Joel White
Joel White
Joel White
I hope to use art and storytelling in a way that will impact your life for the better. I desire to encourage you and give you truth.

I'm a passionate filmmaker and actor, doing my best to convey meaning and purpose through stories. I tend to do this while drinking tea. 🍵
Bernard Hill, Théoden, and Kingship
Месяц назад
Why I Love Numi Tea
2 месяца назад
Slow Down and Enjoy the Park
2 месяца назад
The Beekeeper (John Wick 2.0?) - Movie Review
4 месяца назад
New Year and Poetry Book Update!
5 месяцев назад
A Message to Artists / Filmmakers
2 года назад
No Time to Die - Movie Review
2 года назад
The Warfare of Art
2 года назад
Star Wars Visions Review
2 года назад
The Source of Joy
2 года назад
Misplaced Desperation
2 года назад
Some of My Favorite Books!
3 года назад
Sleeping 8 Hours a Night For 1 Month
3 года назад
@joaomonteiro5538 10 часов назад
Laughed my ass off with the Jedi-kabob. In fact, every Jedi that bought it made me cheer. It´s all a parody of real Star Wars, so, might as well laugh!
@joeljwhite 10 часов назад
@@joaomonteiro5538 sometimes laughing is all you can do! 😂😂
@joaomonteiro5538 10 часов назад
@@joeljwhite And lovingly review it in detail on social media.
@tylerskiss 14 часов назад
These people are not trying to make cool entertainment. They are intentionally antagonizing fans. This is like the latter day Hellraiser films where LH had a story and decided that as a story alone it was a big “so what”, so they just wrapped it in a Star Wars veneer. It’s deceptive, propagandistic crap.
@dylanzelkin8506 16 часов назад
I liked ur review, respectful and reasonable while laying down the hard facts
@joeljwhite 15 часов назад
@@dylanzelkin8506 thank you so much! I always want to be fair and honest.
@Jsmit35 3 дня назад
I have just recently …discovered, for the lack of a better term, John Mark Comer. His content is so good! I’ve not read this book but it sounds like in a lot of ways a precursor to his Practicing the Way series. He dives into each of the 9 practices (prayer, sabbath, etc) that Jesus taught us and we can learn as apprentices under Him. It’s worth checking out if you haven’t! We have gone through the prayer study in our disciple group. Awesome review Joel!
@joeljwhite 3 дня назад
I’ve heard of Practicing the Way, but haven’t looked into it yet! I really appreciate his intentionality and his personal story. That’s so cool that you went through the prayer study with your group! Thanks brother, that really means a lot to me! 🙏🏻
@shawngraham6099 4 дня назад
It sucks. Star Wars is George Lucas six films. Non-canon is Disney and should be washed away when a new owner gets it. Like Ghostbuster 2016.
@thehacker4012 4 дня назад
You need to take the L on Ki Adi Mundai appearance in The Acolyte, it doesn't break canon, he doesn't say the word Sith nor does he have any reason to believe that the Sith are involved at this point of the story.
@SkybottomStation 5 дней назад
Awesome video! I agree with everything you said
@markgregorygacosta531 5 дней назад
3:06 you're right she's an annoying character. But did you know that green colored girl character was popular in High Republic because she's actually the most feminine looking and good looking in terms of character design. She actually has long hair and a beautiful girl body figure. But in here, Leslye Headlamp inserted her own wife for the role, making her bald and (for me) fat. The worst of all, I don't think she can act. Just saw Ana the star wars girl talk about it
@markusaurelius4015 6 дней назад
You hit the nail on the head. The story is FULL of half-baked thoughts. It feels lazy, sloppy, and like they just do not care.
@bobby_pilgrim4528 6 дней назад
taking the words out of my mouth
@bobby_pilgrim4528 6 дней назад
Writing and acting 0/10
@bobby_pilgrim4528 6 дней назад
i cant even be excited for the light saber battle. We've already gotten screwed out of two battles... likely to be screwed again. This is a dumpster fire and great reaction entertainment. too bad SW is on the recieving end. New to the channel and love your POV
@joeljwhite 5 дней назад
I agree. They made it seem like there would be a lot of action, but there’s only been 2 short fight scenes. Even if there’s a lot more to come in the next 4 episodes, I’m not that excited about it either 🤷🏼‍♂️. Thanks for the kind words and for watching! I really appreciate it! 🙏🏻
@abhijitkurse53 6 дней назад
Well-said and fair. Prioritization of unsubtle and poorly told real-world messaging over storytelling is a serious issue in Star Wars (and beyond, honestly- it's probably only going to get worse as the world gets more polarized). I have tried to be open-minded as well. I personally liked The Force Awakens and elements of the other sequels, the initial seasons of the Mandalorian, and got excited about Ahsoka, Boba Fett, Kenobi, and this show. I'm personally fine with lore breaking within limits, and I think that change can be good (for example, the EU's Abeloth and Legacy eras were things I thought were a bit weird), but it has to be justified and explainable, not just for a cameo. But destroying years to decades of well-established, preexisting storylines and work by just relegating it to Legends/Expanded Universe is just lazy and disrespectful to me. There have been a lot of accusations that the so-called "Fandom Menace" (now a buzzword) has hated post-2012 Star Wars since it has been more nuanced and diverse, including POCs, women, LGBTQ+, and other underrepresented groups, but I have seen so many people like you providing fair and just feedback and showing that a lot of the criticism does not stem from bigotry or grifting. As a POC myself (and member of this "Fandom Menace"), I am not concerned about "review bombing" and toxic right-wing politics as much as lazy storytelling and writing tanking the franchise and its reputation while also giving a bad name and low standards to underrepresented groups in media. My personal interpretation of this show so far is that the Jedi and Republic represent institutional power and its inherent corruption and systemic oppressive nature against marginalized groups such as women, queers, and POCs, despite traditionally being considered "good" and claiming to protect. In reality, this "good" and the "light side" is only upholding an oppressive status quo. Meanwhile, the witches, being women, queer, POC, non-Jedi, and non-light-side, represent a threat to the status quo and something to be crushed by the dominant group, and hence are targeted by the Jedi. One could literally write a thesis on this these days, and I have seen similar ones published. While this is a lot to take away from only 4 episodes and 1 season, I think it is easy to see why people would be concerned about subtle (or not-so-subtle) messaging being prioritized over storytelling, especially considering interviews with Headland, Stenberg, and Turner-Smith about the dark side being cooler, SW needing to tell queer stories, being traditionally patriarchal and need or reform, or good and bad not being distinguishable. Personally, I am fine with representation and social messaging, but it must be done right. Storytelling and good writing must never be secondary to sociopolitical messaging and representation. The latter two categories must at most be on the same level as the former two, and true entertainment is not a medium for writing a thesis. Otherwise, the work is not meant to entertain but to inform or convince, and rhetoric and information are not what most people are looking for in Star Wars or indeed any entertainment. Storytelling used to unite, and it is unfortunate that it is now dividing people so much.
@jonathanr7199 6 дней назад
My son is 13 years old we both love Star Wars, he gave up 15 min into episode 1 of Acolyte. I gave up after episode 3.
@bobby_pilgrim4528 6 дней назад
Garbage characters will do that to a kid.
@SypherSeven 6 дней назад
Regardless of their garbage the ONLY reason I have been able to see ANYTHING about it since Manda season 2 are from you all popping in my feed covering their bs. You're still bringing them views with your hate, but not from me. Give them 0 attention and stop given yhem anything UNLESS they confess their mistakes and return to what SW is suppose to be. Cover that. May you discover other more lucrative content to bring you income.
@TheBuzzRead 6 дней назад
You said the R word…😮 not politically correct…😂somebody getting cancelled(sarcasm)
@majortom2329 6 дней назад
If shit scripts aren't considered weapons the Jedi are doomed.
@joeljwhite 5 дней назад
😂😂 yep!
@parapendejadas4913 6 дней назад
At this point, even the SW Holyday Special feels like "Citizen Kane" compared to this queer/diverse/idiotic garbage called the Acolyte...
@nicolasde9949 6 дней назад
Their gonna make may or osha darth plagueiss the wise
@MarkHarrison-bo3kf 6 дней назад
Fun fact: Star Wars has always used pronouns.
@DildoDaggins69 7 дней назад
I don't know that "message over story" is actually a cogent description here, as there's actually very little in the way of any coherent messaging to be found, let alone coherent characterization and narrative.
@GilesMcRiker 7 дней назад
I would assume that Headland wrote the script to purposely make the jedis look bad. You have to understand the world she inhabits. For example, she went to the NYU Tisch school of drama whose website explicitly States: "Courses might introduce conceptual frameworks such as postcolonial theory, feminism, ecotheory, Marxism, etc., in order to examine a particular genre, a director or playwright’s oeuvre, or an aesthetic movement." The Marxist)/critical theory worldview is a “conflict theory m odel” that sees society as stratified into privileged classes (eg white, cis, hetero makes, etc ) who oppress the vulnerable classes (eg , black / Brown indigenous, Queer, women, trans etc)
@bauregard2171 7 дней назад
I went into this show thinking it was going to be a love letter to martial arts movies using the star wars universe because of the previews I saw and the fights in the first two episodes. My god have I ever been disappointed. All they really had to do was create a plot that would serve as an excuse to make awesome choreographed jedi fight scenes and they couldn't even do that.
@StewDaJew 8 дней назад
It is bad. The whole idea of the rule of two was to stay hidden from the Jedi… why in the hell would you risk the Jedi finding out about you?
@joeljwhite 8 дней назад
Exactly. The whole show feels like it’s been written by people who have been told about Star Wars, but never seen it. Lol.
@patrickmorgan8075 8 дней назад
Why does have to / need to be a 'Sith'. It could any number of other force traditions.
@uncivilized_caveman 8 дней назад
tbf the show never says "sith" and Sith aren't the only darkside tradition with Acolytes. A lot of people saw a red lightsaber and assumed sith but any darksiders crystal will bleed
@jackbauer5003 8 дней назад
Amen brother. I think the final verdict is Disney Star Wars is not Star Wars. It’s just a bad copy.
@joeljwhite 8 дней назад
Yeah, the more things they make, the worse it gets. 🤦🏼‍♂️
@SypherSeven 6 дней назад
Lucas said that years ago. Many disn't listen. Supporting and covering the bs they keep putting out helps it continue even with "fans" hating. I personally have watched nothing since manda season 2. I only revisit eps 1-6 and anything Lucas had a hand in. Lucas eloquently told us the truth years ago. Look for it, though recent events reveal it to those who missed it back then.
@papalaz4444244 8 дней назад
Canon and story are both "context". People with no context, including their own identity, have no interest in either. Fanfiction is not playwriting. Cosplay is not acting. Autism is not a superpower.
@leeboss100 8 дней назад
I checked out after kenobi, they destroyed him completely, I only watch old school starwars youtubers now. Star wars died with Disney
@joeljwhite 8 дней назад
I totally get that. The Kenobi series was terrible, unfortunately.
@truettjbillups 8 дней назад
I didn't even watch it lol
@jackbauer5003 8 дней назад
Save yourself misery and don’t. If you grew up on Star Wars like me, it’s a train wreck. Terrible writing, set pieces and costumes look worse than the 70s movie, actors are ok but are given a big pile of crap to read. It’s 1 redeeming quality is it does have outstanding fight choreography… the only problem with that is it is way underutilized. I was excited about a Jedi Wookie but, well, that’s a dud too. The writing and directing is what doomed this series. I give a pass to the actors.
@joeljwhite 8 дней назад
Haha, I don’t blame you.
@DefaultProphet 10 дней назад
The Jedi are not at their height here or during Episode 1. They're in their long fall from grace. Building the Starlight Beacon was their peak. Oh I just got to your point about feeling icky about witches and then you say "I dunno if you have ever been around demon possessed people but it's pretty gross sometimes". You're extremely delusional and should seek help.
@stefanahmad6926 10 дней назад
You lost me a little on the faith and values idea. But I do largely agree with all of this. I think it's incredibly disrespectful to the source material and the loyal fan base. It seems like a lot of Hollywood executives are pating each other on the back for addressing political issues rather than making well made content. They've misunderstood what their role is. It is not to push an agenda. It is to entertain.
@willek1335 11 дней назад
Nah, the best way is to walk away from the ugliness. Cherish the creators behind art, not the silhouette themselves and sold-off brand names. Spend time on real art, like the older stuff you liked. <3
@RaikenXion 11 дней назад
The blaming of one The blaming of two The blaming of many
@akaPuppetmaster 11 дней назад
Good points Get a good mic, better more interestint lighting and u ll get a lot more views The content is quite good :)
@Tyler-si2rj 11 дней назад
I do not like the show, im watching it by turning my brain off just to watch lightsabers and fights lol. visually it looks awesome just cant let my brain try and figure out the awful writing
@samuelvoas2861 12 дней назад
It’s fantasy bro. The witches aren’t real. And I didn’t think the witches were portrayed as good vs Jedi, bad. If anything, the witches were painted as morally questionable at best. Until we know what they are really about, and their true motives, it’s hard to say if they are good or bad. I’d say they were portrayed as morally questionable at best. Also, the main good guy and the strongest moral voice in the show so far is Master Sol - a man. So your point that all the men in the show are “retarded” is not even well founded. What’s more - Sol is a Jedi! He embodies what a Jedi is supposed to be. Like all Star Wars ever made, it is made clear that the Jedi are still individuals and have their own interpretations of the Jedi doctrines and motivations for their behavior. This show has done nothing more than continue this precedent. Some Jedi keep to the book, and others are not afraid to do things their way. Look at Qui-gon and Obi-wan for example. There is no reason to think that Sol is bad or stupid at this point, other than you projecting your negative view of the writers. How sol’s story ends is anyone’s guess. Also - once again. The Acolyte is not pro-witch propaganda. lol. Those witches are as real as laser blasters, hyperspace lanes, and the force. As in they are pure fiction. Why do you insist on evaluating a sci-fi fantasy series from the perspective of your ideology in the real world? The two have nothing to do with one another. By that logic, you should also be anti-Jedi because they are, by real world definition, a pagan religion. Don’t be afraid of force witches unless you are also afraid the Death Star might be on the way to destroy planet Earth. By the way - the force is based on the effects of LSD. Much or Star Wars was influenced by George Lucas’s drug use. Not very godly of him.
@statisticallysound 13 дней назад
I mean the show is about the death of the High Republic and into the sequels, so I think we have to expect that the Jedi did something horrible on Brendok and the word eventually gets out. Why else would Torbin take the Barash vow and kill himself rather than confess his sins? As far as the coven being demonic, I honestly felt like it reminded me of a church service like a first communion, I think they just worship their version of the Force that they call “The Thread” and it had to happen at night (which always makes things seem more dark/sinister obviously) because the two moons in the logo of the show aligned and the Force was able to come down. The coven already mention they are religious exiles who have finally found a safe planet, which kind of reminds me of the Pilgrims setting sail for the New World from England, but then all of a sudden Jedi show up unannounced, spy on their children, and then break into their home. And mostly I think a lot of these questions will be answered in the next couple of episodes, I trust Dave Filoni’s team to at least do that
@bryansalvagejr757 13 дней назад
In Asoka, a Lightsaber to the chest is a flesh wound. In the show a small knife to the chest, its death. The show is so badly written Great video mate
@joeljwhite 12 дней назад
Exactly, lightsabers are essentially pointless in Disney content. Thanks for watching! I really appreciate it! 🙏🏻
@bryansalvagejr757 9 дней назад
@@joeljwhite it’s heartbreaking in a why. The original movies are masterpieces in a story of good and evil and that was over 50 years ago (I think) Now it just feels like indents politics Looking forward on your take on Episode 4 if your still watching it
@enterintothejoy 13 дней назад
Get a good quality mic if you’re gonna have a channel you want to grow and succeed. They’re affordable. I’m rooting for you Joel.
@user-pz7ob8yt4u 13 дней назад
Well, you know Yord.
@kudmondx1829 13 дней назад
8:30 I disagree, I haven’t watched any Disney Star Wars yet but purely based on watching George Lucus’s movies I knew decades ago that the “Jedi” were a f^’ed up zealotous group of weird monks I would’ve avoided like the plague
@bentinbama1 13 дней назад
It's a fictional universe. If the force existed in real life you would lining up like every one else to try to harness the power because you have no morals. Quit virtue signaling
@parapendejadas4913 13 дней назад
"The power of One" "The power of Two"... "The power of...Sissoring".... AHHHHHHHHHH...... The F*uckolyte: Sissors in action At this point, I'd rather watch a 10 episode show of JarJar Binks explaining taxes to Max Rebo than this queer-diverse-pile of 💩💩💩 with the SW tag.....
@MohseenLala 13 дней назад
Demonic possession is not a thing mate, lol. Unless that was a metaphor.
@phil8821 13 дней назад
What I've learned is, if you want to kill someone in a galaxy far far away, a butterknife is far more efficient than a lightsaber.
@joeljwhite 12 дней назад
So true! 😂😂
@robertbarga3694 13 дней назад
It needs to be okay to speak your mind about these things. I think there are a lot of us who just flat out don't care about Star Wars anymore. I stopped watching anything about two years ago. To me it's just not for me anymore and is barely recognizable as that thing I once thought the world of.
@ballapeti 13 дней назад
Your heart is in the right place, but it’s tainted with superstition.
@ShelbyT5034 15 дней назад
It's ok that you care on that level Joel, that's actually a common thread among SW fans, we care ALOT about the characters, stories, world building, visuals, art, creatures, comics, books, lore, merchandise, etc... for often MANY IPs, but I have found intense love for especially Star Wars within fandoms; until now.
@DaQuill 15 дней назад
I actually liked the first two episodes, but the third one was not good. Generally ever since Starwars was taken over by Disney, three has been a crucial number. The third trilogy was bad, the third season of the mandalorian was bad, the third episode Acolyte was bad, and so on
@joeljwhite 15 дней назад
Yep, I agree! I like some things that Disney has made, but as they go along things seem to get worse. Season 3 of The Mandalorian was a great example of that.
@truettjbillups 15 дней назад
Agreed. The overall story is kind of interesting, but the execution is awful and the characters are boring.
@joeljwhite 15 дней назад
Thank you! I feel like most people agree, but I’ve seen some weird excuses from Disney diehards. 😂
@ZachMilneTalksMovies 22 дня назад
I had fun with this one! Great performances by Alyla Browne, Anya Taylor Joy and especially Chris Hemsworth. Some riveting action and great world building. A solid prequel to Fury Road. Great review Joel
@joeljwhite 18 дней назад
I agree! It was definitely fun. Thanks for checking out the review! 🙏🏻