Global Investment Forum
Global Investment Forum
Global Investment Forum
The annual Global Investment Forum, launched in 2015, brings together leaders, thinkers, entrepreneurs to discuss the future of investments as well as global challenges & opportunities.
Past speakers of the Forum have included former U.S. Presidential candidate John Kerry, former French President François Hollande, former Vice-President of the European Commission Viviane Reding, Carlyle Group Co-Founders David Rubenstein and William E. Conway Jr., Uber Co-Founder Garrett Camp, France’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs Dominique de Villepin, Greece’s former Minister of Finance Yanis Varoufakis, Global Ventures Managing Partner Noor Sweid, Checkout Founder and CEO Guillaume Pousaz.
We foster a community of private investors, financial institutions, entrepreneurs, politicians, international organisations, and academia, committed to improving the state of the world by accelerating the transition to a sustainable economy through impact driven allocation of assets.
@mikef3588 3 месяца назад
One of the greatest men I ever knew! Kind, wise and an amazing host!