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CLI, Tmux, Neovim , Dev, Sec, and Ops, everything that's fun!
Is Nix Your New Terminal SUPERPOWER?
21 час назад
SECRET Git Tricks No One Knows!
21 день назад
Git Rebase --interactive: EXPLAINED
Месяц назад
The Holy Grail of Neovim Git Integrations
3 месяца назад
Hidden Tmux POWER: The Missing 50%
3 месяца назад
Rethinking Neovim as a Tool For Writers
4 месяца назад
Git Better Than 95% of People
5 месяцев назад
I Tried Every AI Coding Assistant for Neovim
5 месяцев назад
The Holy Grail of Neovim Note Taking
6 месяцев назад
Tmux From Scratch To BEAST MODE
6 месяцев назад
FZF Will CHANGE How You Work
6 месяцев назад
Neovim Can Write Your Code
7 месяцев назад
7 Essential Command Line Text Tools
7 месяцев назад
A UX Expert Fixes My Tmux
8 месяцев назад
Your shell prompt, ON STEROIDS // Starship
8 месяцев назад
Is Neovim the ULTIMATE note taking tool?
8 месяцев назад
You need to see what Zellij just released!
9 месяцев назад
@ThalesTheDuck 33 минуты назад
or you can just use rsync and be done with it
@colleagueriley860 Час назад
NeoVim is not an IDE in the same way VsCode is not an IDE
@Heffsta02 5 часов назад
wait starship replaces omz?
@niksingh710 11 часов назад
XD i was about to say home-manager but you mentioned it already.
@sujezz День назад
I personally don't like stow. I prefer doing a bare git repo in ~/.dotfiles
@clayratliff7727 День назад
I was wondering if you had any issues setting up a local workbench using the docker template. I have no issue using a GCP-based instance but the local docker instance is throwing fits because it can't find the "host-gateway". I usually use podman so I'm running a fresh install of docket and would have expected the defaults to just work out of the box. Great video. I've been using stow for dotfile management for years but coder is about to take it to a whole new level.
@RafaLeyvaRuiz День назад
How do you deal with combinig changes from both versions?
@jizhang2407 День назад
Like first, digest later. And, Thanks.
@pillmuncher67 День назад
The _git bare_ method is superior to any other method for managing dotfiles. It keeps your dotfiles in a git repo without the need to copy files around or to create symlinks. Look it up.
@ioannisgkikas1093 День назад
Ive been using chezmoi and it takes care of emulating this symlinking behavior. The additional benefit is the possibility to include secrets (exporting API keys needed in config files for specific tools, such as pushbullet) using autofilled templates that are populated by chezmoi on the fly. Another benefit is that you can have conditional config, based on the device you are installing the config on, using conditional templates. What do you use for popups in tmux, such as the one that was shown with "neogit" ?
@TwilightTrekker1 День назад
Thanks for making this. I can't explain why, but for some reason I have a ton of procrastination around dotfiles, the concept backing them up, managing them, I feel like it's a brick wall for me to move forward for some crazy reason lol.
@Flackon 9 часов назад
@@TwilightTrekker1 going over that wall is worth it. Once you have it set up, it takes very little maintenance. I can go weeks between commits to my dotfiles. Also, with stow you can just gradually build up as you need it. Don’t need to rearrange your entire config dir in one go.
@user-xd5gd4pc9h День назад
Love your video! I want to know your ideas about coder, devpod, nix-based method for managing the dotfile and dev env. Thank you!
@naranyala_dev День назад
chezmoi, chezmoi, chezmoi
@NamasenITN День назад
Special effects and flashes are annoying.
@rebelg 2 дня назад
Home Manager from the Nix ecosystem is the best dotfile manager by far
@ZiRo815 22 часа назад
Why? Rebuilding every time you change your config is a pretty bad workflow.
@Flackon 21 час назад
@@ZiRo815 Reproducibility and integration, mostly. I agree it's a pretty bad workflow, so you... shouldn't do that. You can use regular dotfiles while you're changing stuff in your config, and port it to home-manager once you're done and happy with it. Otherwise it will be too slow.
@ZiRo815 21 час назад
@@Flackon I find it kinda awkward to have some config done one way and some config done another way. I currently symlink everything with home manager, but it’s a little awkward. I’m thinking about using Stow for my user config instead.
@Flackon 18 часов назад
@@ZiRo815 My idea is that you only have the straight config when you're setting up a program for the first time, but when you actually commit to your dotfiles repo, you port it to home-manager (either let it link to the nix store, or use a module). That way you don't really mix methods
@ZiRo815 9 часов назад
@@Flackon yeah, I get it. My tools are configured often. Nix makes making changing the config more effort than I want it to be, dragging me into the world of configuration management when I want to focus on whatever I’m trying to achieve. I want the configuration of my at-hand tools to be light touch but I don’t mind the configuration of my systems being a heavier lift. Maybe this attitude will shift as I become more fluent with nix, but managing user configs with nix feels like a PITA when I’m using it, especially when it comes to translating what I want as per original tool doc-specified changes into home manager modules docs-specified changes into the actual changes I need to make to home manager config.
@PetrSzturc 2 дня назад
If I understood correctly, coder is similar service to gitpod, though to me gitpod seems bit easier to setup. Though I havent tried coder yet.
@reuben2311 2 дня назад
Does zsh on macos automatically respect XDG_CONFIG_HOME? I tried moving zshrc to ~/.config/zshrc/.zshrc but it looks like the configuration file is not being loaded anymore
@gorr_av День назад
You need to add env variable export ZDOTDIR="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zshrc" to /etc/zshenv (which affects all users) or ~/.zshenv (which affects only your user) and source it ofc.
@j4yd34d5 18 часов назад
​@@gorr_av Additional note for anybody having trouble setting zsh env variables on macos: Although they should be set in /etc/zshenv Apple declares HISTSIZE, HISTFILE, and maybe a few others in /etc/zshrc This is important to know because zsh files are sourced in order of root, user, root, user etc instead of root files followed by user files. So if you set HISTSIZE in ~/.zshenv its value will be over written by the /etc/zshrc file which is sourced after ~/.zshenv TLDR unless you know what you're doing just set env variables ~/.zshrc to avoid unnecessary issues.
@RuanSilva-kk1gq 2 дня назад
@iatheman 2 дня назад
Great video. I was lost most of the time. Looks like the potential of Nix ecosystem is immense. But I quickly gave up after an hour of reading documentation, especially the crazy Nix language.
@vikingthedude 2 дня назад
One problem with symlinked directories is when non config files are put into the directory. Like cache files or log files by various programs. These files end up polluting the git repo, and we don’t know ahead of time which such files we’d need to gitignore. Thats why i use the -no-folding flag when i stow
@guidon.5413 2 дня назад
A program putting logs into the config directory to me (!) is either misconfigured or not worth using since it violates sane programming on the most basic level. Same for cache files.
@vikingthedude День назад
Say that to vscode settings on a mac
@guidon.5413 День назад
@@vikingthedude That's what I'm saying. VSCode is not worth using (to me).
@Flackon 9 часов назад
@@vikingthedude you only need to commit the User dir for vscode. The extra files problem is easily solved with gitignore (you are checking what gets staged into git before committing, right?)
@rujn 2 дня назад
So I recently dove into nixos. My approach was to use hard links to bring a known set of dot files into my git repo within /etc/nixos, so they are versioned in one place. Stow only manages symlinks and git doesn't natively resolve symlinks.
@gungun974 2 дня назад
Interesting approach. Have you considered using home manager as a nixos module to manage your home directory or do you feel hard links are good enough for you ?
@rujn День назад
I will move to home manager eventually. My use case is to version control my whole setup in a single repo. I wonder if home manager can support this...
@biscotty6669 9 часов назад
​@@rujnyes it can. You might explore using flakes with home manager, which allows you to create and build everything, even the system configuration.nix, using nix modules to generate all your configs from a single $HOME/ directory tree. Vimjoyer has a great video on how to set it up. Also, in the nix way, the configuration is not written in a discreet dotfile anyway but in a nix module which then generates and places the appropriate dotfile. In other words, linking of configs is a non-issue.
@ZiRo815 9 часов назад
@@rujn yes it can. The question is whether you want to rebuild nix every time you change your config.
@rujn 3 часа назад
Beautiful, yes I will rebuild every time. Maybe this is overkill but I switch machines often and want the same setup. I am always tweaking and tinkering 👍
@WaldirBorbaJunior 2 дня назад
Cool, love stow. But I do not like perl, so I've created my own version of stow using GO it is called "glink - GOLang symlink manager" Resources
@ViCantWin 2 дня назад
@tahseenjamal 2 дня назад
At the top, how do you have those icons with calendar, folder and time ?
@hanzomaster 2 дня назад
What is the plugin that you use for finding URL in terminal at 7:35? That looks very cool
@vishaldongre9557 2 дня назад
@AestheticAMV 2 дня назад
what is the 'ls" program you use?
@ichanmich 2 дня назад
probably `eza`
@CristianHeredia0 2 дня назад
I use home manager and Darwin nix, but the portability of stow is nice too. I don’t always want to install home manager on every server I touch, but I would like access to my nvim setup everywhere. And fully configuring nvim within homemanager is not a rabbit hole I care to invest time in.
@Danielo515 2 дня назад
Using symlinks is a mistake
@ukeshrestha 2 дня назад
@gubasso 2 дня назад
@devopstoolbox 2 дня назад
@guidon.5413 2 дня назад
@vikingthedude 2 дня назад
@alexferreira1534 2 дня назад
@MaxShapira2real 2 дня назад
Awesome job Omer! What font do you use in your terminal?
@slomellos 2 дня назад
This video is not sponsored by zelij ... Thank you for sponsoring? WTF just happened?
@devopstoolbox 2 дня назад
LOL Zellij is not sponsoring anyone, it’s an open source project and it’s a “sponsorship” out of good will 🙃
@JohnnyThund3r 2 дня назад
Hmmm... both Tmux and Zellij seems to have issues for me. Tmux is fast but it doesn't display colors correctly in ascii-patrol meaning the only way to play it is in black and white. Zellij displays the colors correctly but the game runs very slow and there is an input delay.
@CmdSoda 3 дня назад
I like writing unit tests.
@ShaneCurtis-nl2ev 3 дня назад
This video editing format is sooooo satisfying
@devopstoolbox 3 дня назад
Thank you!
@MatthewMorrissey 4 дня назад
This was a great intro! I gotta ask, though, what is that stand you have for your Moonlander?
@devopstoolbox 4 дня назад
Thank you! This is the ZSA Platform. Quite pricy, but I love it. You can find some 3D-printable ones on their website if you don't want to spend this much on a tenting kit
@gruvbox9 4 дня назад
do floatx and sessionx only run in linux?
@devopstoolbox 4 дня назад
I'm using a mac, and I don't see a reason why it can't be used on Windows as well. Both are bash using native tmux commands to run
@Whomst12321 4 дня назад
My wife left me
@Chiramisudo 4 дня назад
I'm not currently a Vim user, but this *may* convince me to switch to Obsidian if they embody the same privacy values as Logseq.
@devopstoolbox 4 дня назад
It does as far as I know.
@AdamS-lo9mr 4 дня назад
ok. I installed nix on fedora and installed some hyprland stuff, waybar, and wofi. Currently installing a s**tload of dependencies that seems excessive, and its worrying me. Is this a normal thing when using using nix on a non-nixos distro?
@ChozoSR388 4 дня назад
Except that dogs DON'T only see in black and white; they see in shades of blue and yellow. I get the sentiment, but it's factually incorrect.
@kamalkamals 5 дней назад
nix not exist in ur dotefiles hhhh
@devopstoolbox 5 дней назад
Wasn’t pushed remotely yet… needs some cleaning up. It will be soon though 🤞
@perlance1337 5 дней назад
This is really good, however, sending code as image files should be a warcrime.
@devopstoolbox 5 дней назад
I find myself do it quite often to show examples - refer to a public source quote in a nicer more readable way
@glyakk 6 дней назад
I was with you up until you started talking about flakes. It seemed like you started hopping around in and out of environments(nix-shells?) without much explanation as to what was happening, and that is the part I am trying to wrap my dense head around. I understand that a flake is a way to kinda provide 'everything for a project' but when a flake is created does it become part of the OS or do you have to 'jump into it' every time you want to use something that is in the flake? For instance, lets say I want to add a few programs or configurations into a flake so I don't mess with my base system. As far as I understand I have to 'go into' the flake to use them correct? what if I decide I want this config to live on my main system now do I 'merge' the flake it with my system or what am I missing?