Still bad.
7 часов назад
Bullying the Death Knight (again)
7 часов назад
Bullying the Death Knight
16 часов назад
Defying the Weapon Triangle.
16 часов назад
R2 R2 R2 R2
19 часов назад
A good consecutive attacks weapon
21 час назад
Horse attacks are really wonky
День назад
День назад
Ibis full OS
День назад
Finishing the no OS series
14 дней назад
Ibis, No Damage OS, Etsujins
14 дней назад
Ibis, No Damage OS, Lasers
14 дней назад
Clasterfuck of a boss
14 дней назад
Never doing this one again
14 дней назад
A Mistake Was Made
14 дней назад
Armored Core is easy
14 дней назад
Allguazu best them
21 день назад
My favourite Polish Goddess
Месяц назад
Bayle Cringe Compilation
Месяц назад
Catboy's final sex.
Месяц назад
Showing Leda my new fursona.
Месяц назад
Don't fight Death Knights with HTS.
Месяц назад
A little palate cleanser.
Месяц назад
@NecromanticFriend 2 дня назад
2:13 NEW TECH!
@szarkuwu 2 дня назад
100% intentional
@NecromanticFriend 2 дня назад
Look how they washed my stinky boy.
@dorkmoonblade4315 2 дня назад
Almost 3 minutes of Morgott. Unreal.
@szarkuwu 2 дня назад
Just fight him with a weapon that has no damage, no poise damage and which running attack is too slow to approach him from neutral
@dorkmoonblade4315 2 дня назад
​@@szarkuwuWon't do.
@szarkuwu 3 дня назад
I hate doing no hits
@NecromanticFriend 2 дня назад
You might be surprised to hear it, but me too.
@NecromanticFriend 7 дней назад
I am beginning to understand how Godwyn got assassinated if these were his royal guard.
@szarkuwu 7 дней назад
Blaidd walking in and stunlocking his guards
@NecromanticFriend 7 дней назад
Sorry, I am too Echoes pilled to understand this joke.
@NecromanticFriend 8 дней назад
You beat bosses by doing R2 R2 R2 R2. I beat bosses by doing L2 R2 L2 R2. We are not the same.
@NecromanticFriend 8 дней назад
die to bosses*
@NecromanticFriend 9 дней назад
That's right! The dagger goes into the axe hole!
@szarkuwu 9 дней назад
And where does the Axe go?
@NecromanticFriend 9 дней назад
@@szarkuwu That's right! Into the dagger (talisman) hole!
@NecromanticFriend 10 дней назад
Nicely done. You did get that true cinema finish and the Milady stayed on during the entire sleepover. I know it took restraint.
@szarkuwu 10 дней назад
Better than a twinblade
@NecromanticFriend 10 дней назад
4:15 This had the same energy as point blank Lion breath.
@NecromanticFriend 10 дней назад
Love the DS2 music. Very fitting.
@szarkuwu 10 дней назад
making jokes that two people get is my favourite past time
@dorkmoonblade4315 11 дней назад
Some crimes are never forgiven.
@szarkuwu 11 дней назад
@NecromanticFriend 12 дней назад
You weren't kidding, that is indeed Iguazu. "I think I will uninstall AC6 now I dont think the game has any more to offer for me" Mhm.
@szarkuwu 12 дней назад
Not my fault steam doesn't want to put any games on Sale and there is allegedly a patch coming soon.
@NecromanticFriend 12 дней назад
Celica_Destiny.png (althlugh I don't think it's on sale now, it usually is)
@dorkmoonblade4315 13 дней назад
Her you dodged the laser!
@szarkuwu 13 дней назад
@@dorkmoonblade4315 i was better at dodging it today
@NecromanticFriend 14 дней назад
4 Ibis uploads in one day was not on my bingo card. Is this what the Szark series is truly capable of?
@szarkuwu 14 дней назад
"Ok, I need to move on from Malenia" and then he doesnt
@dorkmoonblade4315 14 дней назад
You just can't dodge the laser today.
@szarkuwu 13 дней назад
@@dorkmoonblade4315 i dodged one when doing lasers
@dorkmoonblade4315 17 дней назад
Idk it didn't seem too bad.
@szarkuwu 17 дней назад
It took me a stupid amount of attempts was generally more pain than fun. Using Deflect Tear just makes me play bad because i hyperfocus on trying to deflect everything and it gets me killed. It just felt bad.
@dorkmoonblade4315 17 дней назад
Ngl I have no idea why you would do this fight locked on.
@NecromanticFriend 17 дней назад
I feel like you were happier when you were in your AC6 yaoi phase. Your character just instantly turning to the Lion when you got hit by the spinng lightning breath was really funny.
@szarkuwu 17 дней назад
What running out of Yaoi does to a person I didnt even notice he is just like 🧍
@NecromanticFriend 17 дней назад
I give you two weeks max. All roads lead back to Etsy Jea-Deflect Tear.
@koenvanrandtwijk9493 18 дней назад
Is this a rl1 run?
@szarkuwu 18 дней назад
@@koenvanrandtwijk9493 no just low weapon upgrade, low offensive stats, ng+1
@NecromanticFriend 19 дней назад
You miss 100% of the Pilebunkers you don't take. And about half of those you do take.
@NecromanticFriend 19 дней назад
Balteus really just gave you one last single missile to the face as a farewell gift. The two of you have truly made contact.
@dorkmoonblade4315 20 дней назад
"I always... envied you." Thanks for telling us, we really didn't know.
@dorkmoonblade4315 20 дней назад
"I don't like Pilebunker."
@szarkuwu 20 дней назад
i dont like Pilebunker because it's extremely bad if you dont know how to using and pretty overpowered when you can
@NecromanticFriend 22 дня назад
I guess using the gattling gun wheelchair would have been to easy. On one hand, congrats. Comparing this with your first RL1 kill of her shows how much you've improved. On the other hand, did you really have to ruin the hitless run by getting hit by the explosion? Really?
@szarkuwu 22 дня назад
Ruining hitless so I can do more content in the future! Despite the improvement this still took me a LONG time. Initially I wanted to do it with Milady without status but I ended up not liking Milady that much in this fight. I tried Knights Greatsword which was good. Ultimately Great Katana is probably my favourite weapon in the game especially for fighting Malenia so I went with that. I also went through a lot of Ashes of War trying to find something helpful but that doesn't devolve into AoW spam and Lion's Claw ended up very good as Phase 2 punish and pretty meh in Phase 1 so i went with that.
@NecromanticFriend 22 дня назад
@@szarkuwu Meh, you wear Lion's Claw better than Zanzibart anyway.
@szarkuwu 22 дня назад
Im just glad she didnt do clones as they oneshot me and I still cant dodge them well
@NecromanticFriend Месяц назад
"Epicki" Yeah, I don't need to translate this one. The message came across.
@dorkmoonblade4315 Месяц назад
One of the fights.
@szarkuwu Месяц назад
I was looking how far you can push Stormblade with the Storm Talisman and Warrior Jar shard and then I accidentally no hit because this fight is trivial with ranged option
@dorkmoonblade4315 Месяц назад
1:58 This was so Sekiro.
@NecromanticFriend Месяц назад
Japanese Leda (she played Sekiro and made it her personality): "Miquella is mine and mine alone."
@dorkmoonblade4315 Месяц назад
I respect the dedication.
@szarkuwu Месяц назад
I'm a dedicated hater.
@szarkuwu Месяц назад
Ignore the one attempt in the middle it appears i forgot to cut it. It was just meant to show Bayle bitchslapping the wall at the end
@szarkuwu Месяц назад
@NecromanticFriend Месяц назад
Also, pretty good OST sync at 1:45. Epic, if you will.
@szarkuwu Месяц назад
it was so epic the comment posted twice
@NecromanticFriend Месяц назад
...The battle is over, I see. Miquella has sullied the title of Lucent Necromancer with his perverted ways. This was as much of a fight for my own dignity as it was for my moth and meowster, Szark's. May their corpses make another annoying bump in the arena. Aiat
@NecromanticFriend Месяц назад
Holy shit, Funny Lion Man is back! Confession time: when you told me try Giant Hunt, I confused it with Serpent Hunt. WDYM THE DISCUS OF LIGHT DOESN'T ONE TAP YOU?!
@szarkuwu Месяц назад
Honestly not dying to discuss is surprise to me too.
@NecromanticFriend Месяц назад
I saw the thumbnail and, with the dark dungeon arena and boss on fire, thought this was a Laurence, the First Vicar from BB video.
@dorkmoonblade4315 Месяц назад
Flame Spear? Personally I'm a Flame Skewer connoisseur myself. Also are you ethically opposed to backstabs?
@szarkuwu Месяц назад
Flame Spear weapon buff lasts way longer. Yes
@NecromanticFriend Месяц назад
I saw the thumbnail and, with the dark dungeon arena and fire, thought this was a Watchdog of the Old Lords from BB video.
@szarkuwu Месяц назад
>Watchdog of the Old Lord So what you are saying is that Death Knight's were (are?) Godwyn's Dogboys
@NecromanticFriend Месяц назад
There is no meme. This is just a threat (to your sanity). Good job on defeafing Bayleteus. Enemy systems offline. It's silent.
@dorkmoonblade4315 Месяц назад
Nice music though. Almost a shame that the fight ended before it got to the good part.
@szarkuwu Месяц назад
@@dorkmoonblade4315 i already cut out the first few seconds because you couldnt hear them over Bayle's roars
@NecromanticFriend Месяц назад
Mr. Did Nothing Wrong, I understand your concern, I really do, but you cannot just barge into my birthing room without notice, my boy. I assure you I have the best of my crawlers on the field looking for your Sticher, but give me some time. I am already mired in false propaganda spread by that wanna be liberal mother upstairs. I am a busy woman, Szark.
@NecromanticFriend Месяц назад
I don't think you should be allowed access to editing software. The first cragblade was pretty sick. Looked like you were buffing your weapon with his now broken spine.
@szarkuwu Месяц назад
Making use of first Cragblade hitbox is so extremely rare I don't think most people even know it has one
@yesmansam6686 Месяц назад
You are... truly... tarnivorous... ugh*dies
@NecromanticFriend Месяц назад
You at least kept the left-handed bit going.
@szarkuwu Месяц назад
@@NecromanticFriend comitting to the bit as hard as Messmer to Rellana
@dorkmoonblade4315 Месяц назад
Now is THIS Fire Emblem music?
@szarkuwu Месяц назад
@@dorkmoonblade4315 correct
@NecromanticFriend Месяц назад
Kurwa! I wanted to comment this!
@NecromanticFriend Месяц назад
Infuzie de foc, huh? Ma asteptam la opusul ca sa fiu sincer. De asemena, faptul ca ai supravietuit la DOUA lovituri de la tranzitia de faza ma dezgusta profund si vei fi contactat de compania mea de asigurari. Faptul ca nu ai pus imnul national ca si muzica de fundal e o oprtunitate ratata.
@szarkuwu Месяц назад
@@NecromanticFriend Dokładnie, to co powiedział. Zgadzam się w stu procentach
@NecromanticFriend Месяц назад
Don't make me pull out the handshake meme again.
@szarkuwu Месяц назад
@NecromanticFriend Месяц назад
Before we begin, allow me to paint you the full picture. Putrescent Knight is cursed ever to sleepwalk. Her sleep schedule gone, made eepy from the inside by St. Trina's etetnal sleep. Now she gathers the bones of former friends and foes alike, giving herself more joints, like a spooky skeleton. Her horse howling at the sky.
@szarkuwu Месяц назад
Promised Consort Effervescent Knight in Elden Ring 2