Survival Farming; (Foreigner Farming in Suriname)
Survival Farming; (Foreigner Farming in Suriname)
Survival Farming; (Foreigner Farming in Suriname)
Learn how to grow fruit trees and fresh vegetables in ANY climate, even in your house!
18 часов назад
Arapaima's Love meat? Let's try & see!
7 часов назад
@jayantabiswas5534 3 дня назад
You can not do it. You should be prosecuted as per law of your land. Stupid and idiot.
@EnjoyJapan1 3 дня назад
@user-vs2se6lj4f 3 дня назад
What did you get after killing the snake
@shiluimsong3458 3 дня назад
🫛 peace
@DevanshiGarden 6 дней назад
Wonderful sharing 🎉 one big lk done 🎉🎉
@TheBeautyOfNature81 25 дней назад
It didn't show anything on replanting it
@survivalfarming7111 25 дней назад
Oh sorry, I will find the video,. Meanwhile this is what happened to it a month later. I have since transplanted 2 more, all with the same result. If your tree is growing in a pot, fine, transplant it. if it is well rooted in the ground.. BAD IDEA. Nonetheless, I wish you the bet of success if you do it and your trees live. using a backhoe and getting ALL the roots may work ut for you just fine! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-TAkopfRzMGU.html
@survivalfarming7111 25 дней назад
This is the best transplanting method for a potted one.. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-caryGu60F1c.html
@phillipking6153 26 дней назад
A few questions for the globe and heliocentric believers: Does it feel like we’re rotating 1000 miles an hour? In what science experiment have you ever observed something that’s rotating with the force pulling inward instead of outward? Does scripture say, the sun is moving or the earth is moving? Did God tell the sun to stop or the earth to stop in the book of Joshua? When you look in the sky does it look like the sun is moving or that the earth is moving? Does scripture say God created the earth fixed and it will never move? Does the Bible say pillars are what’s holding the earth in a fixed position? Where are the pillars of the earth on the rotating globe? Does the sun and moon look roughly the same size? Does the sun look 93,000,000 miles away and does the moon look 238,000 miles away? Does scripture say the sun is a star? Does scripture say God created a firmament? Does scripture say the firmament holds back the celestial waters? Does King David, 3000 years after creation, in Psalms acknowledge the celestial waters are still above the firmament? Does the Bible say that God opened the windows of the firmament and let the celestial waters in to flood the earth? Also, did He open up the fountains of the earth to let the celestial waters in from below? Does Peter acknowledge the water surrounding the earth 2000 years ago? 2 Peter 3:5 Does scripture say that the firmament is as a molten looking glass and also looks like a tent? Where are the ends of the earth if the earth is a ball/sphere? If the sun wasn’t created until the fourth day, then what was the earth revolving around? What scripture verse says earth is a Planet? Which scripture says God created planets? Which scriptures mentions planets? What is the Mazzaroth? What are the wandering stars spoke of in scripture? Does the Bible say the builders of the tower of babel were performing a possible or impossible task? Would the Tower of Babel make more sense on a flat level earth with a firmament dome above it with the most high sitting above it or does it make more sense on a spinning ball in outer space? Does a compass make more sense on a flat level plane or on a sphere? If Australians are using a compass which way is it pointing? If Americans are standing on the side of the globe where are their compasses actually pointing? If the earth were a level plane would everyone’s compass point in the same direction? How will ALL eyes see Jesus when he returns if the earth is a globe…..people on the back side of the globe? Would ALL eyes see Him if everyone was on a flat level plane? Does a sextant tool work with a flat level horizon or a “curved“ horizon? Does an astrolabe work with a flat level horizon or a “curved“ horizon? Does the surface of water seek its level? In my bottle of water, is the surface of my water level/flat? The mud puddle in my driveway, is the water surface level/flat? If I fill my bathtub full of water, is the surface of the water level/flat? What about my swimming pool out back, is the surface of the water level? My neighbor’s pond up the road, is the surface of that water level? How about the county watershed, is that water surface level? Lake Tahoe? Is the surface of that water level? If I dig a 1 acre pond, 2 acre, 3, 4, 10, 50, 100, 500, 10,000, 200,000, 1million acre lake and fill them each full of water…….which one of the these bodies of water will not have a flat/level water surface? At what point…..and use the Laws of the Science of Water…..does the surface of water not remain flat/level? Which of the these bodies of water will not have a flat/level water surface? At what point does the surface of water not remain flat/level? Let’s say I took a spool of thread and held it 3 inches above the calm ocean at Gulf Shores, Alabama and stretched it all the way to Panama City, Florida and held it 3 inches above the still, calm ocean. If I pull that thread taught, would the thread A: be straight and level and remain 3 inches over a flat ocean the whole distance B: would the thread be curved with the curvature of the globe or C: would the thread be under the water…through the curvature….making a straight line from Gulf Shores to Panama City? These questions are fair and I’m really interested in your thoughts and the science and logic behind your answer. If you didn’t know the math….if you are standing in Gulf Shores, Panama City is supposedly below the curve 1.6 miles down. What percentage of the earth is water? Are plains and plateaus flat and level? What percentage of the earth is plains? What percentage of the earth is plateaus? What percentage of the earth are hills and mountains? Does God say there is a direction called up and a direction called down? On a globe which direction is up and which direction is down…..and are these directions the same for everyone? Would these directions be the same for everyone if everyone was on a flat level earth? Does God say the earth is a circle and has a face? In geometry(the branch of mathematics that studies shapes) is circle flat? Is a face flat? Does God say in scripture the earth is a ball? If our solar system is moving trillions of miles per year through space, why are the stars in the same position in the sky for all of the ages recorded? Does scripture say the earth has edges and borders? Where are the edges and borders on a globe? Does the pictures and videos of the moon’s ground during the moon landings look like the same moon as the one you see in the sky at night? Why do space rockets never go straight up but arch like they are headed back toward the ground? Why do we see asteroids and meteors always fall to the horizon and we never see them coming up from the horizon? Would everyone on a globe not see asteroids and meteors shooting in all directions? If GPS is really communicating from orbiting satellites then why are there millions of miles of underwater sea internet cables and communication towers every 3 miles on the highways? And why is there not service on every square inch of the globe? If satellites are real and orbiting the globe almost once per hour then why does Google Earth images not update at least once per day …. Or even once per week…. Or even once per month? Why does NASA admit they photoshop all images from space….. including pictures of the earth/globe? Why can you see stars perfectly from earth and not from the moon? If the moon has no atmosphere, thus no reflection of its light..what would block the view of stars? If the ISS has been manned in orbit over 8200 days straight and has orbited the earth over 130,000 times in 23 years and orbits the earth 16 times per day (every day nonstop)….why can’t we get live video feed of the earth and zoom in to the ground and see what is happening live at any location on earth? Why do emergency plane landings work perfectly on a flat earth map and make zero sense on the globe model? Do civil engineers and surveyors allow for the curvature of the earth? Have you ever asked one if they have ever allowed for curvature in any project they have been a part of? Does scripture ever reference any life/beings outside of the earth other than demons/angels… in other words, does scriptures ever mention “extra terrestrial aliens”? Where exactly is the physical “heaven” if you believe in a globe spinning in outer space? Where exactly is the physical hell, Sheol or Hades? Do you believe God’s word over faked or real pictures, videos and atheistic scientists?
@survivalfarming7111 26 дней назад
You have many questions. Please don't forget that God's thoughts and ways are not our ways... what does GOD mean when he uses a word is what counts NOT what we think the word means. Take the word PILLAR for example, do you know that below is one of the meanings for it? How do we know what Gd meant and ought we to assume that we know? He never said the earth was round and He never said it was flat. Stationary could also have been meant by Him as not moving out of its orbital path! PILLAR: In the manege, the center of the volta, ring or manege ground, around which a horse turns.
@survivalfarming7111 26 дней назад
Hell exists right where God says it is... God never said Sheol NOR Hades so you have already been deceived believing words that are NOT in His holy pure word. please stick to the scriptures and don't abuse His Holy preserved word!
@phillipking6153 26 дней назад
@@survivalfarming7111 Hell is not in scripture. The Bible wasn’t wrote in English. You have 4 words that was translated to Hell…….Sheol, Gehenna, Hades and Tartaroo. Study the scriptures.
@survivalfarming7111 25 дней назад
@@phillipking6153 I have studied the scriptures and do continue. Does Jesus REALLY want us to go back to the Hebrew and Greek? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-L-dLCJJ_JlI.html&pp=ygUXbGFzdGNhbGwgc3VyaW5hbWUgZ3JlZWs%3D
@survivalfarming7111 25 дней назад
@@phillipking6153 Did Jesus tell you to go back to the Hebrew and Greek? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-L-dLCJJ_JlI.html&pp=ygUXbGFzdGNhbGwgc3VyaW5hbWUgZ3JlZWs%3D
@phillipking6153 26 дней назад
*****FIRMAMENT**** Know your Bible!! Study to show thyself approved!! Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the DEEP(H8415 TEHOM) . And the Spirit of God moved upon the FACE of the waters. What are these waters? H8415 Tehom primeval ocean, deep, Genesis 1:7 And God made the FIRMAMENT, and divided the waters which were under the FIRMAMENT from the waters which were above the FIRMAMENT: and it was so. What was the the purpose of the FIRMAMENT in this verse? Dividing the Tehom( the celestial waters). Psalm 148:4 Praise him, ye heaven of heaven, and ye WATERS that be ABOVE the heaven. ☝🏻King David spoke these words 3000 years after creation recognizing the waters still above the firmament. 2 Esdras 6:41 Upon the second day thou made the spirit of the FIRMAMENT, and commanded it to divide, and to make a division between the WATERS, that the one part might go up, and the other remain beneath. Even the apocryphal books tell you exactly what the firmament is. Isn’t it strange that the apocrypha was removed from the KJV after 1669? Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the FOUNTAINS of the GREAT DEEP broken up, and the WINDOWS OF HEAVEN were opened. Genesis 8:2 The FOUNTAINS also of the DEEP and the WINDOWS OF HEAVEN were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained; Psalms 104:6 Thou coveredst it (the earth) with the DEEP(H8415 TEHOM) as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains. The celestial ocean (H8415 Tehom) came through the literal windows of the firmament. Jubilees 5:23-26 And he entered in the sixth (year) thereof, [1308 A.M.] in the second month, on the new moon of the second month, till the sixteenth; and he entered, and all that we brought to him, into the ark, and the Lord closed it from without on the seventeenth evening. And the Lord opened SEVEN FLOODGATES OF HEAVEN, And the MOUTHS of the FOUNTAINS of the GREAT DEEP, SEVEN MOUTHS IN NUMBER. And the FLOODGATES began to POUR DOWN WATER FROM HEAVEN forty days and forty nights, And the FOUNTAINS of the DEEP also SENT UP WATERS, until the whole world was FULL of WATER. And the waters increased upon the earth: Fifteen cubits did the waters rise above all the high mountains, And the ark was lift up above the earth, And it moved upon the FACE of the waters. Even the book of Jubilees explains what happened at the flood with the literal windows of the firmament opening. Again, strange it was removed from most canons. Genesis 8:3 And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. Where did the flood waters go?? Jubilees 5:34 And (on the new moon) in the fourth month the FOUNTAINS of the GREAT DEEP were closed and the FLOODGATES OF HEAVEN were restrained; and on the new moon of the seventh month all the MOUTHS OF THE ABYSSES of the earth were OPENED, and the WATER began to descend into the DEEP below. Again, Jubilees tells you they went out of the fountains below. Genesis 1:8 And God called the FIRMAMENT ****Heaven.**** And the evening and the morning were the second day. 14 And God said, Let there be lights in the FIRMAMENT(H7549 - rāqîa) of the heaven(H8064 - šāmayim) to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15 And let them be for lights in the FIRMAMENT of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. KNOW WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES AND KNOW WHAT SCIENCE CONTRADICTS THE BIBLE. 1 Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you. Avoid profane babbling and the absurdities of so-called science. FIRMAMENT in Hebrew is H7549 raqia. Something solid. Read Blue Letter Bible Lexicons definition. Firmament (of vault of heaven supporting waters above) considered by Hebrews as solid and supporting 'waters' above
@hphp2200 27 дней назад
Very interesting..👍
@survivalfarming7111 27 дней назад
Thanks, It has been a whole years work to get to this point.
@hphp2200 27 дней назад
😂 Maybe they want to brush their teeth too..😂
@sherwarlockplays6179 Месяц назад
plant in the ground what are you afraid of😂😂
@survivalfarming7111 Месяц назад
Thank you for your comment, The ground here is all solid clay, I am testing different amendments to see what it will like best. I live on the equator and apples don't grow here so I am trying to keep it alive by babying it at home. any suggestions would be appreciated!
@khelonhayes8460 Месяц назад
Are these still working after a year? Any issues with VOCs? Do they cool and dehumidify well?
@survivalfarming7111 Месяц назад
Thanks for asking. NO, the controllers failed and the gas leaked out of 2 of the units. I paid 4k a pop for each one with sun panels, batteries and charge controllers. The project failed so miserably I put it on hold while I designed and built an underground greenhouse with geothermal heat transfer pipes. so far so good, if it works 100% I go back to the Island cold house with airco's and dig deep adding pre-cooling pipes there as well. Here is a short video of my underground Walipini design that extracts the cold/heat out of the ground for pre-cooling. initial tests dropped the temperature 20 degrees! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-_f_TJg3MNOw.html
@BRIANLIMBARO 2 месяца назад
@survivalfarming7111 2 месяца назад
I;m looking everyday!
@lourdesrodriguez8749 2 месяца назад
Beautiful trees. 🪴
@survivalfarming7111 2 месяца назад
Thanks, lots of work to get them to germinate though. but love to do it!
@auracolina7135 3 месяца назад
Hi Jose hier
@ferociousfedericovento888 3 месяца назад
If I have a pretty big ulu tree that is growing in a bad spot can I transplant it? It’s about 5 feet tall and pretty bushy
@survivalfarming7111 3 месяца назад
If the root system is still small enough yes! I have transplanted many trees but if the tap rot gets cut it could die. USE LOTS of water right after the transplant.
@righthand7965 4 месяца назад
You know nothing of Freemasonry & The Star of Moloch, nowhere in scripture in there a Star Of David, you've been brainwashed for decades, ye have not even to, nor an ear to hear.
@righthand7965 4 месяца назад
Helios is Apollo is Abbadon in Revelation 911
@survivalfarming7111 4 месяца назад
And? you got this wisdom from above or below? you are saying as above so below?
@righthand7965 4 месяца назад
It's Flat ❤😂
@survivalfarming7111 4 месяца назад
Good luck with that devilish comment on judgment day! BTW the image in your picture is NOT the real Jesus
@ATF.California 4 месяца назад
Rip 🪦 😢
@SeraphimCherubim 4 месяца назад
It's an octagon. 😮
@alice1982ist 4 месяца назад
and it is dead! spiders can not swim.
@survivalfarming7111 4 месяца назад
OH YES THEY CAN! VERY good underwater swimmers too!
@alice1982ist 4 месяца назад
@@survivalfarming7111 there's one species. They hunt in bubbles.
@survivalfarming7111 4 месяца назад
The ones we have here swim VERY GOOD on top of water AND beneth@@alice1982ist
@somerandomguy4240 4 месяца назад
@@alice1982ist There's more than one.
@nicknick493 4 месяца назад
i think i know why it attacked you
@dirtywhiteboy5332 4 месяца назад
Not a poisonous spider to humans, it's a wolf spider😂😂😂
@survivalfarming7111 4 месяца назад
I have been told that they are quite venomous to young children, THEY BITE HARD!
@user-dx7om1ib2v 4 месяца назад
It's not a wolf spider. It is from Dolomedes genus.
@ghostrider415 4 месяца назад
Tell me your an idiot with out telling me 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
@jc30005 4 месяца назад
One drop of liquid soap is all that’s needed
@noobahoi 4 месяца назад
For that pool, you need a lot more soap. ;)
@zadeify9596 4 месяца назад
That type of spider is a good diver.
@jc30005 4 месяца назад
@@noobahoione drop would make it sink.
@survivalfarming7111 4 месяца назад
@@zadeify9596 A VERY good diver! I have seen them on the bottom of the pool holding bubbles of air with them
@zadeify9596 4 месяца назад
@@survivalfarming7111 They also hibernite underwater. The females can grow as large as the palm of your hand.
@sunnyd9321 4 месяца назад
@survivalfarming7111 4 месяца назад
Only way to give others the opportunity to see it so closely in the water. Momma always taught; "Others first, self last"
@sulllll 4 месяца назад
thats a species of fishing spider. venom isnt medically significant
@somerandomguy4240 4 месяца назад
It will still hurt like a mf though
@datbunneh3671 4 месяца назад
This is an epiphany of "fuck around and find out".
@alice1982ist 4 месяца назад
and it's dead!
@survivalfarming7111 4 месяца назад
@@alice1982ist Nope alive and well, they are in my pool daily
@nunyobidness153 4 месяца назад
This spider attacked me, let me get directly next to it. Oh no! Who would have seen this coming! The sheer stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me.
@templarknight1981 5 месяцев назад
same issue on two machines
@survivalfarming7111 5 месяцев назад
I have had it in the shop 6 times now the first year I owned it. usually cost 200-$300 TO FIX EACH TIME. MUST BE SOMETHING SIMPLE AND THEY WONT TELL ME.. hmmm
@templarknight1981 5 месяцев назад
a mech at the shop when i was buying a fuel filter to troubleshoot the one that wouldnt start for 7 months was proud to say its usually in the ignition switch key switch ...HIS Boss looked pissed...i went back put on the new fuel filter checked wiring harnesses pushed in fuses and relays ANNNND put some WD40 down the key switch ....flipped it around a few times and VOILA it started! ran like a charm for a few weeks ...I am not sure if it was the key or some of the other things I did so yesterday I repeated all of them ...nothing... I went to move the twin machine back in the shed and it wouldn't start either identical issue as the first ...turning over wont fire up... I rolled them both in and went to youtube instead of the more drastic thoughts I had holding my lighter in hand LOL@@survivalfarming7111
@SeraphimCherubim 5 месяцев назад
Its nice of you to help the dumb woman.
@AwestruckOffRoadingHertz 5 месяцев назад
what year and model is this?
@survivalfarming7111 5 месяцев назад
2022 and CF 1000
@pussinheadset 5 месяцев назад
я антихайп как хан замай
@survivalfarming7111 5 месяцев назад
извините, не уверен, что вы говорите. Не могли бы вы использовать другие слова?
@ChristaFree 6 месяцев назад
Harvest on the 3rd year and give the first to God. Your tree will always be bountiful. Can't remember where that's at in the Bible exactly but i know it's there lol. On the tip of my tongue.
@survivalfarming7111 6 месяцев назад
Amen.. Thank you! And this shall be a sign unto thee, Ye shall eat this year such as groweth of itself; and the second year that which springeth of the same: and in the third year sow ye, and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat the fruit thereof.
@marctailor5219 6 месяцев назад
So if you live in Holland you either a, agree with the laws,customs and values and enjoy living in the country, what ever your religion) or b, ignore all the traditions and rules of that country and use your own religious law, whilst ignoring the established one, to tell everybody that as more of you arrive, you will overthrow these established ltraditions and rules to make everybody bow to the religious laws that you are trying to bring in to enslave the people. Sounds like the script for a film, were the baddies are against gthe goodies. Think that Geertt has always been played by the likes of Gary Cooper, John Waynne and Clint Eastwood. The other lot have always been played by mean looking actors, dressed in Black Hats and shooting up the town. By the way wondered about the choice of music on this video, was it ment to make Geer outt to be bad and a threat, just hope he has a big enough posse to save us from the Dalton and Slade gangs as theynride in to town, shooting up the saloon, jumping on our woman. and robbing all of our money located in the bank. 🤐
@henryschwaiger6568 6 месяцев назад
Sending an SOS from the UK
@JASiN_SLAYA- 6 месяцев назад
Jesus is God that came in the flesh.
@lisagerentes-lv6xj 6 месяцев назад
ca ce fais pas PD
@marcusafloydsr.4349 7 месяцев назад
I have the same problem
@survivalfarming7111 7 месяцев назад
Yes I also have a CF 1000 which ALWAYS has issues starting, this ids the first time for the 500 in 2 years
@jacobsaltzman1337 7 месяцев назад
This looks like a catastrophe, we have so few wetlands left, why on earth would you drain them??? this is NOT survival farming. You slopes are too steep you will continue to have slumping with those clay soils.. you took what was a productive ecosystem and have tuurnedd it into a dead zone. just horrible
@survivalfarming7111 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for the comment! Actually this was a dead zone, it is the remainder of a mining quarry that was already destroyed that mining giant Billiton left Un reclaimed. I am reclaiming the land planting crops and fruit trees that were once in the land. it will be a beautiful reclamation project that most miners neglect to reclaim.
@marypline1797 8 месяцев назад
Quit harassing the bird.
@survivalfarming7111 8 месяцев назад
Actually the boy was spooked and flew out of the cage. The girl is the red one and she is tame. The boy never took to us and is a bit younger than the girl. Since they both have full flight ability, I had to get all the doors closed before trying to catch him.
@vickyflanagan5795 8 месяцев назад
Enjoy watching you work, hope the germinated seeds grow into new trees.
@survivalfarming7111 8 месяцев назад
Thanks, so far so good! Stay tuned...
@vickyflanagan5795 8 месяцев назад
It would be good to see the whole process. Tks for this it had never occurred to me to make apple cider vinegar.. Good one.
@survivalfarming7111 8 месяцев назад
Hi.. Yes, I was spending a small fortune buying it for my Quails, chickens and Turkeys. ( I have thousands of birds). Now I just buy (often receive free) older apples in bulk at grocery stores and make my own batches, I have several apple cider vinegar videos showing the different steps. I will try to get them all on one playlist for you.
@survivalfarming7111 8 месяцев назад
This is part 1 of the process. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-eD0HOrniuSA.html
@survivalfarming7111 8 месяцев назад
For best results ONLY use pure cane sugar! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-UP2-ctqMleA.html
@vickyflanagan5795 8 месяцев назад
tks for the lin I clicked and enjoyed good luck with the seedlings.@@survivalfarming7111
@vickyflanagan5795 8 месяцев назад
Thanks I will watch out for them.@@survivalfarming7111
@SeraphimCherubim 8 месяцев назад
Noise quails
@survivalfarming7111 8 месяцев назад
Males awaiting culling.
@IsharaChamal 8 месяцев назад
Ayam from srilnka ayam no job hiya visa no
@survivalfarming7111 8 месяцев назад
You live in Sri Lanka? You need visa for which country?
@IsharaChamal 8 месяцев назад
Hiya no visa srilnka no visa olli visa no prbban
@IsharaChamal 8 месяцев назад
Wari nice ❤️❤️♥️
@jordanhancock279 8 месяцев назад
They need formula asap. Best of luck with babies!
@mariaali7927 8 месяцев назад
@nanjibachisty861 8 месяцев назад
remember me when u get famous
@AgriNaBesh 8 месяцев назад
hi, how deep the water need that will consider enough for the banana to grow well. Or the required milliliters of water per plant?
@survivalfarming7111 8 месяцев назад
Hello and thank you for the question, I give little (just 10-30 seconds) to the small plants and LOTS to the big plants (2-3 minutes per plant) I only use solar pumps with a 1" hose and have never measured the exact volume, I have about 500 banana plants and will expand to 5000 this year so I need to install an automated watering system which I will video for you guys,