@tommyc5740 3 дня назад
Just started today. My coward with only 10 bravery must have a hidden luck stat, he is already a Colonel and the last of the first squad.
@vladhelikopter 16 дней назад
Where has this launcher been all my life! I really needed that custom starting base option
@hailstar2075 15 дней назад
Makes such a huge difference!
@semibiotic 20 дней назад
13:09 Advanced tracking and move/shoot confirmation are options those don't turned on by default.
@CuriousChronicles82275 Месяц назад
This game still has a special place in my heart.
@BestoftheBest-oz4ei 15 дней назад
Same here, such a great game!
@vap0rtranz Месяц назад
That soundtrack brings back memories!
@paydenjohnson8998 Месяц назад
Attack a UFO with the Skyranger, got it.
@pelimies1818 2 месяца назад
Why I have to double-check my resolution? Relax.. I was just double-pulling your leg!
@SkiStandardCust 2 месяца назад
Shit I just put my base in Antarctica because I'm a beginner 😂
@hailstar2075 2 месяца назад
It’s too cool to resist! If you want to keep going on that save I’d recommend getting the large radar quickly so you can hopefully extend your coverage over a couple other countries. Best of luck!
@Debbiebabe69 3 месяца назад
When attacking UFOs, dont just send 1 interceptor, send them ALL. Leave them at standoff until all your interceptors are on target. Then you get multiple attack windows, send them all in at once. You can attack one UFO with up to 4 interceptors doing this, just move the attack windows around the screen so you can see them all.
@hailstar2075 3 месяца назад
Good tip, especially for larger UFOs!
@brucetungsten5714 3 месяца назад
Doom guy approved background.
@avalonjustin 3 месяца назад
Nothing like starting up this game again after a decade, playing on beginner difficulty, and getting my team wiped out with a blaster bomb.
@hailstar2075 3 месяца назад
Oof! Avoiding those blaster launchers requires you to be so aggressive and take out anyone who might have line of sight. Mind control aliens and Blaster Launchers are a nightmare combination.
@avalonjustin 3 месяца назад
@@hailstar2075Yes sir, I need to be more careful and not keep my soldiers so tightly grouped on missions but sometimes we get bad luck. Thanks for your expert advice, it really helps.
@beast0283 4 месяца назад
Enjoyed this video. Should pump out a video of you playing. The banter will be worth it at the very least.
@shraka 4 месяца назад
Is this the only video this channel is ever going to create?
@hailstar2075 4 месяца назад
I might do more classic xcom guides in the future, but nothing is definite yet
@Rezec75 4 месяца назад
6.82 Mb. Man, where did we go so wrong?
@DTOStudios 4 месяца назад
Have one guy with a rocket launcher at the door to the Skyranger, so you dont spawn in with a Sectoid in a window that guns down half of your troops like youre recreating Saving Private Ryan
@Neeboopsh 4 месяца назад
best game in all of history
@Brian-if2pz 5 месяцев назад
Excellent vid! What are the odds of getting some followup ones with additional mechanics, tips, etc?
@hailstar2075 5 месяцев назад
Thanks! I've been thinking about a follow up getting more into the mechanics of the game, but haven't really set aside the time to make it yet.
@Brian-if2pz 5 месяцев назад
Hey, better to take your time than to rush it in and get wiped by a pod of aliens!
@legendaryryan1623 5 месяцев назад
xcom is EASY. lol, i remember playing this in 1990 something as a kid and still beating it, best tips i can give, try your best not to fight at night(ai has no disadvantage).. research and equip all your soldiers and ships with plasma weapons(laser weapons are decent till you have it) and from the start invest in stun rods and eventually stun launchers for the live alien captures, especially leaders for the end game mission. likewise from the start invest in tanks, sucks since they get no experience but they deal enough death to carry your squad and eventually you get hover tanks and end tier is the blaster launcher tanks). avoid snakemen terror missions unless you want to experience terror yourself and in the last mission, avoid spending blaster rounds until the 2nd mission where you just obliterate every square inch you see. spoiler alert xcom is not easy.
@juiceblock772 5 месяцев назад
I’m playing the PS1 version 😅
@hailstar2075 5 месяцев назад
... Have fun
@nick6063 6 месяцев назад
thanks! The game sens less dauthing now.
@ferretlord7051 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for the tips good sir. I’ve played the reboot games and wanted to try the original. I’ll probably die a horrible death but thats just how it is with games from that era.
@hailstar2075 6 месяцев назад
Good luck! Save scum if you need to it's all part of the game.
@youhavenoprivacyandownnoth8289 6 месяцев назад
why yes, I do use a skyranger to chase ufos and i sold my two interceptors because i thought i didnt need them
@polygonvvitch 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for the guide, I tried getting into this once by myself and just headbutted the brick wall for like 30 minutes before giving up.
@owlsayssouth 7 месяцев назад
Missing from the guide: interceptors use avalanche missiles until you research something else. The other weapons are ineffective.
@williamoverton7775 8 месяцев назад
When looking around if you see a blast mark on the ground you know there's an alien in that direction
@ephremcortvrint2376 8 месяцев назад
Love the slightly deadpan delivery
@cristitanase6130 8 месяцев назад
1. Equip all Interceptors with Avalanche missile launchers and missiles and get rid of the cannon it's useless. 2. Autocannons are perfect early, use explosive shots and Auto fire, also always have a grenade in the secondary hand, if you get experience you may also prime it to zero for instant detonation, never do this from inside the landing plane. 3. Laser Rifles have the best accuracy in the game, mid game one or two snipers with Flying Suits will cover the entire map from above and deliver headshots after headshots. 4. Before you exit the Skyranger throw one smoke grenade in front of the ship exit and wait one turn for it to go off, you will thank me later. 5. Always deploy your troops close enough to cover each other with reaction fire but not one next to each other, leave 4-6 squares between them 6. Position two soldiers next to a door facing it and enter it with the third, additional position them in front of the door and just end the turn a few times, you will thank me later. 7. If the UFO is badly damaged it may have a hole where the Elerium reactor rods used to be, that's where you can lob the grenades inside and mess up the enemies before entering. To check for it just use the plus one level view until the roof of the UFO becomes visible. Any black squares signal missing roof tiles. Go back to the floor level and with the grenade Throw action move the cursor inside the UFO until the icon appears that you can throw the grenade inside. 8. You can prime grenades to explode instantly by selecting Zero from the timer, but make sure to increase the distance between your soldiers to 7-8 squares to allow for the nades to go boom if one of the soldier gets wasted by the aliens. 9. Later keep a soldier in the plane with a Blaster ready to fire. If situation requires it fire the blaster right from there and guide it towards the enemy then reload the Blaster. Keep another one here with a MindReader and check the enemies for Navigators, Engineers or Commanders in order to capture them alive. You can do this from the landing ship without the need to move the mind-reader guy. 10. If one of your guys becomes panicked or falls under alien control, use a stun bomb launcher to put him/her to sleep. Always keep stun launchers on each 3rd or 4rth soldier secondary hand, just in case. 11. Remember to have at least 1-2 medics with Medikits, and keep an eye on your most valued soldiers. If they fall without a noise it means they are not dead yet, rush to their bodies and while on top drag them to the inventory and then rush them to your ship. If possible use the Medikit to stabilize them. 12. Advance slowly and let a few soldiers behind with enough action points to react if an alien pops up.
@Empiro3 9 месяцев назад
For tactical combat, I'd say that learning about reaction fire rules and the mutual surprise rule is crucial. The basic scout-sniper tactic (which takes advantage of those rules) will save dozens of lives. Using lots of grenades and the grenade relay is also important.
@krzysztofpaszkiewicz1274 10 месяцев назад
I would do one thing differently though. Forget the auto and heavy cannons and equip 4 to 5 people with rocket launchers. Aliens tend to hide in barns and sheds and removing their cover or killing them outright without risking your soldiers is crucial. Just blast every building on the map. Next thing where this is helpful is your first terror mission. Not only you can remove covers but also blast the most resilient units like reapers or chryssalids. Auto and heavy cannons often struggle to kill them quickly and with rocket blasts not only you kill them, remove cover but there is a high chance you kill groups of enemies standing close or behind a wall. The innability o kill tougher aliens is also the reason you should prioritize laser weapons. But even after you have laser rifles, rockets are your friend. The last thing. If you are a beginner and you are struggling open xcom lets you start the game with more things in your base. The large radar system, more scientists and an alien containment facility. The last one is the most important because the first missions are easy enough for you to capture some live aliens. And an alien navigator is a game changer.
@hailstar2075 10 месяцев назад
Lots of great advice here! Only thing I would add is that rockets start to lose effectiveness against armored aliens like Cyberdisks and Mutons. You also accidentally destroy lots of alien loot and civilians if you're using it frequently.
@krzysztofpaszkiewicz1274 10 месяцев назад
@@hailstar2075 Yeah the biggest downside is the lost loot. Civilians not so much because you'll probably get only one terror mission before you'll get decent weapons and won't have to use the rockets as much. And yes Cyberdisks are always a pain to deal with up until you get plasma weapons. They can tank multiple rockets and a variety of other shots.
@Empiro3 9 месяцев назад
In my last game, I was playing in the superhuman difficulty, and I would say that rockets remain useful until very late game. They're actually a great way to take down cyberdiscs. One direct hit is often enough. They're also good for clearing out buildings.
@ryno4ever433 10 месяцев назад
"Play on beginner. This is not up for debate." The way you delivered that was pretty clear but I'm still not doing it.
@anenthusiast6942 11 месяцев назад
just dropping in for a quick question, in the production menu it says that my profit is going to be negative, (e.g. Profit: -$400,000) is this actual negative profit or just an old game thing
@hailstar2075 11 месяцев назад
I believe it will actually take money from you equal to that amount. This is usually a result of your base upkeep being too high, or manufacturing expensive things in your workshops. If you're strapped for cash try selling off extra alien corpses and surplus gear (for example you probably won't need more than 30 plasma rifles). Only sell alien grenades and plasma weapon ammunition as a last resort though. The goal is to have so much money in the bank that going negative on profit isn't a big deal and/or to win a bunch of missions and make countries happy so they increase their funding.
@sinanju 6 месяцев назад
@@hailstar2075 Once you've researched laser weapons, build (and sell) laser cannons. Highest profit margin in the game. I usually build a dedicated base (LaserFab One) to churn them out and soon I have more money than I know what to do with. Funding becomes a non-issue (literally tens of millions). Don't ask who's buying all those laser cannons....
@jason8077 Год назад
Clips are for sissies we call it mags 😂
@Pentagon005875 Год назад
“you can name them to your friends and family if you want permanent psychological damage” 💀💀💀
@Al_Straik Год назад
That felt like a early 2000s video, thank you very much dude.
@fernando47180 Год назад
I'm revisiting this video a year after I first watched, and it just dawned on me that UFO Defense is the only game I know where you can mess up before you open the game.
@hailstar2075 Год назад
@jerrymack95 Год назад
i wish this game wasnt so much of a "if you know what to do then youre good, otherwise get fucked" kind of game cuz i know i can get into it. its just intimidating
@sebastianriemer1777 Год назад
True classic. Can't count the hours my friend and I spent in front of my amiga in the 90s. The only game at the time where you could destroy the whole map. 😁 Jagged alliance and silent storm are also great games. Battles like xcom but without the base building.
@afsoc4life Год назад
Buy smoke grenades. They are a life saver when off boarding.
@masterofthedeathwing2839 Год назад
make your squads really hench right off the bat, and its much easier. like give 2 people a rifle, pistol, stun batons, grenades, smoke grenades, and have them as dedicated snipers, get them into positions where they can cover your dudes, and have them stay there using all their APs to shoot long range shots. eventually their skills become really good if they survive, and they can hit anything. have 2 heavies. have them both with an autocannon, laser pistol, laser rifle, a few clips, stun batons, medkits. then have 4 solders, these have laser rifle, laser pistol, missile launcher, 2 missiles, stun batons, medkits. if you need to lay it down, you actually have the capacity to. your dudes will be a bit encumbered at the start, but as they level up, it stops being an issue, and having to drag all the extra kit around actually increases their strength faster. give everyone a pistol, because they used fixed APs per shot, opposed to a percentage of your APs which is what rifles do. so in close up fights, you can shoot a far greater number of rounds, and if you need to level a building, or take out a big group, thats what all the missiles and autocannons are for.
@pallingtontheshrike6374 Год назад
4:30 i see, vanilla does not have missile strikes like xpiratez also you start with so much cash. 6:00 the pain of everyone who plays the entire suite of og xcom and mods
@masterofthedeathwing2839 Год назад
this game is amazing, if you over encumber your dudes, your dudes get really strong quick, so load up a couple of guys with auto cannons, 5 clips, a laser rifle and pistol, some grenades. then every single solder, give him a laser rifle, 2 missiles, and a missile launcher throw in a laser pistol too.. your dudes turn hench as fuck very quickly and its easily enough firepower to take on everything in a mission
@Empiro3 9 месяцев назад
You don't need to over encumber anyone to increase strength. Along with TUs and stamina, it goes up any time you gain experience in other stats like firing accuracy or reaction.
@pt8306 Год назад
OpenXCOM is NOT a Launcher and Mod Manager. It's a complete rewrite of the entire game from scratch! This is significant because it has major implications for mods and in general is significantly more impressive than a simple mod manager.
@nargaman261 Год назад
Love you bro, this made my entry to the original games way easier coming from the reboots! Also, i will put my first base on the north pole, and you won't stop me
@cavanclark3687 Год назад
Thanks for the video. That launcher really improves the game.
@hailstar2075 Год назад
It really does. If you have other old games that don't run well it's well worth looking up fan patches and launchers.
@AOADan Год назад
This was so useful that without it I would of never loved X-com thank you so much
@hailstar2075 Год назад
I'm so glad you like it!
@Trauson Год назад
Idk.... true guide.... install mods... aside from the upscaling... everything else doesnt seem too honest with the true xcom experience.
@nmpltleopardi Год назад
Well... you can deactivate the non vanilla options and play a scalable for modern resolutions, non-buggy version of the game. The guide was a pretty good primer for newbies imo
@solwilkinson8551 Год назад
cool vid
@signalzero77 Год назад
Nice video! Very helpful. You have a criminally low subscriber count for your quality. Subbed! Edit: Ah I see it is because you only have the one video.
@shanewest7731 Год назад
Great video, hope there's more to come. Thanks to X-Com other brilliant games were also influenced such as "Jagged Alliance", another one worth blowing the dust off.
@burgermansandwich1365 Год назад
Really appreciate the video. Would love to see a playthrough from you the commentary during your video was great
@hailstar2075 Год назад
Thanks, I'll consider it!