My D&D videos tend to have more MATURE language and some INTENSE AND VIOLENT SCENARIOS!!

I'm an avid D&D Player and DM who loves bringing stories to life. Also a streamer on Twitch at www.twitch.tv/starkkarstdnd so make sure to follow to catch me live.
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Becoming Co Elden Lords with my friends!
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CROCODILE~!!! [One Piece Odyssey]
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@StarkKarstVT 18 дней назад
Just wanna state here that this game is a beautiful cinematic game with their cutscenes!
@connerschorr5511 Месяц назад
BTW are you going to check out some of the mods and Snoot Game Encore in the future
@StarkKarstVT Месяц назад
@connerschorr5511 I have looked at some of the modded/fan content and I'm considering coming back to this game to do it. And read some fan stories too. But first I got a backlog of games I gotta finish on stream first lol. Also yes I have seen Encore! I'm so hyped to see how that remaster of this game will go! So far I'm optimistic with what they have shown! I even donated to their Ko-Fi to help them pay their team.
@connerschorr5511 Месяц назад
5:11:54 ;) Nice
@StarkKarstVT Месяц назад
Was an unexpected surprise lol
@connerschorr5511 Месяц назад
When I got this ending at some point I just felt empty and dead and I had to take a day or two from the game to process everything. You might not read this or respond to it but jeez this game makes you feel things you may or may not ever felt before
@StarkKarstVT Месяц назад
@connerschorr5511 I felt the same way...it just hurt me at my core. Especially after getting Ending 4 my first time playing. I was not expecting this game to make me feel such emotions. Also I read all comments and try to respond. 😁 So thank you for commenting and watching! We can all share some solidarity in this heart wrenching ending together. 💔
@Abhisheksingh-op9id Месяц назад
another amazing video ! loving the series so far
@StarkKarstVT Месяц назад
thank you so much! i'll be sure to let the players know you are loving our game!
@TwistedChaos4428 2 месяца назад
I'm pretty sure the 2 pictures you're missing are from a very specific scenario in E3. Basically, you need to stay quiet on the roof the whole time, but still get E3 instead of E4. Anon tries to tell Naser that Fang's "beef" with him comes from that time she got him to jump off a cliff. Naser, mid-mental-breakdown, is not really in a reflective mood at the moment, and doesn't believe him. He has a couple different facial expressions compared to E3 if you fail the rooftop scene. As for Wani, I'll give a warning: while not as dire a scenario in the grand scheme, E1 is still an absolutely brutal experience. It also doesn't have bonus chapters, but it does have an epilogue if you get all of the endings (so, basically one bonus episode). Play to see what you get then go up through them. E4's credits sequence also gets some extras from the other endings, but you need to get them first. Again, see what you get first then worry about it later. Also, mods exist for both Snoot and Wani. (Little Gator for Wani basically got us the Mia steam emote) Fishing Trip could be it's own deluxe bonus chapter, Puppet Pals is... wild... Moon Princess, Culture Night, Revenge of the Dweeb, Gay Sex With The Priest (NOT A NSFW MOD!), the mod jam mods... I'm just listing them off the top of my head. There is a WEALTH of good ones. There are a couple NSFW ones, but you should be able to spot them easy enough. Yes, I do mean it when I say GSWTP is SFW. It's a Naomi mod that doesn't make me hate Naomi as much. There's also SO many good fanfics. Bonds and Bad Apple are among my favorite Snoot fics. Inco Noted is a good Wani fic. Broken Wings is... okay. It moves way too fast for most people's liking and gets a bit over the top at times. It's still among the most well regarded fics in spite of it though. The community's works are as deep and the snoot is long. Also, dodge GVH if you can. It is... painful. It's middling at it's best points and it's low points are plentiful. It's not even so bad it's good/funny. It's just bad. During the D&D sections you can choose the locale. One direction leads to a swamp where you get vore jokes. I thought the vore jokes were the worst part. The other direction was somehow worse. Avoid.
@StarkKarstVT 2 месяца назад
@TwistedChaos4428 sweet raptor jesus! This was a lot of info but thank you so much for sharing all this info! I'll have to try a speed run thru ending 3 and see if I can get those Naser scenes. I've looked into Wani and it sounds like it's a good VN game, and pretty lengthy still. So I may buy it in the future and go thru it. Seems lots of people have been enjoying Snoot Game, so I'm sure Wani will be fun too. As for the mods, that is a lot of mods! Are any of their stories Canon from the makers of the game? Or all fan content? Also I'll have to check out those specific fanfics, I tried looking up ones for this game and there was A LOT! My goodness! People really loved this world and story, and after playing it I can see why. Despite its rough edges, it's a lovely and brutal story. Thanks for checking out my play thru and I hope you enjoyed it!
@TwistedChaos4428 2 месяца назад
​@@StarkKarstVT The mods are fan made and non-canonical. Some make retcons here and there, but they pay off. Looking back through my list I forgot to mention Moe Job. Which is also an amazing mod. Just goes to show you can list a ton of good ones and still miss some. What's not mentioned a ton is the mods for OTHER games. There's an Olivia mod for BombRush Cyberfunk. There is also an Olivia and Inco mod for World of Horror. Left 4 Dead also has a mod for Snoot characters. Cavemanon showed off an Olivia Tower mod for Pizza Tower, with a track to replace Pizza Time with "Volcaldera Bluffs Special," an original song. If you want to talk about non-canonical Snoot, though. Amber is the fan name for Anon and Fang's daughter. I don't believe Cavemanon ever gave her a name proper, but pretty much everyone just calls her Amber. I, personally, preferred Snoot over Wani, but that's like saying I like Bayonetta 1 more than 2. I'm not the biggest action game/hack and slash guy, but I enjoyed my time with both. (still need to play 3) Cavemanon said they're working on Exit665 now and that was more or less their goal as game devs. They want to see how things turn out after Exit and Wani to see where things may or may not go from there. We might get more Cavemanon games after that or they'll disband like Four Leaf Studios. Only time can tell their tale, but we can treasure the moments they gave us while they're here. Also, Anon mentioned a "copper prick" when he was talking to Fang. This is in reference to their VN test run game "She's A Bit Sluggish." It was mostly to test the humor and writing style for Snoot. People liked it, so they kept going. They made a couple other mini-VNs: "A Star In Her Eyes" and "She Likes You Alotl." These mini-VNs feature characters that will be in Exit665. They also said Olivia might make a cameo at some point, but we'll have to see where that goes. Speaking of cameos, a game on itch called Morgan's Skate Club made a Fang character (Snoot Fang, not GVH Fang). In response, Cavemanon put one of the girls from that game into a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo during Olivia's introduction in Wani. TL;DR: Go back and read it. It takes time to write these long spiels of info that nobody asked for and there's no real way to condense all of that.
@ofnightmare4601 2 месяца назад
The lullaby Raymba plays is called Amberlight brilliance and each ending has a variation of the song for example the song Fang plays at prom. Also their kids name is Amber to further emphasize how important the color amber is. Since you enjoyed Snoot game so much you should check out I wani hug that gator it takes place in the same world as snoot.
@StarkKarstVT 2 месяца назад
Thanks for sharing this info! sweet honey rolls that is the most adorable and lovely connected thing I've heard about this! I checked out the other endings and yeah I can hear that tune in each one. Time to get emotional all over again! Seeing that family photo really made it all worth it. I'll have to look into Wani and see about getting it.
@ofnightmare4601 2 месяца назад
@@StarkKarstVT The big difference is that its not free and not as edgy as snoot but its also longer than snoot compensate for the price.
@StarkKarstVT 2 месяца назад
@@ofnightmare4601 That's ok if it's not as edgy lol. I don't really need edgy-ness to enjoy it. But if it's a game that Cavemanon was able to put more time and heart in to, than I'll be happy to support them and buy it.
@astram00nlight 2 месяца назад
You definitely need to play the bonus chapters! The first 3 are kinda boring in my opinion. Passion of the Trigga and Naomi's Tribulations are really fun and have a lot of story in them. Completing all those bonus chapters will unlock the last bonus chapter called "RAYmba's Observations". This one is pretty weird, but at the end of the chapter lies a scene, a scene that will completely melt your heart away...
@StarkKarstVT 2 месяца назад
I am making plans to stream my run thru of the bonus chapters, but it's good to know what to expect though. So thank you! I have come this far and I should and will see it to the end! FOR THE SNOOT!
@DEUS_VULT_INFIDEL 2 месяца назад
I once saw someone describe ending 3 as a delayed ending 4, since the same day Anon gets back with her he gets her to play music. Which I really want to believe, because it's heart-shredding to see what became of the cute ptero punk girl in all but ending 4.
@StarkKarstVT 2 месяца назад
@DEUS_VULT_INFIDEL Yeah it is just so sad to see her so not herself. She lost her way and tried to be the kinda person her parents wanted her to be. But losing her love of music, the thing that brought her joy was so sad. Her and Anon are gonna need therapy for different reasons.
@ofnightmare4601 2 месяца назад
The bonus chapters are gonna be good.
@StarkKarstVT 2 месяца назад
@ofnightmare4601 I can't believe they locked the last bonus chapter behind all the other bonus chapters lol. THAT IS PURE EVIL! Hahaha! Well I hope you and the other Snoot Fans will enjoy my trip through the bonus content. 😎👍
@BigFry9591 2 месяца назад
WOO! My favorite ending has been finished! Yeah, it's not the Disney ending where everything is the best, but that just makes it feel a bit more real. Really enjoyed watching your playthroughs. You did an incredible job. 👍
@StarkKarstVT 2 месяца назад
@BigFry9591 THANK YOU! I'm really glad people have enjoyed my journey thru this visual novel. 💜 It was such a wild ride and I love these characters now. This ending definitely hurt the least out of the 3 I didn't get my first run thru. I felt so bad seeing Lucy so hurt and alone and stuck in her fear and pain. Also may be reading some fanfics people have written based on this game. I've seen lots on Ending 2 and 3. Even some on 1 and 4.
@papanoble8378 3 месяца назад
Dude. This ending fucked me up more than ending 1. Seeing how Fang ended up utterly destroyed me. As much as it pains me to say. I could have ended up like this Anon. I would have pushed away everyone I loved because I just refused to change and grow as a person. I was an awful piece of shit. That is why I will always be thankful to my SO. (Who is a lot like Fang. Scary close in some regards) who pulled me away from a potential life of just negativity, hatred and made me a much much better person.
@StarkKarstVT 3 месяца назад
Ending 1 was such a building pit of dread which than hit like a truck. This ending was truly hard to witness because i had no idea what was gonna happen.... and the writing they did for Anon at the end was just so hard hitting. I'm certain there are many who have lived/currently are in Anons shoes at this ending. It's so real, which makes it hurt so much. But I'm glad to know you had someone there to be your support and pulled you out of that dark and dreadful duldrum life. 🫂 I hope you and your S.O. continue to support one another and never give up!
@BigFry9591 3 месяца назад
And now we see why this ending is the one that spawns the most fanfics. So much potential for drama and reunions. Next up is my personal favorite ending: ending 3! It's also a very long ending.
@StarkKarstVT 3 месяца назад
I'll have to look up those fanfics. I'm hoping some have a happy ending for these 2. I'm hoping ending 3 doesn't leave me in tears .
@BigFry9591 3 месяца назад
@@StarkKarstVT I can't wait to see what your thoughts on it are. From what I've personally seen, ending 3 gets the most hate out of the other endings. That all boils down to whether or not the player has a pessimistic or optimistic worldview. It's a complicated and long ending. That's a big part of why I like it. I won't go further into it. And, yeah, I've read plenty of fics on endings 1 and 2. Definitely helps make you feel better after experiencing those endings. XD
@StarkKarstVT 3 месяца назад
@BigFry9591 I see what you mean. There are quite a large amount of fanfics people have written for these endings. I see some have even done ones for Ending 4 as well. Though there are some for Ending 1 and 2 that caught my eye. Not sure if I'll do a fanfic reading or not though. 🤔 I'll have to put up a poll about it and see if my community has any interest.
@mr.bootsmann4842 2 месяца назад
Word....BROKEN WINGS is on of the the best example.
@StarkKarstVT 2 месяца назад
@@mr.bootsmann4842 Really? I'll look that one up than and save it. Thanks!
@kairobison3565 3 месяца назад
fun fact: after you get e1, the game automatically crashes for you. it's intentional. You don't deserve the credits after what you've done.
@StarkKarstVT 3 месяца назад
Haha I had a feeling that's what it was! That is pretty clever of them to do that. You are right though...we don't deserve happy music credits after that... 😭
@thelmaobrothers4565 3 месяца назад
Every time someone goes down the path of E1. I am reminded of Kömm, Susser Tödd from End of Evangelion. "It all returns to nothing.. it just keeps tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down."
@StarkKarstVT 3 месяца назад
......OOF.... dang that hurts. Evangelion was a strange series but it had some very deep hitting moments.
@armandobishop1683 4 месяца назад
💕 "Promo SM"
@StarkKarstVT 3 месяца назад
thanks :D
@BigFry9591 4 месяца назад
I'm gonna be completely honest here. Every time I play I'm always petty towards Trish. I always say that I have no role and am purely the victim here (because we were the victim in this scenario), and I don't even bother waiting for her. When it comes to an event like that it takes WAY more than a "good reason" for there to be any forgiveness or reason to be anywhere near her. I do talk to her to give her the verbal smackdown, but then I just leave. It's like if Trish shot and killed someone, and then Reed goes to the dead person's family and is like: "but did you ever ask her WHY she did it? This is partly your fault". Trish could talk things out, but she chooses violence instead. So, yeah, I personally really don't like Trish as a person. XD Also, the driver for the taxi is a reference to The Monarch from the Venture Bros. Just in case you didn't catch it. Can't wait for the next part.👍
@StarkKarstVT 4 месяца назад
I do agree that Trish is a trash person still and has really screwed up big time. She socially murdered Anon's social life (Whatever kinda social life he had lol) And as we saw Anon doesn't forgive her for that b.s. she pulled, but did also acknowledge that both he and her could of tried to settle things more mature like before things came to where they ended up. It's not perfect, it's messy....but despite all that...still f**k Trish! >:( so not cool. OMG the Monarch!!! Yyyeess the eyebrows! Haha omg that's hilarious! I wonder if I'll see his wife later?
@BigFry9591 4 месяца назад
I'm getting pretty annoyed with that Petra person. Just let him play the game with his own choices.
@StarkKarstVT 4 месяца назад
yeah I just tend to ignore him when i'm making choices. luckily I'm usually so enthralled in the game I forget to look at chat.
@BigFry9591 4 месяца назад
@@StarkKarstVT Aside from that though, really enjoying watching your playthrough. Keep at it!
@StarkKarstVT 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much! That means a lot ^_^ hope my voices don't get to bad for you lol
@apfelpektin25 5 месяцев назад
You just need to use the "defence" command in battle. This is the most important. When you skill this you can negate every oppenent attack to "1" with the right timing (less effective when not fully skilled, but still useful). Then you do not need "overlevelling". And combing the special attacks (use from both digimon at the same time) is often more useful/powerful.
@apfelpektin25 5 месяцев назад
And because you have two digimon in battle you can use one of them as a tank (the one which the opponent is focusing) and the other one can almost carefree attack (watch area attacks).
@StarkKarstVT 5 месяцев назад
Thanks! Took me way to long to realize there was a "Defense" command I could unlock. I got that as soon as I could once I figured it out 😅 and it made such a difference! Also I completely forgot that I could use combination attacks by clicking both command buttons at the same time.
@ZyRo284 7 месяцев назад
hi just wondering when you usually stream?
@StarkKarstVT 7 месяцев назад
I usually stream at 7 or 8pm MST over on Twitch. (Except for my TTRPG games on Wednesday and Saturday. those are at 12pm and 3pm)
@1337Aiel 7 месяцев назад
3:28:52 the book
@StarkKarstVT 8 месяцев назад
Over 200 views on this?! 🤯 I am blown away so many viewed this! Even just a little bit. Thank you all who stopped in the check it out!!
@1337Aiel 9 месяцев назад
It didnt hurt
@1337Aiel Год назад
Melion: and no one can comprehend my sexual preferences
@1337Aiel Год назад
KK coming in with the Meow at 4:56:08 sorry
@stargaze1750 Год назад
@1337Aiel Год назад
Rip rice
@1337Aiel Год назад
now remember the rice comment
@SilkedPuff Год назад
This channel is underrated in my opinion
@StarkKarstVT Год назад
aawww!! thank you! that means a lot to me!
@StarkKarstVT 2 года назад
Good news~!! It seems the screen tearing I was seeing was only on my end and not caught on stream ^_^
@RenegadeOperative 2 года назад
Hiya, my name is Renegade Operative! I was wondering if you'd be down for something like a horror gaming/horror movie group? We have a lot of fun in there with topics like this and I figured I'd ask accordingly. The horror Discord is on my main RU-vid page. It can't be missed!!!
@StarkKarstVT 2 года назад
I will consider it ^_^ thanks for asking
@RenegadeOperative 2 года назад
@@StarkKarstVT Take your timmmme! Any questions about us that you might need answered I would be happy to accommodate.
@fabledkitty214 2 года назад
You almost tpk the party but me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@StarkKarstVT 2 года назад
lol i have to squash that confidence some of you had
@fabledkitty214 2 года назад
SAVE THE GOTH GF GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@StarkKarstVT 2 года назад
@fabledkitty214 2 года назад
I have no idea what ot say here but yes hello have a nice day!
@StarkKarstVT 2 года назад
well thank you for that :D
@StarkKarstVT 2 года назад
This game broke me emotionally ;A;
@fabledkitty214 2 года назад
@StarkKarstVT 2 года назад
Super angy
@fabledkitty214 2 года назад
Vampires, Werewolves and zombies you name it they got it Clay will fight them!!!!!!
@StarkKarstVT 2 года назад
yyyeeeaaahhh bring it on!!
@fabledkitty214 2 года назад
@StarkKarstVT 2 года назад
@fabledkitty214 2 года назад
@StarkKarstVT 2 года назад
I don't wanna lol
@fabledkitty214 2 года назад
he a dummy with a heart of gold
@StarkKarstVT 2 года назад
A BIG dummy for sure lol.
@fabledkitty214 2 года назад
I don't know why but the why the characters move reminds me of old school RE i don't know why
@StarkKarstVT 2 года назад
i've never played any of the old Resident Evil games so i don't know if they move the same. o3o
@fabledkitty214 2 года назад
@@StarkKarstVT Tbh i think its because of the thumbnail giving me old school vibs its dumb
@StarkKarstVT 2 года назад
@@fabledkitty214 there i changed the thumbnail lol is that better? XD
@StarkKarstVT 2 года назад
What are your thoughts on Emet Selch? Do you Thirst for him or hate him?
@RayanKhafaji 3 года назад
@StarkKarstVT 3 года назад
Hard to believe it's the end of a nearly 3 year campaign.
@StarkKarstVT 3 года назад
Sorry for the long video. This game is just so easy to get lost in doing random stuff XD
@aarondibenedetto6864 3 года назад
I just came to say keep in grinding man you’re a small channel now but you’ll grow just keep up the good work
@StarkKarstVT 3 года назад
Thanks! That means a lot! :)
@fabledkitty214 3 года назад
this right here this was scary as butts 3 peeps almost died
@sunclass5145 3 года назад
don't give up,mah boi
@StarkKarstVT 3 года назад
I did finally beat them! Sigma was a pain!
@StarkKarstVT 3 года назад
@RetroGaming i never beat the first due to lack of funds as a kid so getting to play and beat the first and having access to all the others was really a nostalgic delight. Getting to play this and recently beating the second game on my live stream was amazing.
@saurontakeson8403 4 года назад
Weird how the text only parts makes some of these scenes oddly jarring. Then again, Kingdom Hearts has always been strange. Karst how have you been? I am locked out of my Kik so I haven't been able to chat with you lately.
@StarkKarstVT 4 года назад
Hey dude! i'm doing alright. I stopped using KIK as it seemed to be getting very suspicious. So I'm just on Discord now. How have you been?
@saurontakeson8403 4 года назад
@@StarkKarstVT Ah yes, Discord. I should... probably boot mine back up. I'm literally only on messanger lol
@fabledkitty214 4 года назад
I can't............mercy you are just how............