Jason Weimann
Jason Weimann
Jason Weimann
The #1 place for Unity3D Tutorials, News, & Tips!

This channel is dedicated to helping game developers be better at game development.

I like to teach a bit of everything, from the getting started and beginner style stuff to advanced techniques and patterns.

Some of the topics you'll see featured include:
Clean Code
Design Patterns
Unit Testing
Virtual Reality
Networked Games
MMORPG Development
Occasional random stories about AAA projects
Plenty of stories about indie projects (and lessons learned)

I post a couple times a week so be sure to subscribe and hit the alert button :)

** This channel is not sponsored by or affiliated with Unity Technologies.
$30k Discord Game Opportunity
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Crazy 5 for $20 #unity3d #assetstore
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NO UI Prefabs!
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Coding an 8 Team Moba - ffa or 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2?
3 месяца назад
Unity Tool of the Month
3 месяца назад
@TheMeanArena 9 часов назад
What about flat 2D side by side videos for playing just 3D movies on a screen?
@Shiffo День назад
Could you use this method to create a diegetic magazine counter?
@norlesh День назад
Interstellar botnet RTOS GUI
@dr.merlot1532 День назад
Thanks Jason! I finally figured out how to permanently stop my coroutine. My solution was to just take a hammer and smash my computer.
@Kenbomp День назад
Yup if your working with files and folders directly your screwed.
@winxalex1 2 дня назад
Creating manual events only if needed and most of the time use modified Unity Event editor. Instead of creating tons of Scriptable objects per event, create Scripable object per topic with list of events. Then refrence where you need it. Main problem with events after time you forget where they are and hard to test if you dont' have something visually like this ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-e_ygMVFhKWs.html
@LuizMoratelli 2 дня назад
These episodes are so good! I like all the devs here, shot out in special for Yorai and Jasons! :D
@mjkkaya6056 3 дня назад
That's exactly what I wanted. Simple and Clear. Thanks.
@Fightitinside 4 дня назад
It's not hundreds of abilities, it's one ability with different parameters. You'll have to add new logic and rewrite the existing one to add healing abilities or more complex abilities.
@UnchallengedGaming 5 дней назад
Was this a remake of "How to Make a Game - Unity Beginner Tutorial" the Angry birds just "Newer" due to new versions of Unity? I'm kinda diving back in to Unity after years of being away 🙂
@rashidfarhan6223 5 дней назад
i was confused how I should approach the new input system. With playerInput or action asset approach. Since you used it and unity starter templates used it playerInput is the way to go!
@PaulMucci 5 дней назад
OnClick or OnRelease should entirely be based on needed functionality. No one way is the correct way.
@dreamisover9813 5 дней назад
For an event hook between update and lateupdate, or a Post-physics-update hook, it would also be possible to use Coroutines. Amazing topic for the episode!
@BlueDuck-vv3eu 5 дней назад
Thanks for the episode. It gave me some more perspective on a few topics, project structure being one. I didn't know about labels in Unity until now. Looking forward to the next one!
@HypoRexVR 7 дней назад
I need help, every time there is a text TMP in my game, the letters don’t show, and it’s just a floating T logo. Do you know how to fix this?
@Unity3dCollege 7 дней назад
Make sure the tmp essentials pack installed. It under the window menu but should also pop up when you add tmp text to the scene
@HypoRexVR 7 дней назад
@@Unity3dCollege thanks man!
@dolfrialdo7050 7 дней назад
The script can't be run on my Unity?
@RGcrasyRG 7 дней назад
Honestly, I am here only to listen Storey's rants 😁
@pixies64 7 дней назад
Do you do these long forms as a podcast? Would much rather just listen to a podcast
@dreamisover9813 5 дней назад
I think those episodes on some streaming platforms as podcast would be great! I wish that the audio levels among the people were more even in the podcast, sometimes I have to turn Weimann down and many others up in volume
@ETdoFresh 8 дней назад
Enjoyed it… for the assembly definition talk, does anyone still go old school and throw all plugins/3rd party in the unity special “Plugins” folder so it doesn’t compile with your own code… aka assembly-csharp.dll vs assembly-csharp-firstpass.dll (or packages folder if folder is equipped to do so)
@midniteoilsoftware 8 дней назад
yeah, when I use assembly definitions, I definitely segregate my code from any 3rd party packages.
@TheOrionLegend 8 дней назад
Hey, you didn't put how to update backfilltickets everytime players connect or disconnect? Do you know maybe how to do it in simple way?
@anonymous49125 8 дней назад
For those panicking: Greg is just a passenger in the car
@SeanJMay 8 дней назад
Regarding the desire to have instant feedback, I absolutely get the desire of Carmack, and in games, I generally agree. Meanwhile, I am on RU-vid mobile. How do I pinch to zoom, or scroll videos while listening to this, without swapping to a different video; or scroll comments, without replying or voting? I think more useful than saying "charge the credit card on touch" or "send the SMS message on touch" (because most companies don't have the opportunity to cancel Stripe/PayPal processing in their current infrastructure, without a back-office process, or direct user chargebacks... let alone unsending telecom SMS messages), I think all button touches should *feel* responsive, and should load and instantiate the things that should show up, instantly on release. And by "feeling", I mean visually or audibly responsive, whether the follow-through happens as your thumb is now still depressed on a new part of a different page or app view.
@fokeyjo 8 дней назад
Great to see this happening. In combination with things like AI upscalers and procedural generation, maybe the amount of data required for games may not need to be so large. What worries me, will Steam or one of the other big tech giants come for you with some kind of patent infringement?
@zaarbeats 11 дней назад
Thanks!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@r1pfake521 11 дней назад
After reading the title and watching the intro I thought that the video will show how to make a ability system with the logic of different ability effects like dealing damage, healing, etc. but it only shows how to spawn particle effects and play animations.
@SrikanthG11 11 дней назад
hello jason can you make this thing. really counting on game developers like you. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-bkTm_raua-o.html
@fokeyjo 11 дней назад
It would not surprise me if media formats change for things like movies to incorporate new ways to consume the content. Build an AI model of the movie from all the production content sources so that you can recreate the movie with any given change in parameters that you want - like changing lighting, remixing volumes, scenery, whatever. You're already seeing aspects of this with photogrammetry where rather than build a 3D textured mesh model from the photos, you just get an AI model representation of the photos and it can reconstruct the object in whatever way you want. I expect file formats will become rather homogenous, stream containers akin to a video format allowing storage of streams that each have their own format and encoder, much like with video and audio codecs, but for AI models to decompress and run (I guess that's the algorithm??).
@rarob0t 11 дней назад
Where can i find more about the icons you have in each GameObject in the hierarchy? Thanks!
@Unity3dCollege 11 дней назад
Thats vHeriarchy from the asset store
@starbuck3980 12 дней назад
Hate solid principles, just make everything more complicated and the game runs just fine without them, just useful to know for interviews
@godmode3611 13 дней назад
I am confused with what really happened with the camera. If I didn't want the camera to be a child of the player, do I need to instantiate the camera myself and then assign the reference to Player Input at runtime for the split screen to work? Can I assign that reference at runtime?
@TheOrionLegend 13 дней назад
idk did he put this , but server must be 60 fps, vsync count 0 or else cpu will go crazy, plus -nographics -batchmode parameters are needed!
@FinnTG 14 дней назад
I started using FishNet a couple of weeks ago and already coverted a FPS Pack i brougth from the store to Multiplayer I have to say i'm VERY VERY happy abouth FishNet the documentation it's a bit lacky mainly because Fishnet is in 4.0 and documentation it's stuck at 3 for the moment but they have a super active discrod and if you put a question with [FishNet] in the title in the Unity forum the creator themself came to answer
@WeDoLittleGames 15 дней назад
Not bad but your method suffers from a huge problem. in that these events can only be played as a "oneshot" event this setup would make it impossible to use any other type of event except oneshots because the event can never be deregistered any alternative way outside of being destroyed. An example would be if a player joined a map and an event fired to make a character talk, That event would replay every-time the player went back to that map because the event wouldn't be able to be deregistered. So it's almost useless in a real game unless your game was super casual
@Hazzel31337 15 дней назад
jasons background is pretty, is that from the unity asset bundle, there is one assets for background in it
@GoodNewsJim 16 дней назад
Question: Instead of making Steam Deck, why didn't Steam just make a multi platformal database that any device could use, not specific to Android and Iphone. I know the Steam Deck was the Play Station play vs Nintendo... Because apple/google misbehaved in negotiations, but why not simply make a multi-platformal database... You sign in with steam on the multiplatformal database, boom, now you can run custom games for ANY platform, not just APPLE/GOOGLE, linked through Steam? I was half tempted to write a multiplatformal database myself, but I was actually confused... Is the problem bigger than this? Seems like a fix that'd take just a week of coding... Then you manage oauth logins custom wrote for each platform, boom, people write standard android app, Oath through database linked to steam, now they buy and sell virtgoods there... Maybe even have a emulator that could play Mac/Windows/etc games built in for downloads... Does this type of third partyism break laws or something? I don't get it, I was always confused why they made the Steam Deck when negotiations broke down when it seemed like just a few dozen hours code would produce a strong solution.
@yudnai5577 16 дней назад
I've created a PCG Scene How can I make the Bake after instantiation in real-time (Run Time) and then open the scene?
@HE360_Games 17 дней назад
Some of the games that I put together were made for Desktop and I've always been wishing that there was some technology where I could make those games playable in the browser to where a person doesn't have to download anything. If I could find that, then I'll be making ALL of my games playable in the browser.
@coldhands-jk7qe 17 дней назад
thank you sir this really helped me
@pedropc5824 17 дней назад
Wow, amazing!
@Wenedi 17 дней назад
I get how it works... but the implementation scares me o.o
@simomosi2964 17 дней назад
@BigBanan13 17 дней назад
I lost everything
@Unity3dCollege 17 дней назад
Gotta start using version control. :( losing everything happens to us all at least once I think
@young-salt 17 дней назад
I dont like dedicated servers only. I think peer to peer is best for quickplay with the ability for players to create and host their own servers and those servers being listed in a server browser in-game. I think this would be the best process for bringing a battlefield type of game to the linux and foss crowd. Foss crowd doesnt really like dedicated servers and i dont have the cash or infrastructure to have dedicated servers for more than 10-20 people. I think having a votekick option and giving server owners the ability to permanently ban players is the best way to combat cheaters, abk cant even make an effective anticheat so theres no way i can make one, best to keep that tool in the hands of the players
@juleswombat5309 17 дней назад
We have a long wait for WebGL to become a well recognised and supported standard?
@gamerscreed8325 18 дней назад
I have some troops in my project and i'm deploying them as a user. so I've three different key features for the troops 1. Troop Type(Ground, Air) which would be an abstract class and will define the core logic for the movement for both types 2. Troop target (multiple) it would be an interface and a "Has a" relation so i can make it for multiple targets and can implement multiple targets for the same troop 3. Attack type(close ranged, long ranged) which would also be an abstract class so my troop attack class will inherit from this abstract class and will have multiple targets and troop movement claas will inherit from the movement class...... So now is my approach is good or too complex for no reason or any other flaws? can you suggest something
@MaximilianPs 18 дней назад
Sorry for the late but I was struggling with the Unity's Third Person Character asset because it was looks terrible to me (in terms on how they code it) and also because I want to use a state machine and be able to apply most of the stuff to AI too. So I split a bunch of their code into the FSM States... then I pointed out about the HUUUGE list of variables, and that's was a big issue because all of them.. well most of them was needed and so I get the idea I split all of them into sub-class inside the same PlayerController class. which is the main class that runs the FMS... what did you think about it?... it's a good practice? 😅 public class MovementData { public float moveSpeed { get { return _moveSpeed; } } public float sprintSpeed { get { return _sprintSpeed; } } public float targetSpeed { get; set; } public float targetRotation { get; set; } public float rotationVelocity { get; set; } public float rotationSmoothTime { get { return _rotationSmoothTime; } } float _moveSpeed = 1.0f; float _sprintSpeed = 5.0f; float _rotationSmoothTime = .12f; } public class GravityData { public readonly float gravity = -9.81f; public readonly float terminalVelocity = 53f; // Maximum speed reachable during a fall. // Time required to pass before entering the fall state. Useful for walking down stairs public readonly float fallTimeout = 0.15f; public float verticalVelocity; // Fall speed } public class CharacterControllerData { public bool isGrounded; public readonly float groundedOffset = -0.14f; public readonly float groundedRadius = 0.28f; public readonly float jumpHeight =0.75f; // timeout deltatime public readonly float jumpTimeout = 0.50f; public float jumpTimeoutDelta; public float fallTimeoutDelta; }
@normalhumanperson8858 18 дней назад
do you have a structure plan of thr building how many mt or gwk would it take to collapse
@Astralkitt 18 дней назад
A lot of these updated camera systems seem like they'll be a great time saver and just add to the general ease of use.
@johneggers5855 18 дней назад
Great video, and super informative! Quick question though - Is it recommended to use RPC calls to sync positional data with players? I have heard that A) this is not recommended and B) this has a much larger overhead than using something like Unity's built-in NetworkTransform. Would love to know your thoughts.
@Chubzdoomer 18 дней назад
And now he's gone!