Thought Leaders in the burgeoning rally call for local community as our only valid way forward
The Village Voice   Dave Armstrong
3 месяца назад
The Village Voice   Miroslav Bardovic
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The Village Voice   Mark Robertson
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The Village Voice   Philip Tripp
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The Village Voice   Sarah Jane McGrath
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The Village Voice - Damien Bohler
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The Village Voice - Rupert Faust
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The Call   Chapter One
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Living Legends
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We are Weaving the Divine
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Vegetarian Brisbane truth or fiction
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Tattu TV Interview.wmv
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Dr Hew Len voxpop 5.mov
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Dr Hew Len voxpop 4.mov
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Dr Hew Len voxpop 3.mov
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Dr Hew Len voxpop 2.mov
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Dr Hew Len voxpop 1.mov
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Lizard of Oz Media & Planet Media
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Byron Green Building Centre.mov
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One dimensional lover.mov
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Amara DYEN2
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Amara DYEN.mov
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SACRED SEX short amara.mov
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Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len Part 2
15 лет назад
Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len Part 1
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@DR.J.AHMEDIAN Месяц назад
Dear teacher, I not only believe in most of your teachings, but I have experienced them. Apart from your and my experiences, which are in line with each other, you are unaware of two very great knowledges that will complete your knowledge. Now, for whatever reason And the reason that caused this neglect ❤❤❤❤ If you are willing to have a friendly discussion between two therapists, I will be happy to share this knowledge with you. My peace is in returning to him. The source of eternal and infinite love. For we belong to Him and to Him we shall return ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@DR.J.AHMEDIAN Месяц назад
Salam Alaikum, Malkoti healer. I am Javad and I live in the city of Mashhad located in the very beautiful country of Iran. I am defending my doctoral thesis in the field of pharmacy and medicine. Thank God Almighty that this has happened and will continue to happen. After reading the book Zero Limits, I was fascinated by your personality and metadimensional power. I wish I could meet closely and exchange self-aware knowledge with each other. But the dark and ruling energy of this planet and the enmity between our countries are obstacles.
@magdarequejocamacho3001 2 месяца назад
No se inglés 😢😢si pudieran traducir al español
@alejandrabelmonte625 2 месяца назад
Traducir al español 🙌
@skyefrew7750 3 месяца назад
Talk about shit hitting the fan , my head literally collided with ceiling fan the night before last due to undiagnosed dementia, on top of my Ms ! This interview hit right where I’m at … what a great combination of two great people tribes and mindsets come together , I need village to live in permanently I can’t live on my own with my health issues and wanting healthy options and alternatives
@peterwalkerauthor 3 месяца назад
There are many working on providing just such opportunities. Now we are beginning to converge and collaborate as never before. The gift of the cognitive dissonance demonstrated by our politicians during the so-called pandemic which continues as they defend war mongering and ignoring the basic needs of the populations they are supposed to care for and take responsibility for. The veil has lifted for a fast growing percentage of the population.
@aygeebee 3 месяца назад
So glad to see Dave interviewed. Living Free Movement are a great group doing great work in challenging times!
@ishka28 3 месяца назад
Interesting conversation. I enjoyed hearing Dave’s points of view.
@peterwalkerauthor 3 месяца назад
Glad you enjoyed it! Ishka.
@TheNaturalCapitalist01 3 месяца назад
Excellent discussion gentlemen! I'm flattered to come up in conversation so many times... especially across multiple podcasts Peter! You are a great interviewer Peter and it's inspiring me to pull my finger out and interview you both for my podcast! Much love and respect to you both.
@peterwalkerauthor 3 месяца назад
You are a major community player, my friend. IMO its past time for us all to collaborate in ways in which we have not attempted before. Your comments prompted some discussion we all need to have, because if we are to embrace community, we will all need to be aware that there will be a lot of varied opinions in any community space. How we navigate those differences of opinion will be THE major player in how effective our alternate communities function. Can we remember how to hold to our common values while we navigate those which trigger or challenge our beliefs, opinions and the social constructs that have been programmed into us since childhood.
@paulcraft8524 3 месяца назад
Common-sense groundwork, well done Rupert and Grounded mob. Luvyuz
@peterwalkerauthor 3 месяца назад
You can follow Philip here: 

instagram.com/onehandbuddha/ facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551887254520 www.philip-tripp.com
@TheNaturalCapitalist01 4 месяца назад
Listened to the podcast today gents. Excellent work. I listen to a lot of podcasts and this was right up there with quality. Maybe coz I'm biased and coz it is so close to home. I felt like I was in the room and there were moments where I was actually speaking out "fuck yes" - lol - and then other moments where I wanted to interject and add comment. LOL. Peter you are a great interviewer - genuinely inquisitive which is what you would think is normal for a journalist- but not so normal these days. And Damien - you are an excellent speaker - and your words really speak to the deep work you've embodied. These convo's support the emergence of the integral culture you spoke about Damien. We are all players in it. Figuring it out as we go - but now emerging as 'leaders' in our own right. Well done Peter jumping straight on it with me while the topic was hot and so close to home - then following on with Damien.
@lovelovelovehappyhappyhappy 4 месяца назад
Thank you
@tmbrjr6621 4 месяца назад
The timing of this video seemed to me to be an opportunity for you to get the scoop on Rupert's recent commentary and boost your own online presence which you did confirm in the video. Rupert's response was a complete train wreck. It was clear to me watching that his rambling incoherence shows a vulnerable individual in need of support. You have the intelligence to see that this video merely gave Rupert more rope to express some damaged thinking and you appeared comfortable seeing it play out. To me the airing of this seems self serving and taking advantage of a person who clearly is not in a good head space to consider the consequences of his words.
@peterwalkerauthor 4 месяца назад
thanks for your comment. The very nature of such an interview and its timing is a factor. I asked Rupert if it would suit him to be interviewed and with several checks, he continued to want to share. From my perspective, and my intention, it was to provide an opportunity for greater clarity around Rupert's position - and I avoided cross-examination on the "trigger" points so as not to entangle and implicate. I also respect your point of view and believe I understand how and why you have this perspective. I know that Rupert is well attended by a strong community of friends who will not let him down. I too, am a friend of Rupert's and trust that he will navigate this furore, offering also the opportunity for his community to gain clarity on a range of matters. I know what this journey can be like...I have been a significant member of a community which investigates these matters and many others as a conscious practice - understanding that we may not always meet in every aspect - an discovering ways to move through such difficulties with greater dignity as we learn.
@tmbrjr6621 4 месяца назад
@@peterwalkerauthor Appreciate your summation of the process and hope as you say Rupert has the support required to move forward. Sometimes though, intervention is helpful to mitigate the damage a person can do to themselves and others. I would expect this interview to have exacerbated the harm already made on his FB posts (the first comment here being just one example). However, as you own this specific content, you're free to make the decision to share it.
@mikaylalalarose 4 месяца назад
I agree this talk seems self serving for you Peter and it's certainly cringe to hear both you discussing the benefits of getting attention regardless of the negative impacts... But I do appreciate you asking some clear questions. ​@@tmbrjr6621 You speak of Rupert's vulnerability... He just said he is living the dream and would repost similar sentiments.. that he is happy it will deter people not party to his policies. Vulnerable is not a word I would use to describe his vibe. As well as being worried about Rupert... Are you concerned with the vulnerable people he may influence? Or how his 'damaging headspace' may effect others since he is in a position of leadership? It appears he might need to Wreck his Train before he realises he is on a bad track. He appears to have no current ability to question himself or inclination to change. How can he address the damage of his mental state if he doesn't recognise he is in it?... Do you think we should just ignore the fact that a leader with an alarming perspective is unconsciously spreading his influence to possibly vulnerable people? I may be misunderstanding your words but it sounds like Rupert is the only one you are concerned with protecting...? And your referral to my first comment... Do you see the expression of my experience and feelings as some form of harm I am doing to the vulnerable Rupert? I am intrigued by your perspective. I am hoping I have misunderstood.
@mikaylalalarose 4 месяца назад
Hi... I am curious if I understand you correctly? Rupert does not present as vulnerable to me... If he could be vulnerable then he might be more receptive to feedback coming at him. It appears he is the opposite of vulnerable... He just said he is living the dream... He is not asking for help. I don't think Rupert is a bad person... I am a bit alarmed you think I am trying to do him harm...? Or have I misunderstood your comment? To clarify... I am trying to wake him up! He is an amazing human who appears to have unhealthy underlying beliefs. Do you think we should just ignore alarming underlying concepts like this? It is not so simple as 'we all think differently ' when someone is standing up as a leader... We need to examine what the foundations are. You need good seed and soil for optimal growth. To me community seems to be a human garden. It seems to me that Rupert's underlying beliefs about gender roles not only harm women (of which I have experienced)... but they may be the reason he seems to find it impossible to be receptive to feedback. As he stated in the post... The whole point of sweet nothings is because unless he thinks an idea is his he will not value it. So unless he can learn to tune into his own 'feminine' receptivity... Be a bit vulnerable... Get really real and feel the uncomfortable feelings that must be stirred up by all of this... Then I don't know how balanced growth can happen... Either in himself or any community he leads. But I gotta let it go. After all of this triggering cathartic healing process he has instigated I do understand it's not my job to save him from himself. I trust it's all part of the journey and wish you all well. What a wild weird ride this life is. We are all in it together and alone. 🙏✨
@mikaylalalarose 4 месяца назад
Thanks for your direct and clear questions Peter... I do hope you have some deeper concerns other than just how much online attention you can get... But you said you want comments.. so here goes! Rupert, you literally made my jaw drop. Can you reflect on your proclamation that you 'don't see any toxic masculinity around you yet you do see toxic feminine...' ?! Ever heard the story of the fish who didn't know what water is? Maybe you're so immersed in your reality you don't recognise foundational elements... Eg. 'toxic masculinity'. Any chance any of those 'toxic' women are yelling because you haven't been listening? I am not commenting about past oppressions or whether gender roles have biological logic. What I am concerned about is the unconsciousness playing out right NoW and the implications of its impact on our culture... And the individuals within it. This whole thing has struck a nerve with me since your belief systems have deeply affected me personally. I wonder if you can see how your beliefs about women relate to the way you responded when I told you about the assaults and abuse from one of your core crew. After insinuating that I and the other women were lying, you then deemed it safe and appropriate to have him facilitate the 'Heart Space' venue at Grounded. Even after he was charged with violent assault you told me 'courts tend to favour women'.... And... this one hurt as it burnt into my brain 'if the rape didn't happen at my event then it's got nothing to do with me'. Those discussions with you were so deeply disturbing and disheartening Rupert... And now they make so much more sense. What do you feel made you trust the 1 male abusers story and not the 3 women who had direct experience of his abuse? Are you willing to even wonder? ... What if you were wrong? I wonder if you've ever been wrong? How do you think it feels to be called a liar on top of being assaulted? It is hard to describe the level of disillusionment I experienced. I took a deep dive to discover how I got myself in such a situation. Partly it was from trying to play the feminine role you speak of... But I am done with whispering now. This fiasco has stirred me up to respectfully erupt. I am expressing all of this with the slim hope it may ripple your reality and give you a wake up call. You are a powerful man Rupert. Congratulations. Imagine if you were part of an evolving ecosystem. Imagine if everything you did sent ripples into the reality around you. Imagine if you used your power and influence as part of growing HEALTHY systems - I actually believe this is what you want. I understand where you are coming from in exploring ideas from tribal times. I just hope you can find the courage to turn to the tribe inside your mind and find the stories that seeded your foundational beliefs. I am not talking about editing your words in a post. The words are just a flag that mark the spot to dig deep. You could discover new levels of learning down there and become a better leader. You are a smart man Rupert.. I reckon if you really valued evolution you would utilise a diversity of perspectives. Can you Listen to our feedback rather than just using its click bait fuel to propel your personal power and bolster your business? Weirdly I actually want to Thankyou for helping me find my voice. When I tried speaking to you quietly you obviously didn't hear me (wrong kind of whisper?)... Now Somehow this whole fiasco has fired me up to speak up! I am grateful to feel the inner strength I have gained since last we spoke. Therapy helped a lot. I believe it could help you too.
@peterwalkerauthor 5 месяцев назад
Spotify link open.spotify.com/show/3zBOFmpFLcmGS7Di1JmXU0?si=9b4e04b564ec45a0
@oracleoflight13 8 месяцев назад
Thank you!
@JalenAlpha 8 месяцев назад
@maryshirren4865 10 месяцев назад
Thank you 😊
@lisetteem3054 Год назад
this one has no comment.
@lisetteem3054 Год назад
He must have come to australia...I see he's eating ginger nuts, arnotts an australian cookie.
@peterwalkerauthor 5 месяцев назад
I had the good fortune to interview Dr Hew Len in Brisbane
@lisetteem3054 Год назад
I love him so much, and appreciate him not saying it's gawd. Such a problematic term.
@alphom1 Год назад
When he eats the biscuit and says he's eating the love needed to dissolve the memory, reminds me of Jesus saying, Unless you eat my body and drink my blood, you do not have life within you...
@lisetteem3054 Год назад
@AngelicaChristi Год назад
I was blessed to take a training with Dr. Hew Len. He explained how he ‘healed others’ using Ho’oponopono, “I was simply cleaning the part of me that I shared with them. Ho’oponopono recognizes we are all part of one consciousness and we are responsible for everything we experience!” Now to be clear, at the time Dr. Len NEVER spoke the words “I’m sorry” as he explained decades ago, “There is nothing to forgive! Joe Vitale added that after sitting in on one of my classes." And I believe It is a good part because of Joe Vitale spreading the name of ho’oponopono from the time he listened to the class and wrote “Zero limits and included the never before used mantra "please forgive me.” Morrnah Simeona was the original teacher of Ho’oponopono’s 14 step process. So I myself never use the words ‘Please forgive me” and I was surprised to discover Dr. Hen Len actually started incorporating that into his talks. I do not pretend to understand why he would do that. Not my karma.
@S.Sophia999 Год назад
I really contemplated this before about there is nothing to forgive… I haven’t had the pleasure to assist to Dr. Len class. I was wondering… Did he only mention thank you and I love you?
@lisetteem3054 Год назад
but that is what she says in an interview with him that i have seen.
@lisetteem3054 Год назад
also he never says he heled anyone.. he would say youre funny..... i wonder if you truly took into your heat what he taught, at all.
@AngelicaChristi Год назад
@@lisetteem3054 why do you think I put " " around
@AngelicaChristi Год назад
@@S.Sophia999 This was one of the first times he came to the mainland to do this class and he was adamant about what he said, but after the book became famous I noticed he changed his own story. Honesty I began doubting the entire situation
@onespirit-heathergunn2543 Год назад
It connects seamlessly with a Course in Miracles.
@ss_coco2585 Год назад
@bellakatou 2 года назад
Thank you very much!
@manjusavanur6669 2 года назад
@minookalantari 2 года назад
Thank you
@minookalantari 2 года назад
@minookalantari 2 года назад
@minookalantari 2 года назад
Thank you
@minookalantari 2 года назад
Thank you
@minookalantari 2 года назад
Thank you
@minookalantari 2 года назад
Thank you
@azulmiranda5015 2 года назад
Como lo puedo escuchar en Español?
@abundantclarity8888 2 года назад
Hooponopono has been a huge game changer for me! Thank you for posting this 🙏
@lisetteem3054 Год назад
really i'm a few months in i saw some quick results.and the learning deepens. Not sure if im seeing anything now but i'm praying it a lot as i pass care homes, schools funeral homes etc and for animals.... x
@abhishekjoshi2151 2 года назад
I from india .... I dnt know to much english ...Plz I want to talk with u. Dr hew len sir. Pl,z help me
@abhishekjoshi2151 2 года назад
Help me plz
@abhishekjoshi2151 2 года назад
Help me plz
@abhishekjoshi2151 2 года назад
Sir plz help me. ....I am so. Helpless ..I am so said ....Plz help me....I want to talk. Dr hew len plz help me plz help ...
@grigs666 2 года назад
May the Blessings Be!!!
@MyLifeBox888 2 года назад
I had/have lot of resentment towards loved ones in my life. Teachings of Ho’oponopono and Neville Goddard how is everyone and every situation is simply a reflection of my inner data. This really helps to develop compassion and feelings of oneness. From my personal experience I would say, make Divinity the most reliable friend you can seek help and love from and then do the Ho’oponopono exercise… hours and hours days and days.. new reality will be reflected.
@ajaypathak8338 2 года назад
Thank you so much for this great interview
@fctokimloan 3 года назад
Thank you so much Mr Hew Len
@cettinaradenza6760 3 года назад
@CraigsOverijse 3 года назад
Sadly so much background noise I am struggling to hear the wisdom of doctor Hew len
@jenipherhilda1992 3 года назад
Kudos for the Video! Apologies for chiming in, I would appreciate your thoughts. Have you tried - Piylianaal Unflappable Preponderance (do a google search)? It is a good one off guide for mastering genuine Ho'oponopono and unleash your ultimate life goals without the headache. Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my good mate called Gray after a lifetime of fighting got great success with it.
@hivinibrahim1401 3 года назад
Thank you 💚🙏🙏🙏
@shalom-fg6rv 3 года назад
This was great, I been tryin to find out about "benefits of ho'oponopono" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about - Wanogan Teyarter Cure - (search on google ) ? Ive heard some super things about it and my brother in law got great results with it.
@luminitacosmescu4493 3 года назад
Congratulations with many respect.