The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
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The September 11 attacks
16 часов назад
@arleneescarro6306 17 дней назад
Keep it up shalom barel
@truthprevail2742 27 дней назад
We dont see anything
@EsatBargan 28 дней назад
Jackson Elizabeth Moore Mark Walker Deborah
@Maa123-j4b 28 дней назад
your calling terrorists owners of the lands , embarrassing you Israel stolen the lands of Palestinians in killed civilians demolishing the house's own their on lands what are you calling terrorists thieves ?
@nidhalkotorsi183 28 дней назад
😂😂 very convincing
@unlimityourself5305 3 месяца назад
great video bratan
@anugrahthomas8316 5 месяцев назад
Really interesting!! Could you do any on exponential graphs and logs 😁
@alongaming5083 5 месяцев назад
great vid!
@bareld7 6 месяцев назад
@bareld7 6 месяцев назад
@bareld7 7 месяцев назад
שלום תתקשר
@bareld7 7 месяцев назад
שלום תהיה בקשר
@bareld7 7 месяцев назад
@bareld7 7 месяцев назад
@user-rc6hz7qk2w 7 месяцев назад
@bareld7 7 месяцев назад
@user-rc6hz7qk2w 8 месяцев назад
@user-rc6hz7qk2w 8 месяцев назад
@user-rc6hz7qk2w 8 месяцев назад
@duvibe6885 9 месяцев назад
Use viral
@ishayisrael8101 9 месяцев назад
אתה ישראלי אחי?
@tamirerez2547 Год назад
Forget about English. It sounds awful. Speak your language, and add subtitles.
@DeconvertedMan Год назад
The arguments here need some polish, but its imporant to remember that arguments are not "proof" in the way that most people think the word "proof" is used.
@bareld7 Год назад
לא מסכימה איתך
@user-rc6hz7qk2w Год назад
מה אתה חושב מי רצח?
@SHALOM9021 Год назад
In my opinion the murderer or murderers are from Tair Rada's school students that belong to the Satan cult
@coreysmith8489 Год назад
The US should end aid to Israel. 1, Military Aid to Israel is unnecessary. Israel is a very prosperous country and more than capable of paying for its own military. 2.Military aid to Israel is a security risk to the United States. Israel has been selling American developed military technology to China for more than two decades. These sales have been instrumental in the modernization of China's military. 3.Military aid to Izrael is a diplomatic liability, 4, Military aid to Israel is illegal under American law. Israel's human rights violations disqualifies Israel from receiving military aid under the Leahy law and Israel's refusal to allow inspections of its nuclear sites or sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty make any aid to Israel illegal under the Symington Amendment.
@SHALOM9021 Год назад
@coreysmith8489 Год назад
@@SHALOM9021 What did I say that was not true?
@SHALOM9021 Год назад
@@coreysmith8489 At a time when things seem to be falling apart across the globe, the announcement of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the U.S. and Israel provides a moment of hope and stability. That this agreement, which provides $38 billion of U.S. military aid to Israel, is a boon to the Jewish state is self-evident. It will enable Israel to retain its qualitative military edge in a region fraught with uncertainty, plagued by radical extremism and state failure, and continuing hostility toward Israel. That military advantage has not only provided security for Israel from neighbors -- some of whom still seek its destruction -- but also major incentive for a number of Arab states to make peace with Israel: if we can't “beat 'em” on the battlefield, maybe peace is the only viable option. As former President Shimon Peres, one of the main architects of Israel’s unmatched military superiority, once put it, Israel’s military strength led her adversaries to “the conclusion that it’s very hard to destroy Israel.” As a result, there has not been a large scale military conflict between Israel and any Arab state for decades. What may be less obvious - but nevertheless true - are the benefits the United States accrues as a result of this enduring commitment. There is, of course, the reliability of Israel as an ally, the sharing of its intelligence, the peerless experience of Israel on the battlefield, which includes the testing of new technologies that keep Americans and its soldiers safe. There also are the benefits to American military technology companies that will accrue billions of dollars of business since Israel will now be required to buy from American firms, rather than expanding its own arms industry. There’s nothing wrong with creating jobs here at home. More significant, however, is the core American interest first articulated over the years by Henry Kissinger, that remains powerful to this day, and that is strengthened as a result of this agreement. Kissinger argued, referring to American interests during the Cold War, that whenever an American ally such as Israel, is engaged in conflict with radical extremist states like Iraq and Syria, allied with the Soviet Union, it is vital that the American ally emerge victorious. This is an American priority, he reasoned, because we not only share democratic values with Israel, but because the moderate Arab states were watching closely to see where Middle East winds were blowing. If the American-allied Israelis would win, the moderates--the Saudis, the Emirates, the Jordanians--would see their future tied to the Americans. If the Soviet-backed states would triumph, they would act accordingly. By Kissinger's rationale, this was the primary and essential reason for America’s continuing support for Israel. In a post-Cold War world, this logic holds fast, albeit through a different lens. Once again, the moderate states across the Middle East are watching American behavior closely. Reports of Saudi concern about perceived American weakness in the face of Iranian hostility and expansionism have circulated widely. This frustration was attributed as the reason why the Saudis turned down a seat on the UN Security Council in 2013 -- an unprecedented move. In this environment, America’s massive commitment to Israel through the MOU sends the clearest message not only to Israel, but to moderate countries across the region. They see that in the conflict between the U.S. and its allies against Iran and its proxies, one can count on American leadership and steadfast support. America is not in retreat - It is doubling down on democracy and renewing its relationships with its core allies. Today we see the Saudis and Israelis quietly engaging each other in the face of a volatile region characterized by civil war, human suffering and surging radicalism. If this MOU can serve as the beginning of a restoration of faith in American leadership in the region, then the investment in Israel's security will not only benefit the Jewish state, but the relationship between the two countries committed to shared values as well. All things willing, it could be the beginning of a positive direction that can build confidence among moderate countries in a region that continues to harbor hope for a better future. "That this agreement, which provides $38 billion of U.S. military aid to Israel, is a boon to the Jewish state is self-evident. It will enable Israel to retain its qualitative military edge in a region fraught with uncertainty, plagued by radical extremism and state failure, and continuing hostility toward Israel."
@coreysmith8489 Год назад
@@SHALOM9021 You wrote so much but didn't address a single one of points. Why should the United States continue to break its own laws (Leahy Law and Symington Amendment) to give billions to a nation running frequent budget surpluses?
@bareld7 Год назад
הסבר ממש ברור
@drkstrong Год назад
why keep repeating the same video over and again?
@SHALOM9021 Год назад
I am practicing my pronunciation in English
@SHALOM9021 Год назад
You must have noticed that English is not my native language
@drkstrong Год назад
@@SHALOM9021 Posting the same video over again does nothing for your English pronunciation.
@SHALOM9021 Год назад
@@drkstrong what is the thing that really improves my pronunciation in your opinion?
@SHALOM9021 Год назад
If I pronounced some words incorrectly I will I will correct it in the next video
@user-rc6hz7qk2w Год назад
תודה רבה
@shoneckerling6298 6 лет назад
האם ניתן לנסוע בזמן ללא חללית או מטוס ?.
@SHALOM9021 5 лет назад
ודאי שכן ,מה שחשוב זה המהירות שבה אתה נע ולא משנה אם אתה בחללית או כל גוף אחר. אבל כדי שנראה התקצרות זמן משמעותית או האטת זמן משמעותית, לגבי הנוסע בחלל ,מהירות הנסיעה שלו צריכה להיות גדולה מאוד. אם האנושות תגיע בעתיד הרחוק למהירויות אילו ,נסיעה בזמן תהיה אפשרית.
@shoneckerling6298 6 лет назад
שלום לך יש לי שאלה בעזרת התארכות זמן או התרחבות זמן אני יכול לנסוע בזמן ? נגיד שאני לוקח שני שעוני עצר שם אותם על אותו זמן אחד משאיר בבית והשני לוקח לאוטו אס יקרה משהו ?.
@SHALOM9021 5 лет назад
השעון שלקחת איתך יפגר לעומת השעון בבית,אבל כיוון שאין לנו שעון שמודד מאיות של שנייה או אפילו אלפיות של שנייה לא תוכל להבחין בכך,הכל בהתאם לנוסחת התארכות הזמן של איינשטיין.מדידות שנעשו בשעונים שהיו במטוס שטס במהירות של כ-1000 קמ"ש במשך כ-10 שעות,הראו שהשעון במטוס פיגר (ב-40 שניות), לעומת השעון בשדה התעופה, כי הזמן במטוס נע בקצב יותר איטי.
@user-rc6hz7qk2w 7 лет назад
משכיל מאוד תודה
@user-rc6hz7qk2w 7 лет назад
@user-rc6hz7qk2w 7 лет назад
וואו גדול פשוט גדול
@user-rc6hz7qk2w 7 лет назад
אחלה יפה מאוד תודה רבה
@Lawdblud 10 лет назад
@SHALOM9021 11 лет назад
@TheIldatu 12 лет назад
where are you from? qartveli xar?
@SHALOM9021 13 лет назад
סרטו מעולה