The Good Place: I See Stars
4 года назад
Take Two (Sam and Eddie) Bad Idea
5 лет назад
Walter and Paige ~  When It's Time
7 лет назад
Mac and Harm ~ Oasis
7 лет назад
CBS Scorpion (JAG Theme)
7 лет назад
in which i rant about waige at 1am
8 лет назад
Walter x Paige (Waige) "Helpless."
8 лет назад
Odds Are ~ Scorpion
8 лет назад
Walter and Paige ~ Dream
8 лет назад
Melvester ~ "I'll Cover You"
8 лет назад
Walter and Paige ~ Storyline
9 лет назад
Scorpion Fan Intertwo
9 лет назад
Cho and Vega: I Wanna Know It All
9 лет назад
Scorpion Fan Interview
9 лет назад
Wylie and Vega ~ Michelle
9 лет назад
The Mentalist Intro: JAG Theme
9 лет назад
Jane and Lisbon ~ Happy
9 лет назад
@thecomicdrill 11 дней назад
Watching in 2024.
@LeightonAtkinson-bm6of 2 месяца назад
Ross and Rachel of the 1990's Leonard and Penny of the 2000's
@gregoryk.tanaka4285 2 месяца назад
She is one of the prettiest actresses ever to grace the tv. What a sweetie pie! ❤❤❤
@chernishoff10 3 месяца назад
1:13 ooh😂😂😂😂
@vittoriorusso3148 3 месяца назад
Alla fine sono arrivati al traguardo,peccato perche' la sosta sara' di breve durata. E' impossibile imbrigliare Harm in un contesto che non e' da lui contemplato,in una relazione che da lui e' gia' stata rifiutata molte volte.Lui ama Mac ma di un amore libero che non puo' avere confini,che non puo' avere limiti,un amore che ha bisogno di spazi infiniti e dove la fantasia puo' farla da padrone.Lui ha bisogno di librarsi con il suo aereo,percorrere spazi enormi la' dove il cielo si congiunge al mare,la' dove i sogni nascono e muoiono,la' dove tutto e' possibile e dove tutto finisce.La fantasia non ha confine,peccato che Mac non l'abbia capito prima,avrebbe potuto seguirlo la' dove la vita assorbe tutte le emozioni e dove tutto diventa possibile da impossibile,la' dove Harm l'aspetta da sempre.Forse, finalmente,ha trovato il coraggio per raggiungerlo. Andate,il vostro amore ha incontrato l'eternita'.
@mariahsmith6101 3 месяца назад
I wish this show wasn't canceled. It completely left a huge cliffhanger
@user-ez1dm9hv1e 4 месяца назад
So gorgeous ❤❤❤
@azurerainbow4637 5 месяцев назад
It was good that Admiral Chegwidden promoted Bud to the rank of Lieutenant Commander just before he retired from the U.S. Navy.
@adyanbickaroo1868 6 месяцев назад
Harley quinn voice 😍
@annamccabe67 6 месяцев назад
@williamchollick959 7 месяцев назад
Howard: (Points to Raj) He called me “some military robot”! (Points to Leonard) He called me “a big free-to-be-you-and-me flake”! (He yells at Raj with anger for one last second) LET’S SEE IF YOU CAN CRY AFTER FOUR OR FIVE GOOD KICKS ON YOUR FREAKING NUTS!!!
@vittoriorusso3148 7 месяцев назад
Mac e' la donna piu' complessata della serie Jag.Non ha una visione reale della sua vita,mentre dice bianco dopo un po' e' nero,non ha mai avuto un rapporto sincero con gli uomini che le sono stati accanto.Le sue storie finiscono sempre in modo burrascoso,e chi ne paga le conseguenze e' Harm,al quale ogni volta che interrompe una storia si rivolge Eppure ama Harm,ma non lo riesce a capire,sente che c'e' qualcosa fra loro due,ma non riesce ad analizzare i suoi sentimenti,eppure prima di iniziare una storia gli chiede sempre se lui sia disponibile a discutere con lei del loro rapporto,ma sempre,e' questa la grandissima colpa di Harm,lui tergiversa e cerca di uscire fuori da questa situazione,cosi' facendo consegna Mac all'innamorato di turno.,Dalton,Brumby e al furbo,ma meschino,Webb.Con tutti costoro Mac non sara' mai felice,anche se vi e' sempre una parvenza d'amore tra loro ma che scompare dopo poco tempo.Dalton viene ammazzati,Brumby se ne torna in Australia e Webb,la spia che trama nell'ombra,riesce a portare Mac in Paraguay con sé,ma le fara' rischiare la vita nella missione intrapresa,ben conoscendone la pericolosita',Mac viene salvata da Harm,ma forse sarebbe stato meglio se lui se ne fosse rimasto a Washington e non avesse intrapreso un'azione che in seguito lo privera' del proprio posto di lavoro e di Mac che decide che un rapporto amoroso non ci potra' mai essere fra loro due e sarebbe meglio se non si frequentassero piu' se non per ragioni di lavoro.Clayton,con la sua furbizia e' riuscito ad adescare Mac ed a condurla dalla sua parte. Ma anche per lui ci sara' la resa dei conti e tutto finira' nel peggiore dei modi
@dale4039 8 месяцев назад
goddamn! Catherine Bell is a goddess she's fine AF would never pull out of her
@vittoriorusso3148 8 месяцев назад
Harm ama Mac non per la donna che e',ma perche' in lei vede l'amore della sua vita :"Diana".Per Harm Mac non sara' mai Sarah,come la chiamano o l'hanno chiamata le persone che man mano sono state al suo fianco,ma sara' e rappresentera' sempre la sua dolce e mai dimenticata DIANA. ragazza
@vittoriorusso3148 8 месяцев назад
Harm si sta giocando Mac,pronto in agguato c'e' Bramby che sta tallonando Mac e Mac ci casca in quanto Harm l'ha respinta dicendo che lui non ha ancora assorbito il colpo della morte di Diana. Mac hasempre giocato sporco con Harm:non si puo' amare una persona ed andare a letto con un'altra.Lo sta combinando con Bramby,lo combinera' anvora con Clayton Webb.Harm non avrebbe piu' dovuto curarsene quando lo avrebbe cercato di nuovo,ne' avrebbe dovuto aiutarla come ha sempre fatto.Mac se lo e' girato ben bene.
@azurerainbow4637 8 месяцев назад
Wonder why none of the spin-offs of JAG revealed if Francesca, AJ Chegwidden's only daughter, did or didn't get married and have a family? This episode of JAG was the last time that she was mentioned.
@starpawsy 9 месяцев назад
I was so sorry he and Meredith didnt work out. He deserved a lady.
@travwrestle 9 месяцев назад
The whole series should have just ended right here. Not another word from anyone. Just "Thanks for watching JAG"
@LucasKent-bf5ul 5 месяцев назад
Nope that bs
@americanpaisareturns9051 9 месяцев назад
The closing music still gets to me.🥲 🫡
@paulsamora1348 10 месяцев назад
Fit the part perfectly
@TonyPerez816 10 месяцев назад
As an active duty Marine during this show's main run, I truly loved it. It was a little ridiculous in some ways, and season 1 felt like a bad military parody at times, but most of the episodes over most of the seasons were fantastic! The attention to detail in terms of military accuracy was so refreshing. It definitely felt like it was intended for a military audience. NCIS, it's successor was a good show too, but it was clearly written for a civilian audience. You can tell by looking at those small details. Like referring to an NCOIC as a "Non-commissioned officer in charge". In JAG, they wouldn't spell that out, because everyone knows what an NCOIC is. Thousands of small details like that made the show feel much more organic and legitimate. They way they capture military customs and courtesies, uniform details like order of ribbons, shooting badges, which uniform is for which purpose, all of it. I really miss the show! I hope it will be available streaming somewhere soon. For those on XFINITY, there was a time a couple of years ago where a few seasons were available, but I am off of that service now, so there's none out there that I am aware of.
@LuisPerez-wq2qi 10 месяцев назад
@richardisner3671 10 месяцев назад
Harm had more control than I would have had.
@richardisner3671 10 месяцев назад
Those two should get a room & work their relationship out over a 7 day period.
@rds479 11 месяцев назад
A true leader he left everyone better than he found them and when it was his time he left proudly and quietly because he understood leadership was not about him
@brentcowell5776 11 месяцев назад
she is so beautiful!!! id kiss her no matter where we was if it appeared she wanted it!!!!
@paulmiddleton4215 11 месяцев назад
it was great to see him reprise his role on a NCIS episode years later. defending SA Gibbs
@azurerainbow4637 11 дней назад
He also reprised his role on NCIS: Los Angeles.
@keyontunstall4514 Год назад
2:02 Does he ever shut up?
@azurerainbow4637 Год назад
It would've been good if there were an episode of Hawaii Five-0 and that Steve McGarrett gets to meet Bud Roberts, Jr., who has come to Hawaii on a special assignment and to see the look on Steve's face and the faces of his team if Bud told them that in 2002, he lost a leg trying to save a boy from a minefield in Afghanistan while overseeing a new school there being prepared to replace the one that was destroyed there, in case they haven't heard about Bud's injury on ZNN.
@oliverschloter Год назад
Admiral disembarks.
@oliverschloter Год назад
He was the best JAG
@nedraleggett6837 Год назад
I was noticing at the beginning of this John appeared thin er more healthy. By the time he passed away he had gained size and started looking less healthy. 😢 I would bet he put off going to the doctor until a shooting vacation. I'm that way. I let health issues slide until I can get to them. I'm sorry John passed. He was a funny caring man.
@YOLOYOLO4321-by7bh Год назад
Idk why this show gets recommended for me but I'm glad it did bcuz Beth Behrs looks so good! Wow! She is unbelievably hot and sexy! OMG! I just realized! I'm getting the lotion out because she is making me wanna start hardcore jerking off so bad now!she This is gonna be very intense stuff!
Mis mentalistas los estrañoss mucho los Quieroooo
Gracias Nentalista aqui estoy mirandolos Siempre TNT SERIES NO DEJEN DE PASAR MENTALISTA De Argentina patagonia
@JThom529 Год назад
The cop is probably so baffled and maybe so amused that Sheldon is being so blatant about his honesty he’s probably like “uh huh, ok”. Hope Leonard didn’t have a bitch of a time in TSA as a result 😅
@babe7401 Год назад
Sometimes too much
@XennaC Год назад
@XennaC Год назад
@BenE8844 Год назад
For those of you who were disappointed by this series, how Penny was never a well developed character, and how it ended, let me recommend you this: . “What could have been”, son-goku5. . WAY BETTER than the actual show. It takes place THROUGHOUT the show, but has real and better character development for Penny. It's mostly from Penny's POV, and it also gives her more depth by showing/including her family from Nebraska as well as her family. It definitely made me feel better about how disappointing the last five seasons were. The show should have just ended with Leonard and Penny getting married. Also this story puts Penny in moments where she wasn't. (Vegas and Camping Trip where the guys were Tripping while Camping; she gets high too). Also, there's a huge twist that makes the show honestly look dumb in romantic story telling. There's also more Penny vs Sheldon in it, to the point that Sheldon messes with her job and she messes with his schedule. Penny also doesn't become unlikable in it, and remains her "before she got married" self to the end. Her fate in this story is also a lot better. And Leonard's proposal is WAY better in it. They also show Leonard interacting with her family more often (they also show him asking for her parents blessing, which is a very well written moment) and he even tells Penny he's jealous of her for having nice parents. Leonard also gets REAL character development in this story too. He grows up and acts less nerdy but still remains a nerd (for example he missed half a day of Comic Con to take care of Penny when she gets a headache. That's what I call maturity. And when Raj uses the whip sound, to make fun of him for taking care of her, Penny gets all mad for them making fun of Leonard and she even mentions his problem with Emily and the Iron Maiden 😂. When all he's doing is something thoughtful). What's best about this story is that while they do act like their sitcom selves, Leonard and Penny develop more realistically like REAL PEOPLE. READ IT! Also the author is German, and I think he's a physicist, because he writes science dialogue that's offscreen. Penny also comes to hate Beverley a lot. She also stands up for him when someone flirts with her and denigrates him at the same time, because she knows he never was able to do it his whole life. It’s really beautiful. At one point she even calls him in her mind, her soulmate. Penny and Leonard plan a REAL wedding, and they exchange actual beautiful vows, and makes it clear she wants to have a genuinely happy life with him because he at one point in the story says that “life will go by and all that a person will have is a regret of not doing something”. Leonard is a little philosopher in this story. He even tells Penny he’s thinking about changing his name to “Leonardo”, cause it get rid of the word “nerd” in his name, but ultimately doesn’t. Penny is actually really smart in season seven and eight; she comes up with a way to trick Sheldon into giving them the apartment. You see the author writes a reason why Penny is uncomfortable with Leonard moving in with her. It is because of her asshole ex who cheated on her before she met Leonard. Penny thinks that her and Leonard also being neighbors is “convenient and practical”. So when Sheldon gets hospitalized in season four for weeks , Leonard in a very “Chandler Bing fashion” asks Penny to move in (in this story they don’t break up like in season three, and their relationship starts off WAY differently) with him as a trial. He’s smart and tells Penny he knows the real reason. When they get engaged she tells Leonard they can’t live in her apartment, so it’s either A trick Sheldon into moving out or B, find a new place, and “make it our own”. Sheldon is more intolerable and unbearable. When Leonard does move out, they basically show no real sympathy. Penny even tells Amy that it’s HER job to prepare Sheldon for when they get married since she’s his girlfriend “by will”. Excerpt: Amy waved it off and looked at her. "Are you determined to live with Leonard after you're married?" "Of course." Penny scrunched her face in confusion. "He'll be my husband, why would I not?" "Well, I heard the secret of a successful relationship is separate apartments." Amy hesitated, clearly uncomfortable." "Amy, did you tell Sheldon yet that he has to get used to the idea that he won't be living with Leonard anymore?" Penny asked her friend. "Well..." "Dammit, Amy!" Penny huffed. "I haven't gotten the chance yet to approach the subject." Amy justified her recalcitrance. "I'm afraid he'll run away again." "Amy, let me be clear." Penny said. "After Leonard and me are back from our honeymoon, we will live together. Whether it'll be here in this building or somewhere else, I don't know yet but Sheldon will not be living in the same apartment." "Fine." Amy huffed. "Go back a minute, clothing has an expiration date?" Bernadette interjected. "Yes, it's called fashion." Penny nodded as Amy picked up the red dress from the top of the keep pile.
@BenE8844 Год назад
For those of you who were disappointed by this series, how Penny was never a well developed character, and how it ended, let me recommend you this: . “What could have been”, son-goku5. . WAY BETTER than the actual show. It takes place THROUGHOUT the show, but has real and better character development for Penny. It's mostly from Penny's POV, and it also gives her more depth by showing/including her family from Nebraska as well as her family. It definitely made me feel better about how disappointing the last five seasons were. The show should have just ended with Leonard and Penny getting married. Also this story puts Penny in moments where she wasn't. (Vegas and Camping Trip where the guys were Tripping while Camping; she gets high too). Also, there's a huge twist that makes the show honestly look dumb in romantic story telling. There's also more Penny vs Sheldon in it, to the point that Sheldon messes with her job and she messes with his schedule. Penny also doesn't become unlikable in it, and remains her "before she got married" self to the end. Her fate in this story is also a lot better. And Leonard's proposal is WAY better in it. They also show Leonard interacting with her family more often (they also show him asking for her parents blessing, which is a very well written moment) and he even tells Penny he's jealous of her for having nice parents. Leonard also gets REAL character development in this story too. He grows up and acts less nerdy but still remains a nerd (for example he missed half a day of Comic Con to take care of Penny when she gets a headache. That's what I call maturity. And when Raj uses the whip sound, to make fun of him for taking care of her, Penny gets all mad for them making fun of Leonard and she even mentions his problem with Emily and the Iron Maiden 😂. When all he's doing is something thoughtful). What's best about this story is that while they do act like their sitcom selves, Leonard and Penny develop more realistically like REAL PEOPLE. READ IT! Also the author is German, and I think he's a physicist, because he writes science dialogue that's offscreen. Penny also comes to hate Beverley a lot. She also stands up for him when someone flirts with her and denigrates him at the same time, because she knows he never was able to do it his whole life. It’s really beautiful. At one point she even calls him in her mind, her soulmate. Penny and Leonard plan a REAL wedding, and they exchange actual beautiful vows, and makes it clear she wants to have a genuinely happy life with him because he at one point in the story says that “life will go by and all that a person will have is a regret of not doing something”. Leonard is a little philosopher in this story. He even tells Penny he’s thinking about changing his name to “Leonardo”, cause it get rid of the word “nerd” in his name, but ultimately doesn’t. Penny is actually really smart in season seven and eight; she comes up with a way to trick Sheldon into giving them the apartment. You see the author writes a reason why Penny is uncomfortable with Leonard moving in with her. It is because of her asshole ex who cheated on her before she met Leonard. Penny thinks that her and Leonard also being neighbors is “convenient and practical”. So when Sheldon gets hospitalized in season four for weeks , Leonard in a very “Chandler Bing fashion” asks Penny to move in (in this story they don’t break up like in season three, and their relationship starts off WAY differently) with him as a trial. He’s smart and tells Penny he knows the real reason. When they get engaged she tells Leonard they can’t live in her apartment, so it’s either A trick Sheldon into moving out or B, find a new place, and “make it our own”. Sheldon is more intolerable and unbearable. When Leonard does move out, they basically show no real sympathy. Penny even tells Amy that it’s HER job to prepare Sheldon for when they get married since she’s his girlfriend “by will”. Excerpt: Amy waved it off and looked at her. "Are you determined to live with Leonard after you're married?" "Of course." Penny scrunched her face in confusion. "He'll be my husband, why would I not?" "Well, I heard the secret of a successful relationship is separate apartments." Amy hesitated, clearly uncomfortable." "Amy, did you tell Sheldon yet that he has to get used to the idea that he won't be living with Leonard anymore?" Penny asked her friend. "Well..." "Dammit, Amy!" Penny huffed. "I haven't gotten the chance yet to approach the subject." Amy justified her recalcitrance. "I'm afraid he'll run away again." "Amy, let me be clear." Penny said. "After Leonard and me are back from our honeymoon, we will live together. Whether it'll be here in this building or somewhere else, I don't know yet but Sheldon will not be living in the same apartment." "Fine." Amy huffed. "Go back a minute, clothing has an expiration date?" Bernadette interjected. "Yes, it's called fashion." Penny nodded as Amy picked up the red dress from the top of the keep pile.
@BenE8844 Год назад
For those of you who were disappointed by this series, how Penny was never a well developed character, and how it ended, let me recommend you this: . “What could have been”, son-goku5. . WAY BETTER than the actual show. It takes place THROUGHOUT the show, but has real and better character development for Penny. It's mostly from Penny's POV, and it also gives her more depth by showing/including her family from Nebraska as well as her family. It definitely made me feel better about how disappointing the last five seasons were. The show should have just ended with Leonard and Penny getting married. Also this story puts Penny in moments where she wasn't. (Vegas and Camping Trip where the guys were Tripping while Camping; she gets high too). Also, there's a huge twist that makes the show honestly look dumb in romantic story telling. There's also more Penny vs Sheldon in it, to the point that Sheldon messes with her job and she messes with his schedule. Penny also doesn't become unlikable in it, and remains her "before she got married" self to the end. Her fate in this story is also a lot better. And Leonard's proposal is WAY better in it. They also show Leonard interacting with her family more often (they also show him asking for her parents blessing, which is a very well written moment) and he even tells Penny he's jealous of her for having nice parents. Leonard also gets REAL character development in this story too. He grows up and acts less nerdy but still remains a nerd (for example he missed half a day of Comic Con to take care of Penny when she gets a headache. That's what I call maturity. And when Raj uses the whip sound, to make fun of him for taking care of her, Penny gets all mad for them making fun of Leonard and she even mentions his problem with Emily and the Iron Maiden 😂. When all he's doing is something thoughtful). What's best about this story is that while they do act like their sitcom selves, Leonard and Penny develop more realistically like REAL PEOPLE. READ IT! Also the author is German, and I think he's a physicist, because he writes science dialogue that's offscreen. Penny also comes to hate Beverley a lot. She also stands up for him when someone flirts with her and denigrates him at the same time, because she knows he never was able to do it his whole life. It’s really beautiful. At one point she even calls him in her mind, her soulmate. Penny and Leonard plan a REAL wedding, and they exchange actual beautiful vows, and makes it clear she wants to have a genuinely happy life with him because he at one point in the story says that “life will go by and all that a person will have is a regret of not doing something”. Leonard is a little philosopher in this story. He even tells Penny he’s thinking about changing his name to “Leonardo”, cause it get rid of the word “nerd” in his name, but ultimately doesn’t. Penny is actually really smart in season seven and eight; she comes up with a way to trick Sheldon into giving them the apartment. You see the author writes a reason why Penny is uncomfortable with Leonard moving in with her. It is because of her asshole ex who cheated on her before she met Leonard. Penny thinks that her and Leonard also being neighbors is “convenient and practical”. So when Sheldon gets hospitalized in season four for weeks , Leonard in a very “Chandler Bing fashion” asks Penny to move in (in this story they don’t break up like in season three, and their relationship starts off WAY differently) with him as a trial. He’s smart and tells Penny he knows the real reason. When they get engaged she tells Leonard they can’t live in her apartment, so it’s either A trick Sheldon into moving out or B, find a new place, and “make it our own”. Sheldon is more intolerable and unbearable. When Leonard does move out, they basically show no real sympathy. Penny even tells Amy that it’s HER job to prepare Sheldon for when they get married since she’s his girlfriend “by will”. Excerpt: Amy waved it off and looked at her. "Are you determined to live with Leonard after you're married?" "Of course." Penny scrunched her face in confusion. "He'll be my husband, why would I not?" "Well, I heard the secret of a successful relationship is separate apartments." Amy hesitated, clearly uncomfortable." "Amy, did you tell Sheldon yet that he has to get used to the idea that he won't be living with Leonard anymore?" Penny asked her friend. "Well..." "Dammit, Amy!" Penny huffed. "I haven't gotten the chance yet to approach the subject." Amy justified her recalcitrance. "I'm afraid he'll run away again." "Amy, let me be clear." Penny said. "After Leonard and me are back from our honeymoon, we will live together. Whether it'll be here in this building or somewhere else, I don't know yet but Sheldon will not be living in the same apartment." "Fine." Amy huffed. "Go back a minute, clothing has an expiration date?" Bernadette interjected. "Yes, it's called fashion." Penny nodded as Amy picked up the red dress from the top of the keep pile.
@goodmoaning587 Год назад
Everyone’s talking about Raj's love issue and Penny helping her but can we just appreciate how Amy is amazing when she goes fed up at 2:01!
@anonymousanon3055 Год назад
this was fun, thanks for making and sharing
@skysglcw Год назад
What song is this?
@nicolemeiner6903 10 месяцев назад
Like You Back by Desi Oakley
@damecka2109 Год назад
D to the store 🏪 o o o o to p I w p I think it was up in a meeting 🤝 and then go back and see 🙈 and
@The1980Philip Год назад
Well chosen thumbnail.
@gregwarner3753 Год назад
Sahara Makenzie was one of the first fictional characters I fell for so many years ago. Still do.
@gozieodiha1699 Год назад
Raj deserved better
@freddiemolinajr.8397 Год назад
Good video good scenes