H. Perry Horton
H. Perry Horton
H. Perry Horton
Videos about filmic connections, scene analyses, editorials, and anything else I can think of.
@sorenkair 20 дней назад
i think he should have walked off screen before it cut to black.i remember laughing about the thought that he just went home.
@offbeat65 28 дней назад
A very valid point about eye imagery, with some examples more convincing than others. One instance was missed, though. It made me shiver when I spotted it. It is the last of the slow-moving "cosmic vistas" in the stargate sequence, right before we see Bowman's eye in cyan and magenta, and then the " floating crystals". It is like looking from close proximity into dark alien eyes.
@mohamedbograin3587 Месяц назад
These 30 seconds of unspoken words and pure storytelling is better than 2 hours of modern movies today
@georgeofhamilton 2 месяца назад
What gets me is that in a lot of ways, the villains actually _won_ in the end. They successfully kidnapped and killed a lot of children and destroyed many families over the years, they permanently brainwashed Alex and Bob Taylor, Mrs. Jones got to go out on her own terms, and Keller will probably lose his leg and go to prison for several years as a result of his daughter’s kidnapping. Yeah, the villains got stopped, but the damage that they did is massive and irreversible, and there will be plenty of villains in the future doing similar work.
@JPA419 3 месяца назад
@TheConstructiveCritic888 3 месяца назад
I got chills listening to your breakdown. I already instinctually knew all of it, but the nuance 🤌🏻
@Game-Finder 4 месяца назад
Why wasn't the scene shown when Dover was discovered under the car?
@raghavv.sharma 4 месяца назад
Jake Gylenhall just nailed it🔥🔥
@Minoche_Fahd 4 месяца назад
I watched the movie just to watch thjs video... Amazing
@jasonh8542 4 месяца назад
Yeah I hate cut away scenes. If I pay to be entertained, I don’t need to imagine how it ends. That’s your job to entertain me.
@davidseehorsch3563 4 месяца назад
How do they not find Dobers tool bag or cell phone in the garbage disposal?
@gorilla5651 4 месяца назад
Papa said on September 2nd, 2021, that dhoondh hi liya hoga kaabil aadmi Tha whilist watching this masterpiece on a single manned bed, which he actually broke the full set on may lmao that he during a call the day I was binging the re8 vids of radbrad. That's all.
@Rio..o7.. 5 месяцев назад
talk about ineptitude: the forensics team didn't hear hom because they were listening to music while working
@stevewimmer9758 5 месяцев назад
I was so impressed by the ending that I called my dad right after. I knew he had already watched the movie but to my surprise he thought the Hugh Jackman character must have died... since it didn't actually show him being physically rescued. *facepalm*
@bcottify 5 месяцев назад
Nah shoulda had the reactions… fuck that Shi
@benediktfechter9460 5 месяцев назад
Dennis Villeneuve is the best active director
@vulcan930 5 месяцев назад
I think the best part about the ending for me is the fact that the whole time, Loki has been obsessed with tying up the loose ends of the case, but the movie ending early prevents the character from doing that, which kind of shows that it’ll never be over for him.
@CaspianMagal-tp8tv 6 месяцев назад
The song playing on the workers radio is Codex by Radiohead, which in itself adds to the perfect ending, as the song ends early, seemingly unfinished. This is just the take of a 12 year old, but it might have been intentional in the film. Idk
@SMACKINFIRE 7 месяцев назад
Can we all acknowledge alex knew where they were the entire time and was functional enough to give clues like the “cry until i left”. Man withheld years of kidnappings and i also think the copycat was in cahoots with with them because of the maze necklace, mazes he drew, snakes to keep alex out of it and didnt want to get caught for less than murder. I wanna know if they ever found the bodies and where were they. If they make a part 2, it should be finding the bodies by first finding the maze
@SMACKINFIRE 7 месяцев назад
I realized a lot immediately upon mention. I realized alex was a victim because the old lady said her boy went missing in the same camper years ago so i knew granny knew and thought alex was carrying tradition even as the abducted adult. I knew the man at the bottom was part of it after dude house was first shown. Secondly after the priest explanation. I dont understand why the cops didnt catch the rv thing. the time line would’ve matched alex further connecting the dots to granny and pah especially with them living in the area and no other rv’s.
@albanimer5585 7 месяцев назад
Sebenarnya, kedua anak itu tidak diculik. Melainkan mereka berdua dengan senang hati masuk ke dalam mobil Van tersebut dan mungkin di ajak jalan-jalan. Karena jika mereka benar-benar diculik, pastinya anak perempuan Dover membunyikan peluitnya.
@blacknass1943 7 месяцев назад
grait movie but i dont understand exaktly wye he is caring a ring with the Freemason symbole ! wana they show us fremasons ar a good nice secrecy ? mhh i dont know wat i know is tat i not see a lot evil things konektet to freemasonery mor to iluminaty and Mo..ad or cia or FBI.
@shreddhead23 7 месяцев назад
@theworldisavampire3346 7 месяцев назад
This movie MUST be watched multiple times to properly understand the seemingly underwhelming title "Prisoners". Rewatching allows one to be horrified for Alex Jones & Bob Taylor, who as adults are still trapped by their abductions, Alex physically and Bob psychologically. Second time around we wince as Alex is literally handed back to his abductor, by police, decades later. Super sad.
@lilij1915 7 месяцев назад
Love these images
@rhinomechanics8423 8 месяцев назад
great movie, down to Jake Gyllenhaal blinking twitch.
@2yt4u.14. 8 месяцев назад
Of course they found him. Do you actually think they would not search the whole area of this crazy woman. Also why would he stop whistling after those two whistles
@kathiebsn 8 месяцев назад
Great film
@carmina-solis 9 месяцев назад
I remember watching this film in the theatres and being so completely engrossed in it. Such a great thriller.
@dora1980 9 месяцев назад
Prisoners is a great neo-noir / thriller . Somehow , and I 've seen this film a few times, I always get the impression in the end that detective Loki hears something but then he leaves the place. I'm glad I'm wrong, because I feel very bad for Hugh Jackman, to die like this in the end after all he' s been through! I also think this is the best film for Jake Gyllenhaal and Hugh Jackman.
@nbmooselovers 10 месяцев назад
I have this film on dvd and even though it may be a difficult film for some to handle, I really loved the story, acting and the way it was filmed. I loved the twists and turns that all intertwined in the plot. It depicts the normal visceral pain, anguish and despair that victims of violence go though. But dares to go beyond grief...and into hell for a father to save his daughter. My wife watched it once, and liked the acting etc.. but she would probably not watch it again for the violent scenes. I agree with you 100 % the ending was "perfect"! I loved this ending scene. To me it didn't need anything more. The simple fact that the father would live to see his daughter alive would be all that he needed. Anything else he would face would be easier than what he already went through. Great Review! 👍👍👍
@castricv 10 месяцев назад
I love this movie, but there is one glaring problem. Paul Dano's character was first person arrested in the beginning. The arrest was for resisting and suspicion of child abduction. Any real police would have immediately raided his home. There's simply no way the do not find a trace of the girls, the poison in fridge, handcuffs etc. Failing that sniffer dogs would have found them in the hole. It's too contrived for the story. That and magically an escaped kid growing up to be a creeper who breaks in for tokens causing max confusion. So the guy stays in the same town as his abusers?
@ethanhawkins3391 10 месяцев назад
Brilliant film. Goes to show just how vital great acting is when paired with a tight script. There were no big set pieces or explosions, just great pacing and a slow burn of intrigue building to an incredible ending
@chauhanashish9825 11 месяцев назад
Can we say Parasite's ending was in someway inspired by Prisoners ?
@ttrestle Год назад
As a father, I really connect with wolverine in this film. I just can’t imagine what he was going through even as he tortures the guy.
@dubbeking Год назад
I don't think I appreciated this movie enough at first.
@John_Notmylastname Год назад
The ending is perfect because finding him doesn’t really matter. Dover may be alive but he certainly going to prison for a very long time thus removing himself from his daughters life. If he died he would pretty much get the exact same result except he wouldn’t be tortured by knowing his daughter is growing up without him. It’s brilliant.
@jackkrauss Год назад
Hugh's character just shows up the house thinking he has the drop on the kidnapper. So stupid.
@PieroMinayaRojas Год назад
Honestly I love the kind of endings where you know what happens next, making you imagine it instead of just seeing it
@mateuzane Год назад
I'd have preferred the movie to end in a darker and grimer way showing Detective Loki leaving the property on that night with the camera following him walking (side view) until it stops on the car (Loki continues walking away) and the camera then slowly moves down to show that pit's cover, stops there and suddenly we hear Keller's desperate attempts of blowing that whistle hoping to be heard by Loki or someone. The movie fades out and leaves it just there. This alternative ending would leave the audience on a cliffhanger with an open-ended conclusion. It leaves Keller's fate uncertain and raises questions about whether he will be found or if his ordeal will continue. By not providing a definitive resolution, it creates a lingering emotional impact and invites interpretation and further analysis, explanations and discussions among the audience imo
@bhvillaman4401 Год назад
All i know is if this guy is in a movie then hes probs gonna die at some point
@jasonblundelldobebussing Год назад
You could have said it in 30 seconds and it would have been perfect!
@NinjaxShadowXx Год назад
I need a whole trilogy of movies with Loki the detective
@theholymackerel072 Год назад
Jackman should have won the Oscar for this. The most raw nerve performance of the decade.
@raiusdaltar1483 Год назад
I heard how great this movie was and was disappointed as hell to have figured it out within 20 minutes. Nicely done film but would have liked to have been surprised.
@FumblsTheSniper Год назад
Such a hard movie to show people even though it is hands down one of the most compelling movies of the last decade.
@SexGod225 Год назад
Must’ve not had the volume up high enough I didn’t even hear the whistle when I watched the movie
@_saintyork_2333 Год назад
Why did Paul Danos character hang his dog?
@chinchila_1211 Год назад
bro made an 8 minute video on a 30 second clip
@mathdcarter Год назад