Search Out The Matter
Search Out The Matter
Search Out The Matter
This channel is intended to be a place where those who are diligently seeking the hidden treasure and who fervently desire to understand what the scriptures teach can fellowship, learn from one another, and come to truly know and love God with all our heart, soul and mind, and to worship him in spirit and truth.

Proverbs 25:2 - It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the glory of kings is to search out the matter.

John 17:3 - And this is eternal life, that they might know thee, the only true God, and Yeshua Mashiach whom thou has sent.
Who Are You?
16 часов назад
You Are NOT The Great Multitude!
19 часов назад
You Are NOT The 144,000!
21 час назад
You Are NOT The Two Witnesses!
День назад
You Are NOT The Bride of Christ!
День назад
Understanding Yom Kippur
14 дней назад
Yeshua, Angel of Yahuah
14 дней назад
Yeshua, Son of God
21 день назад
Yeshua, Word of Yahuah | El or Elohim?
21 день назад
Yeshua, The Bronze Serpent
Месяц назад
Spiritual Warfare pt V: Have A Strategy
Месяц назад
Spiritual Warfare pt II: Put On Your Armour
2 месяца назад
Spiritual Warfare pt I: Know Your Enemy pt1
2 месяца назад
The Antichrist REVEALED
2 месяца назад
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
2 месяца назад
2 Peter Line Upon Line | PUT PETER DOWN!
2 месяца назад
Who Is Israel?
3 месяца назад
Where Are We In Prophecy?
3 месяца назад
Faith To Move Mountains?
3 месяца назад
@AjumentaDaTriboDeIssacar 2 дня назад
My jaw just dropped! I'm not alone in understanding this, what a relief . However, when I tried sharing my understanding of scriptures with others, I faced overwhelming hatred, which forced me to take a break . It's clear people wants anything but the truth
@searchoutthematter449 2 дня назад
@@AjumentaDaTriboDeIssacar It’s so easy to blame anyone but ourselves for what is going on in the world, but truth is truth. Don’t be discouraged, there are still some seeking truth and even more to come, so we need to do all that we can to share the truth that we have with them. Keep fighting the good fight and be blessed!
@AjumentaDaTriboDeIssacar 2 дня назад
⁠@@searchoutthematter449 The only thing I believe differently is that Eve wasn't alone when she took the offer to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. I believe the serpent was a high priest, an angel who offered her knowledge to become like God through that knowledge. This aligns with the King of Tyre in Ezekiel 28 and his breastplate. Additionally, it's similar to the sons of God taking the daughters of men as wives and teaching them things they shouldn't learn. I also believe Eve represents Jerusalem. Just as Nebuchadnezzar received the prophesied punishment at the exact moment he worshiped himself, seeing his great city, it's parallel with Adam and Eve. Eve represents the people of Jerusalem, Adam represents the leaders, and the serpent represents the priests misleading them to use God's law, turning it into men's traditions to enslave and take advantage of their own people, just like Solomon did. Moreover, Adam was created from dust, and fallen angels, or demons, feed on dust, us.
@searchoutthematter449 2 дня назад
@@AjumentaDaTriboDeIssacar I do believe Eve was alone at that time, but Cain became the manifestation of what she did. You are definitely on point with the priest portion though. I will be addressing this in an upcoming study. Eve is indeed the mother of all living with Jerusalem being a picture of her. The thing about God is that he is so consistent that everything starts to run together, because he tells the end from the beginning! Check out my Sons of God and Yom Kippur studies. I address the fallen angel theory (which I don’t believe) as well as the King of Tyre in them. I think you will enjoy them.
@kirklyles1705 4 дня назад
the key to interpretating this properly is this: Does the "he" in verse 27 refer to messiah OR to the prince of the people that destroyed the temple(Rome)
@searchoutthematter449 3 дня назад
Thank you for your comment. Here is where I stand on this as of now: The word prince (nagid) rarely if ever refers to a non Israelite ruler, as the word sar does. The word covenant normally involves God’s people, and when they made a covenant with death he annulled it (isa 28:18), but this covenant is strengthened for 7 years. Regarding the destruction of the sanctuary (and city), John 2:19 puts this on the jews, and they accuse Yeshua of threatening this (mt 26:61, etc). In Rev 17:16, The ten horns hate the whore, eat her flesh and burn her with fire. As far as I know, the only one of them who lived to tell the story is Josephus, and he neither confirmed a covenant for 7 years, nor caused the sacrifices to cease. He does, however, confirm the nature of the little horn (wars.5.1.1), that it did indeed set fire to the city (wars.5.4.4), and the sanctuary also (wars.6.2.9 and 6.4.5). The originator of it all was ananus ben ananus, and as of right now I take him to be the prince who is to come (rev 17:10). He is killed by the edomites in 68 after John of Gischala (wars.2.21.1) betrays him (wars 4.3.13-14) and his army start robbing the rich (wars 4.9.10). I think this is what is being spoken of in Dan 11:21-24 so perhaps Ananus is the prince of the covenant also, but I won’t pretend to be sure. All of this leads me to believe the one being referred to has to be the anointed prince. He is NOT the one who MAKES the house desolate, but he IS the one who LEAVES it desolate (Mt 23:35/Lk 13:33) and causes the sacrifices to cease in the midst of the final marriage covenant week by pouring out the cup of God’s wrath on it because of the abominations (Jer 44:2-6, Mt 24:30). I would love to hear your take on this also.
@LoveconQuersall73 4 дня назад
JESUS, YESHUA payed it all .all to him I owe. my sins had left a Crimson stain he washed it white as snow. Hallelujah.❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏Amen and Amen
@LoveconQuersall73 4 дня назад
Thank you for your teaching
@searchoutthematter449 3 дня назад
Thank you for the kind words, and for watching!
@LoveconQuersall73 4 дня назад
For GOD so loved the world,That he gave his only begotten son. So that who so ever believe it in him shall not perish, but have l everlasting life.. Amen ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@LoveconQuersall73 4 дня назад
Amen and Amen
@adadintraining4451 4 дня назад
The elder in heaven tells john who the great multitude is. They came from the great tribulation. So you know by the 6th seal the great tribulation has already started and it ends before the 7th seal and the trumpets. There is no 7 year trib followed by a great tribulation. In fact jesus tells his disciples that THEY will suffer great tribulation. The tribulation and rapture happened already. Before 70 AD were in revelation 20 the little season.
@searchoutthematter449 4 дня назад
I believe that in Rev 7, John is moving forward in the vision to after the great tribulation when the multitude (gradually) appears and all are present, which occurs in rev 14 and 15. He does this quite a bit. The little season comes after the millennial reign, which has not yet happened. It will be addressed in my next video. Where did Yeshua say his disciples would suffer great tribulation? I have their tribulation (mt 24:9) before the great tribulation. (mt 24:21)
@dc345601 5 дней назад
4:32 how does this reconcile with 1 Corinthians 12:27? Your videos just popped up in my feed a bit ago, so I haven’t found the video you referenced.
@searchoutthematter449 5 дней назад
It doesn’t reconcile. That portion of the video is disputing that doctrine specifically. The body of Christ doctrine is exclusive to Saul, and from my perspective, it is not supported by scripture. If you can find support for it outside of Saul or the writings inspired by what he taught, please link the scriptures here. The below playlist, contains 1 cor 3 where I address the temple of God doctrine. Full transparency, you won’t find much support for Saul’s teachings here, but I am linking just in case you are interested. Blessings! The Gospel According to Saul ru-vid.com/group/PLj1pJDs1euXrTy-qa4BIj6JbAq24VW-5W
@hayahwassa 6 дней назад
the bride is one of the two witnesses the travailing woman in revelation 12 she will be transfigured and shine like the sun like Moses was. she got anointed by all of heaven and the oil of gladness is excessive she would post jokes to call you. and post new childens parables. she would also get cast out for it. Well the truth is God chose the weak things to shame the wise so the two witnesses are a woman and manchild. Their sign in heaven is revelation 12. The doggone dog calling pet prophet laughing resurrectionists are a woman and child so no man can boast. The child is really John the revelator but he will appear like Atreyu in neverending story. Some verses God showed me about the two witnesses one is the daughter of zion and there is a lot more The end times is about birth, travail, testimony, signs and wonders, singing new songs, calling everyone to come to God. the Spirit and the bride say come. Its a woman and manchild surprise and there are even more shocking things to find out. The oil of gladness anointing is excessive and seems to upset people even more than the woman Moses thing. The revelation 12 woman named Crown who travails and really pisses off the devil is one of the two witnesses. The one with the sun moon and stars is the end times Joseph The donkey stories are about the two witnesses. One is female. The other is a colt the manchild, John the revelator. Dont mess with them. The warning is too sadly true. Revelation 11,12, psalms 68, Zechariah, lamentations, 2 esdras 2, Ode of Solomon and all over the rest of the bible is the facts about the anointed deliverers the two witnesses. The word of God is the final truth so no matter how your mind thinks Gods got the truth About the feet of the anointed deliverers there are two of them like Moses they are different, unique, and protected, don’t mess with them. What happened to people who opposed Moses? One of the things they do Their feet are anointed to crush the enemy and they do that with war songs and dance like David danced songs of deliverance. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. - Genesis 3:15 KJV this is my foot!!! look at this He showed me about a lady's foot in the bible! This whole psalm is about her. Kings of armies did flee apace: and she that tarried at home divided the spoil. Though ye have lien among the pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold. - Psalm 68:12-13 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them. ... That thy foot may be dipped in the blood of thine enemies, and the tongue of thy dogs in the same. - Psalm 68:18, 23 KJV Who calls you to come? The Spirit and the bride say come to God. A woman is the anointed deliverer you need to follow her she has the keys. Why does the revelation 12 woman travail and groan aloud? The resurrection is about birth and new life and all the prophets travailed it adds power to prayer. The sun moon and stars mean she is Joseph the multiplier The two witnesses are singing prophets and very unique so you cant really miss them they are the rhinoceros in the room. So people posing as one of the wits what are the songs you sing? How do you change the weather? Not many even know they are singing prophets. is anybody else singing the songs of resurrection, healing, life yet? When you all do you will be in one accord and God will bring us. Deliver us thats what we want. [Isa 52:8 KJV] 8 Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the LORD shall bring again Zion. When the watchmen sing with her they will see eye to eye and be in one accord one in the Spirit and truth She is the silversmith blowing the coals the waster no weapon formed against her will prosper the fire is real. And all thy children [shall be] taught of the LORD; and great [shall be] the peace of thy children. In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee. Behold, they shall surely gather together, [but] not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake. Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy. No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue [that] shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This [is] the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness [is] of me, saith the LORD. - Isaiah 54:13-17 KJV Watchmen dont seem to like them/her and fulfill scripture they dont want to be fulfilling by casting her out. Matt 22 a lot of them already got severe judgment some even died. [Sng 5:7 KJV] 7 The watchmen that went about the city found me, they smote me, they wounded me; the keepers of the walls took away my veil from me. She is one of the two witnesses the bride of Christ [Mar 10:40 KJV] 40 But to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give; but [it shall be given to them] for whom it is prepared. [Psa 45:9 KJV] 9 Kings' daughters [were] among thy honourable women: upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of Ophir. [Rev 11:4 KJV] 4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. Zechariah 3 and the whole book is her job Genesis 49 Shiloh is Jesus the ass and colt are the two witnesses Jeremiah 49 Micah 4 Isaiah 11 Proverbs 8 Psalms 68,69, 80 Job 16 about their beheading Revelations 3 she vomits the lukewarm and sing scripture saying Amen to it they got ten days persecution Isaiah 26, 66 a harvest song Ezekiel 37 Isaiah 66 Daughter of Zion and the rev 12 woman is one of the wits Isaiah 6, Jeremiah 1 and 15:15-21 Jeremiahs first and second call Hosea 2:14 to 19 she makes a covenant with the animals in the end time how does she do that? She is given dominion. The end times Joseph it says in Genesis 49. The revelation 12 woman with the sun moon and stars is Josephina. Isaiah 42 The donkey stories are about the two witnesses a mother and colt The revelation 12 sign in heaven like Jesus had a sign She changes the weather how does she do that? Dont worry about the animals. look i found a verse about the animals and the singing woman pet prophet! One of the two witnesses is a woman if you read the bible and stop assuming who it is God will show you. I know her and i knew it He is taking the animals with a covenant [Hos 2:14-15, 18-19 KJV] 14 Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her. 15 And I will give her her vineyards from thence, and the valley of Achor for a door of hope: and she shall *****(((((sing)))))**** there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt. ... 18 ****(((((((And in that day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven, and [with] the creeping things of the ground: and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth, and will make them to lie down safely.)))))))*****19 And I will betroth thee unto me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies. Some kind of seal song for the animals they are all different like our seals too some are funny even. The 144000 seals also look like new names and seal songs.
@searchoutthematter449 6 дней назад
Thanks for watching!
@LovelyLadyLissett 3 дня назад
@hayahwassa 3 дня назад
@@LovelyLadyLissett is anyone ready for Jesus's sense of humor? He needed an ensign to go before the ensign since i get cast out of church for posting prophetic jokes and who ever even heard of a joke written in the bible? there are over 40 pages of them. I have some funny visions get ready the oil of gladness well is now open Yea and Amen come arrest me Jesus. Are you all ready for some fun times? The oil of gladness is flowing and the joy of the Lord is our strength here’s some for you. Jesus appeared to me as a policeman and teased me about cops getting called on me for praying. I have you under constant surveillance i am watching you oil of gladness lady. He said I am arresting you oil of gladness lady for way too much laughter You need to be locked up you made God laugh and now He sings to you. He fell off His throne laughing, you are a dangerous lady. You are under arrest you cannot remain silent confess you are trying to heal people with laughter you known delinquent I will tie you up like Ezekiel and handcuff you to me we will be walking around together for a long long time ​​And i am warning you don't try any funny stuff your pranking has gone way too far. Just like Jacob and Joseph your sense of humor is wicked good. I know you call me prankster King of kings and now you try to prank me. I am the King of pranks. No lady you can’t heal me i work out im a specimen don't pester me like that i can make this hard as a rock and a hard place or as easy as two peas in a pod. Depends on how well you cooperate. i am aware that you sing Holy Ghost fire don’t deny it i hear your songs and i also know you been spamming people all day long. Posting letter after letter from Me and letters from all of heaven. I will arrest you for Holy Ghost spamming Making trouble at live streams giving people new names, posting jokes and good news and you said the word ass at a live stream. I say ass so you can say ass but we cannot have that cassting out the ass for saying ass going on. Im here to give you a warrant to appear before me face to face on charges of praying you have been served notice “pay attention to the court date” You have also made the devil cry and confess. then you tied up a bunch of demons they are very upset and making a commotion about you so you have stirred up trouble a lot of trouble you are getting a reputation for whipping devils on sight tying them up. You have been terrorizing people with jokes you tell jokes to everyone. Some people are all upset hearing you make God happy. And some are getting healed. You are an oil of gladness combustion laughter chamber You also have been seen telling children’s stories at the park giving out little toys making a nuisance out of yourself making people smile and think about eternal life. You have no right to remain silent you have to confess to me you oiled up with gladness lady what is all this laugher? I am going to give you what you deserve, throw the book at you. You will reap what you sowed forever with Me. Oh no you do not try to wrestle with me i can beat you with a joke you funny girl. ​ oh the depth of His sense of humor i get cast out of church for posting joy and jokes so maybe He needed an ensign before the ensign is anyone ready for His humor?
@and071166 11 дней назад
That's not the name of the creator ,it's Yehovah.
@CherLombard 11 дней назад
Disagree. No v j w in Hebrew alphabet
@abaker4692 12 дней назад
This is compelling.
@searchoutthematter449 12 дней назад
Thank you. Glad you are enjoying them!
@abaker4692 13 дней назад
Good stuff.
@searchoutthematter449 13 дней назад
@Dennis-d1p 13 дней назад
@chadreddick5528 14 дней назад
This is preterism repackaged. REVELATION is part 2 of DANIEL. The 4th beast is rome. POPE 6 THE 3RD is the prophesied ANTICHRIST.
@searchoutthematter449 14 дней назад
Blessings! I hold the view that I can support with scripture. You are correct that Revelation is the continuation of Daniel. I confirm this in the last part of this video. The antichrist is addressed here: The Antichrist Revealed ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-4uFOyVPSQzg.html I address futurism in general since the specifics vary, and Rome in particular in this summary of Revelation. Timeline, Dating and Red Herrings of Revelation ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-04nO1evNP6c.html Rome as either the beast or harlot, falls flat in the face of Rev 11:8 which is answered by Luke 13:33. These 2 verses force one to either twist the meaning of what is written or look for the fulfillment where they say to. As a truth seeker, I opt for the latter and my study of Revelation is my journey to identifying ALL of the components therein. You are of course free to believe what you choose, but if you are interested in seeing me proof my belief scripturally and historically here is a link to my full study of Revelation. ru-vid.com/group/PLj1pJDs1euXr7WxtD2U3shbW_QE2OKOWx Chapters 13 and 17 would be a good starting point. Thanks for watching and commenting.
@ValRoyD 13 дней назад
There is no anti-Christ! However, there is The Assyrian, the False Shepard, The Lawless One and he comes from the Eastern leg of the Roman Empire, not the Western. Rome is not in the desert either and hasn’t been chanting to end a certain small country that’s at war right now.
@chadreddick5528 13 дней назад
@chadreddick5528 13 дней назад
@@ValRoyD REVELATION 17:18 "reigns over the kings of the earth" present tense - John's day. Besides it's astronomically dated. REVELATION 13 happened from Constantine to pope 6 THE 3RD
@chadreddick5528 13 дней назад
@@ValRoyD Rome TRAINED those terrorists at camp BRANDENBURG GERMANY by the IRA. When the pope visits the Muslims flock to him
@miischaqi2676 17 дней назад
Shalom Sis! I’m enjoying your lessons when I’m able to catch them. I wanted to share a video with you that you may find interesting - because you mentioned the miracle of turning water to wine. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uPNmY2pq7mM.htmlsi=3eQEi-lVYOZEuymn Keep Up the good work! Peace & blessings to you! All Praise to The Most High GOD
@searchoutthematter449 13 дней назад
I am just seeing this comment as it is not showing up in the app. I checked out the video and want to offer my take. God’s law is very much literal (not carnal). It was given to ancient hebrews, who were very literal in their thinking. We can see this in the ancient pictographic hebrew language. To understand their writings, we have to think like they did so to throw away the literal meaning is to walk in error. This type of teaching is born of trying to reconcile the two different versions of Yeshua that are presented in the back of the bible, and it is influenced by a greek line of thought inspired by the creator of the second. The problem is the two cannot be reconciled. Trying to do so does a disservice not only to Yeshua, but also to God who has magnified his commandments above his name (Ps 138:2). The result of this is shown in Acts 17:18-28. You start out inquiring for some new thing, hidden wisdom, just like Eve did, but what you end up with is an unholy mixture and false knowledge that leads to death. John went to great lengths to dispute these types of teachings in his writings. A parable takes something easily understood to teach about something else. This is why Yeshua used agriculture, which was well understood by Israel, to teach about the kingdom. Using a parable about turning water into wine, which is not something that had ever been done, to teach about something else defeats the purpose because it leads to confusion. The manna parable he used about eating his flesh and drinking his blood should have been discernible but wasn’t because of the degenerate state Israel was in. God’s doctrine is the literal interpretation of his law given to Moses, as Israel understood and was abiding in when Balaam couldn’t curse them. The doctrine of Yeshua Mashiach is the same doctrine HE taught to Moses (Deut 18:15-19) and we need to beware of any other doctrine. Through meditating on that true doctrine we get a deeper understanding of who God is and how to walk with him (Jn 4:24) to become who he desires us to be (Isa 8:14-20). This spiritual aspect is greatly revealed in the PROPHETS. The front of the bible is the class on what God requires, the back is a test. The final review is Mal 4:4. We have to test EVERY spirit to see if it be of God. Thank you for sending me this video and for the encouragement. Leaving a few 😬 videos (apologizing now for the sound quality) that I hope you will watch and converse with me on, and I will pray that Yah reveals his truth to you as you continue to seek him. Shalom Shalom! What is spirit? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-CIJsvSMSs3g.html What is truth? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-LOhBxAfSAas.html Yeshua vs Yah pt1 ru-vid.comTWfD_lKf0Vs?feature=share Yeshua vs Yah pt2 ru-vid.comZ6kHLce3zC8?feature=share Is God REALLY Mysterious? ru-vid.comS0jVNzX8NTM?feature=share Romans 5-8 | Line Upon Line ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-cq4dGGEHA0Q.html He That Hath An Ear | Revelation 1-3 Line Upon Line ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-yDoQdWHVfRI.html
@miischaqi2676 12 дней назад
@@searchoutthematter449 Thank you for replying! I will definitely check out the videos. And we will for sure keep conversing. I’ll pray for you - and you pray for me. 🙏😁 Shalom Shalom!
@miischaqi2676 24 дня назад
Shalom Sis! I very much enjoyed this lesson. I have a couple precepts I wanted to share: A woman represents a doctrine: "He that feareth the Lord will do good, and he that hath the knowledge of the law shall obtain her." Ecclesiasticus 15:1 KJV "And as a mother shall she meet him, and receive him as a wife married of a virgin." Ecclesiasticus 15:2 KJV "With the bread of understanding shall she feed him, and give him the water of wisdom to drink." Ecclesiasticus 15:3 KJV Land also represents a doctrine: "They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man's, shall he return unto her again? shall not that land be greatly polluted? but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers; yet return again to me, saith the LORD." Jeremiah 3:1 KJV "But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all." Galatians 4:26 KJV A name is also a doctrine: "His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself." Revelation 19:12 KJV "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God." Revelation 19:13 KJV You are correct, a man (human) must marry a woman (doctrine). We are supposed to marry Yeshua (Christ) - the Son that God sent to save us: "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." 1 Corinthians 11:3 KJV "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body." Ephesians 5:23 KJV "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God." Colossians 3:1 KJV Christ always taught the spiritual understanding (doctrine) or Jerusalem - which is above the earthly (carnal) understanding. Hope this made some sense. Much love. All praises to The Most High God!!
@searchoutthematter449 24 дня назад
Shalom! Thanks for sharing. The Word is indeed multilayered so anything that can get my mind working to help me go deeper into understanding it is much appreciated. Wishing you peace, blessings and the joy of Yah in this holy season!
@miischaqi2676 24 дня назад
@@searchoutthematter449 Yes indeed! Keep up the good work🙌
@searchoutthematter449 2 месяца назад
If you want to search further into Job, this article is the most detailed truth that I have found regarding Job, and it really opened my eyes when I was struggling with the book a couple of years ago. A LOT of the information about Job in this video is based on what I learned reading it. www.judaismvschristianity.com/finally-the-truth-about-job/ I also found another article recently, that offers a perspective on Job’s background that I never saw before. Happy searching :) www.biblicalhorizons.com/biblical-horizons/130/
@reacespeaces2 2 месяца назад
Revelation 13:18. "Let he who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it is the name of a man and his number equals 666." Philadelphia is the Birthplace of America and is the same name of one of the 7 churches of revelation. From the center of Philadelphia to the center of Canton Ohio is exactly 333 miles as the crow flies. Canton is where Marilyn Manson was born the Antichrist. From the center of Canton Ohio to the center of Chicago Illinois is exactly 333 miles as the crow flies. Chicago is where Anton Lavey was born. Anton wrote and published the satanic bible in 1969 the same year Manson was born. So from Philly to Canton to Chicago equals exactly 666 miles. No one had thought to break 666 in half and form it into a simple equation, 333+333 = 666. Marilyn Manson and Anton Lavey became friends after meeting at "the Black House" Anton's house in San Francisco. Mansons best selling album is Antichrist Superstar. Manson has also stated that he wants to be the one remembered for ending Christianity. n 1996 I was laying in bed and became paralyzed the first time I heard Marilyn Mansons song "beautiful people". I finally broke free of whatever was restraining me. Then in 2001 I was riding my bike on a bike trail when a voice said go to that bench. Their was a bench about 20 feet from the trail. It said to go to the bench 2 more times, then I said fine I will go. I walked towards the bench and their was a book there. Its was Marilyn Mansoms autobiography " The long hard rode out of Hell.". The book was brand new. I took it home but threw it out later because the whole situation freaked me out. In 2002 after getting back from a trip to Detroit with my best friend Life a red orb came down from the ceiling and told me It was my angel of light. It then told me I was Jesus. Later in the day I thanked the angel for telling me I was Jesus. Immediately a voice shouted, "your never coming back". I walked home and when I got there my girlfriend was there and she looked freaked out. She told me while I was gone that a voice told her I was never coming back. That's how I knew the voices were real. I almost killed myself thinking I committed an unforgivable sin by believingI was Jesus. 2 months later I came across a Bible verse that says the devil will come to you as an angel of light. Then I realized it was all an elaborate plan by the devil to get me to kill myself, that's how I knew I was here for a reason if the devil wanted me dead. On April 8, 2003 a series of strange events happened to me on the same day after I almost drowned where the St. Joseph River meets the St.Marys river in Ft. Wayne Indiana. I was taken to St. Joseph Hospital where I met a man named OZ. Ever since that day I have never been the same. The creator of Superman George Seagal died on The Birdman of Alcatrazes Birthday January 28, 1996. The Birdman was shipped to Metropolis Illinois(Supermans hometown)when he died because his sister lived there. Metropolis Illinois to Ft.Wayne Indiana where I was born happens to be exactly 333 miles away as a crow flies, In a straight line. My wife was born on January 26th 1980, I was born on January 27th 1980 and the Birdman was born on January 28th 1890.
@77saint77posttrib 3 месяца назад
I have to say that it is apparent that the ruling group in Israel is obviously a puppet regime! Yet dont forget that non governing jews, normal regular people, came from around the world to when yhe opportunity for all jews to return to the jewish homeland. Dark skinned medium skinned and light skinned came from nearly every nation! Just because evil forces may have been the false jewish mechanism to start the country i believe in the sovereignty of God. God used this gentile conspiracy for the good of the real jews or hebrews or Israelis have ever your preference is!! I believe that all 12 tribes are represented in Israel today!!!
@searchoutthematter449 3 месяца назад
This video is actually a continuation of my Where Are We In Prophecy video where I go through the prophecies regarding the regathering (as well as others) and conclude that the regathering of Israel could not have happened yet because those prophecies are still unfulfilled, which leaves us in an unforetold place in prophecy. So where would you say we are on the prophetic timeline now based on the scriptures?
@77saint77posttrib 3 месяца назад
@searchoutthematter449 I get it, but you must realize some of the prophecies also relate to the kingdom when Jesus actually rules from Jerusalem, and Isreal is the capital of the world!!! Take it easy reread in prayer to the Father and Son through the Holy Spirit!. Main focus right now is PREPARE. Time is short before you know it the forced implanted digital ID (mark of the beast) and the great world leader( antichrist) and the digital currency!! Matt24: 45-47 a wise and faithful servant prepares for the due season and is SO DOING WHEN JESUS RETURNS!! Prepare spiritually for martyrdom and prepare physically supplies for the due season of the mark of the beast and antichrist and tribulation!! Grace peace and blessings of Father God and Jesus through the Holy Spirit!!
@searchoutthematter449 3 месяца назад
You are correct that preparation is necessary, and that is my goal for this channel. In that spirit I want to recommend this short to you. I plan to wrap up this subject in my next few videos. Yeshua vs Yah pt1 ru-vid.comTWfD_lKf0Vs?feature=share I have dealt with nearly everything you mentioned here extensively in my series on Revelation and I implore you to watch it. It offers perspective on why I made the prophetic timeline series which this video is a part of, and I think it will be worth your time. Be blessed! The Revelation of Yeshua Mashiach ru-vid.com/group/PLj1pJDs1euXr7WxtD2U3shbW_QE2OKOWx
@ironsharpeniron0144 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the video
@searchoutthematter449 3 месяца назад
Thanks for watching!
@searchoutthematter449 3 месяца назад
2022 Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony full videos: 1st Clip 8:45 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-9iVnx3P2wk0.htmlsi=bs9Zl-QbYYko4eqY 2nd Clip 11:26 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-WZl16pXoD2A.htmlsi=O2dFKucrPK5fz425 3rd Clip 16:46 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-C-ejjl-wd9A.htmlsi=oQhVuobaIsgXHny1
@gkeith64 3 месяца назад
Y'srael Northern Kingdom DIVORCED for PROFANING & Blaspheming...... VS... the Truth Yahua∆ah Southern King∆om, Covenant, Yarushalom, Tsyahn, still in captivity to EsAU northern Kingdom Y'srael ObedYahu 1:10-14 2 Edras 2 10 For thy violence against thy brother Ya'acob {Yahua∆ah Southern king∆om}, shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. 11 In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive [1] his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Yarushalem, even thou wast as one of them. 12 But thou, (Y'srael Northern Kingdom}, shouldest not have looked on the day of thy brother in the day that he became a stranger; neither shouldest thou have rejoiced over the children Yahua∆ah in the day of their destruction; neither shouldest thou have spoken [2] proudly in the day of distress. 13 Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yea, thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance [3] in the day of their calamity; 14 Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up [4] those of his that did remain in the day of distress. YEREMIYAHU 3:8 8 And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding ISRAEL COMMITTED ADULTERY I had put her away, and given her a BILL of DIVORCE 👀👈🤨🧐 2 Edras 2:10-11 [10] Thus saith YaHU'aH AllahAYnu unto Esdras, Tell my people {Yahua∆ah King∆im }, that I will give them the KINGDOM of YARUSHALEM, which I would have given unto ISRAEL. 👀👈🤨🧐 [11] Their glory also will I take unto me, and give these the everlasting tabernacles, which I had prepared for them. The POINT is Y'srael/Israel North kingdom is not the Covenant Elders, never have been! And if they don't awaKIN all the way, will be destroyed by YaHU'aH at YaHUaShaPhat 🔥 They (EsAU Ephraim -Greek-Rome Idume'ans Judeans Jews), are the CHOSEN ones now! For the next A## 🐴 🪘 whippings... Yahuadah Southern kingdom, we called by YaHs great name, the covenant people, who's elders said; Let his blood be upon our heads and 4 generations later, our children's heads. Recompense, Eye for an eye, A##'es WHIPPED, hung on trees lost our HERITAGE, and made to forget completely, until the last moment's of the 3rd Ear of errors.... WHY, YHWH🔯 did it is clear in YeremiYahu 7 chapter & Yahezqel 22 chapter 👊💜 🤗
@gkeith64 3 месяца назад
True message King Yahu'shua 🔺 the Daleth-Door ; I have come that ye may have life more abundant...... IMMORTALITY 🟦 🟦 🔺 🤗 Is key to comprehension, as the meaning is as follows; Yahu'shua 🔺 = 1.) YHWH > tetYHWHgrammarten becomes Star tetYHWHhedron 🔯 = light via sonic implosion! 2.) SHUA = Salvation 3.) 🔺 ∆aleth > Door, piYahmids Yahezqel 22 chapter MatithYahu 12 36 and Ayob 38 2.. Ode of Solomon 38.. both Nicaean and Constantine Creeds read 📖 MEMORIZE THE YA∆ibrot Asareth 🟦🟦 10 COMMANDMENTS is BIO-LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING to unlock your latent DNA 🧬 STRANDS Get a small hand held piYahmid 🗝️ to ShockYaH activation and healing Acts 13:1, 1 Maccabees 13:28, & Yashayahu 19:19.... Yahua∆im are not Jews = Babylonian talmudists religion RELIGARE' TO BIND ⛓️ Yahu'shua 🔺 {= the ∆aleth-Door}, therefore the meaning is; YaHUa'H's Salvation ∆oor of IMMORTALITY 🟦 🟦 🔺 🧬 🔯 💜 Get one, 🔺 and ACTIVATE your DNA 🧬 on YaHs shABBAt. We shal'OM Qedem Yam 🌙 Moon till Dawn 🌅.... 🌈 ShockYaH system..same Lam🔴Vam🟠Ram🟡Yahm🟢Ham🌀Ohm🔵Aum🟣 YaHs Shabbat is perpetual covenant This Saturday at 9pm we begin charging our shockYahs, while singing and listening to hymns, HalleluYah 🔯💜🔺🟦🟦 🤗 Hit me, WIN 👊 ❤ Shema Yahua∆ah Southern king∆*om YaHUaH Allah~AYnu Tsaboath Aleph TaU, Echo∆🔯♾️🔯 🔻 YaH shal'OM beloved meshpaca 💜
@searchoutthematter449 3 месяца назад
Link to the referenced video: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-PRNKK_W2Cg4.htmlsi=qEBfU3ci96vIlKM5
@searchoutthematter449 4 месяца назад
~ Food for thought ~ Proverbs 8:17 I love them that love me; and those that seek me early (earnestly) shall find me. Mark 1:35 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he (Yeshua) went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. Are you offering God the firstfruits of your time or are you "making time" for him? What about your love? Do you love him his way or your way? Deuteronomy 10:12 And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, 13 To keep the commandments of the LORD, and his statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good? John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. What are you offering God?
@searchoutthematter449 5 месяцев назад
Note, I am now considering that the locusts may not have been Rome for the following reasons: 1. Commanded not to hurt the grass, trees nor any green thing - the romans did this wars iii.7.8, wars v.3.2 2. Rose from the bottomless Pit, where the beast also rises from, linking them to Israel 3. Hair of women, Josephus links this to the Galileans 4. Breastplates of Iron, linking them to Israel and/or Edom Here is where I am with the locusts currently. -Eleazar ben Simon’s army - Zealots, wars iv.4.1 -Simon bar Giora’s army - wars iv.9.7 -John of Gischala army - Galileans, wars iv.9.10
@12Tribes7Churches 5 месяцев назад
Shalom. You brought out some good points about the possible connection between Dan and the Pharisees and Sadducees. I am not sure because only the Southern kingdom of Judah, Benjamin and some of Levi was in the land at that time. Ten Northern tribes had been dispersed. I believe a possible reason they are not named with the 144,000 is they are included in the two witnesses. No one mentions this last verse about Dan. Genesis 49:18 I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD.
@searchoutthematter449 5 месяцев назад
Shalom! As far as living in the land we see Anna of Asher in Luke 2:36, and although she is the only person of Israel whose tribe is given outside of those you named, I find it hard to believe that no one from Israel came home after the captivity was up, so I believe the 144k were living in the land, but it is possible I am wrong. What we do know from Acts 2, is that Jews from every nation were keeping the pilgrimages as required in Ex 23, so all 12 tribes would have been present in Jerusalem at those times at least to be sealed. I have a very literal view of the two witnesses, so that still puts Dan at 2 people max if they were from that tribe, however I do not believe Dan was completely obliterated. You are correct about Genesis 49:18, the ones that made it out (or perhaps didn’t return for the pilgrimages) are probably waiting for God’s salvation amongst the nations as the rest of Israel are.
@thalittguru7697 6 месяцев назад
Very Well Done💚
@searchoutthematter449 6 месяцев назад
Thank You!
@hayahwassa 6 месяцев назад
the two wits are different not what people expected the big surprise little boo from Yah things are here for you. lMay our lord sanctify you through and through. heres one of their songs for healing the temple they build is the church which the two wits call to repentance along with all the earth they preach to I was singing scripture songs from the revelation Then the Lord sang back Zephaniah 3:8… Wait on Me Till the day I rise To the prey My determination Is to gather The nations And assemble The kingdoms To Pour out Indignation And Devour with the fire Of My jealousy Then i will turn To the people A pure language So they all call Upon My name And serve Me Together An afflicted And poor People Shall trust In My name No more iniquity No more lies They shall feed And lie down Nothing shall Make them afraid The Lord has Taken away Your judgements And cast out Your enemy The Lord Is in the midst Of thee You shall not see evil Fear not Slack not He is mighty He will save He will rejoice Over you With singing He will rest In His love
@hayahwassa 6 месяцев назад
John the revelator is one of the two witnesses. He got called to preach to all nations, God doesn't change His mind. He got all the equipment, saw heaven open, ate the little book . met the 24 elders and angels singing in heaven, He saw the animals crying, and John shows up in the whole book of revelation at the beginning to the end. John was probably reclining on the chest of Jesus when the other disciples were arguing about his place. He was very young a manchild. Yaka one of the witnesses new names they have thousands of sweet new names One essential significance of the Greek word prophētēs is 'one who speaks forth,' principally, of course, as a forth-teller of the Divine will The other ones name is in the bible too its Crown. They are singing prophets, the end time judges Howesa guardian protector parent Jhn 21:22 Jesus replied, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? As for you, follow me."
@sheralbreedlove2653 6 месяцев назад
@THESUNOF 6 месяцев назад
@TheRizzyRicky 6 месяцев назад
So the gentiles could get there by being circumcised and following the 10 commandments?
@searchoutthematter449 6 месяцев назад
That is correct. One narrow path for all. The 613 explain how to keep the 10 commandments. Be blessed!
@TheRizzyRicky 6 месяцев назад
May the Lord bless what you are doing and lead you truly. May your words reach many, and may they understand what the Lord may be trying to teach them through His word.
@searchoutthematter449 6 месяцев назад
Wow, thank you so much!
@t.l.duncan1021 7 месяцев назад
Circumcision of the heart and the 10 commandments not the Mosaic 613 laws. We are called to be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit.
@searchoutthematter449 7 месяцев назад
The law was given to Moses by God, so it is God’s law. The 10 commandments are the what, the 613, the how, they cannot be separated. Baptism of the Holy Spirit follows water baptism unto repentance to God’s law and you need both to enter the kingdom as Yeshua told Nicodemus in John 3.
@FranciscoGarcia-if9nh 7 месяцев назад
The New Testament teaches that predestination is real. St. Paul says, “those whom [God] foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the first-born among many brethren. And those whom he predestined he also called; and those whom he called he also justified; and those whom he justified he also glorified” (Rom. 8:29-30). Scripture also refers to those whom God has “elected” (Greek, eklektos, “chosen”), and theologians often link this term to predestination, understanding the elect as those God has predestined to salvation.
@searchoutthematter449 7 месяцев назад
I hope you will consider watching my playlists on Paul. I address this around the 21 minute mark of my line upon line study of Romans 8 and the 6 minute mark of Romans 9. The related video is a further expansion on it. Please check them out and let me know what you think.
@hiruzensarutobi9771 7 месяцев назад
This why women shouldn’t be teaching
@KUBAISTHEMAN 8 месяцев назад
I believe the Bible is referring to a spiritual death. An eternal separation from God.
@searchoutthematter449 8 месяцев назад
I believe so also, but I don’t believe the separated will be eternally conscious of this, that might be worst than the fire.
@mnight207 8 месяцев назад
The story of the rich man
@searchoutthematter449 8 месяцев назад
This is addressed in the related video. Check it out and let me know what you think.
@mnight207 8 месяцев назад
@@searchoutthematter449 No what I'm saying is that hell is a real place where people will be forever. That doesn't mean it's a place where people will burn forever. But no soul will be destroyed
@searchoutthematter449 8 месяцев назад
@@mnight207 The soul will be destroyed in Gehenna mt 10:28
@mnight207 8 месяцев назад
@@searchoutthematter449 No. If that's the case, there is no justice served. You're telling me that I can sin all I want, not trust in Christ...do whatever I want and not suffer any consequences?
@searchoutthematter449 8 месяцев назад
@mnight207 No, the result of sin is death, God is not unmerciful, even towards sinners Deut 25:3. Why do you feel death is insufficient punishment?
@geist72 8 месяцев назад
Consider also that our Lord’s patience brings salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom God gave him. 16 He writes this way in all his letters, speaking in them about such matters. Some parts of his letters are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. 2 Peter 3:15-16
@searchoutthematter449 8 месяцев назад
You should check out my Great Deception video, I address this letter and Yeshua’s prophecy to Peter in it. Thanks for watching!
@Joe-pc3hs 8 месяцев назад
Is there a particular reason you use an English translation far removed from the Greek manuscripts? The issue is Pauls letters being the subject of unstable nonsense that warp scripture. Example:Rom3:10&4:3 //1Cor9:9. Theres a reason Peter mentions Balaam in the 2nd Chapter
@geist72 8 месяцев назад
@@Joe-pc3hs Here is a literal version taken literally from the greek: 15 And consider the patience of the Master to be deliverance, just as our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom that was given to him wrote to you, 16 as in all of his letters, speaking in them concerning these things, in which is some difficult scholarly things, which the unlearned and unstable pervert, as also the rest of the Scriptures, toward their own destruction. 2 Peter 3:15 LGV
@geist72 8 месяцев назад
Peter called Paul's letter "SCRIPTURE"
@Joe-pc3hs 8 месяцев назад
@@geist72 Incorrect. The literal word for "Master" is διδάσκαλος, the Greek manuscript records κύριος, "Lord". Moreover the Greek word δυσνόητος literally means "nonsensical", not "some difficult scholarly things". Moreover, even in your mistranslated version, it still doesnt refer to Pauls epistles as "Scripture". I.e ἅγιος γραφή. Lastly, youre still avoiding the aformentioned examples.
@Johnsart925 8 месяцев назад
Muhammad is the false prophet.... in Islam they deny the father and the son Allah has the number 666 that put it in their forehead.... remember the 4 color of the horses in the apocalypse that's the color Islam nations.....
@searchoutthematter449 8 месяцев назад
I will be starting the book of Revelation the end of next month, I hope that you will join me.
@Johnsart925 8 месяцев назад
I'm happy to share to you what I know I'm in Muslims land and I don't talk too much in public... they persecute the Jew and christian that's their commandments Christianity is first before Islam I hope you read Quran you will know that Islam is the real antichrist...
@searchoutthematter449 8 месяцев назад
I haven't read the Quran but the only threat that Islam could present is external Matt 15:28. The difference with Paul is that he is an internal threat that threatens eternal life if left undetected, which is far more important so let's deal with that first. Yeshua was killed by his own along with the rest of the prophets and we have to keep that in mind along with his actual audience when we read the scriptures. I'm sure it's difficult for you where you are, but truly knowing God can make you just as unshakeable as Stephen and the true disciples. Pray for those who persecute you and be encouraged!
@publiclypreaching 8 месяцев назад
Debate Sam Shamoun
@searchoutthematter449 8 месяцев назад
I haven’t really considered debates but what topic are you interested in specifically?
@Thatdude829 8 месяцев назад
Pray to the God of jesus .
@davymoose3815 9 месяцев назад
In the beginning Of His ministry didn't he say REPENT !!!???
@searchoutthematter449 9 месяцев назад
Yes he did! I lay all of that out in my videos on the gospel and repentance. Thanks for watching! ru-vid.com/group/PLj1pJDs1euXrTkEXBW3Bv9O6NPqNBI3cy&feature=shared
@searchoutthematter449 9 месяцев назад
What is the gospel? A. Jesus died for the sins of all mankind (crucified, resurrected, raised the third day) B. John 3:16 C. Other - comment below