wish they would have asked, refrained from saying (poor Heather Daybell really went thru it..I relate to her). Anything you think spouses should know or do to understand or make the relationship not break apart.
@zdhl30 День назад
If you look at it in total buy in to the religious stuff, Rex, you said you don't see how someone could believe god sanctioned the death of children. Now if they are Old Testament Style, there is alot about God wiping out babies (Passover) before that You got Genesis and Isaac and the Scapegoat. So one could easily mis-appropriate that lesson into whatever fit their needs for their belief.
@enmesa89 День назад
Rex, Adam, and Ben thank you for creating a safe space for these conversations. Talon, I’m so proud to be your friend. Thank you for sharing some of your most vulnerable moments, and reiterating that life is not meant to be done alone. The ENTIRE Smith family are amazing, and genuine people. Hearts of gold and wisdom. Especially Talon’s daughter. She keeps him on his toes for sure 😉 Ps…I was waiting for one of you to say, “your ego is NOT your amigo…” Praying that people (especially Vets, and family members of those serving or have served) hear, and share Talon’s story of ongoing resilience and strength.
@zdhl30 День назад
I love the prepper stores not for end o world or Patriot takeovers or mutiny...But for Storm Preparedness. I got a indoor heating stove and a few solar wind-up lights and chargers.
@zdhl30 День назад
wild speculation....Alex says the whole either I am a man of god or not and I think I am their fall guy....wifey hears and is concerned\contacts chad and gets a message because dude is starting to question...wifey administers heart attack maker... Bless you and Bless your family. I pray Laurie turns her heart to her true Jesus.
@zdhl30 День назад
I love how people love to say why didn't you? LOL OMG People don't know and people did contact the police in your situation and ours. The police couldn't do anything without evidence, not a family member saying yeah my bro is probably going to kill someone...what proof..well there's the feeling..their past...patterns etc. lol. The police said they can't do anything. Why on earth do people think crazy family members will listen and stop when another adult sibling says so....We tried to help our brothers, you tried to help, Charles tried to get police help. Also your crime happened over a few states? We were in AZ...My in laws killed in MN (Where we just moved away from) Then fled to iowa where the other in laws live. I also wrote an email, called CPS, went to the police station....I was crazy. lol. And my brother in law had affairs...It wasn't our business. the police don't care. lol. I even had :Voicemails from his girlfriend threatening to kill me and the police laughed.
@zdhl30 День назад
In my opinion the reason religious or spiritual people are susceptible to cults is 1. In many religions the whole foundation is blind faith in let's just say fantastical events. Burning bush's talking, water turning into blood etc... and to invest our very being and life into the teachings of a book written by people thousands of years ago. So yeah it is easier to be able to say to someone who believes in the bible well if you believe that people can live for hundreds of years and a guy named Moses parted a sea and walked hundreds of years thru the desert etc...and Mary was a virgin...why can't you believe in spirits living on your body and Thatons (scientology) why can't the end of days be nigh (Every year of every century, yet this time it's true) Ah I was in 6th grade learning about Nostradamus and predictions that the end of the world was in the early 2000's and I counted how old I would be and I said why on earth would I have kids if I am only living to 23? Luckily, I grew up and out of the whole predictions of the end of the world. Also, my logical brain says to preppers, remember Noah? He was chosen before the world was wiped out and was told what to gather and when and given the time to do it before the world was destroyed. Also, I doubt hiding underground or in mountains is going to keep THE All mighty from finding people. If you are supposing d to live you will live or be told directly from God or an angel from heaven, not Chad or Mr. Applebaum (heaven's gate) you know like in the bible. Anyhow... So, you have got a foundation to believe what can't be tested. So why not? It could happen as sure Zacchaeus was up in a sycamore tree. 2. Many people don't fit into their congregation/community/peer group and want to belong especially if they have a church foundation and observe the relationships forming and the belonging, they are not experiencing, and many cults give that sense of you are welcome and not judged here.... Maybe people sinned or strayed from the teachings, so shame and guilt bring them to another spiritual quest to find themselves and fix any of their defects and bring them closer to the answers of their spiritual journey. Sorry, this is badly structured! I hope you get what I meant. lol I love the study of Religions and learning about others. I grew up Lutheran and am now doing an at home self-directed journey back to the lord. That is what life is about finding your way to Jesus and then the Lord. And being good to others while we are here. But that is my own opinion. I can't wait to find out someday the "Answer".
@zdhl30 День назад
Oh and Adam, your smile is amazing. Thank you for sharing it with the world.
@zdhl30 День назад
Bless you for your opennesss and willingness to speak out loud about your thoughts, experiences and emotions. I come from a family where you don't talk about family, you kinda ignore it all or do mental gymnastics to gaslight ourselves. It does help me as my two brother in laws are in prison for the same murder. I knew them since they were kids and saw the path and tried to help and prevent it, I wasn't fun, because I tried boundaries. They are still mad at me. The embarrassment I had to feel when calling MY family and saying yeah...um hubby's brothers murdered some dude and are in prison. And We found out in a shitty way, media twists things and there is so much confusion when you want to believe what they say about self defense but the facts don't fit or you just have a feeling that this would someday happen if they didn't get help and away from their mother due to severe child abuse they suffered. Anyhow. It stinks. Thank you so much for your courage and bravery. I'd like to start something for In Laws of Inmates... We aren't the core affected....but we have the insight of outside perspective and inside perspective...Especially if you come from different family systems, beliefs or classes.
@LindaRTatum День назад
@LindaRTatum День назад
I'm back guys remember me?????????
@LindaRTatum День назад
@LindaRTatum День назад
@JoSews-t6m День назад
On the replay crew. Great conversation. We are unable to see the live comments after the podcast finishes. Thank you all!
@BrendaFolda-vo8mv День назад
Sorry, my internet wasn’t working today. Hi Adam and Rex, thank you 🙏 both for your guests. My dad was in the ww2, he was in army/ air forces.
@maryhoward6813 День назад
When personnel get out of the military trying to deal with the VA is a total nightmare. Each VA is a totally different entity and deals with veterans in a different way. There are may in's and out's of the process that the VA does not and will not tell the person trying to work through the system. When my husband got out of the military he got a 10% disability, the man across the street had exactly the same disability (on the written paperwork) he got 20% disability. Why???? In many ways the VA is dishonest with the vets and that causes extra stress and that causes some of the mistrust of the VA and some of the suicides.
@zdhl30 2 дня назад
God is a mercy full God and knows Alex was brainwashed and thought he was exhausting God. Perhaps God took Alex before the fallout. He escaped hearing proof how he was used and abused for Lori's fantasies. May God bless you and your family ❤️🙏
@zdhl30 2 дня назад
Thank you for giving a voice to family members of murderers. People don't understand that we grieve for the loss of our family because it tears apart family, and their victims. We are praying over when or if to visit my husband's brothers who have been in prison since 17 and 23. It's been 18 years since we last saw them.
@lindacaudill3920 2 дня назад
Always enjoy your podcasts. Love you guys. ❤️
@anna-marie- 4 дня назад
Just today, I remembered a fond childhood memory... about my aunt who later kidnapped me. Not the same circumstace, but the same inner conversations I'd imagine.
@cindydalton9608 5 дней назад
I would love to see Colby J.Ryan on your show.
@nanceb4him 6 дней назад
HEY GUYS, missed you for a bit, but Stephan Stearn's parents on HTC are so BROKEN by his crimes. I referred them here, in the comments. Maybe someone can reach out? They so NEED A LIFELINE and a ray of hope right now. ❤💔💔 (ALL CAPS FOR ATTENTION for them, I'M NOT YELLING, Lol)
@KerstinOhman 7 дней назад
The men in the trenches, on both sides, in "The Great War" If they ever came home they were shell chocked 💔
@zdhl30 7 дней назад
Loving your podcast! I found you thru Hidden True Crime podcast. I am in the same club as Heather Daybell. A in law of a murderer. I just looked at my husband as I was explaining who you are and said " Can you imagine Both of your siblings...and as that came out of my mouth, I corrected myself and laughed Yeah you can. Both his brothers were involved with the same murder. I have an in law perspective and just like Heather I was discerning enough to see something and speak up about and bee called the Pot Stirrer and the liar. And then when it happened, I again am the reason even though I lived in another state to get away from them. I appreciate you giving a voice to the secondary or even third layer of victims the siblings and various direct family (by law or bio) of the people that commit murder. It is the weirdest spot to be in. Because I knew these boys since they were 10 and 16. I knew other aspects of them. Yes I saw them capable of murder but it is because of the direct line of trauma they had endured and it seemed logical to me that is where it was headed and said as much. I was still in shock and couldn't believe I was right when it happened. The public can have their opinion and then eventually they go away. We are still left trying to figure out how to feel 18 years later. Do we visit? Do we care about anything that has to do with them and not be in contradiction to my own values and beliefs yet it is my same values and beliefs that make me feel guilt about not visiting and trying to write constantly or invest in jail house phone conversations especially when no accountability or culpability has been taken by them. Sorry about all the spelling errors. I'm just excited to have people talking that I can relate somewhat to.
@chena1804 8 дней назад
I hadn’t caught you guys in a while so I watched but unfortunately post-live. Really great to hear what you have planned and just to hear you both.
@BrendaFolda-vo8mv 8 дней назад
Love you both.
@BrendaFolda-vo8mv 8 дней назад
Did you both see the destroy of the house of Daybell it’s so much peaceful there now people are rejoicing to know that they won’t have to see were those some babies were and Tami to see that a new fresh start will be coming at a later date is what I understand from Nate I love both of you and God bless and I hope this is a little bit of healing for you and I’m racks because I know it’s been a tremendous burden on you both and the familyand all the family
@BrendaFolda-vo8mv 8 дней назад
Sorry I missed you both yesterday, I was helping with the church, we were giving out food boxes 📦 for the coming. I am so happy to do God’s work to help others that needs a little help to get through the couple of days for them, I’m hoping that other churches are able to do that too. I know there is some, but I don’t know which church there is.
@JillRaby 8 дней назад
Hi Rex and Adam. I can't get over how well you're both coping compared with this time last year. Healing has definately happened. Love from your Aussie friend Jill ❤❤❤
@gaylegardinerankerry12123 8 дней назад
@gaylegardinerankerry12123 8 дней назад
@tlwinick 8 дней назад
Will you and Colby due a show
@donnamyers7274 8 дней назад
I pray that Chad's house being torn down brings peace to all the families affected...especially Heather and Matt Daybell. They are reminded of that horror every single day. Honestly, if I was in their shoes, whether the house is there or not, I don't think that bad memory will ever leave them fully. Prayers for all, but especially for them.🙏
@cammyhageman5815 8 дней назад
I'm replaying. Great podcast, guys. Thanks for all you do. I appreciate you both very much!! ❤ sorry I missed the live, I was on the road!! No service where I was!!!
@cherylkaliszewski1065 8 дней назад
Good to know
@ittybittypatti 8 дней назад
Just a suggestion....maybe have small pics of JJ & Tylee that are behind you or something. With their names no longer in the title and talk is more & more about veterans....the pics will show that JJ & Tylee is THE reason that this Podcast started in the 1st place. Just a thought....
@TranquilityMindRelaxing-nf8jb 10 дней назад
I am a RU-vid service provider. I found your channel and saw that you are putting out great content on RU-vid but you are not getting enough like comment views and subscribers. As like as other youtubers get . This could be attributed to the lack of SEO and optimization, because your video SEO score is very poor and there are no keywords incorporated in your video and your videos have not been shared on any social media platforms. You need to optimize your channel and do video SEO to reach your target audience. I am a digital marketer. If you want I will give my best work for you. First I am not asking you for money. First I will show you the work then you pay me. Are you interested?
@joyphillips9255 11 дней назад
Hello ben
@joyphillips9255 11 дней назад
Hello rex and Adam and guest.
@KerstinOhman 13 дней назад
ADAM, you protected your son! That's your largest obligation! It's easy to think "what if" But what if something had happened to him???😱❤️❤️
@KerstinOhman 13 дней назад
I think your book is your impact stateon!
@KerstinOhman 13 дней назад
REX, ADAM! I admire that you "fight against" all that has torn your family apart❤ Wishing all the best and accept your family members shows that you have done a lot of healing. Lots of love from Sweden 🇸🇪❤️❤️
@madcowsmoo4360 13 дней назад
So sad to have missed tths live!! Thank you Ben for sharing ❤
@freetosoar7987 14 дней назад
I love Ben! Always such good input. Gentle, kind, caring...💜
@cindydalton9608 14 дней назад
You are so strong to tell your story ❤
@nataliecassidy4298 14 дней назад
Happy Birthday Ben to your son! Hope he has a great Birthday! Love to you and your family! ❤❤😊😊
@nataliecassidy4298 14 дней назад
Thanks Ben for expressing what has happened in your life and explaining what your job is and how you do your job! This podcast is truly a great way for people to open up about their different experiences they have been through because it has been proven to be a safe place to do that! People ongere are very kind and caring to each other! Thank you Adam and Rex for bringing this podcast for all to be part of! Love to you both ❤❤❤from AKRON, OHI 😊😊😊