Kaj Luukko
Kaj Luukko
Kaj Luukko
A little bit of everything, some nest cam videos, high voltage stuff like Tesla-coils, and so on.

Vähän kaikkea ja jotain siltä väliltä.

Kuoriutuminen - Hatching
4 месяца назад
Roihuvuoren kirsikkapuut - 16.5.2024
4 месяца назад
Kimalainen - Bumbe bee
4 месяца назад
Haudonta alkoi. Incubating started.
4 месяца назад
Tappelu - Fight
4 месяца назад
Kirjosieppo - European pied flycathcer
5 месяцев назад
Tintti jahtaa kimalaista.
5 месяцев назад
Kirjosieppo - Pied Flycatcher
5 месяцев назад
20240501 Kimalainen - Bumble-bee
5 месяцев назад
20240501 Rakentelua ja kimalainen
5 месяцев назад
20240430 Tappelu! Fight between birds!
5 месяцев назад
20240427 - pesän rakentelua
5 месяцев назад
20240129 Sinitiainen tammikuussa
8 месяцев назад
Staccato Controller for VTTC of Arduino Nano
8 месяцев назад
Hanko ilmasta nähtynä (4K)
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20230616 Kirjosieppo ansassa?
Год назад
20230606 Poikasten lähtö
Год назад
20230604 Emo saa hepulin
Год назад
20230524 Tikkaeste toimii
Год назад
@MrElapid 2 месяца назад
Great and informative vid! Have an 833A coil that red-plates the anode fairly quickly. This would solve the problem nicely.
@olevaiti4302 2 месяца назад
@PosthumanKindergarten 2 месяца назад
nice!! i had troubles with an SCR staccato using a pentode, again i'm seeing people using this solution but with triodes, my conviction is that the grid 2 of a pentode messes with the SCR trough the tube's cathode and makes it go full 50Hz past some variac power... i used a relay on the primary of the MOT at the end, you have to sync it and it's a bit crude but it works
@ponttokamera 2 месяца назад
Thank you for the comment. I haven't worked with pentodes, but they are indeed different from triodes and, as far as I understand, unnecessary in a Tesla coil. Of course, there are good pentodes available and I also have a couple of GU81s, but I haven't done anything with them yet.
@MatthewDicksonOfficial 2 месяца назад
ARVASIN että keltatulkutkin ovat kannibaalisia eläimiä
@MatthewDicksonOfficial 2 месяца назад
Soitin neuvolaan ja lastensuojeluun
@MatthewDicksonOfficial 2 месяца назад
Ei ees ole mitään oravaa muuten olisivat kyllä laittaneet tähän videolle sen tuosta ulkokamerasta
@GURONTV 2 месяца назад
Hello, is there an error in the code/sketch right now? If not, you can send a link to the sketch here, otherwise it is not possible to copy it from the assembler
@ponttokamera 2 месяца назад
Check the link to the blog post in the video description; the code is there. There shouldn't be any errors.
@GURONTV 2 месяца назад
@@ponttokamera In the sketch, the code has a coefficient of "15", what does it mean?
@ponttokamera 2 месяца назад
@@GURONTV Do you mean this, on line 25: while (analogRead(pinAC) < 15){}? That's a threshold value for the measured, half-wave rectified alternating current at which the thyristor is triggered. Input A1 on the Arduino.
@GURONTV 2 месяца назад
@@ponttokamera Yes, the 25th line of the sketch has such a coefficient of "15", I just did not understand how it was formed, I thought it was a cubic root (sqrt) of 50 Hz, but it is not so, I assembled stockatto, but on LGT8F328P Chinese arduino logic green and for some reason in my opinion the circuit works a little bit wrong, too the discharges are going fast, I would like to go even slower, thank you
@ponttokamera 2 месяца назад
@@GURONTV How fast? The delaytime is sen on line 31: "if ((i >= map(analogRead(potInterval),0,1020,50,0)) && (analogRead(potInterval) > 10)){" Try to change the value "50" and see if it works. You can also try to increase the threshold value "15" to a bigger number. The AD-converter in your board can be slightly different than in Arduino and the value "15" might be too small.
@BeritSaukko 3 месяца назад
Kylläpä tällä tinttiparalla on rauhatonta! Aina joku häiriköimässä. 😯Mutta urheasti se puolustaa kotiaan!
@BeritSaukko 3 месяца назад
Aika rajun näköistä. Tuoksinnassa syntyi lisää pesän pehmikettä, kun höyhenet pöllysi.
@BeritSaukko 3 месяца назад
Tintti nousee katsomaan, että kuka siellä kolistelee ja häiriköi. Kotirauhan rikkomista!
@Feenix81 3 месяца назад
heräs kyllä monta kysymystä. mihin tuolla käytetään noita kemikaaleja kuten ammoniakkia ja mitä muita nyt sielä huoneessa oli.. toinen ois ollu kiva nähdä vielä maanalaiset tilat.. veden ottamo.. sähkötilat
@ponttokamera 3 месяца назад
Ammoniakkia käytetään kattiilaveden pH:n säätöön, hydratsiinia hapen poistoon. Vedenkäsitetlyssä tarvitaan vielä rikkihappoa ja lipeää ioninvaihtimen elvytykseen. Automaatiotilasta tuossa oli pätkä. Sähkötila ei päältä päin kovin paljon siitä eroa. Vedenottamo jäi tosiaan välistä. Normaalistihan yhteistuotantolaitoksessa ei tarvita merivettä lainkaan, koska sekä laudutus- että hukkalämmöt käytetään kaukolämmöksi.
@Feenix81 3 месяца назад
Ois tuolla varmaan silti vielä paljon nähtävää 🙂🙂
@ponttokamera 3 месяца назад
@@Feenix81 Oishan siellä. Minulla on enemmän videota kyllä, ehkä joskus julkaisen. Tuostakin tuli jo noin pitkä, piti vähän rajoittaa.
@kyllikkilemmetti 4 месяца назад
Sieltähän niitä uusia tinttejä tulee, ONNEA❤❤❤
@eijanieminen5579 4 месяца назад
Mielenkiintoinen 👍kiitos kuvaajalle😊
@MarianneLeinonen 4 месяца назад
Hyvin asennetut kamerat pesällä 👍
@MarianneLeinonen 4 месяца назад
Jännää hätistelyääntä
@黒アゲハ蝶 4 месяца назад
日本の桜。 日本の桜は4月に満開になります。 そちらでは、今満開なのですね。 遠い地で今、桜が見れてとても嬉しいです。 ありがとうございます。
@ponttokamera 4 месяца назад
コメントありがとうございます!動画を気に入っていただけて嬉しいです。ヘルシンキでは4月にはまだ雪が残っていることが多いですが、5月には桜が綺麗に咲きます。この美しさを遠く日本で共有できることを嬉しく思います。(ChatGPT がこのテキストを正しく翻訳していれば幸いです)
@jp4361 4 месяца назад
Ei se tinttikään halua turhaan alkaa ison kimalaisen kanssa tappeleen.
@ponttokamera 4 месяца назад
Ei näköjään. Aiempina vuosina olen kyllä nähnyt emon nappaavan ampiaisia nokkaansa ja vieneen ne ulos, mutta ehkä kimalainen koetaan vaarallisemmaksi. Tai sitten lintuyksilöissä on eroja, mene ja tiedä.
@jp4361 4 месяца назад
@@ponttokamera Kimalainen on aika pörheä ja näyttää isommata mitä onkaan. Tuo taisi olla kuningatar etsimässä uutta pesää.
@ponttokamera 4 месяца назад
@@jp4361 Voi hyvin olla. En ole perehtynyt kimalaiset pesintään. Missä ja miten ne pesivät?
@HenritheHorse 3 месяца назад
@@ponttokamera Kannon ja puun koloissa, ilmeisesti eniten maassa. Minulla ilmestyy välillä kimalaisia hirsiseinän koloista, kun etsivät pesäpaikkoja.
@Magic-Enlightenment 4 месяца назад
In your wire feeder what type of Groove Bearing Pulley did you use? Are the STL files available for your wire guide?
@ponttokamera 4 месяца назад
Just some bearings I found on Amazon with the search terms "V Groove Bearing. There are no STL files available, as I did not use a 3D printer to make any part.
@vadims8742 4 месяца назад
Who won: the owner or the guest?
@ponttokamera 4 месяца назад
The owner won.
@MatthewDicksonOfficial 2 месяца назад
Camera man
@黒アゲハ蝶 4 месяца назад
あーーー、危なかった💦 ハチが出てくれて良かった
@ponttokamera 4 месяца назад
@feeniks7635 5 месяцев назад
Pönttö näyttäisi olevan aurinkoisessa paikassa. Auringonvalo kohdistuu suoraan pönttöön ja lankeaa vielä lentoaukosta sisään. Kesähelteellä pöntössä tulee liian kuuma. Varjoinen paikka metsikössä ja puussa on kyllä parempi ja oikeastaan lintujen kannalta oikea. Mutta video on kiinnostava. Tällaista on mukava seurata aina välillä.
@ponttokamera 4 месяца назад
Mikä on liian kuuma? Tällä paikalla on ollut pönttö liki 50 vuotta ja se on ollut ylivoimaisesti pihapiirin suosituin. Talitiainen pesii sujuvasti kyllä missä tahansa, ei ole niin tarkka paikasta, mutta esim. kuusitiainen ei mielellään pihapiirissä pesi. Sellainenkin on kerran pihassa ollut, pöntössä, mikä oli lähempänä metsää. Viime vuonna tässäkin pöntössä kävi kuusitiainen tutkimassa: ponttokamera.blogspot.com/2023/04/kuusitiainen.html
@drewh0208 5 месяцев назад
This could make a great baseline for a DnB track.
@ponttokamera 4 месяца назад
Haha, yes, why not. Let me hear it if you compose one!
@jayachaudhary6802 5 месяцев назад
Can you send drawing of digrama
@cliffwilson2171 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for your video and code. It works very well. There are a couple of mistakes on the schematic. The capacitor C1 should be 1000uf instead of 1uf, and you have the 7812 12 volt regulator shorted to ground on the Vin Nano pin. I addressed these before I built the circuit (I've been in electronics since 1974) and it worked first time around. I thought this may help someone else trying to build this project. Thanks again for all the info. Keep up the great works! Regards, Cliff
@ponttokamera 7 месяцев назад
Oh no, what a mistake. I don't know what I was thinking when I drew the circuit diagram. Thank you a lot for noticing! Hopefully, no one has fried their regulator :) It was actually 1 mF, millifarads. For some reason, CircuitLab converted it to 1 mF, even though I wrote 1000 μF. I also corrected that with separate text in the diagram in the blog post. Should perhaps add a flag to the video, too. Good to hear that you got the circuit working. Apparently, the code worked fine as well? I was considering using an opto-isolator between the output and the triac when designing it. However, I tried without it, and it worked just fine. If you want it to be more safe, you can add the opto-isolator there.
@cliffwilson2171 7 месяцев назад
Yes your code worked perfectly! Thanks again.
@tsclly2377 7 месяцев назад
CNC a mini lathe to do this
@ponttokamera 7 месяцев назад
That will work just fine!
@rcalin9354 7 месяцев назад
Hi, can you share the schematics, firmware of the machine? Thank you!
@matteorivolta6932 7 месяцев назад
What material are you using for light windows? Does it resist to woodpecker's attacks? Thank you!
@ponttokamera 7 месяцев назад
The windows are made of opal acrylic. The woodpecker has never once pecked at them. It did try to rob the chicks last summer, but only through the opening. At that time, I made a simple barrier that I attached in front of the opening to keep the woodpecker away. It worked well, you can see it in this video: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-egfqfblI6Mo.htmlsi=OanLsGCqP2gvkZFy
@matteorivolta6932 7 месяцев назад
So the woodpecker is able to stick its head into the nest, despite the small diameter of the hole? This has unlocked a new trauma for me. I think I will apply this countermeasure immediately. Thank you! @@ponttokamera
@ponttokamera 7 месяцев назад
@@matteorivolta6932 Yes, a woodpecker can steal a chick. Here is a video from 14 years ago. The image quality is poor due to the technology of the time, but it shows how the woodpecker steals a chick from the nest. Older chicks jump high out of the nest when they hear a noise, thinking that it's the parents bringing food, not realizing that it's actually a woodpecker. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-exkt5LmVNhA.html Also, last summer the woodpecker tried many times. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Jk3fF81fXNc.htmlsi=oCdxQDjfGB-Oymr9 Once it almost succeeded in catching the parent. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-JkdtDyJ3RIs.htmlsi=DMqRd33ShnZgVFZ_
@MrElapid 8 месяцев назад
I'd wished that you'd posted some info: C in pf. for example (tank circuit) and whether you're using a MOT and voltage doubler. Nice VTTC arcs but most folks enjoy sharing aspects of their hobby. Also decided to swap 811A's for 572B's looks like a good tough tube considering they're not terribly expensive and will attempt 4 KV or so with doubler and high enough grid discharge resistance to keep the duty cycle 15-20 % but will have to experiment here. I'm going to try an air variable capacitor in mineral oil paralleled to my 2 -625 pf tank caps may be interesting. Keep rockin' that coil!
@darekw4710 8 месяцев назад
she likes it :)
@davestewart2433 8 месяцев назад
Great work. I followed along and built it but the code on your blog is incomplete. Any way you can post the final code. Thanks again.
@ponttokamera 8 месяцев назад
Hello, and thank you for your interest for my project! You're right, there was an error in the code, the blogger had messed it up. I fixed it a couple of days ago, it should be fine now. Have you tested it with the corrected code? The one that is linked directly from the Arduino cloud.
@hallkbrdz 10 месяцев назад
Looks great, well done. As I need multi-layer coils with optimal offset for density, I'm looking to build something similar that can do half width offsets at the ends in a rectangular bobbin.
@bogu2359 11 месяцев назад
Woody Woodpecker :)
@randallsimpson9343 11 месяцев назад
where did you buy the magnet wire? i want to make sure i by enofe for a 6in pvc pipe 24in long. 22awg wire
@ponttokamera 11 месяцев назад
As far as I remember, I bought it from a local store here in Finland: www.starelec.fi/product_info.php?cPath=79_1137_2397&products_id=10878
@randallsimpson9343 Год назад
how did you come up with the offset for each stand
@ponttokamera Год назад
The offset for each stand is the offset of one turn divided by the number of stands.
@aurasam2311 Год назад
Staying home and doing such stuff 👍🏻🙂🙂❤️
@YoutubeMarketar Год назад
I am surprised by the quality of your videos. Such great content. But your SEO score is very bad, which is not good. You should focus on this. I can help you if you are interested!
@almitharaversai6195 Год назад
Can you share the schematic? Can you give information about the machine? especially about arduino setup
@darekw4710 Год назад
Second nesting?
@sunngifuwetzel1197 Год назад
What happened?
@vadims8742 Год назад
"20130609" am I right that it is 2013 / 06 / 09 - 10 years ago?
@ponttokamera Год назад
No, sorry, wrong year. Should be 2023.
@darekw4710 Год назад
good luck birds!
@darekw4710 Год назад
mom got scared I think
@ponttokamera Год назад
I think that too. It was dark in the box, mom did not see what's going on.
@vadims8742 Год назад
What is going on? Why is 2-3 died and one more chick behaves strange, looks like it is also dying.
@sunngifuwetzel1197 Год назад
I think because of the cold nights and not a lot of food?
@ponttokamera Год назад
Those three remaining chicks all seem to be in pretty good shape. Why one was acting strangely, I don't know. Right now all three are sleeping side by side again. I think they will leave the nest tomorrow.
@ponttokamera Год назад
@@sunngifuwetzel1197I agree.
@vadims8742 Год назад
@@sunngifuwetzel1197 The other by-default hypothesis is: they eat poisoned insects/caterpillars. If people process trees against insects.
@sunngifuwetzel1197 Год назад
Did he ever stop?
@ponttokamera Год назад
Didn't stop until I installed this cover. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-egfqfblI6Mo.html
@sunngifuwetzel1197 Год назад
Did he want to eat them?
@ponttokamera Год назад
Kyllä halusi. Tai sitten halusi viedä niitä omille poikasilleen ruoaksi.
@ponttokamera Год назад
Tässä on video vuodelta 2005, jossa tikka vie yhden poikasen. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-exkt5LmVNhA.html
@pirjotampio6077 Год назад
Kivan iso pönttö
@ponttokamera Год назад
Minusta pönttöjen kokosuositukset ovat vähän ahtaanpuoleisia. Talitiaisen pöntön sisämitan suositus on 10-12 cm, tämä on 12,5 cm. Poikasia voi olla jopa 12 niin kyllä se 10 cm pönttö tosi ahtaaksi tulee kun poikaset ovat isoja.
@minavaan Год назад
Loistava idea tuo este!
@annanunnu17 Год назад
Hyvä este! Tikka ihmeissään!
@vadims8742 Год назад
Has the woodpecker arrived since you installed this protection? It is interesting to see the woodpecker's behavior as well :)
@ponttokamera Год назад
It has for a few times. Just find some newer videos. Now it seems to have given up, as it hasn't visited for a couple of days.
@vadims8742 Год назад
@@ponttokamera Oh, yea, I saw that video with the woodpecker says "Aaaa? WTF". Thank you for this whole story!
@pirjotampio6077 Год назад
Tosi hieno tikkasuoja👌
@ponttokamera Год назад
Ainakin se toimii!