The exploits and infamy of Team Flying Solo captured in video for your entertainment.
Echo - Learning Gymnastics
4 года назад
Echo - Canter Poles
4 года назад
Echo Lesson A
5 лет назад
Echo - Pole Gymnastics Lesson C
5 лет назад
Hell Storm 2016
7 лет назад
BN3DE Victory Lap
9 лет назад
Solaris - Longleaf HT Novice XC
9 лет назад
Solaris - VaHT Training XC 2011
9 лет назад
Maud & Monty Jump Line
9 лет назад
Maud & Monty Jump 4
9 лет назад
Maud & Monty Jump 3
9 лет назад
Maud & Monty Jump 1
9 лет назад
Maud & Monty Jump 2
9 лет назад
Away Again - Flatwork Pt I
9 лет назад
Away Again - Flatwork Pt II
9 лет назад
Away Agan -- Repairs
9 лет назад
Spawning Rosyside Dace
9 лет назад
Away Again - Adding The Rollback
9 лет назад
Away Again - Need To Let Go!
9 лет назад
Away Again - Adding Complexity
9 лет назад
@NextLevelAutoDiagnostics 3 года назад
Is it accurate? I've been thinking about buying one
@chriscavanagh1347 6 лет назад
Is this the band known as Wuaquis?
@RyanPerryRealtor 9 лет назад
gosh i love your lesson videos. :D awesome job!!
@eventer79 9 лет назад
Thanks, Ry! Solo Minion #2 did this one for us, Pt II was another friend while Minion was on phone, hence the hilarious commentary while friend was holding Solo & he found treats in her pocket, ROFL! Hope you are doing great, miss seeing ya, hope your gorgeous chestnut is finding a great person!!
@RyanPerryRealtor 9 лет назад
haha, i enjoyed the solo minion commentary very much! too funny. i miss seeing you too! and thank you, hopefully we can find him his person :) *hugs* keep up the great work!
@graceconerly4359 9 лет назад
Hello, I am conpeting at running start this september. I was wondering if the jumps are small or you have a big horse? Also are the stadium jumps inviting? Thanks!
@eventer79 9 лет назад
Hi Grace -- Encore is 16.2 with a big stride and big jump, so he does make jumps look little! I do LOVE Mari's XC courses: the jumps are quite normal sized for the level, not huge, but the courses are creative and challenging in terms of lines and questions, which I enjoy. I don't think I went there last year, but the Novice course definitely asked for a bold & willing horse (which luckily mine are). The stadium courses were also challenging for the level: you definitely needed to really focus and ride as rollbacks and bending lines were standard. But they are not height maxed. To be clear -- I really like the courses I have ridden there in the past because the challenge was balanced: if there is a tougher line, the jump will not be huge. If there is a larger jump, it will be on an easier line. As it should be, not throwing everything at the horse at once. They also require that you have done your training homework, as a horse trial should! Folks who got caught out that I saw were those who took the jumps for granted & did not give a positive, focused, forward ride. Here is my write-up of the event: www.teamflyingsolo.com/2012/09/encore-goes-training.html It's a beautiful facility, Mari is wonderful, & I'd actually like to return & see if the organization has changed in two years. But my take-away is that if you have a green or timid horse, I would probably enter at a lower level (not sure what you are planning). I would call it a great event if you are looking for a safe challenge. If you are looking for something small and more straightforward, I would look at FoxTrack or the Cabin Branch series instead. Hope that rambling is at least a little helpful, feel free to ask if you have more questions! Sorry my helmet cam is always drunk!! The Contour site ate my stadium video, I will try to repair that!
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Hilarious! I have never seen him in the round pen running before. He tried to pull the ole switch-a roo on you in that same spot that they all do in the round pen!
@eventer79 10 лет назад
Haha, yeah, he did that a couple times. He was bucking and tearing it up for a while!!!
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Good job! I am proud of you!
@eventer79 10 лет назад
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
It's the Flying Solo Farm "Wishing Well", now complete! Another great accomplishment on your behalf. 30 gpm is impressive! That well drilling rig was wide open! lol
@eventer79 10 лет назад
Thanks, the rig is pretty cool! That was right when he had hit the rock at 50 ft or so.
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
You did great out there!
@eventer79 10 лет назад
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Looks nice! That's one strong crane!!
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Nice job, I told you he was good! lol
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Good job on the course!
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
You looked great out there, very well done!!
@eventer79 10 лет назад
Thanks so much for videoing for us!
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Good job on your 2nd place win, I am proud of you!!
@eventer79 10 лет назад
Thank you! He had worked pretty dang hard by this point!!!
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Encore was getting his feet wet! haha You and him handled it nicely!!
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
This was my favorite part of the course. I thought you and Encore did very well!!
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Nice skills!
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Excellent, well done!!
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Looking good!
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Nice warmup!! Although it was quite hot that day!! lol
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
You did a great job! Encore looks great too!
@eventer79 10 лет назад
Thank you!
@eventer79 10 лет назад
Thanks, I am so proud of my big brown baby!
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Awesome jumps! Great job!
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Looking good!
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Big Rock! Boy, that thing is still growing! haha
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Can't anyone say it is not a rocky trail! lol Encore handled it well though.
@Palomino488 10 лет назад
Love Solo's ear covers! Looked like fun!
@lincrider 11 лет назад
Was it pouring? I just now noticed it!
@eventer79 11 лет назад
Hahhaa, thank you, he was very naughty that morning -- funny how it can look so calm when it felt so crazy!
@lincrider 11 лет назад
Really nice test!
@eventer79 11 лет назад
Thanks! They are so much fun to have an watch!
@JumpingPerfection121 12 лет назад
I was going to go to this, but my trainer had something going on!!! Really awesome ride! I love cross country helmet cam videos! This has great quality!
@samsfluff99 12 лет назад
haha! I love ponying my sister's QH around with my TB when they get along!
@eventer79 12 лет назад
@Jumpingperfection - aren't they great!!? Pop Star has won at 2* level and Ryan is a lovely rider and a lovely, kind person. I envy her seat -- with my back, I'm not sure my hips do that anymore, but I'm trying to come up with a way to make them go back to when I was 20, sigh.
@JumpingPerfection121 12 лет назад
Wow! They look terrific!!! What a lovely and steady frame!
@bossmareeventing 12 лет назад
whoo! Go Encore!
@eventer79 12 лет назад
@llyle1 -- SHHHH! Don't tell him, that's my secret plan all along, but if he finds out, well, we know what horses will do to ruin our plans! Thank you for your kind words though!
@llyle1 12 лет назад
He's got such great scope though. He's going to be so fantastic when he gets some experience under his belt!.
@eventer79 12 лет назад
@allie -- Thank you! His rider will learn to steer better someday.
@allieconrad 12 лет назад
Love love love! Go Encore!
@eventer79 12 лет назад
@sNiCK -- Hahaha, he's only black when he's covered with mud. Or maybe black with shame when he misses a jump. Fortunately for him, I was too busy trying to stay on to punish the booger!
@sNiCkErDoOdLe1296 12 лет назад
I showed against a horse named Encore today and I thought of you and your boy! However, this Encore was a black hunter, quite different from your Encore!! :)
@eventer79 12 лет назад
@VGMusicHorse Thanks -- but that is up to Solo!
@eventer79 12 лет назад
@sNiCkErDoOdLe1296 He was fantastic!
@sNiCkErDoOdLe1296 12 лет назад
Go Encore! Can't wait to read the blog post on this!! :)
@divajls 12 лет назад
For me, Chambacunero is always one of the highlights. He bucked less this year than in past years, but that big buck on the final fence is always BRUTAL!
@eventer79 12 лет назад
@divajls - I had never seen him jump before; colour me impressed!
@eventer79 12 лет назад
He was phenomenally careful with his back feet -- very very cool to watch!