Are you curious about the world? Unveiled answers the questions that you've always wondered about and tackles the mysteries of the universe.

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What If The Ice Age Never Happened?
21 час назад
Do We Go To Heaven When We Die?
14 дней назад
Will Life After Death EVER Be Possible?
21 день назад
Is NASA About To Announce Alien Life?
28 дней назад
Do We Time Travel When We Dream?
Месяц назад
Will A.I. REALLY Turn Against Us?
Месяц назад
Parallel Universes in Ancient History
Месяц назад
What If Earth Fell Into a Black Hole?
2 месяца назад
Could Humans Survive Deep Space?
2 месяца назад
Do We Time Travel When We Die?
2 месяца назад
Everyday Life For Future Humans
2 месяца назад
What Will Aliens REALLY Do To Human Beings?
3 месяца назад
18 Things Science Still Can't Explain
3 месяца назад
@DwayneNegreiff 5 минут назад
@sharlharmakhis280 Час назад
I like to remind people that 'UFO' doesn't mean 'alien', just 'unidentified'. I believe in aliens in the 'space is big' sense but the idea that some hyperadvanced species is traveling all this way to photobomb some random humans is absurd.
@gillesvautour Час назад
Isn't that sweet, to live forever
@glennfrick7975 2 часа назад
Job 9:2-35 KJV I know it is so of a truth: but how should man be just with God? [3] If he will contend with him, he cannot answer him one of a thousand. [4] He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: who hath hardened himself against him, and hath prospered? [5] Which removeth the mountains, and they know not: which overturneth them in his anger. [6] Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble. [7] Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the stars. [8] Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea. [9] Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south. [10] Which doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number. [11] Lo, he goeth by me, and I see him not: he passeth on also, but I perceive him not. [12] Behold, he taketh away, who can hinder him? who will say unto him, What doest thou? [13] If God will not withdraw his anger, the proud helpers do stoop under him. [14] How much less shall I answer him, and choose out my words to reason with him? [15] Whom, though I were righteous, yet would I not answer, but I would make supplication to my judge. [16] If I had called, and he had answered me; yet would I not believe that he had hearkened unto my voice. [17] For he breaketh me with a tempest, and multiplieth my wounds without cause. [18] He will not suffer me to take my breath, but filleth me with bitterness. [19] If I speak of strength, lo, he is strong: and if of judgment, who shall set me a time to plead? [20] If I justify myself, mine own mouth shall condemn me: if I say, I am perfect, it shall also prove me perverse. [21] Though I were perfect, yet would I not know my soul: I would despise my life. [22] This is one thing, therefore I said it, He destroyeth the perfect and the wicked. [23] If the scourge slay suddenly, he will laugh at the trial of the innocent. [24] The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; if not, where, and who is he? [25] Now my days are swifter than a post: they flee away, they see no good. [26] They are passed away as the swift ships: as the eagle that hasteth to the prey. [27] If I say, I will forget my complaint, I will leave off my heaviness, and comfort myself: [28] I am afraid of all my sorrows, I know that thou wilt not hold me innocent. [29] If I be wicked, why then labour I in vain? [30] If I wash myself with snow water, and make my hands never so clean; [31] Yet shalt thou plunge me in the ditch, and mine own clothes shall abhor me. [32] For he is not a man, as I am, that I should answer him, and we should come together in judgment. [33] Neither is there any daysman betwixt us, that might lay his hand upon us both. [34] Let him take his rod away from me, and let not his fear terrify me: [35] Then would I speak, and not fear him; but it is not so with me. 🙏✝️🙏
@lonniejohnson6807 2 часа назад
Falseinformation. Notworth watching.
@Jundullah-94 3 часа назад
Images of earth from space? 😂 Yea.. its called CGI. Deadpool made it clear. 😂
@rajendrasingh-ln2gh 4 часа назад
Dsea is really dangerous as sea animals ,darkness, oxygen , pressure goes up as U go down may be many trenches , frm where U may be list , no communication, no light after some depth rhat reduces the visibility , storms on surface and beneath the seas , of which R not aware once U R cut off or drifted away May be where U aR you yourself might not be aware , aftere U r thrist and hunger which will force U to come home or make U R grave there on deep seas , climatic changes R very dangerous , water currents , may be many more on the whole U R loosing everything nit even 5 % strong gain just.loss of energy time and life even photography nor very clear so if we C something we have a proof most important is Myths of different regions different frm other , no doubt U R LIFE is endanger all the time once gone in depths may come or not come back At present U do not have any guaranty of any thing so it not a sensible work , leave it to the almighty
@LeeKavanagh-q1p 4 часа назад
I stay on land over namor
@LivingLifeAfterDeath 4 часа назад
It’s at least an explanation for the God theory..imagine it’s 5000 years ago and an advance species landed here..our primitive ancestors would look at them as gods..on their knees preying like the Ewoks in Star Wars 😀…We’ve been fighting over it ever since…it actually makes more sense than a sky fairy that has created everything..
@robertbennett2796 5 часов назад
I want aliens to take me off this planet
@gxdjxseph 6 часов назад
I had a friend that never dreamt before, I thought that was interesting🤔
@terryblake2857 7 часов назад
Bad news buddy, When you die you disappear back into nothingness.
@Timmycoo 8 часов назад
My favorite excuse for grainy/poor video quality was some hoaxers saying that the UFO was giving off radio waves (or something) that interfered with electronic items. Making it impossible to take a clear video/picture. That being said, I always enjoy seeing just how fantastical the human imagination can be lol.
@markstriker925 7 часов назад
The excuses these guys come up with are always so hilarious. 😂
@akmalhafiz8763 8 часов назад
This is basically the movie plot on how an ancient microbes decimate most of humanity.
@joeykimble62 9 часов назад
our nuclear missles have a huge flaw. they have limited range. Currently we cannot fire our land-based nukes at N Korea without the nukes having to take a flight path that overlaps russian territory. And having our nukes fly over russian territory is not an option, it could lead to a retaliatory strike against the U.S. in response. So basically we can't hit N Korea with nukes, not many people know that. This drone is a way to get around that. Sure it can be used as a spy platform or bomber platform of whatever you want to load it up with, but first and foremost, it's a space-based nuclear bomber to deliver our weapons where we can't currently deliver
@Januario-s1j 9 часов назад
Skeptics are people with limited brain capacity who cannot comprehend the complexities of the Universe. Skeptics cannot think beyond what happens around their feet. Skeptics have serious problems in remembering what happened yesterday though they were not born yesterday. Skeptics have no idea who they are themselves 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@jamesstevenson7725 10 часов назад
Concept of the Multiverse goes back to the Ancient Hindus.
@evinkleinman6052 10 часов назад
Carr's is possible and, to me, likely😊
@pinchopaxtonsgreatestminds9591 10 часов назад
We move out of the Earth simulation, and into the Heaven simulation, I'm not just saying that, I have proof.
@IsItMeLOL 15 часов назад
I’ve had dreams where i along with many others lived in these large trees. The dreams seem so real. Funny!
@dai.wah.chi.jun.bo.1 16 часов назад
The same concerns pointed out for backwards time travel are the same for forwards time travel. One's future (point in time) is another future person's history (point in time). If a person, from 100 yrs before a Big Bad Guy exists, travels to a future and finds out that Big Bad Guy exists. Then that time traveler builds a plan and travels to a future before that Big Bad Guy gets really bad and destroys him. Then the "same historical impacts" would take place, similar to backwards time travel to destroy a Big Bad Guy. Then, if that time traveler were able to destroy that Big Bad Guy get really bad in the future, how would that guy get really bad in the further future to begin with in the first place❓ 😉
@rogerrowles8702 19 часов назад
The Crossing, Itself Occurs Now Between Mars& Jupiter( Asteroid 🙂 & METEORITE Belt , Hopefully, Not To Close, To The Mars, Side , Of IT... 🤔📡👉😳👈 Originally The Yahweh/ Neolithic And Mesolithic Sign For This Cosmic👽 Occurrence, Is +The Cross + , Of Course.. 😄 ✌📡 👽The ANNUNAKI , Were Well Aware, of This Cosmic Perturbance, And Resulting Floods, EARTHQUAKES, VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS, ELECTROMAGNETIC , EFFECTS , ON EARTHS CRUST AND ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS DISCOMBOBULATING It To The Earth's Core/ Mantel. Then We Get To Gather REMNANTS , Together And Leave , A GOBEKLI , TEPE Cosmic Observatory / Temple, For The Next Timelines , Catastrophe Warning!!... 😝 😮 👉😳 😄
@soulembraced369 19 часов назад
A booger here, a booger there, a booger everywhere
@rogerrowles8702 19 часов назад
The Crossing 📡, Thru This Solar System , HAPPENS Approximately , Every 3669 YEARS Give Or Take 65 yrs. A Average"CHAR" For The Annunaki Is Somewhere Over 3600, Earthly, Years I Year, For Them, Is As, I Just Stated... 🤔 😮 😉🖖
@bradywomack9751 20 часов назад
Blue Whale. Duh.
@SamPuckettOfficial 20 часов назад
Pretty Freekin Scary:
@rckc.1719 21 час назад
i had a thought i wonderd that after you die in this world you go to God and he might let you stay in heaven with him or he might send you on a new journey so you can grow more its just a thought. ido not know but it is fascinating.
@rckc.1719 21 час назад
i had a dream about being in a building with people i have never met it seem so real, it seemed that i worked there i could even feel doors and cabinets.
@CtyCmt6117 22 часа назад
Flat earth does NOT think it is a floating disk... 😅😅😅 more like a flat plain. Who knows how large.. but like swiss cheese with each hole having land, a 🌞, and different environment.. not a flat disk...!!!!
@yannickfullfull6548 23 часа назад
Don’t coming Aliens, here is a boring planet with the dangerous humans.
@mattiasmullback День назад
“Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.” ― Henry David Thoreau And what he also might have said: Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. No one should negotiate their dreams.
@anonymouscandle1223 День назад
Taos hum was underground pipes wasnt it?
@djangox859 День назад
There is danger everywhere, exploration proceeds. But Real Fear exists at certain depths, as to what, we will never know, hopefully. The only thing that stops mankind from exploring is fear.
@jamesholz1151 День назад
The earth is 4.5 billion year old. Humanity only go back 300,000 years. The earth will sluff us off like a bad case of fleas long before this ever happens.
@dillardjish6864 День назад
He's called the power of GOD... stop playing with his name
@johnkelly_Ebiz День назад
The catholic church used to preach reincarnation hundreds of years ago, but they stopped when they realised it was a bad marketing ploy, went for the heaven and hell control angle. About 23 years ago I had 3 preminitional very lucid dreams, all 3 came true (one was 9-11), I later discovered 1000's of people had the same experience. I believe we all originate from a universal consciousness, perhaps GOD if you will, and that's where we go back to, that's why the intense feeling of love is often mentioned. 'All' holy books are penned by humans and as such are biased one way or another, religions are just control mechanisms, they force all humanity to look at the one consciousness from different viewpoints and thus divide us all.
@JJesusChrist1991 День назад
Question : Do we go to heaven when we die? Answer. : if you die your soul get new body.. if you find yoga breathe technical related with third eye penealgland activates if you do that you can go anywhere and can do anything creation or destruction.. you will be a God.. ..... ancient Egyptian secret message is. "Die before you die."
@Stadsjaap День назад
Ever notice how everything we use to look for intelligent life is pointed AWAY from Earth. 😂
@AdamCarpintero-z7g День назад
I am a Mexican-American in San Antonio one time I had a dream that I was a German gunner in a tank in world war II
@candipontenberg3683 День назад
We can't accept the African American race we forced to come here how can we possibly get on board with aliens. Some of us maybe ready for this most probably aren't hopefully they won't hide from all of us. Most already know the truth 😊
@wallacegeller2111 2 дня назад
This is hard to believe.
@benjaminwalker1497 2 дня назад
Really....one chappy cgi video of Satan's hexagonal storm. There's video of it. Wh why didn't you show the hexagon better?
@brianacuff274 2 дня назад
I was under the impression that sleep was figured out 6 or 7 years ago and it boiled down to garbage collection. The cells in the brain are so tightly packed that functions readily available to the rest of the body can’t happen in the brain…like removing a dead cell: there isn’t enough room between the cells to push it - and all the other detritus that accumulates while we function - out. The first thing that happens when we go to sleep is that the brain physically relaxes and brain fluid starts flowing from one side of the brain to the other - taking all the garbage out through the now open physical pathways through the brain. This is why skipping sleep can kill you. It several days worth of garbage builds up it can start interfering with the proper function of the brain. Much the same way a garbage haulers strike can bring a city to a standstill.
@byteme0000 2 дня назад
If we’re to believe scripture, Jesus himself talks more about hell than he does heaven, and he emphasizes that many more people go to hell than heaven. How is it possible to “love” a God of whom you’re terrified? And yes, if we have “faith” and “believe” in Jesus, we can go to heaven. But what if we were born and grew up in the wrong faith, or what if even a Christian has the wrong idea about his faith?
@mcwatchy1 2 дня назад
Just an idea but a floating city powered by wind and solar? How would that work? would it work?
@DivergentDroid 2 дня назад
What science? Nasa does Not Use science for space. Science is establishing a cause and effect relationship of naturally occurring observable phenomena through hypothesis testing via experimentation. It's called The Scientific Method. Nasa has Zero scientific method validation for the claims it makes about space because No One can TEST the lights in the sky for cause and effect. I however can Prove SPACE IS FAKE with physics and the scientific method. It's about physics namely the 2nd law of thermodynamics and the entropy of a gas. Gas cannot form a sphere shape inside of a vacuum. That's impossible in physics. That so called sphere shaped gas you call atmosphere cannot fail to expand into the available volume it MUST expand causing you Not to have stable pressurization on Earth to breathe. If Earth had an atmosphere (oxymoron as gas cannot form a sphere in a vacuum) that gas would leave Earth and you would die. Again, thanks to the real physics of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Gravity has never been demonstrated to hold gas to Earth. Heavy gas may appear to pool for a short time but it will expand to fill the volume due to entropy until equalization occurs. This all shows the heliocentric model is totally wrong. We Must have containment and not be in an open system. Globe Destroyed. Sorry folks but the heliocentric fairy tale is a 2nd law of thermodynamics violation many times over. Now if you think I'm wrong all you have to do is Demonstrate the claims. Show me 1) gas forming a sphere in a vacuum that 2) fails to further expand into and fill the available volume due to entropy until equalization occurs. No one Can do that as it would violate known established physics. If you can pull it off, you would win a Nobel Prize for Proving the current understanding of the 2nd law of thermodynamics is wrong. - Btw, Flat is NOT a Shape. Flat is only an aspect of a surface. When we say Flat we don't mean Earth is overall shaped like a pancake. If Earth has a shape no one has seen it. We can prove the surface is measured flat and Earth cannot be a sphere of the size claimed especially existing inside of an impossible 2nd law of thermodynamics violation. Nasa's outer space is fake and is not a place that can be traveled through. Gas Proves Earth is Not a globe with an atmosphere in a vacuum. I can demonstrate on Earth at ground level where gravity in your model is strongest and Never will poured out gas remain on the Earth. That gas Must expand due to entropy and fill the available volume. It always does. It's a law of nature. It is said liquid water covers 70 % of Earths surface. Known properties of liquid water show it always seeks it's own level, lays flat and horizontal. Nothing, that is 70% of anything that seeks it's own level, lays flat and horizontal can Ever Be a Sphere! That's Impossible! Sea Level is Level! - Having no part higher than another! Water Proves, Earth's surface is level and horizontal.
@IcarusLhooq-bc7uq 2 дня назад
yeah pretty sure they know. this is goofy
@leonigama5597 2 дня назад
awesome job about Does This Planet EXIST fron Will It KILL Earth
@johnhenryruminski8662 2 дня назад
EX😅STS WILL NOT DESTROY !!!! Love John !!!!
@johnhenryruminski8662 2 дня назад
ABSOLUTELY 100% NO NO !!!! Love John !!!!