Dusty Audio
Dusty Audio
Dusty Audio
Audio equipment reviews and podcast about hifi.
Unboxing Chord Dave
2 года назад
Unboxing Topping D70S
3 года назад
Unboxing Topping D50s & A50s & P50
3 года назад
Unboxing NuPrime Omnia S1
3 года назад
Unboxing NuPrime Omnia WR-1
4 года назад
Acoustic Energy AE1
4 года назад
Topping A50
4 года назад
Topping E30
4 года назад
Topping A90
4 года назад
Recenzie NuPrime Hi mDAC
4 года назад
✅ Recenzie Topping D70
5 лет назад
✅ Burson Play Vivid Review
5 лет назад
Meze Empyrean. Two months ownership.
5 лет назад
Roon Overview
5 лет назад
@georgecovesneanu8114 2 месяца назад
i au luat chinezii cu dac-urile, topping, smsl, etc. Si la preturi corecte nu de pe alta planeta.
@akoskolok 4 месяца назад
Best and most detailed review I watch so far. Nuprime10h is still the best dac for OG Empyrean? I use an R2R dac (Gustard R26) but I’m curious how Nuprime 10h sounds. Is it better for Empy than Gustard r26? It would be a great help if you recommend a great amp/dac for Meze Empyrean!
@ProfoundAV-123 8 месяцев назад
Looks like they do not include and owners manual or did they forget to include one?
@ruudstet3186 11 месяцев назад
This year mentioned in the video is now nearly past. Will the Dave scaler be out soon? We will see. Great video! Thanks for the limited number of very relevant questions and lots of time for mr Watts to reply. I now understand a lot beter why scaling at such an advanced level is important when using (16bit) digital data. Since higher bitrates are scarcely available, using carefully tweaked maths is logica and, for mr Watts, do-able. Still I think that all this effort put into products that only a couple of thousand people will ever use, puts all this effort at a very low level of factual relevance. I wouldn't be surprise if mr Watts will be most remembered for the device that people have actually used. Which would be Mojo(2) and qutest.
@brothatwasepic Год назад
I just went from a Topping D90 to a used discounted Chord Dave and wow just wow! I honestly didnt think I was missing much in the recording before. it is an unbelievable difference ❤
@gabrielgavril3435 Год назад
Conform unui grafic cu răspunsul în frecvență... Nu prea se justifică prețul de 3000$. Înaltele sunt mult prea scăzute
@Simturiascutite Год назад
Detin Indiana Line DJ 308 de cateva luni, iar de cand le am, pot sa afirm doar atat: am deconectat subwooferul JBL din dotare, atat de mult bass au! Dar si fidelitate pe partea de sunet, overall. Normal, orice boxa trebuie sa-si faca rodajul minim 100 de ore, altfel nu suna la potential maxim. Si nici nu trebuie judecate out of the box. Abia dupa 100-150 de ore il dezlantuiesti pe Kraken. 😆 Eu ascult muzica techno, hardgroove, trance, psychedelic, dar ascult si metale, metale grele, progressive, la polul opus ascult si ambientala, chillout, jazz, acid jazz. Aceste boxe sunt tot ceea ce am nevoie, indiferent de genul pe care il play-ez. Le folosesc si pe post de boxe pt editari video in Davinci Resolve (pe partea de sunet bineinteles) si pot face compresii audio foarte bune pe partea de prezentari de produse. Stiu, aici ar trebui monitoare de studio, minim Yamaha HS-80M, dar si DJ 308 fac treaba buna pt clipuri de urcat pe YT. Bineinteles, pe partea de productii muzicale nu recomand absolut deloc DJ 308, pt ca sunt limitate in plaja de frecvente, nu pt asta au fost facute. Acolo deja mergi pe Adam Audio, Genelec, Focal, Yamaha, etc.. Dar pe partea de auditii muzicale, sunt exact ce trebuie pt mine! Au un sound placut, cald, driverele lovesc bine de tot.
@craezee247 15 дней назад
si eu ma gandesc la 308/310, insa, din pacate, reviews nu prea sunt. acum insa dupa ce am citit comentariul tau m-am convins.
@JezJerzy22 Год назад
What a shitty package :D like some cheap Chinese DaC :/
@Thevikingcam Год назад
The new angeled pads changed the game. Even better soundstage and imaging, no bass hump at 200hz. No need for EQ at all but slight 20hz lift is in place. Yeah these are now really 4000€ headphones, right there with LCD-5 and Utopia. BUT these needs extremely good DAC, like IFI PRO iDSD or denafrips terminator II. Also good AMP is needed. To me these are the end game now.
@phototristan Год назад
That one guy asking so many questions is quite annoying.
@aurelindiferent7 Год назад
Salutare ! Am un topping d50s și nu știu cum să îl pun in 768 khz, din calculator merge doar in 32 biti cu 384 khz. Mă puteți ajuta va rog ? Sunt începător...
@havastelapu5587 Год назад
Hi. How to hook up all components properly?(some pic maybe?)Thanks
@waitingforthetrain2690 Год назад
you need any help? i assume you've got it done already?
@havastelapu5587 Год назад
@@waitingforthetrain2690 I solved but thanks
@ixoye56 2 года назад
How do they handle vocals, up in your face like Sennheiser 6** series or more layer back in the soundstage?
@GuiltyRocker 2 года назад
I hear the small and soft instruments he talks about separately from the loudest instruments, even before I knew who he was and what he says he hears I heard it all. God bless Rob Watts.
@tombill2723 2 года назад
chord are famous for the crap power supplies ,their products are nothing than a mid hifi .my 2cents
@GuiltyRocker 2 года назад
I always love listening to Rob speak, he knows exactly what he's doing and believes in his work. He is getting ridiculed by people that don't understand the work of sync functioning and tap-length in filters, I'm glad he's continuing his work and not listening to those trolls.
@railwaystationmaster 2 года назад
£8000 flagship DAC and they give you a crappy cheapo remote ?
@Tealc2323 2 года назад
Multa vorba si produse scumpe care nu-si merita banii. Cam asta e Chord.
@Dusty-Audio 2 года назад
Stiu, strugurii sunt acri.
@Tealc2323 2 года назад
​@@Dusty-Audio Foarte detaliat si constuctiv argumentul tau. Typic astora care sunt bagati in seama si dintr-o data se cred vedete. Mi-am luat Chord Mojo la £400 ca a fost recomandat de absolut toate site-urile mari. Ceva probleme ca se incingea si se oprea singur. Am schimbat 3 pe Amazon UK. Sunet fain care chiar mi-a placut dar fiind incepator nu aveam comparatie. Cateva luni mai tarziu am cumparat un Topping DX3 Pro pentru un prieten si l-am testat si eu. Surpriza!!! O chinezarie la £160 a sters praful cu Chordul meu. Sunet expandat, curat, cu vocale coerente si naturale. In comparatie Mojo-ul se auzea inghesuit si gros. Totusi Mojoul castiga la detaliile fine cand ascultam atent dar din pacate era foarte greu perceptibil pentru ca era acoperit de inghesuiala si grosimea sunetului. De atunci am inceput sa ma documentez ce anume m-a impresionat la chinezarie si ce nu mi-a lacut la Mojo. Pe toate forumurile am gasit aceeasi chestie, cum ca Mojo a fost special facut sa fie "very warm" si aparent perceptia mea este de inghesuiala si grosime din cauza asta dar el cica nu e asa. Ok, am strans bani si mi-am luat Chord Hugo 2 la £1900. Ba, mi-a placut! Am fost super incantat de el si de sunet. Toate problemele care le-am avut cu Mojo, nu existau la Hugo. Sunet expandat si clar cu tonalitate superba. 4 luni mai tarziu prietenul meu si-a luat alte chinezarii direct de pe China. Topping A90 si D90 cu aprox £800 ambele. Nu-ti imaginezi cate teste am facut cu ele pana sa ma conving ca Chord e pur si simplu overpriced. Nu zic ca sunt produse proaste, dar garantat nu-si merita banii!
@Tealc2323 2 года назад
P.S. Castile cu care am facut majoritatea testelor au fost Audeze EL-8 Open Back.
@sebastiantomita5956 2 года назад
Congratulations for the interview! Very intreting indeed! I would love if Rob gave us some examples (links maybe) of recordings with the transients stripped so we can experiment that effect he's taking about (instruments losing their identity). Also, it would be nice to find out what tracks he's using for hist listening tests (so we can test ourselves).
@Dusty-Audio 2 года назад
Thank you! I think he posted the list of tracks on headfi.
@sebastiantomita5956 2 года назад
@@Dusty-Audio I'll try to find them. Thanks!
@hookem7060 2 года назад
Sadly, the Chord DAVE did not measure well: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-_2Ab01E84R0.html
@Dusty-Audio 2 года назад
I dont give a shit what amir is saying. He’s an idiot.
@hookem7060 2 года назад
@@Dusty-Audio Wow!... That struck a Chord! (pun intended... LOL).
@Dusty-Audio 2 года назад
@@hookem7060 :)) Nice word play!
@hookem7060 2 года назад
@@Dusty-Audio BTW, It'd be interesting to see if Chord will offer a rebuttal (I presume they have similar instruments).
@lucianp87 2 года назад
I'm not impressed with the packaging.
@eprohoda 2 года назад
Like- what a excellent picture, see u around!👌
@johs12345 2 года назад
Hey Dusty, it's Johannes from Head-Fi - really good review!
@Dusty-Audio 2 года назад
Hi Johannes. Thanks!
@nqochunqtrink114 2 года назад
Where is buy case? Tks
@mihaimihai9646 2 года назад
As merge mai mult pe audeze lcd x.bine si pretul este "aproape ' dublu..au un preț mult mai bun la avestore.
@lucadedionigi8192 2 года назад
@zakariaarrassi4397 2 года назад
Hey, where did you get the table?
@bensherman1977 2 года назад
Did you find the Empys improved over time or had a 'burn in' period?
@ThePralen 2 года назад
Thank you. Do you know if we can use Tidal Connect (through the mobile app) ?
@skymonk332 3 года назад
Слушал мезе импириан в салоне в Киеве. Хорошо звучат!
@heyguyslolGAMING 3 года назад
I started an OnlyFan's page just to save up for a pair of these. If you have a foot fetish look me up on my OnlyFans.
@h.hristov 2 года назад
Lmao, hows that journey goin
@mjjm6220 3 года назад
So with 2 years past, what other dac/amps have you used on the Empyrean? I know you bought an upgrade cable, but have you tried the Meze €500 cable? Just wondering which you prefer, if you have used both.
@random_ramblings 3 года назад
Nice unboxing mate! Would be of much help if you could make another video capturing the innards of S1. It piques my interest, as to whether they are using any SBC inside? Thanks!
@zuu111 3 года назад
Coming to this late, but enjoyed your detailed review coming from an extended use period. Funny that for some, this headphone is a great all-rounder, while others find it inferior to other headphones at this price range. Wish I lived somewhere where I could give these an extended try.
@c.stoicescu9796 3 года назад
@tudorhoria764 3 года назад
Buna ziua , va felicit pentru calitatea clipurilor video cum explicați . Va rog frumos sunt intr o dilema . Urmează sa cumpăr modelul sennheiser HD 800 S , dar am găsit si modelul HD 800.Care dintre aceste 2 modele sunt cu adevărat reușite , bass , înalte , sunt muzician si doresc sa le folosesc la orga . Cant muzica electronica . Îmi place mult basul sunete joase grave . Va mulțumesc . O zi minunata. Rămân fidel canalului dumneavoastră . Horia
@Dusty-Audio 3 года назад
Salut Horia. Din pacate HD800 sau HD800s nu excelează pe bas. Ba din contra, nu au mai deloc deoarece sunt configurate dupa difuse field. As alege HD800s pentru ca rezolva in mare parte problema de la 6khz a lui HD800. Dar ele nu sunt bune pentru muzica electronica decat daca sunt egalizate. Asta presupune un low shelf de 3-4 db de la 125 de Hz in jos. Si daca iei HD800, in zona 6khz trebuie aplicată o scădere de 6 db cu ub Q de 10. Daca nu stii ce inseamna aceste lucruri cauta pe net cum se egalizeaza castile. Dar ele in sine au ceva probleme dar si multe lucruri bune. Repet, ele pot fi folosite doar egalizate. Si daca vrei sa le folosesti la orga, iti trebuie amplificare pentru ca orga nu ofera necesarul de putere pentru ele, fiind destul de pretențioase (300 de Ohm). Le trebuie macar 300 mW in 300 de Ohm. Ideal ar fi sa existe si headroom deci vorbim deja de 800 mW spre 1W in 300 de Ohm.
@tudorhoria764 3 года назад
@@Dusty-Audio mulțumesc frumos pentru amabilitate . Folosesc Yamaha 2 monitor 7 și subwoofer Yamaha hs10w . Sistem activ , dar vroiam pt studiu și audiție . Propriile compoziții . Orga se numește Korg Pa4x .
@krisrudecki9477 3 года назад
Also they remind me of Utopia. Most people are not impressed by them and some even think they are rubbish ... but ... give them a week or two on a good pairing and they’ll blow most people away with their unique delivery. Empyreans are similar
@krisrudecki9477 3 года назад
Very nice review. The only thing I don’t like is the 200hz bump that is making it sometimes muffled without EQing it out, but all headphones need a bit of EQ to sound their best. Also, the bass is really serious on them :) glad you’re enjoying them :) I found Empyrean sounding great with Hugo 2, they seem to be a bit source picky, but when you nail the pairing and EQ it’s amazing.
@sorinirimia 3 года назад
salut. folosesc ca si DAC un AUNE S6 PRO. are acelas chip AK4497. te rog sa-mi spui daca ai avut ocazia sa testezi Aune. D70S ar fi mai bun?
@yoramdiamand 3 года назад
Hi, I have these cans and I advise a silver cable instead of the stock. Norne or Lavricables Grand Litz. They match well with the Feliks Audio Euforia amp. It is fine within minutes, not hours! :-)
@ciobanuradu878 3 года назад
Felicitari pentru prezentare!
@Dusty-Audio 3 года назад
@vlax12 3 года назад
Could you please provide English subtitles? Thanks in advance.
@ionutplesea5693 3 года назад
Salut si felicitari pentru review. Ai putea sa'mi spui cum ai orientat boxele fata de pozitia de ascultare, le'ai indreptat vreun pic inauntru catre tine sau le'ai tinut drept?? Care a fost varianta optima? Merci frumos
@Dusty-Audio 3 года назад
Salut. Le-am îndreptat înspre poziția de ascultare undeva intre 5 si 10 grade.
@ionutplesea5693 3 года назад
@@Dusty-Audio Multumesc👍
@Chryslerdude 3 года назад
It's super hard to understand RO without any training.. except for the part abt the remote being identical to the other from Topping, and mentioning the connectors.. ;-)
@AbalMarius 3 года назад
Sadly couldn't understand what you explained about this toppig stack. Was it worth to get and in sound quality? Thanks
@Dusty-Audio 3 года назад
Yes, it’s a pretty good combo. Great amp and a dac that is very close to the D90.
@AbalMarius 3 года назад
@@Dusty-Audio thanks as i wanted to understand what was final verdict in your review of this stack. i have d50s and p50 so waiting to get a50s and topping is much more available in europe than some american alternatives as shiit. So hope it will be very good combo at their price with better value than a90.
@benegesserit9838 3 года назад
mda, in acest pret este super ok, eu il folosesc cu un amp Emotiva BasX A-150 legat cu diamond 225...se aude superb! oricum pentru inceput de drum sunt pe deplin multumit...
@benegesserit9838 3 года назад
excelent, felicitari!
@ichkannsnet 3 года назад
Das Teil klingt sehr gut und die Bedienung ist sehr einfach und schnell.
@lonestar1664 3 года назад
Are customcan cable better than ForzaAudio. What is your experience with copper and silver cables with Empyrean do they make any difference to sound. Thanks
@Dusty-Audio 3 года назад
The silver cables do make a change in sound for the better. If you can afford them, get them. The customcans cable just looks nice but it didn’t improve anything.