Mike Levin
Mike Levin
Mike Levin
Congressman Mike Levin represents California's 49th Congressional District, which includes North County San Diego and South Orange County.

This channel will be updated regularly with videos highlighting Representative Levin's service for the 49th District.
Rep. Mike Levin Visits Leucadia Boulevard
2 месяца назад
Rep. Mike Levin Visits Lomas Santa Fe
2 месяца назад
Rep. Mike Levin Visits Emerald Drive
2 месяца назад
Rep. Mike Levin Visits I-5
2 месяца назад
Rep. Mike Levin Visits Stonehill Drive
2 месяца назад
Rep. Mike Levin Visits the LOSSAN Corridor
2 месяца назад
Rep. Mike Levin Visits Poche Beach
2 месяца назад
Rep. Mike Levin Visits La Novia Bridge
2 месяца назад
@aquilagold8 11 часов назад
Hear, Hear! Vote for Mike Levin! Thank you for trying to work in a bipartisan fashion in the best interest of your constituents.
@carlawallace-xj7hl День назад
When you have a problem you take action to the roots of the equation and the roots of the problem is this administration, so in a regular business you get rid of the bad management. Know you have amount of people voting for the same asswhole politician. That is insane.
@jeffhaynes8848 2 дня назад
Y are yall visiting the border just got to any town 😂
@donnellaapperson480 2 дня назад
Fewer because all the criminals are all here and so the good citizens are staying in their own country
@Nativesson 2 дня назад
Are up another Republican just dropped a bomb on why the border bill was killed ask trump
@daveots 2 дня назад
Love the jab at Trump. You can't talk in front of the camera with out a blame game. This reporter is totally helping you. What a game you play? How come the reports never ask democrats like you or Kamala hard questions. Just glad I now have eyes to see your BS propaganda. Looking forward to your minions being sent out to my neighborhood to speak your BS. Love to debate them and show how they are following a real piece of work. You are definitely owned and a puppet. Noticed you have a Stanford pillow. Maybe you need to go back to nothern California where they love this crap.
@kevincrandell1446 6 часов назад
I don't believe this guy for a second. Allowing anyone in with court dates into the 2030's with no plan. Shelters with 60 day limits but court dates in 8 years. It's working out just about how you would think with drugs, crime, trafficking people and spending beyond what taxpayers can afford. That's not leadership.
@annelamont3819 8 дней назад
Good Man Fight for we the people 🙏🙏
@ThomasBrock74 Месяц назад
Why in the sam hell would you show 10 minutes of dead air? Is this a lesson in how to lose an audience?Or what?
@cola1894 2 месяца назад
I'm pouring honey on you GOAT.
@hdn4nd 2 месяца назад
Have you noticed that you’re not trending. That’s because political RU-vid, which is beholden to D.C., is suppressing your video.
@lozanodaniel1 2 месяца назад
Please turn up the volume when you record congressman. Thank you
@lauraeliz64 2 месяца назад
Thank you for all you do and your great communication and updates
@sherriegoodrich6931 3 месяца назад
Then I guess they should remove insurance as a loan requirement…. Let’s see the real facts.
@judybranch3636 3 месяца назад
Biden has done nothing in three and half years except make sure the border was open and allow all the illegals , terrorist, drug cartels , human smugglers, disease (Covid, Tubercolosis,, measles) and god knows what other disease the media is hiding from us, easy access into the USA, To little to late Brandon step out of the way and let someone that knows how to run the country do the job you did so badly . I feel sorry for the next President , trying to clean up the mess you have created !!
@DanielLilly-o6i 3 месяца назад
Democrats, or just trying to make some kind of law to allow all these illegal immigrants in. There's already laws that state they have to go through immigration .there's no reason to make any laws. The president can shut the border down anytime he wants. Without Congress
@LoireValleyChateaux 3 месяца назад
NOTHING in the House bill STOPS illegals from entering USA. Another Democrat Hoax. HR 52 does. ❤️🙏
@subaruamazon 3 месяца назад
they allow 5k in before they close the border? how perposterous.
@CaseySorensen-i8z 3 месяца назад
Shut the border down problem solved
@Dallas-bv6lx 3 месяца назад
Jesus if you don't know by now the dems want Kaos and illegally imported votes and they are funneling all of their dirty money through Ukraine you're hopeless
@TheHonudiver 3 месяца назад
Insurance industry is a pyramid scheme, period.
@ericfrantzen2516 3 месяца назад
It takes Congress 1 vote, 25 minutes, to vote themselves a 30% RAISE! "COST OF LIVING WITH 5 MANSIONS!
@sacredheartism 3 месяца назад
Congressman , why is it that your people do not handle your voters issues? Why is it that no one's voice is heard? We have challenges, and divide is with your own people . We also need help we voted for you and there has to be some accountability towards the people you have chosen to help
@olitihailu 4 месяца назад
@daveots 4 месяца назад
Mike - you are a big fat liar. Liar = when you leave information and facts out of your comments in this video. Why don't you explain to people why border is not a HUGE issues versus 3.5 years ago? Does it have something to do with Biden and congress changing something? Why do the folks on our border not support Biden and those that want open borders. You and many rinos want open borders. Explain why? Dont' be a coward. Say the truth about your agenda. You must have an agenda because when Trump left, the border became a problem. Why don't you get in a room with real citizens and explan this to us instead of being a coward. You are the one that wanted to go to congress and represent the people. I am all for voting, but when you still have vote my mail fraud boxes all over California, I can't trust you. I talk many folks that are liberal and conservative. None of them are for and open border. Show us your numbers of support for open border. We can go back in time and look at all of your support of open border and Biden regime. We have way back machine to catch it all. Let's say you big ML. PS. I noticed you are good at spreading money around here in south OC. But you never had a real business or job. Very interesting. It is almost like you buy your way into power.
@pablitocruise 4 месяца назад
👍 Bipartisan deal is important. Congress must act. This country cannot live on Executive Actions alone. Legal immigration remains our strength ! Thanks Mike !
@daveots 4 месяца назад
Where have you been the last 50 years. Under a rock. Both parties except for Trump failed us on the border. Just look around. Please wake the F up so you don't put me, my family, friends and fellow USA citizens in harms way because of dumb ass politicians like Mike Leven, Biden, Bush, etc. The more you keep supporting this crap and not fighting back, the more suffering we will all feel. Time to unite and get Gov to work for the people.
@aswissgirl 4 месяца назад
You are so right! We will see you in June at the Congressional Award ceremony! Last year you awarded our daughter Sierra and this year it will be our son Jacob. See you soon 😊
@MarianneLeard 4 месяца назад
Why has it taken you so long to address the open border? It’s been completely out-of-control for some time. I’d like you to also turn your attention to the horrible Chemtrails. It has to be stopped.
@daveots 4 месяца назад
I can tell you why. Because people like Biden and Mike Levin are supporting this problem. They actually helped created it. Remember all of the executive orders from Trump. Will Mike L and Biden admin took those away and then use NGOs and other slick evil ways to push people from south America up to USA. They want to make USA a 3rd world country. Have voting block that is always for them (democrat). If we don't come together and push these people out of office, then the suffering will continue and get worse. Again, ask yourself why our Gov wants a bunch of poor people from other countries to mass migrate to the USA? Critically think about it. Not rocket science. Also, listen to Shawn Ryan Show where he has people from ex-Military that are warning us that not only poor folks are coming over the border illegally, we have criminals and men of fighting age that look like they have military training. There are high numbers of men with no families coming over. Last, listen you your local sheriff, they are sending out warnings as well. I post to you and all of the other commenters on this post to get you to wake up and research. Don't take politicians word as true. They are professional liars and exaggerators. We call it marketing :)
@nancyhannan1977 4 месяца назад
If you stop voting for Dems this crap wouldn't happen
@Michael9-23-15 4 месяца назад
Thank You Michael, we need less talk, and more action on this issue.
@daveots 4 месяца назад
What in the heck are you supporting this dud. Congress (both parties) + Biden have pushed this issue. The illegal aliens are telling reporters that they come here because of Biden. You have to ask why Biden and others in Gov want all of these poor people from other countries in the USA? To vote in next election? To give democrats power by having popular vote. I have been alive for 57 years and have never seen so many problems. Even Carter with Gas BS in late 70s was not this bad. Maybe you live in a bubble where you don't experience the bad, but it is not fair to all of us USA citizens that you keep these folks in power. They have no plan and the suffering will continue. Economy is going down fast. Even here in OC. Add all of the poor illegal aliens and you have recipe for disaster. Plus, Leven supports the gender and LGBTQXYZ BS. Why are you supporting him?
@BroadcastBuddy 4 месяца назад
I'd be honored if all Jews left the USA
@Thermalscan77 4 месяца назад
The damage is done..3 years of open borders dems stood by a let it happen !
@BennyFitter 4 месяца назад
We don't need a Jewish history month man come on We will have to leave America at some point. No exile has ever worked out for us.
@domepuncher 4 месяца назад
Thanks for wiping your ass with our 1st Amendment! Amazing how our country bends over backwards for the sensitivities of you ppl. No acts passed for any other group and we aren't even in Israel! Guess it makes sense when more than half of congress takes money from a foriegn govt agent... #UnitedStatesofIsrael #HR6096
@domepuncher 4 месяца назад
1 Thessalonians 2:14-15 "For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men" How DARE you criminalize my religion. Do your worst.
@d12tu68 4 месяца назад
🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦👍👍👍🔵🔵🔵repulicans said no to border security americans know this it was dumb to say NO
@d12tu68 4 месяца назад
@d12tu68 4 месяца назад
@d12tu68 4 месяца назад
democrats always care about border security all important issues pround of yous democrats blue pround 🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
@jaymills1200 4 месяца назад
Fire fighters are under paid and alot of times over worked. They miss out on alot with there own families. Hats off to all first responders for what you do.
@mikehcm 5 месяцев назад
This is a ton of Manura.
@KpaXuan 5 месяцев назад
Very good
@brucejamiesn3802 5 месяцев назад
Mike, thank you for what you have done to help make the planet cleaner and healthier, while always keeping an eye on what can be done to further those goals.
@jennifergaditano9092 5 месяцев назад
Watching from philippines❤
@DottieKelly-g8f 5 месяцев назад
Oil companies do have a ethical responsibility to enhance the quality of life for All of us. Business license and penelties may make a difference. Sound business practce and loyalty is a must.
@conciergedesk3791 5 месяцев назад
A shameless give a way of public land to big oil = 100% hit the nail on the head. Well said. Thank you Mike for being our voice!
@saucechicken2564 5 месяцев назад
Thanks Mike - happy you are my representative. Appreciate you bringing your empathetic intelligence and facts to the debate when the American public is drowning in misinformation.
@RoadhouseTexas4288 5 месяцев назад
No he’s not smart. He’s against fracking and all that u know that makes millions loses there jobs and lively hood.
@jamesraines2382 5 месяцев назад
He needs to run for President.
@jamesberthiaume5497 6 месяцев назад
What a joke the people are done with your hate of the American people
@mariabarlow149 6 месяцев назад
Is rhis for show ? You Democrats backed all of this mess with open borders before and by representing Bidens policy. This is sick. I doubt , I ever vote for Democrats. You all promise things to pander to Democrats at the cost of tax payers. Stop lying. Biden caused this problem then created another bogus policy that would also further line his pockets. He created this by stopping the policy Trump had in place protecting Americans. Why not say it worked so put it back in place? Stop lying and blaming Trump. Be transparent and tell the whole truth of whats in that policy! You wont do that cause the truth is that Biden doesn't create any policy with out kick backs to himself. Biden is a failure and has hurt this nation of ours. Dont flip it around now by making it sound like he wants to work together. He has insulted Trump supporters with his lies and brainwashing.of his own ignorant supporters. Biden has never done anything good for the people in his whole political career. Biden, has painted Trump and supporters as Hitler, racist and manipulated anything Trump said when Biden is the racist one. Who was holding the hand of the Grand Wizard of the KKK? Who said, I dont want my kids going to school with black kids? That was said by Biden. Who said , you ain't black if you dont vote for me ? Biden hates Anerica and he wants to create a 3rd world country and keep people beholden to government. He wants to keep blacks and many on rhe plantstion. Its sick.
@robertkoth4022 6 месяцев назад
Election time lmfao this how dumb these people are