Zuweii (Sehyuue)
Zuweii (Sehyuue)
Zuweii (Sehyuue)
30 Seconds Devourer Hard Mode - Bunny Build
2 месяца назад
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@billy_cross5580 5 часов назад
This video, it’s title and it’s thumbnail are bad
@billy_cross5580 2 дня назад
OK, bottom line you don’t need Kritz your base credits only 10 anyway you don’t need credits for mobbing. You don’t need walk a tightrope for mobbing. You should have dangerous ambush for mobbing. You should have shield collector for mobbing if you don’t have shield collector yet I don’t then running safe conditional recharge so that if you need some shields and you get low, you can just hit your bomb or literally every time you refresh your lightning emission it’s going to give you a little bit of shields and it seems like it wouldn’t be a lot but it’s a noticeable amount of shield back from it, best case so yeah shield collector for mobbing Honestly, this bill is not very good. Not the state of the game and what we know at this stage because you got a bunch of wasted capacity on Chris you don’t need Chris for mobbing but the only time crib might help you with an end of mission the rest of the stuff is dying easily just a skill power And you should really lean heavy. You only get up to like 23 to 25% rate anyway unless you go in on Chris and it’s not necessary most things only need you know they they don’t need 500 K damage to kill them or 1 million damage to kill them.
@billy_cross5580 2 дня назад
Brisk walk also works on walking movement speed not sprinting movement speed your believing a fallacy. I don’t know if you thought this up and everybody copied you or other people thought it up and you copied them but millennium frost is not helping you sprint faster and it’s hurting you on skill power, your sprints speed with without any transcendent mod with a 800 sprint weapon like thunder cage or millennium frost is an 800 sprint speed weapon is going to be 1200 with fuel gonna be 1040 neither of those numbers is calculated off of your speed and that’s what millennium frost is faster. It’s a 675 walking speed and a 675 shooting speed. It’s still an 800 sprint speed and that is what calculates light speedis your sprint speed? You can’t speed it up past 1200.
@billy_cross5580 2 дня назад
Brisk walk also works on walking movement speed not sprinting movement speed your believing a fallacy. I don’t know if you thought this up and everybody copied you or other people thought it up and you copied them but millennium frost is not helping you sprint faster and it’s hurting you on skill power, your sprints speed with without any transcendent mod with a 800 sprint weapon like thunder cage or millennium frost is an 800 sprint speed weapon is going to be 1200 with fuel gonna be 1040 neither of those numbers is calculated off of your speed and that’s what millennium frost is faster. It’s a 675 walking speed and a 675 shooting speed. It’s still an 800 sprint speed and that is what calculates light speedis your sprint speed? You can’t speed it up past 1200.
@billy_cross5580 2 дня назад
No, you won’t millennium frost base movement speed that you’re talking about is walking speed of 675 and strafing speed or shooting speed of 675 millennium frost sprints speed which is what matters to light speed is 800. It’s the same as thunder, cage or python or any other pistol, it has a sprint speed of 800 when you hit light speed With phonic fuel you’re going to be adding 30% so you take the 800×1.3 it’s 1.5. It doesn’t have anything to do with millennium frost walking speed 675 is only pertaining to when you are walking with millennium frost or with millennium frost when you are sprinting it’s going off the 800 sprint speed, sprinting 800 sprint weapon will have you moving as fast as you can move on bunny what you’re doing when you use that gun you must be using a purple reactor which means skill power modifier with a gold weapon in a gold reactor you’re getting a 1.4 skill power modifier And skill modifier modifying your skill power of 160%. You’re getting 140%. You’re literally losing 20% damage purple gun on a skill build. You should be using a mounted ultimate weapon with an ultimate reactor matches if you’re a gun then means use purple that gives you whatever you need in the substance, something you know you’ll always be carrying then you can switch the two weapons to your heart content for leveling purposes, but on a skill, it should be an ultimate ultimate weapon
@billy_cross5580 2 дня назад
Dangerous and quite crit can be higher right you can get more out of the credits overall I mean DPS wise, but it’s it’s unreliable. Where is dangerous hamsters just simply going to give you a 25% damage boost all the time it’s literally working on everything it’s targeting so you’re getting 25%across-the-board on everything
@billy_cross5580 2 дня назад
Yeah, walk a tightrope is like the worst shit mod on a bunny, especially on a mobbing bunny maybe on a boss bunny where you can like pop off your components pop back on to give a low 50% but on a loving bunny you’re always running over shit you’re always going to be you can’t avoid collecting health so you’re constantly going to be bringing yourself above 50% And as fast as health drops, it doesn’t drop fast enough instead of tight rope put on dangerous ambush or go with more stuff. Tight rope is for characters that maintain themselves through their skills below 50% easily. It’s not for bunny. It was never meant for bunny there’s no circumstance with Bunny where it makes sense Resources off the ground avoid them when you’re sprinting around and every time you pick up a orb suddenly above 50% and you lose the damage and it’s only about 17 or 18% damage boost anyway where is dangerous ambush is literally 25% skill power 25% damage And even if they fix it because right now it’s it’s fucked seems to me it’s bugged. It works all the time whether you’re solo or not but even if they fix it if you’re running around at a defense mission with other players, everything won’t be targeting you so you’ll be getting the benefit on a lot of stuff.
@billy_cross5580 2 дня назад
The contact that shield is a garbage stat is also a ridiculous incorrect error that keeps being spread by RU-vidrs shield is exactly what it’s meant to be. It’s an extension of your health bar replacing your health bar, but in many bills shield is the way to go and the reason that you know that it’s not really a shit stat is when you look at the various set, clearly certain thermostats are made for certain characters bunny is no different and that those hats that have defense and shields mean for bunny to be played that way or whatever characters armor said is floor the meant to be played that way so it’s HV. That’s probably where you should be going first clear was meant to be a Marvin character a readily available set two shields and two defenses. You literally can go all in sub stats on each of those components for grinding resources because you don’t need anything else on them, you don’t need defense or shields or HP. You just need to get more gold or Kiper or whatever because that’s what bunny is for, certainly you can put high voltage on her and a bunch of completely ignore any survivability and go in and burn down a boss in like 20 seconds but almost every other character that shoots a gun can burn down in between like eight 15 seconds
@billy_cross5580 2 дня назад
15% HP actually and you never run out of HP line fuel live stop subtracting at 15% at 10% maybe it was different when you made the video but right now you retain 15%, which is a lot no matter how much HP you have. It’s not enough for you to take a hit
@billy_cross5580 2 дня назад
Not only that if there’s another bunny that runs through in front of you and kills everything, there’s nothing to collect them from the problem with these infinite builds is they won? They only are survival in solo gameplay. You have to dedicate several mods to get the cost reduction, the cool down and the duration high enough, including MP collector which is conditional and unreliable at best I mean really think about it. It’s like God 12 or 14% with a 17% chance of going off. It’s not reliable it’s less than a one and five chance of it going off and any number of things can affect that outcome as well like again other players even with things like maximize can if you reduce your skill cost as much as possible increase your duration reduce your cool down You’re still gonna be using up more than what you’re gaming from any source even from drops on the ground I mean there are things with it like combat recovery modifier things like that recovery out of combat for sure dungeon you’re killing a mob and you’re running to the next mob But then again seems like light speed keeps you always in combat anyway so I’m not sure if recovery out of combat helps the only thing that really helps is micromanaging your mp
@billy_cross5580 8 дней назад
I’m pretty sure you’re talking about danger Samboy I can’t look at my phone right now and that’s not the reason you wanna run it. The reason you wanna run it is because it appears to be bugged and it doesn’t matter whether you’re targeted or not it’s cracking all the time. Certainly when you’re doing boss and goes down boss. You definitely want for one thing. It’s like a 28% damage boost when it when it on a boss that’s stunned it’s even more wanna run it as well. Whether you play solo or on a team it will be crackingfixed it’s either not working the way we think it’s supposed to work or it’s got a bug and it’s working far better than we think it should work either way. It’s a good damage boost.
@billy_cross5580 8 дней назад
It’s not actually accurate lightning emissions does damage based on how fast you cover 7 m distances not light speed not high voltage I mean yes the skill gets renamed but it’s still lightning missions. It’s your pulse and it happens every 7 m the faster you cover 77 m the more time it goes off but the problem with high voltage bunny is that you also move faster and you leave shit behind because you’re only hitting three targets with pulse so again when you’re swinging around with your tether and high voltage is going off for five times in one grandpa that is amazing and very useful but when you’re running the ground, you’re just running past thingsand a regular mobbing Bunnyville without high voltage comes along behind you and kills everything else
@billy_cross5580 8 дней назад
Your build is bad. It’s focused on high voltage, which is the single least important thing you need for bunny bunny is a mobbing character bunny is really good at destroying mobs, running dungeons, grinding up weapons, grinding, components and reactors grinding for resources to make more characters almost every other character is better at bossing than bunny.
@billy_cross5580 12 дней назад
Don’t give me wrong dude I like millennium frost for the reason that you put it on the bill but you lose out on 20% of your base skill power by using it instead of using say thunder cage with a thunder cage mounting and getting ones .6 multiplier you’re only getting a 1.4 multiplier
@billy_cross5580 8 дней назад
And I finally looked at that gun I hadn’t looked at it. I’ll admit when I posted that last post I had not looked at it. Your boost to movement speed with that gun is only while walking and shooting it’s an $800 run speed gun just like every submachine gun in fact like many guns it’s 800 run speed with bunny. Your light speed is only dependent on your sprinting speed so millennial frost will allow you to shoot and walk faster, but it doesn’t help with bunnies feed at all doesn’t feed you up if your speed runs out you run out and walking and shooting then it’s gonna be a 675 movement speed over almost everything else being like 600 actually for whatever reason it’s now 674.9 or 99 something like that of being straight up 675 in any case, that is only walking and shooting speed only two gun for sprinting it’s still 800 again knowing that you are still better off on bunny, especially to be running an ultimate with it with mounting like thunder, cage, or or something it doesn’t matter because you really shouldn’t be shooting it anyway you just need something that gives you 800 speed and gives you a 1.6 skill power modify I’m sorry skill power boost instead of 100% skill power you’ll get 1.6 or or 160%where is millennial frost you’ll get 140% so you’re losing 20% of your most valuable stand on Bonnie just so that you can walk faster and walk faster while shooting change your sprint speed on bunny
@billy_cross5580 12 дней назад
Garbage that you RU-vidrs need to quit telling people that shield is a good stat, but you have to understand it. Shield is extension to your hip points. It is an automatically recharging extension. It can further be buffed with things like shell, recharging, combat, children, recharge, modifier, and recharge out of combat For characters like gumball whatever are like Enzo and shields that are doing same infiltration operation running between each fight children charge out of combat will get your shield back up to max in about six seconds seven seconds maybe and you have a shield never get hit by anything because your shield observed damage first then your health except in certain cases certain damage types, but for the most part, any range damage physical range damage your shields observe it first when your shields are gone then your health children are not horrible. They’re just not made to be the only thing you need defense in addition to either one or the other or a mixture of both depending on your character and your place now, the bunny bunny can use either in shields and defense are all in on health and defense either one depending on which bunny I mean if you’re running bionic fuel bunny then she’ll collector is your your your go to all on shields with your collector and if you have a massive 4K amount of shields You take a hit you will get back if it’s let’s say it’s 5K you’re gonna recover nearly 500 shield every two seconds likewise if you’re playing any other kind of bunny well any other kind of bunny you don’t need recovery but if you’re concerned about it and you want recovery HP collector more likely to run MP collector so you can try and keep lightspeed up as long as possible, but I would not grind on anything but buy fuel bunnies. It doesn’t make any sense. I don’t even have shield collector yet and I’m still successfully grinding the shit out of everything with bionic fuel bunny because I do have a shield and I don’t have a lot only a couple K but most things can’t hit me for more than that so not that big a deal and I do have components with shell recovery, modifier, and shell recovery and combat. I don’t think I have out of combat because you already naturally regenerate shields out of combat that is why shields are powerful is because they will naturally regenerate between fights health will not under any circumstance naturally regenerate
@billy_cross5580 12 дней назад
But maybe it changed since when you made this video
@chillian321 13 дней назад
I'm using this for mobbing aswell btw. Just swap ambush for mp collector and you're good.
@andypanda889 14 дней назад
I have a question. Does critical hit rate goes beyond 100%? Anyway im going to the lab
@alaskayoung3413 18 дней назад
Had to turn the volume down the music woke up my neighbors
@Gary-jp3to 19 дней назад
unlimited spawn seems to have been fixed
@AlmightyFenix141 20 дней назад
Wait where’s the actual build?
@8xGizmox8 8 дней назад
lol lol... I was wondering the same.
@yoannbirrien3048 22 дня назад
How much damage you hit in crit full charge ?
@adamd5618 23 дня назад
build almost done but for reactor for highest dps should it be crit or singular or what should be?
@shawnkuhn2180 23 дня назад
You suck! Kinda defeats the purpose of showing what your build does when you don't show the build.
@NovaVerso 24 дня назад
@Sehyuue is it possible to contact you somehow? :)
@billy_cross5580 27 дней назад
Worrying on off a lot about what time they’re gone on their Bonnybill, but I think of you were able to watch them play and and point out some obvious observation to find out they’re not using their gone hardly at all or that when they are ineffective because buddy is not a gun Absolutely nothing. That helps prove any gunplay really just depend on what’s on your gun unlike say Enzo so fucking nice right up to 100% if he really wants to or or or or even like her poison you know her ultimate gun is pretty good when you got a good figure crack like, that characters are not one of them and if you’re resorting to play the killers, you’re doing it wrong what money does bad his mom and you don’t even need a transcendent mod for that
@billy_cross5580 27 дней назад
You haven’t done the math that’s not why that works because there’s a head and sat on many of the transcendent mod for high voltage to hidden that is like 20% cool down for duration, but too much of the reason why you don’t need to run any cool down or duration is because you’re running I’ve opened give you take job. You would not have 100% of time, I can’t do the math right now, but maybe if you had focus on electric and focus on singular with their cooled out and then whatever you’re getting from whichever you mention it will be enough probably not most of what you’re getting is because of voltage, every one of them has I mean not everyone, but several of them I know have hidden mods that are listed in the description or rather hidden stats of electric condenser gives you a 20% speed increase when it’s active and you Can You can moderate that it’s active all the time that you constantly keep popping off your ultimate and getting speed boost all the time from it. There’s a guy has a bill I I think it somewhat tedious. How do you like your mission to be able to be stretched out, so I don’t keep popping it every 20 seconds but every 10 seconds that getting way too tedious And necessary damage, but it goes off just not necessary for a mob bill and not that useful for boss for bosses you got high voltage the whole point literally the whole point of it is true your damage on the boss, but just in case the boss has asked, you got two other beams that’ll take out an ad specially with Chris. You’re probably going over 1 million. What is your damage on the box, improve range from like 21 or something all the way to 27 or 28 stay the fuck away from the boss while running around and stamping the boss with all that extra damage and I’m getting a lightning bulb every so from your components, that might also Chrisif you didn’t have high voltage, you’re getting much less damage on one target and a lot. It’s just going to waste because there aren’t usually that many ads.
@billy_cross5580 27 дней назад
Actually, I’ve already commented there. I didn’t think I watched your radio but yet hundred percent and agreement money is it real based character funny is like one of those war frames with immediately it’s just so fucking good. You never do anything else there is absolutely no situation in which bunny should be regarding her firearm. In fact, money can you can unequipped your second and third weapon your first weapon should be picked, based on your face speed or the weapon space speed I don’t know which one it is some hand canon or side hang on or something that has like a 675 face and honestly the only thing you need to do with that face put that gun in your hand, but you get that sprint speed bonus Because you should never be shooting it you think I gotta pull my gun out and shoot that will throw it for Italy if you’re on a mob build waste to fix creatures around you that are blocking you in that are your friends and then you start spreading again and regain the electricity in the manners of split second And the boss that’s back flowers for now you’re talking boxing bunny it’s the same thing you gotta pull your gun out your belt. You should be running high voltage with lots of credit and you shouldn’t be shooting Chon standing standing you know kind of certain that even on a bunny with some survival mechanics, survival liveconfiguration built, you should always be speed off possible with lightning a mission going off and that’s how the kill should happen. How do you buddy buddy your modifiers your skill, great and skill damage and lowering your cool down and everything your duration everything is about skills.
@billy_cross5580 28 дней назад
How about instead you go to sterile lands and run around there for a minute with that bunny maybe do outpost
@billy_cross5580 28 дней назад
Again, though skill extension by itself, won’t get you down so that they lineup you you have to have other cool down or duration, mods and skill expansion is a range and don’t get me wrong. You do need it, but you said it in connection to skill extension as though we’re going to change your duration in someway and it’s not
@billy_cross5580 28 дней назад
Sure go extension by itself won’t get your cool down and your duration lined up. I think you need more cool down like maybe skill extension plus focus on electric and focus on singular so 12% from that and what 30 I forget what you get off skill extension 36 bye-bye itself it’s not enough. You’re going to have some downtime at that rate.
@billy_cross5580 28 дней назад
There are several characters where shields are really good Kyle for instance necessary just like Ajax needs defense. Kyle needs shields Enzo Enzo can do really well with massive amounts of shields because his ability to regenerate shields works the same way at the push of a button if I have a decent amount of shields, I get 25% back at the push button and that ability has a really short cool down And then it regenerates to 6% per second so the more you have the better it works you have no shield then you’ve made one of your abilities useless. If you wanna build an Enzo and build into shields anyway then you need to use the transcendent mod that turns your third ability into something else let you stand it and get more attack or more fire attackcause you’re not gonna use it anyway if you’ve got a face shield that comes with that shield recharge is virtually useless and shield shield AAC Ajax needs a defense. There aren’t a lot of other characters that really can make great use of either. I mean defense is good everywhere shields are actually good everywhere to the problem is you know they get knocked off and then they don’t recharge till after the fight
@billy_cross5580 28 дней назад
If you copied him or he copied you either way, your bill isn’t liable. There are areas of the game where you cannot avoid running in poison fields or lava or whatever so if you’re gonna play the character in situate that your friend says let’s go do this and you say sorry I can’t. That means your character is not really viable. What’s your should be doing it stop using your light speed to get between fights start using it only at fights use HP collector pylon all kinds of HP very little defense. In fact you don’t need to add any no shield no defense just HP pilot HP with HP collector And you’ll be getting 9% of your max HP back the more you have the bigger that chunk is every time something dies every two seconds really cause I mean somethings gonna die every two seconds once you have it maxed out I believe it’s a two second time cool down And then set yourself up making more consumable drop and so that you’re picking them up at a further distance, and then you won’t die to a poison field on the ground with this character, I mean, certain reactor, I mean, certain outpost are entirely submerged in poison that provide certain things you won’t be able to get with Bonnie
@billy_cross5580 28 дней назад
Listen down a little longer I mean, I just got done listening to a bonehead trying to sell everybody on the idea of running bionic fuel with no health on a lot of shields and running shield collector I mean so he’s getting one shot or quickly easily killed every time he run through lava or poison or any of the other elements that are on the ground putting that on you dying to it, it’s an unsustainable bill and sorry if I am frustrated with the crafters that you know seem to be making stupid choices I think is perfectly viable and probably a better way to run Bonnie as a mobbing character and I don’t think you can have both a mobbing bunny and a bossing bunny on the same bunny because of the cat sockets
@billy_cross5580 28 дней назад
No offense, dude, but you are somewhat near reminding me analyzing this you are ignoring bionic fuel and HP collector for instance in this literally possible to keep running all the time reduced cost combined with Max MP combined with HP collector, combined with MP recovery in and out of combat, it’s possible to have a bill where you’re going to be running nonstop and certainly it also comes with a small amount of discretion on a Funny that’s not really well kitted you can pretty much your discretionary about it have your light speed up all the time when you need it but you have to shut it off when you don’t need it like using light speed to run. Long distance between fights is just burning up some resource right on a normal funny build it’s burning up MP and you’re getting nothing back because there’s no mob kill but if you go into cost reduction, you can make that MP last a long time if you go into MP collector you can make it so that an orb goes along way there lots of ways to make nothing is infinite all these infinite infinite that the one thing that’s infinite is the universe but you’re not gonna get infinite anything out of any character what you can do is figure out so you have 100% of time which isn’t the same as infinite of time for your lightning emission and 100% of time for your light speed and fuel can do that if you pile everything in the hip points so you have massive health and then you run you know something like HP collector where you’re getting 9% of your health back every kill every two seconds round is easy and let’s see if you have 15,000 health and you get a single kill you’re gonna get back two seconds later another 15 seconds later another 1500 with bunny you’re getting kills all the time multiple kills all the time not to mention you with a couple of choices on your components like acquisition distance and consumable drop rate you’ll be getting a lot more health drops on the ground and picking them up from further away, making it much less of a need to try and run around and collect everything it is possible
@VampireConnoisseur Месяц назад
i miss 2017...
@user-si6dj5yr4s Месяц назад
difference between electric specialist and focus on electric?
@wolfxxdemon Месяц назад
Wheres the build at bc that entire video i only saw you battling bosses
@Cyberputagng Месяц назад
Can you do a weapon video?
@herofx2881 Месяц назад
mobbing build would be awesome
@ashe_regera Месяц назад
Still questioning that Crit Rate Isn't Crit Rate over 100% a waste? Or is there a mechanism that removes/waters down that guarantee making you want to go beyond 100%?
@gibbygibbstein7858 Месяц назад
The stats on the module screen are misleading. If you go to descendent then press the "show info" button/key it will pull up the character sheet stats after adding your modules. These stats are the characters ACTUAL stats that show how hard their skills hits, crit rate, crit damage modifier, etc. The % increase from the modules multiplies with the base stats of the character. On ultimate Bunny 100% crit rate is only going to be around 27% crit rate on her skills because her base crit chance is so low, meaning she wont crit 73% of the time with just 100% crit rate. Hence why people build past 100% crit rate. I've seen Bunnies build 200% crit rate.
@ashe_regera Месяц назад
@@gibbygibbstein7858 I learnt that the hard way haha. I was shocked, now im.hwre hoping omnislots become a thing, cuz I hate to restructure my already modified slots.
@Floki_here Месяц назад
wont i get 1 tap with mini bosses in the end of missions ??
@Floki_here Месяц назад
new sub thnx man
@DanielDefo32 Месяц назад
Hi, can you tell me what paints you used on the Bunny costume?
@billy_cross5580 Месяц назад
And to be fair, dude gunplay shouldn’t really be the focus of any elemental skill-based character. It should be the elemental skill the most damage you can do with Leick for instance is what his ultimate is number four whatever square on the PlayStation the most damage you can do and every really successful character build I’ve seen is all about going in Again with danger, sand putting him on his knees and massively just destroy him so ultimate weapon somebody like Enzo or someone without elemental damage I mean, I saw video of a guy burning down a hard boss with Enzo in about eight seconds I mean it was quite impressive. He shooting him the boss was losing, about a fifth of his and or at first shield like every second just Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam I mean, died so quickly just off gunfire and it wasn’t even point. The person wasn’t at week points was just aiming at the boss in general hitting him wherever he hit him and the boss went down Faster not seen any boss. I mean I can go into a normal mode and burn down those first three bosses solo and just a few seconds I mean like eight or 10 seconds and it was like dying quickly to gunfire and not even wheat point gunfire was incredible. I mean, what if you’re on Leick if you’re on a character can can that has a gun you gotta go on guns by the way I’m pretty sure that ultimate bunnies transcendent mod that’s what that mod is for right boss killing for mobbing. I would think you take that off and maybe put something else in there Although I guess it’s coming out with mobbing too, but I would think there’s better choices
@billy_cross5580 Месяц назад
Good deal dude but that music is loud overpowering and it’s annoying. I don’t know how feels about this but the endgame music probably would’ve been better although I honestly always turn that off anyway I’d rather rather hear things than music while I’m playing a game with guns and shit trying to kill me
@billy_cross5580 Месяц назад
Anyway, seems like the most well-funded out build I’ve seen so far. Also it shows your deaf at 89% and isn’t camped at 80%. I mean literally hard camped at 80%. Would love to see the full character sheet for this build.
@billy_cross5580 Месяц назад
It looks like a good deal, dude, but I am really unclear about the current rate on your character sheet there of 207%. Why that’s necessary how the hell multiplicatively you could even get to 200% I mean from a mass standpoint multiplicatively you can’t get above 100% you never get there because each of the added source of credit Should be a percentage of what you had before and also 10% here 15% there you never could get to 100 so how do you have 200% credit rate when credit rate is multiplicative please tell me I’m not misunderstanding how it works and that’s just a display It’s not just a display. Why don’t you take some of that current rate which is unnecessary? I mean 200% is overkill. I can see your put stuff on until you get over 100% and you don’t have 100% but then again let’s say 99. OK I say is it rounded up? I could see it getting to 100% but typically speaking, when current rate is multiplicative or multiplicative when adding on above, it can never get the 100% I mean let’s say your last one brought you up to 90% and you had 10% more that’s gonna put you at 99% when you get into rounding bullshit, could you reach 100 so how are you at 2:07
@billy_cross5580 Месяц назад
Yeah, I’m not entirely sure why somebody would take a character. Who’s entire kid is based on running around storing up electricity and zapping a opponents would stop to shoot a gun. Honestly everybody talks about how cage is the best weapon and I’m not entirely sure on each weapon or how fast your normal sprint speed is, but it seems like would probably give you the fastest native sprint speed to add to lightning speed which would cause lightning emissions maybe I’m wrong maybe doesn’t matter. Some machine might be as fast as you can run, but I don’t see that it matters what gun you have except in some kind oh fuck moment you know when you fucked up and you don’t have your abilities and you gotta actually shoot some stuff.
@billy_cross5580 Месяц назад
I’m also kind of unclear as to why you would need 207% percent mind you skill critical hit rate anything fast 100% means your skills should be critting every single time and while I don’t necessarily understand all aspects of this game I do understand basic math if Iowa hundred percent chance to win the lottery I’m gonna put my money on the lottery for sure every day every chance I get become so rich I can spend money fast enough at 200. I’m guaranteed to win 100%. I don’t understand why you need 207% credit rate would make sense to redirect some of that module capacity endocrine damage I mean at 207% unless I just completely misunderstand math. Anything that has a chance to create is going to create every timeunless it’s just a display bug, I mean, did whoever wrote the code for the user interface fuck up and additively this way the current chance instead of multiplicatively