Welcome to Anna`s Bake Channel! This channel is all about the delightful world of baking. Join me on a sweet and savory journey as we explore a wide array of baking recipes, tips, and tricks. From heavenly cakes and pastries to delectable cookies and pies, we'll unlock the secrets to creating irresistible treats in your very own kitchen. Whether you're a seasoned baker or a baking enthusiast, there's something for everyone here. Let's bake together and bring joy to every bite!
Quien sabe de quien es y quien lo ha inventado !! Que mas da , solo queremos aprender preparar algo , dejadlo ya con tanto nacionalismo , no sirve para nada !! Felicidades a la cocinera !
"jeder kauft keinen Blätterteig mehr, nachdem ihr ihn ein Mal selbst hergestellt habt..." hört endlich auf, Pillepallerezepte als kulinarische Meisterleistungen zu verkaufen!
En el minuto 6:20 el dibujo del triángulo de hojaldre son rayas horizontales... diez segundos más tarde se han convertido en verticales. ¿Misterios del universo?
I really hate your videos where’s the measurements first of all ya don’t talk n now no measurements wtf I spose even if u did tell us the measurements they’d b like 10 grams of this and 30 mil of that I’m just going to turn u off when I see its u I don’t see how RU-vid lets u put this on here I guess for people who just enjoy watching 🙄 but I ain’t got that kind of time I want to learn how to make stuff not only that but looks like you’re moving in slow motion half the time 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
Hi, could you tell me why sometimes you use yeast free pastry and other times with yeast? New here and want to make sure I buy the right product. Thank you! Your pastry look beautiful.
Дякую за ідеї. Я дивилася на *2... чудово. Все зрозуміло і весело. Дякую за ідею з кільцями - порізати упаковку від чипсів😊. Останній сподобався. Бургер непогано, але їсти напевно незручно. Дякую. Здоров'я та благополуччя.
Liebe Anna, ich sehe gerne zu, wie du mit viel Hingabe und Handarbeit die Blätterteigspeisen zubereitest. Jeden Schritt kann ich sozusagen mitfühlen. Das Meiste sieht sehr appetitlich aus, a b e r, die Mengen an Butter, Öl, Salz und der wiederkehrende Frischkäse, gepresster statt geschnitenntem Knoblauch, sehr viel Fleisch, Mozzarella, Cheddar und Ketchup lassen mich vermuten, dass diese Kalorienbomben nicht wirklich darmverträglich. sind.
The sausage rolls had me thinking of home (Scotland) but your recipe is nothing like our traditional one. Yours I will need to try for sure. But I will call them something else so as to not confuse the family lol.