Uzbek Guide - Aziza Curly
Uzbek Guide - Aziza Curly
Uzbek Guide - Aziza Curly
Girl from Uzbekistan
Instagram @uzbek_guide
@googley2668 11 часов назад
Its funny how, soviet russia, might be one of the countries i connect to africa the least, yet here we have, a soviet cartoon, about africans, and they even made them normal, not like, all stereotyped
@k12_one 14 часов назад
Товарищи афроамериканцы, в советском Союзе было 180 национальностей, все жили в мире. Англичане захватили земли индейцев, и заставили вас строить им дома... А теперь адумайтесь, эти же люди говорят всем что советский союз был кровавым и социализм по своей сути являются злом.... Они правы социализм = равенство, оно являезлом, но только для них, а не для всех
@Saufs0ldat 18 часов назад
So the moral of the story is that being private land owner is good and you should not under any circumstances have to share that wealth with people who didn't work for it. Got it, thanks USSR.
@danielm9759 17 часов назад
@KentPham27 19 часов назад
1:20 lovely music:D
@ferretman6790 22 часа назад
The comments reveal that even all these years later, the propaganda is still successful.
@poleve5409 20 часов назад
what propaganda? Do you even know what that word means?
@stantoncook4225 День назад
I am subversion
@marianoms286 День назад
Interesante ver como los soviéticos se dieron cuenta que la mejor arma que tienen los gringos para debilitar a una sociedad es destruir su inteligencia con entretenimiento inútil, después de todo, hicieron lo mismo con su propia gente
@dellch1channel12 День назад
Маленькие дети, не за что на свете не ходите в африку гулять. В африке колонисты, в африке расисты, в африке ужасные империалисты
@youtube__handle День назад
The elephant 🐘 has a long nose (trunk) because he's a pathological liar.
@D3w10n День назад
Black people in Western cartoons: Caricatures Black people in Soviet cartoons: Tyrone the Gigachad
@uzbekguide День назад
From now on only the Comments from African people count. No comments from Russia or Western countries are valid. ONLY AFRICAN !!! Только комментарии от африканцев считаются самыми объективными. Все комментарии от Запада и от России не считаются 😊 😛
@jasylwowka3827 День назад
А из Узбекистана?
@uzbekguide День назад
@@jasylwowka3827 тоже не считается
@Phumismaicing День назад
Yep as an African myself I agree we got played hard, this was beautifully made, captured how Africa was once a paradise it's people lived on, then after being too welcoming and overfamiliar with foreigners, got over-exploited and shriveled up into what seems like a wasteland, but nothing lasts forever so I'll leave it at that. * And I love how the black man wasn't drawn in an offensive way like most sketches during the time.
@epicduckrex994 День назад
The contrast between consumption as destruction and tending as creation. The man is a creator, loving the land he owns. The imperialists are consumers with an endless appetite, and it’s because they don’t own the land but steal it. Truly beautiful. I’m not political but this is art and doesn’t even imply communism as an answer. Simply man loving his land instead of eating it up.
@Eagleeye589 День назад
from Masha and bear to Mashanti and Leo
@rosekt2023 2 дня назад
Yeah, too much fantasy... black people will never learn.
@poleve5409 20 часов назад
@shahasarthouse1472 2 дня назад
Atheist manifesto?
@silvermann500 3 дня назад
Endut! Hoch hech!
@roarinfireball 3 дня назад
I don’t support the Soviet Union with their plan to work with African nations, but they do have a point. The West never did anything good for Africa with only the intent to take more. Conservatives will tell you “the solution is capitalism,” but evidence points towards the contrary.
@lapuntadifeza 3 дня назад
Love you, baby ❤
@BiancaPrimavera 3 дня назад
Me smoking Winston…
@Setton1000 3 дня назад
@digge2210 3 дня назад
Im surprised Soviets used a white elephant, and not a pork
@OOOOOOOOOOOOO69 2 дня назад
well, it's africa after all! africa have no porks, but sure have elephants.
@NEETASPIRANT-ho3jh 3 дня назад
3:09 Bro got Mike Tyson Neck 🗿
@GlenNeilson-o4c 3 дня назад
The elephant in the room. Ha really timeless .
@GlenNeilson-o4c 3 дня назад
Ha the rino
@zz-marked_helmet 4 дня назад
Y commie pripaganda on my youtube?
@jasylwowka3827 День назад
В видео нет даже упоминания слова коммунизм/социализм
@brezzainvernale 4 дня назад
I like it, I love the idea to paint water... with water! Nice drawning all the cartoon. The massage is clear: A nation takes everything from the other nation in blinding him with superflual things and void promises. Everyone should see cartoons like that. It is like the Rammstein Song "Amerika": "When we dance I want to lead, I'll show you how it really should work, I'll save you from wrong steps..."
@maksymalnybul6145 4 дня назад
Propaganda almost as good as in Hollywood movies
@poleve5409 20 часов назад
explain the propaganda
@maksymalnybul6145 15 часов назад
@@poleve5409 use wikipedia
@kok3139 4 дня назад
It reminds me of samurai Jack cartoon
@GoodJob7117 4 дня назад
Fun Fact: the first recorded act or racism in the Russian Empire was committed by 2 American tourists against an African
@tondi359 4 дня назад
А кому ли не пофиг на негров?
@Ilovehatingpeoplefornoreason 4 дня назад
@PauloRicardo-bh3eg 4 дня назад
Is this just in my head or does this White lion look a lot like Emperor George V 🤔🤔🤔
@jasylwowka3827 День назад
I think it's an allusion to Churchill or MacArthur.
@coletrain6545 5 дней назад
Soviets were incredibly racist. They only put on a show like this to make it seem other wise. Hypocrisy
@simplepointstudio6210 3 дня назад
Soviets generally were less racist than the west (especially during the 60's), but they did act pretty much the same as the animals they're showing here, but not because of racism.
@coletrain6545 3 дня назад
@simplepointstudio6210 they weren't less racist in any form.
@OOOOOOOOOOOOO69 2 дня назад
why do you have such a radical position? do you even know what are you talking about? also, chill out a little bit.
@Kras-Mazov День назад
USSR was anti rsist country. Proof me wrong
@AtomcFish 18 часов назад
​@@Kras-Mazovwell they exiled a lot of people for ethnical reasons
@_Island_Boy 5 дней назад
Welp white folks gonna pay for it now lol including Putin
@woolsheepthree 5 дней назад
without slavery you'd be stuck in africa
@poleve5409 20 часов назад
this implies africa is a bad place to live in which is completely untrue.
@ars7714 5 дней назад
Elephant - Business, Lion - Army, Rat - Police, Rhino - Church (Vatican), Crocodile - Jurisprudence (Law)?
@jasylwowka3827 День назад
I think lion - army and law and crocodile for economics
@mushik-it 5 дней назад
Soviets will do anything to make anti-western propogand
@differentsoul21 5 дней назад
🐘 : colonisers audacity Hyena: aggression 🐊 greed 🦏 their religion 🦁 imperialism
@Helsingoff 5 дней назад
Хотите вам всю малину обломаю и одним предложением докажу, что это пропаганда? Этот мультфильм показывает как двуличен был советский союз (и заметьте, я не говорил, что современная Россия другая). Они показывают как некий "гость" ущемляет права бедного местного жителя и как гость не прав, какой гость мерзкий и отвратительный. Тем временем советский союз в краях малых народов в своем составе вел и ведет себя точно так же. Пришли, например, к бурятам и отобрали всё. Сначала мех и золото, потом нефть и алмазы. Отобрали культуру, отобрали язык, отобрали родину. Сейчас этот богатейший край населен беднейшими людьми, у которых нет газа и туалета дома, стены падают и гниет крыша. Сейчас там не учат местному языку и местной культуре, она почти погибла. И так во всех местах, куда пришёл сапог "советов".
@АлександрВин-н7я 5 дней назад
Ты скуф
@AtomcFish 18 часов назад
​@@АлександрВин-н7яя не защищаю его, но каким образом это связано?
@kamolagafurova9852 5 дней назад
@proximussumegometmihi 5 дней назад
That's a wonderful representation of colonisation.
@kwasimojo08 6 дней назад
very racist
@ETO_CBALKA 5 дней назад
@RawrX32009 День назад
Bro this was probably the most anti racist piece of animation in the 60s
@smukase 6 дней назад
Sorry, no cookies from me. It's a beautiful art style, but is based on the same old notions of white supremacy. This delusion that black civilizations were all hut dwelling, jungle people that walked around in loincloths is an outdated racist fabrication that I'm sure still placates insecure ego's. The history and savagery of white supremacist ideology might as well have happened yesterday in terms of the entire history of man. What is constantly thrown around is everything after the fall of black civilizations, not the fall itself and the centuries of diplomacy, warfare and resistance that took place.
@RawrX32009 День назад
Bro, this is from 1963, probably the least racist piece of fictional media ever at that point in history
@poleve5409 20 часов назад
it was 1963 they didn't know better, I mean really it's not like there were openly available resources about african culture for artists to look at
@Sirotomin 6 дней назад
СССР как и капиталистам было плевать на африканцев, Из Африканских стран из которых ушли европейцы пришли коммунисты за своей выгодой и жизнь простых людей никак не изменилась.
@jasylwowka3827 День назад
Да? СССР не строил там школы, больницы, порты, заводы? СССР даже во время войны, голода не прекращал индустриализацию Африки, вплоть до 91 года
@F4TiMA. 6 дней назад
A lot of historical inaccuracies but what remains true… they will never learn(.)
@justagalwhocomments 6 дней назад
i love how its not racist
@Oyi_14 6 дней назад
Craziest part is he actually looks african imagine 1963 having better looking african characters than 2024 media.
@DKO1994 6 дней назад
USSR talked about african colonialism, but forgot about russian colonialism in north Asia and middle Asia. Stupid propaganda for stupid people (for western left for example).
@АндрейСварожич 6 дней назад
Before the collapse of the USSR, the absolute majority of the population of Central Asia voted to preserve the USSR. A strange colonialism, when remote republics lived better than the metropolis. Humanity did not appreciate the role of the USSR.
@differentsoul21 5 дней назад
Shut up gen z
@АлександрВин-н7я 5 дней назад
Ты скуф.
@RawrX32009 День назад
Just because a regime isn't perfect doesn't mean it can't produce good art Plus capitalism does this like 10 times more
@jasylwowka3827 День назад
it is very funny to hear this, considering that Central Asia was the last to leave the union, and even to this day the most support for communist parties is in this region
@exxzz13 6 дней назад
Ооо так этот высокий суд выписал ордер на нашего лидера и нюхает бебру.
@omegin5382 5 дней назад
В слове лидер ошибся, там вместо л - п😂
@exxzz13 5 дней назад
@@omegin5382 у кого кто селяви
@fayassajeeva9565 6 дней назад
Soviet said that already.... Don't trust west but still most of arab and African nations still friends with west🤦
@BlazySM-qp4yn 5 дней назад
"friends" more like "do what we tell you or we overturn your ruler and put our dictator and also here's an unequal treaty so give us your oil" i dont know wich kind of friendships you had growing up but that sounds horrible