Andrea Mascioni
Andrea Mascioni
Andrea Mascioni
Mascioni Pipe Organs
Mascioni Organ in Alessandria
10 лет назад
@albertocolzani897 Месяц назад
Ancora uno strumento bello a vedersi e dalla timbrica raffinatissima! Mascioni, organari di livello eccelso
@kennethjackson163 4 месяца назад
@mcdeadcat Год назад
A wonderful instrument! Some astonishingly powerful sounds but also that 8ft double flute is astonishingly beautiful and tender
@MusicaconStile Год назад
l'arte della musica organistica
@77Catguy Год назад
With all of the struggles the church in Japan is facing, is this really the best use of what resources it has?
@Folboi 2 года назад
w w w why is there s so many w w wires???
@Mark_Dyer1 2 года назад
I love this wonderful cathedral by the late Kenzo Tange; and made a special point of visiting it when in Tokyo five years ago (before the mayhem!). I did not know it had received a new organ though.
@martinwilson6684 3 года назад
What is the piece being played please?
@silvanmeschke 3 года назад
Louis Vierne, organ symphony no. 3 f-sharp minor, 1st movement
@aBachwardsfellow 3 года назад
Organist: Massimo Gabba DISPOSITION 3 keyboards of 61 keys (C-c) - pedalboard with 32 pedals (C-g) Keyboard I - Great Organ 1. Principale 16′ 2. Principale 8′ 3. Flauto doppio 8′ 4. Viola da Gamba 8′ 5. Ottava 4′ 6. Flauto 4′ 7. Duodecima 2.2/3′ 8. Quintadecima 2′ 9. Ripieno 4/6 file 1.1/3′ 10. Cornetto 5 file 8′ 11. Tromba armonica 16′ 12. Tromba forte 8′ 13. Campane Keyboard II - Positivo 14. Principale 8′ 15. Flauto a camino 8′ 16. Ottava 4′ 17. Flauto a cuspide 4′ 18. Flauto in XII 2.2/3′ 19. Ottavina 2′ 20. Terza 1.3/5′ 21. Cembalo 2 file 1′ 22. Cromorno 8′ Keyboard III - Recitativo Espr. 23. Controgamba 16′ 24. Principale 8′ 25. Corno di Notte 8′ 26. Salicionale 8′ 27. Flauto 4′ 28. Flautino 2′ 29. Terziana 5.1/3′ 30. Plein Jeu 3/5 file 2′ 31. Tromba 8′ 32. Oboe 8′ 33. Voix Humaine 8′ 34. Voce Celeste 8′ Tremolo Pedal 35. Contrabasso 16′ 36. Subbasso 16′ 37. Quinta 10.2/3′ 38. Basso 8′ 39. Flauto 8′ 40. Corno 4′ 41. Bombarda 16′ 42. Controfagotto 16′ 43. Fagotto 8′ 44. Fagottino 4′ Horizontal Trumpet 45. Tuba 8′ al III 46. Tuba 8′ al I 47. Tuba 8′ al Ped Union 48. I 8 Ped 49. II 8 Ped 50. III 8 Ped 51. II 8 I 52. III 8 I 53. III 8 II Couplers 54. III 16 I 55. III 4 I 56. III 4 Ped
@james.flores 3 года назад
How great now that this organ is samples for Hauptwerk. I have to save my pennies to get it!
@canticus7068 3 года назад
Was für ein wundervolles und nobles Instrument in einem edlen Kirchenraum mit einer vollendeten Akustik! Und wahren Künstlern als Organisten! Mille grazie! 💖
@burtward895 4 года назад
Sure to be considerably quieter than the clanky ancestors.
@michelerossi363 4 года назад
Bella macchina...potente...bel suono...solo un po' scarso di sonorita romantiche mi riferisco propio all' intonazione e ai timbri. Ascoltate un qualsiasi organo di Parigi e capirete subito cosa ho voluto dire. Comunque bello strumento lo stesso. Grazie Mascioni.
@illumine1911 4 года назад
The cathedral is built in the shape of a broken cross - it could be "thought to symbolise the broken body of Christ "as commented elsewhere by someone. In fact the "stark and sombre interior" can make someone to think of Christ's death on the cross and the sacrifice it represents....the architect was a great Japanese architect, Kenzo Tange. Thank you Kenzo Tange - may your soul rest in peace.....
@scronx 4 года назад
zut alors -- ALMOST made it thru thus beautiful vid with no $^#% Tocccata and Fugue in D minor.
@jogomez1988a 4 года назад
No corten la aria variata de Bach...
@dissilymordentroge5818 4 года назад
Having heard this instrument at a few recitals I found it a contradiction in some ways. The tracker action works well with smaller scale works but the long & at times overpowering delay in the acoustic, especially with louder romantic repertiore, can mask a great deal of detail and expression. So, I think what I’m trying to say is great instrument, shame about the architect.
@Spetet 5 лет назад
Beautiful organ. Ugly building.
@preussenberlin7461 5 лет назад
wo soll ich fliehen hin. aus "schübler choräle"
@tonyonly2 5 лет назад
what a grim piece of architecture
@larryhagemann5548 5 лет назад
Very nice tracker. Very exacting workmanship required. Well done.
@fintan3563 5 лет назад
What a hideous building.
@user-hg9zo3yd4r 5 лет назад
@tedphillips2501 5 лет назад
Wonder what their reaction would be to the Dupre P&F in B or Vierne Symphony #3.
@misterjaroslav6859 5 лет назад
I very regret I missed it. Will listen to it for sure during my next visit to Japan. とりあえず行きたい。
@davef.2811 5 лет назад
Did I see right?? A tracker organ? Fascinating!
@gioelebartolini1989 5 лет назад
It's italian organ
@msotil 5 лет назад
It looks like a tracker type organ. Is it?
@aerodynamikapieroga 4 года назад
Yes, it is
@zimnaya 5 лет назад
The voicing and breathy sound of this great new organ fills one with delight and admiration. A glorious triumph that will light hearts and minds to God for many decades to come! God bless the skilled hands of the organ builders!
@garysmith8455 6 лет назад
"Its a work of mechanical and musical art. No microprocessors in this one." Oh yes there is! Those pistons don't work combination actions with trackers! That early section of the video that showed some console details was all I needed to see that electronics are involved... Many trackers TODAY involve computer memory systems / combination actions... Just look at the Dobson at the Kimmel Center... With a remote console (on stage) to electrically control a tracker organ and all its functions, an amazing 'blend' of the old and new within the same instrument (O:
@thorkrber2562 6 лет назад
What a fantastic sound. The organ sonds so beatifull
@enricomariabasaldella 6 лет назад
Caro Andrea ho avuto modo di provare lo splendido Jaquot del duomo di Catania dove Padre Giuseppe Maieli, mi ha tessuto gli elogi alla Ditta Mascioni per lo splendido lavoro effettuato su un organo fermo dal 1956....io ho avuto la fortuna di tornare a Catania dopo 50 anni (avevo 19 anni, quando mi hanno fatto titolare e suonare il Serassi della chiesa dei Minoriti)..ed ho suonato in Duomo dove avevi fatto la revisione...grazie ho condiviso per un caro ricordo ...Enrico Basaldella
@vanmusician 6 лет назад
The second piece is the Adagio from Bach's Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C major.
@p.e.gottrocks4528 7 лет назад
Mamma Mia
@deeremeyer1753 7 лет назад
Wow. That giant concrete clusterfuck should have some AMAZING acoustics.
@dissilymordentroge5818 6 лет назад
I’ve attended two recitals here and found the acoustics downright horrible. The organ builders obviously did there best to compensate but have been hampered not just by the long delay but by very confused near side wall reflections. Much as I appreciate cathedral sized accoustics this one didn’t work for me.
@777luckynum3er 7 лет назад
What is the name of the second organ piece? Thank you.
@md95065 7 лет назад
The second piece is the Adagio from the Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C minor BWV 564.
@777luckynum3er 7 лет назад
Thank you!
@urbanviii6557 6 лет назад
Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C MAJOR, not minor.
@BCSchmerker 7 лет назад
+AndreMascioni *This three-manual mechanical-action's layout is straightforward.* The _Recitato_ is in the main case, masked by the GO Principale 16 (the bulk of the _Gran Organo_ being beneath); and the _Positivo_ is at the gallery rail. Is the _Organo di Pedali_ at the rear of the case, or in the sides? And are mixtures confined to cimbalae, as I understand to be the norm in 19th-Century and later organs of the Italian school? (Historically, the non-cimbalic principals of the Italian school were in single ranks, a typical Gran Organo running breakless from Principale 16 to Vigesimasixta 1-1/3, with Vigesimanona (F6) 1-2 through Cuadrigesimatria (F4-F5-F6) 1/4-1/2-1-2 breaking back an octave at the 6.1 kHz pipe.)
@p.e.gottrocks4528 7 лет назад
Nice organ, but what Cathedral is this,,,, or is it a secret?
@frjimt9455 7 лет назад
St Mary's Cathedral.....
@Mark_Dyer1 6 лет назад
This is St Mary's Roman Catholic Cathedral, seat of the Cardinal Archbishop of Tokyo. Designed by Kenzo Tange in the Sixties, it is a fabulous concrete 'brutalist' building, with a very serene ambience. Went there last year: and our Japanese guide was surprised to discover that he used to live down the road when he was young!
@klbird 7 лет назад
Its a work of mechanical and musical art. No microprocessors in this one.
@koiny2009 7 лет назад
Che splendide sonorità. Superbo il Mascioni!
@camitful 8 лет назад
Quello è un gran bell'organo a canne ; lo dico perchè ho avuto occasione di suonarlo con il permesso di un sacerdote portoghese che era in attesa di una concelebrazione di vescovi poco dopo la mia performance. Per l'occasione ho suonato un mio preludio dai 6 preludi composti da me per l'organo.
@tenney1119 8 лет назад
Took a guess at Schubler chorales, and looked it up and got lucky-BWV649! Absolutely lovely!
@tenney1119 8 лет назад
Could someone possibly let me know the name or BWV of the first piece accompanying this video? I'm assuming it's Bach. Just sublime! Thanks!
@nikolasbolognesi9500 8 лет назад
due grandi organisti su un grandissimo e supremo organo
@camitful 8 лет назад
Quanti hanno avuto modo di suonare l'organo Mascioni in Tokyo ???? Io sì nel 2015( ahahaha) ma solo un quarto d'ora perche' dopo si celebrava una Messa con la presenza di parecchi vescovi . Ho letto per caso in albergo che c'era una chiesa cattolica e l'organo a canne di cui avevo sentito parlare ed allora mi sono fiondato immediatamente 2 giorni prima di partire anche se il mio hotel era dalla parte opposta della città. Quasi 560 hotel dentro Tokyo. I giapponesi fanno il conto dei battiti delle ale delle farfalle, talmente sono pignoli.
@jsbe1429 3 года назад
Camillo Flaim, uno dei più grandi organisti viventi...😂😂😂
@organman0921 8 лет назад
I would have thought we would have heard the organ rather than violin music. What good is this video?
@GlamourAvenue2008 8 лет назад
Ancora una volta, grandi italiani ricordano al mondo quanto l'Arte musicale sia stata e sia ben rappresentata da loro. Ed anche quanto quest'Arte sia presente nel design e nella cura che solo grandi artisti artigiani sanno esprimere con la propria passione.
@mrstevebournias 8 лет назад
steady diet of baroque just what modern people like to hear
@p.e.gottrocks4528 8 лет назад
+steve bourrais Europeans just can't leave it alone.
@AlwaysaGemini 8 лет назад
you guys are amazing for putting this together- fascinating video #pipeorganist
@charlesdavis7087 8 лет назад
Wow! You built yourself a really fine antique. And what you spent $350,000.00 on, you could have had for $85,000.00 by buying a Rogers and never again have to worry about upkeep. Fine organist. Keep him. CVD
@tom7601 7 лет назад
Charles Davis That depends on whether you want a pipe organ or an appliance. Just having some fun. :-)
@DefensorMusicae 7 лет назад
Electrophones are not pipe Organs and should be used only if they are clearly marked by the composer in his score! No electronic device can reach the subtlety of an acoustical musical Instrument.
@bryangl1 6 лет назад
Charles - I'm sorry, but you really are talking through your hat. Don't know the cost of this installation, but it would be in the millions, which is a lot of money. And yes, a Rodgers would be MUCH cheaper, but Rodgers have NEVER manufactured an instrument that comes even close to this, let alone at $85,000! In fact, as outstanding as some modern digital organ installations - certainly not Rodgers - are (and I must add, totally indistinguishable from pipe) I suspect none yet have quite equalled the richness of this - a truly magnificent instrument.
@james.flores 3 года назад
Antiques last longer than toasters.