Freakonomics Radio Network
Freakonomics Radio Network
Freakonomics Radio Network
Freakonomics began as a book, which led to a blog, a documentary film, more books, a pair of pants, and in 2010, a podcast called Freakonomics Radio. Hosted by Stephen J. Dubner, it became and remains one of the most popular podcasts in the world, with a reputation for storytelling that is both rigorous and entertaining. Its archive of more than 500 episodes is available, for free, on any podcast app, and the show airs weekly on NPR stations. Freakonomics Radio is now the flagship show of the Freakonomics Radio Network, which includes the podcasts No Stupid Questions (est. 2020), People I (Mostly) Admire (2020), Freakonomics, M.D. (2021), and a variety of special series.

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People I (Mostly) Admire: freakonomics.com/series/people-i-mostly-admire/
Freakonomics, M.D.: freakonomics.com/series/bapu/

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@stevehamas5811 5 часов назад
This guy refers to ancient Egypt and China in his inferences---I wonder the reason he does not take ancient India reference \ reason could be he has to discuss issues in a completely different perspective, it is possibly, he tried to understand ancient India, and he could not understand text and the depth ---I would suggest to him, don't take easy way out in discussion.
@user-wy1ch3if5l 12 часов назад
@robertsemenoff4970 День назад
This is actually a really very good not-stupid question!
@peter_marcelli 2 дня назад
Great interview! You both seem to click and everything flowed so well. Really enjoyed this.
@Sociology_Tube 2 дня назад
Does not need rebranding we just need to stop paying attention to what stupid white Maga people think about science
@Sociology_Tube 2 дня назад
Who the hell feels like they're missing out because they're not using social media? The fact that you say using social media and instead of entrapped by it and snared cognitively by it demonstrates your hitman capitalist biases
@patricksullivan4329 3 дня назад
This was a silly piece. Baseball for kids is not being 'overrun by $10,000-per-year, for-profit travel leagues'. There are plenty of teams coached and leagues organized by unpaid volunteers (mostly parents). To say baseball will fall apart if the cream of crop goes to travel leagues is ridiculous. Those leagues taking the exceptional players probably makes it more fun for those who stick with the traditional Little Leagues. I've coached Little Leaguers who ended up playing at Williamsport's WS, and very few of the parents I knew were high income professionals. Most worked on the production lines at Boeing's Seattle area plants. Kids sports are still mostly the products of grass roots organization. Milton Friedman would be thrilled by these private sector, beneficial groups for children done cooperatively. If the participation of black kids is lower than that of whites, I'd look to the much lower level of intact families among blacks. It might be an interesting research project for some economics grad students to see what percentage of imprisoned men ever played Little League baseball.
@4RMULA_arch День назад
as a black man who played in the old system (80s+90s): LL > babe ruth > VFW > american legion > high school > college > semi-pro and who is currently coaching his sons through LL and the transition to club/travel ball, your comment shows an incredibly disappointing level of bigotry and a complete disconnect from the current reality of youth sports in most major metro areas across the country.
@patricksullivan4329 День назад
@@4RMULA_arch What specifically, did I get wrong in your opinion?
@psikeyhackr6914 3 дня назад
*Wealth of Nations* has been free on the Internet since 2001. Smith used the word 'education' Eighty Times. Did Milton Friedman ever tell us that? If you search for "read, write' you will find multiple instances and every one is followed by "and account". Not "read, write and arithmetic." If double-entry accounting had been mandatory in the schools since Sputnik for boys and girls what would this country be like today? The Baby Boomers were the first generation to be brainwashed via television. What we have today is television brainwashed consumerism. When have you heard an economist talk about planned obsolescence and what consumers lose on the depreciation of automobiles every year?
@donnalynne6016 3 дня назад
Can we send this memo to the Trumpmeister😂
@stephenboyington630 3 дня назад
There is a very universal tendency when people take power, no matter where it is. They want to stay in power. Many of these leaders or parties cannot understand why anyone should just let other people take over, when there are ways to prevent that. That is the battle all across the world. Do you fight to remove the abusive ruler...or just go along with them to reap the rewards of membership?
@hermanhalici1 3 дня назад
*LIFE is Amazing and Meaningful here is why?* (I simplified it.) ........From a logical perspective, if the building blocks of life are meaningful, the systems they create will also be meaningful. The properties of the whole system are influenced by its parts, ensuring that the inherent meaning is preserved and often amplified. *Therefore*, life, built on meaningful foundations, inherently possesses significance. The interconnectedness of its components ensures that life remains meaningful at every level of existence. We are meaningful because our foundation blocks are meaningful. "Life is whatever you make it." I hope this gives meaning to meaningless thoughts.
@bananewane1402 4 дня назад
I’m neither a male nor a baboon but I do like having bugs picked out of my hair
@justafewquestions3647 5 дней назад
Looming Recession The low-income consumer is in recession territory. Wage gains in that sector have slowed. 19 states are already in recession as consumer debt levels rise and confidence declines. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-xahVOMmQEGU.html
@udaymukherji4527 5 дней назад
Around 1990 I read a book, "Ageless body timeless mind" by Dr Deepak Chopra. It said some of the things and more as covered in Ellen's work, as I understood through your conversation! I found myself in almost complete agreement with The book in 1990, which further reinforced my existing practice of meditation/mindfulness, yoga, and related understandings and concepts. Today I am 57 years of age and my appearance, physical and mental capacities and attributes are similar to an individual 20 to 30 years younger
@theofficialness578 5 дней назад
Reading through the comments and all the individuals insulting the way Robert looks, just proves to me a belief in “free will” only leads to cruelty that’s the real reason so many cling on to the notion, it proves what Robert says about being cruel to to an individual viewed as a “them” causes a pleasure response. I would do what Robert teaches, it’s really not cool to insult people for how they look and if possible you should change the way you think, but I don’t hate or blame you for your current state of mind/brain because it is determined and you are not a cruel individual by chance.
@nevadataylor 5 дней назад
Oh this silly religion of capitalism! What a bunch of bullshit, just like any other religion!
@DJSTOEK 5 дней назад
@Sociology_Tube 7 дней назад
you really need non southern white men to interview, they just sound like untrustworthy pator-swindler congressmen. "men" like comer, like jim johnson. like devil-abbot.
@MmeO 8 дней назад
Wonderful. Ellen you are a jewel. "Is it a tragedy or an inconvenience?" BRILLIANT!! Thank you I'm off to find your books to learn more!
@christiannegreiros1259 8 дней назад
Ok he is good , do not make cheap drama 🎉
@matthewmaguire3554 9 дней назад
Why when commenting on sites do I feel like Steve Martin in “The Jerk “ when the new telephone book arrives?🎭
@matthewmaguire3554 9 дней назад
To paraphrase George Castanza…It’s not a con…if you believe it.
@JustinLanier 9 дней назад
I listened to it Joe!
@TheDudeKicker 10 дней назад
You would have gotten a 'like' for great content if it wasn't for that damn noisy piano garbage. Sounds like NPR had a baby with a crying clown.
@tolotolo2380 10 дней назад
We have been struggling for 5000 years trying to answer the questions regarding life so I don’t understand why and how suddenly Harari knows
@baudy1337 11 дней назад
Whatever I post here it’s predetermined 😂
@TheManaLeek 11 дней назад
My BS meter is going off. I'd love to see a source on the woman getting threatened with jail time for forgetting a candy bar. Can't find a shred of evidence that ever happened. This was just a luddite whining about evil scary technology with any excuse he could make up.
@kikib48grid 4 дня назад
Search: Lesleigh Nurse Not the same case, but very enlightening story about being charged with shoplifting on a self checkout at Wal-Mart. Well worth a listen. She got 2.1 million. Enjoy, you're welcome.
@wm6549 11 дней назад
I gave this clown a chance, but I can't finish this podcast. Between 2008-2018, white-on-white crime was 84% while black-on-black crime was 93% not that big a difference.
@vanlepthien6768 12 дней назад
If a kid is old enough to ask the question, they are old enough to be answered truthfully. I asked about Santa when I was 3, and I'm glad my mother came out straight. That in no way interfered with the tradition of leaving cookies and milk for Santa (and a carrot for the reindeer). If you are frequently lying to your kids, they won't trust you when you need to convey the truth. Maybe it works if your kids are stupid.
@sammydane5988 12 дней назад
It makes sense that a female getting an abortion because she's not ready to be a mother, would improve her quality of life because she will not have to provide for a child for many years!
@NicotheMerchant 12 дней назад
Hah...stripclub tax
@stephenboyington630 13 дней назад
Go Amsterdam!
@stephenboyington630 13 дней назад
My favorite thought on this would be to prove that flipping a coin always results in heads.
@donkeyballs3307 13 дней назад
Theres no opiod crisis ,there never has been ,its called natural selection & its been going on since mankind excisted
@DAVIDPETERS12C 14 дней назад
Good one! I'm listening while studying.
@jaksRwi1d 14 дней назад
What do we do with the institution of punishment if there is no free will? If we remove punishment, would harmful activity (rape, murder, theft, etc.) increase? And if so, does that mean people are “choosing” to do harmful activity because of the lack of punishment associated with it?
@caraa.ogrady9506 16 дней назад
Do folks who whine about self check out also whine about self serve gas pumps?... 🧐
@SofaKingShit 5 дней назад
None of that is enough.They should also have self serve fast food and bars. Self serve drug stores would be fun. As well as gun shops. Self serve heavy farm machinery and edibles. Possibilities are endless dude.
@charlesovenstone2558 16 дней назад
How do we keep taking human nature out of the equation?
@joshuahangtree1560 17 дней назад
You are "inclined to agree" or disagree? Are you a journalist or an activist? If a journalist, you ought not to be inclined one way or the other. It's the difference between one who writes a journal and one who writes their own diary.
@Edo9River 17 дней назад
Not in Japan, our sense of shame is stronger and socially reinforced
@suppertime-qj1nt 17 дней назад
Most people appear to have no anxiety about keeping a line waiting at checkout, chitchatting, meticulously squaring away personal items.
@mileswilliams9737 17 дней назад
You mention exclusivity being cool and it made me realize the greater point behind my last comment as well is that we need to examine the term because it has mutated like crazy and in ways that pull in all kinds of different social factors via marketing schemes. Im not sure we can have a conversation that's anything more than fun without examining the term
@mileswilliams9737 17 дней назад
Idk about not commenting on what people are wearing even positively. My parents both did alot of that, me and my siblings picked it up, people the vast, vast, majority of people enjoy a compliment especially on their clothes. Your face? Born with it. Your outfit? You did that, those are your choices. We are also ignoring that a group is likely to make worse decisions than an individual. Haven't we all been through this personally? Sometimes something is just... Dumb. The older people do serve a purpose here. Culture moves so quick now it's difficult to perform that function but it's still beneficial where we can offer that opinion less guidance. Your nephew got obsessed with under armor? Perfect example. He's a child being tricked by adults, it's not quirky, it's normalized grifting babies. If he would only eat chicken nuggets we'd eventually say fed is best. Idk if this is the same. Add on the endless ads and endorsements and brand presence in the store. Just goes to show that the kids aren't always right by the virtue of their youth and the assurance of our favorite individualist mantras
@mileswilliams9737 17 дней назад
I had a talk with my stepson about "cool". I told him back in the old days cool people were "mature" compared to their peers. Greasers, for instance, they didn't dress "cute" they wore work clothes. They took care of their cars, new tech and very important assets, also very complex for laymen. If a girl went with a cool guy, they were basically dating a grown man, her protect them, he had his own money and security via his skills. I think that reliable and self sufficient part is mostly gone, but you're still cool of you can come to grips with the new tech and actually work with it. For greasers it was cars, but also music and stuff like today, but it's more obvious that being current ties back into being stable and reliable, you are in a good position to navigate life of youre ahead of the cultural curve and riding the wave of new tech, you'll be upper middle class before you realize you're not "cool" anymore
@mileswilliams9737 17 дней назад
This is one thing I simply cannot decouple from capitalism. The gymnastics done to avoid mentioning that in these conversations are Olympic level. Why are people isolated and without community? Why are they desperate and depressed? Why do people in pain sell their medication to addicts? Why did one family unleash this plague on us, avoid legal justice and repeatedly tries to position themselves to profit from their victims recoveries, too? Even when we discuss treatments and the funding is always as big a factor as servicing whatever need, however dire. Personally, I can't get a paragraph into this topic without starting to shiver in the cold shadow of capitalism
@eugenetseytlin3445 15 дней назад
Capitalism? What is has to do with anything? Deranged.
@mileswilliams9737 17 дней назад
AA does do good work, but I think more attention should be given to the differences between groups. Some work better than others. Some take a clinical tone, some have more of a "talking about life at a BBQ" vibe. The ones that provide that sense of community get better results. It shouldn't be up to chance anymore. In the old days it was either a BBQ talk experience or very religious. Now we have this clinic born tone and rhetoric that does not really aid a sense of community.
@scatton61 17 дней назад
Whilst I lament for the loss of jobs for which we can probably put a lot of the blame on minimum wage for, self checkout booths make it a lot quicker for the customer. Customers already picked the product up off the shelf to put into their cart, or trolley as we say here in the uk, and with the use of a self checkout station all that we need to do is point our scanner at it. If we were using a manned checkout station we would have to unload the trolley and then reload the trolley after the operative has scanned it. So much quicker using self checkout. I simply don't understand why people object to using selfcheckout with a scanner.
@slater1802 18 дней назад
You can throw as much as you like at it but no , not a chance, as a recovering addict and been sober for 2 years now so I hope that one day it will be possible but it's the people involved in it and not the money that will change it.
@michaelvincent3874 18 дней назад
Humphries is a moron & is actually contributing to the prolonged problem.
@Tee_Dawg1 18 дней назад
This episode should be titled 'Confessions of a Black Clown'.