Where's David-Paul?
Where's David-Paul?
Where's David-Paul?
Letting rip with my ADHD and seeing where things go with the creativity it brings. Mostly about self-sufficiency, living offgrid and building stuff.
No 199. My work under attack.
12 часов назад
No 198. I just discovered some 'Gold'
12 часов назад
No 197. Ready to level the chosen ones.
12 часов назад
No 196. The problematic tree down.
12 часов назад
No 195. The problematic tree.
12 часов назад
No 189. Meet my mga mangagawa (workers).
14 дней назад
No 188. Making the saw track part 2.
21 день назад
No 187 Making a saw track part 1.
21 день назад
No 186. Isla Rita Resort
Месяц назад
No 183. A treehouse not in the trees?
Месяц назад
No 172. Welcome to Scottland
Месяц назад
No 175. Next day 1st ripping of lumber.
Месяц назад
No 176. Reviewing the lumber so far.
Месяц назад
No 178. Such a good job.
Месяц назад
No 179. Quite a big yield of wood.
Месяц назад
No 175. The value of things.
Месяц назад
No 173. The tree 🌳 is felled.
Месяц назад
@mrsmith4662 10 дней назад
It always seems like an easy job, till you get on & do it & then there's a whole lot of challenges.
@DavidPaulNewtonScott 10 дней назад
@mrsmith4662 The preparation and getting materials is the worst part. Even in Alaska they use store bought stuff.
@mrsmith4662 19 дней назад
It's one thing cutting it down, then you're stuffed if you cannot then transport it & cut it into useable stuff (looking forward to this house taking shape).
@DavidPaulNewtonScott 19 дней назад
@mrsmith4662 The problem is all the initial structure is heavy. I will have a living roof with lots of plants on it. The supports are therefore going to have to be strong. Regarding moving the uprights are much shorted and therefore lighter.
@mrsmith4662 26 дней назад
Plenty of work to do.
@DavidPaulNewtonScott 26 дней назад
It's all just mathematics and it's all in my head. The time I spend drawing it would take away from doing something useful. The workers have moved up the floor beams to Scottland, so that is the heavy work done.
@vanesseroxas529 28 дней назад
Hey, It's us from the house.
@learnenglishwithnootandeep6198 28 дней назад
Nice vlog🎉
@mrsmith4662 Месяц назад
Looks a nice place.
@mrashby3545 Месяц назад
When l draw my pension soon, maybe cheaper for me to live there on the beach, than good old blighty here. Warmer as well.
@DavidPaulNewtonScott 26 дней назад
Consider living on a boat you can cruise island to island without ever being out of sight of land. Just visiting 1 island a day would take 21 years. Scared at night? Pull up on a beach.
@mrsmith4662 Месяц назад
No drawings of the intended design? All builds have an 'artists impression' of the finished building - let's see it. (keep at it, but pace yourself & don't wear yourself out).
@DavidPaulNewtonScott Месяц назад
The house will not be connected to the tree until it reaches my desired height. I will be using the natural fall of the land to create a an enhanced feeling of height. The trees will be connected to I beams which they will be allowed to engulf.
@mrsmith4662 Месяц назад
Good building materials, but plenty, plenty to do.
@ninehundreddollarluxuryyac5958 Месяц назад
I actually did timelapse photography to study how trees grow. The distance from the ground to any branch you'd use to support your house will not change over the life of the tree. The trunk will grow fatter, as will the branches. Trees grow by making buds in spring which make leaves and a twig that grows in length for the first year. After that, the former twig will not grow in length anymore, it only gets fatter to support the weight of subsequent twigs. It is only the twigs grown this season that makes the tree taller and wider. Everything else stays the same length and only grows thicker. This is true of tropical trees as well. You can use this information to plan your house structure. You don't need to worry about the lower part of the tree supporting your house getting any taller. You can either leave space around the trunk filled with cloth or something easily adjustable to compensate for the trunk getting wider, or let the tree engulf the adjacent wall section. Think about trees you may have seen that grew to engulf fence posts and other man made obstructions adjacent to where the young sapling started growing.
@mrsmith4662 Месяц назад
I can see that shifting the decent logs would be a problem.
@mrsmith4662 Месяц назад
Those chain saws make light work of these big trees (I'm guessing the wood is pretty hard).
@thornwarbler Месяц назад
Mind how you go. Back your phone up on a memory stick. Dont keep all your eggs in one basket. 👍
@mrsmith4662 Месяц назад
Better than some of the cladding around here!
@mrsmith4662 Месяц назад
Looks like a shopping mall anywhere in the world (apart from when you look outside).
@DavidPaulNewtonScott Месяц назад
It's really interesting to look back on my videos as a more knowledgeable future version of myself. I am in the Philippines now and poised to start work on my proper legal house. I got through is just as I knew I would. Things are better and I am in a good financial situation. I will post a response video to this. It's important to show it all warts and all.
@mrsmith4662 Месяц назад
I'm sure that street food is really tasty (& inexpensive - unlike McDonalds).
@DavidPaulNewtonScott Месяц назад
I went to a restaurant last night and had beef and rice with two beers. £5
@mrsmith4662 Месяц назад
Very good story telling - kept us listening to the end! Agree with all that you've said here. 'The way, the truth & the life...' you cannot compromise this for the sake of 'inclusivity' (we know where that idea came from).
@jettriver8761 Месяц назад
Keep us updated on this wee jem, im adhd and l9ve cosy cabin boats, a safe space,
@DavidPaulNewtonScott Месяц назад
Welcome to the tribe keep safe. Boats are always a good cheap home. Inland waterway boats are expensive. Seagoing sailboats are cheap and sometimes free. Solution: Buy a sea boat and unbolt the keel/keels. I am on top of the ADHD mostly due to nutrition.
@DavidPaulNewtonScott Месяц назад
Yes, you have a point ultra sonics work by cavitation, which can do damage to things like boat propellers. So I guess there is a cost benefit analysis. The softness is really something to behold. It's worth it in my view. I can see other potential applications for this. This thing only cost me £18.
@ninehundreddollarluxuryyac5958 Месяц назад
It will be interesting to see what the long term effects are, I'm wondering if the softness of the fabric is due to wear on the fibers from them being vibrated against each other in the weave by the ultrasound. I've noticed that new shirts tend to be a bit stiff and older, more worn shirts get softer. You can always get more cheap clothes at thrift stores for very little money, so its probably a good idea even if it reduces the lifetime of the clothes a little bit. I plan on getting an ultrasonic cleaner and using it to clean clothes when on the boat. I don't mind if it wears the fabric a bit. Its still worth it to me if I can clean the clothes easily with little power.
@DavidPaulNewtonScott Месяц назад
Possibly exfoliating graphite to graphene that stuff really jacks up the strength of fiberglass resin.
@DavidPaulNewtonScott Месяц назад
Try sonic soak thats American,
@ninehundreddollarluxuryyac5958 Месяц назад
American amazon doesn't have that one. If you search for portable ultrasonic cleaner, they have some with the ultrasonic head shaped like a cylinder that run on 110V AC power for about $60. If you search for portable ultrasonic dishwasher, they have a couple kinds that use USB power. One of them is $16 and another is $30.
@mrsmith4662 Месяц назад
Seems a good tool, but a whole washload?
@mrsmith4662 2 месяца назад
At least it doesn't look too hot on the tarmac.
@melsebastian9178 2 месяца назад
You look happy. Have a good break.
@mrsmith4662 2 месяца назад
Another new adventure you're embarking on in the Philippines - just a bit different to the UK. Good luck with the fluency in Portugese, it's just English for me.
@mrsmith4662 2 месяца назад
It's nice to have quiet surrounds, but that rough concrete, like those old plaster ceilings, will collect dust & dirt and spoil the aesthetics - but it might be a solution?
@mrashby3545 2 месяца назад
You're looking well, especially after living in the wilds for all those winter months. The teaching job sounds good, and hopefully will pan out for you. Looking forward to your next adventure.
@ninehundreddollarluxuryyac5958 2 месяца назад
Thats very interesting. One project I'm working on is stereo speakers. I'm working on ways to make the interior irregular by gluing different sized rubber nubs all over the inside
@DavidPaulNewtonScott 2 месяца назад
Sounds great! But, I would not do that I would use a world class material densified cork. Ie used wine corks, carve them to hexagons and glue them to the interior after cutting them to wedges. You could also line the cabinet with hexagonal nidacore filled with children's play sand topped of with a thin layer of cork.
@ninehundreddollarluxuryyac5958 2 месяца назад
The wood house sounds interesting. Congrats on making it back to the Philippines. You're right, the only way normal people can save money is to not give it all away for rent. Thats why the cabin is so brilliant. You could teach math the way you did it on your friends table, showing all your work. Classrooms have large chalkboards or whiteboards that should be big enough for that. I had a wife once, they are expensive. I got a cat instead. Cats work pretty good if you can keep them inside, otherwise they tend to wander off and go feral. Maybe a dog would work better in a more open environment. Good luck wherever you go.
@DavidPaulNewtonScott 2 месяца назад
Thanks a lot I hope your femur is getting better. You don't need any vitamin D in your location but I would look into upping your Vitamin K and magnesium and calcium. If you are deficient in magnesium your body will steal calcium from your bones. Get a bone density check.
@markbates6610 2 месяца назад
Good luck, keep on keeping on.
@markbates6610 2 месяца назад
I'm 47 this year and still waiting for a diagnosis, Its been around 6yrs journey as I've been assessed for autism and bpd only to come back to an original opinion which was adhd. I must say I dont do well but I'm confining myself to my home so I don't buttress up against much that can cause to much stress. I hope you all the best and hope to find some confidence in my little bubble as you have shown to be possible. we also share an accent so that helps, I'm in peterlee, co. Durham.
@johnmartlew5897 2 месяца назад
My wife and sailed one, built in Sydney BC 1964. We acquired it in 1995 and sailed Bird of Dawning for fifteen years. Loved it. We once sailed past a 100 foot plus old schooner sail trainer. We couldn’t understand why the kids were all on deck talking our picture. Then it dawned on us. That says it all.
@jessicajames8431 2 месяца назад
You got to put everything from outside inside.pull out chimney and close the place down properly.and leave the area clean
@mrsmith4662 2 месяца назад
It would be good to be waterproofed before you leave it for a while, otherwise it will quickly be a complete mess (knowing our British summers!).
@mrsmith4662 2 месяца назад
I wondered how you'd charge those batteries being off-grid, but some investment to use solar.
@DavidPaulNewtonScott 2 месяца назад
At the moment, I just charge them while I am out. I tried one on my solar and unfortunately had it in reverse polarity and its dead. It's charging my mobile, so that's good. I fly to the Philippines in 4 days, so all should work well there. Things are going to get exiting.
@mrsmith4662 2 месяца назад
@@DavidPaulNewtonScott The Lord's with you all the way.
@siowat7911 2 месяца назад
Hi David, Jesus be with you too. I spent a few years looking into Buddhism before coming back to Christ. The problem I had with Buddhism sounds similar to yours; there was no reason to do much at all, just avoid causing suffering. For me, Christ provided the solution, which was to look outwards and see what I could do for others, rather than ruminating on my situation. Later, I was listening to a guy called Jordan Peterson (an academic psychologist) who said that there was no real difference between being inwardly focused and depression. The solution seems to be getting involved with helping others around you, not for your benefit, but for theirs. I have have found this to be very effective. I am now involved in my local church, which does work in the community. God bless you and guide you.
@DavidPaulNewtonScott 2 месяца назад
Dito on the Buddhism it is nihilistic. I watched all the Jordan Peterson stuff but he is a work in progress himself. You can see that he is rattled by his wife and her recovery from cancer and doesn't quite know what to make of it. Look at his interview of Milo Ianapolis and how the two of them proceeded with their lives after that. Watch my video on talking with angels. I started ending my videos Jesus be with you because it is the best I could wish for a person. Maybe it might act as a trigger to someone to let him in.
@mrashby3545 2 месяца назад
I take my hat off to you Sir. Well done.
@mrsmith4662 2 месяца назад
Nice straight pieces of wood - always useful and those that aren't, good for firewood.
@DavidPaulNewtonScott 2 месяца назад
You just made me think if I trim the edges they will ok as supporting uprights. I am off to the Philippines to start my next project so I have to get on with this one.
@mrashby3545 2 месяца назад
You've done really well to live there all those months, especially throughout the winter months. Hope it works out for you when you finally leave. Will look forward to following your journey.
@mrashby3545 2 месяца назад
Ole slug's never look nice. No need to kill it though. just move it out into the woods somewhere. At the end of the day, you are living in his territory.
@PNorthWDad 2 месяца назад
@mrsmith4662 2 месяца назад
Always interesting and thoughtful commentary. Bhudists seem very peaceful and placid, until they're challenged by the Gospel of Christ.
@Boatlane22 2 месяца назад
I bought her over from Holland and built the cabin and finished her down in Peterborough .1897 she was built the hull had already been restored in Holland when I got hold of her
@marklchapman2785 2 месяца назад
Why didn’t you make any videos of the voyage?
@DavidPaulNewtonScott 2 месяца назад
It was too frantic she now has a new owner and I am buying back my old boat. It is on my old channel you will find it by searching, enntering Limehouse Basin. Misspelt like that with 2 nns. Myself and the new owner of the Pageant are planning to sail in the Jestter Azores Challenge.
@daverees9344 3 месяца назад
Japanese Knotweed, illegal to grow, dont let it near your house or you are doomed.
@jag4762 3 месяца назад
Japanese Knotweed 100% Fallopia japonica