@owaissheraz 3 месяца назад
Such assholes,,one time they say sunnis r kafir and other time they say about unity Assholes,cowards,much like their stupid imams who hide in isolation and hide their responsibility of wilayah and didn't do nothing......yet they claim their imams are superior to Ibrahim Their imams r nowhere to be found in Quran How ironic And it's obligatory to follow sabiqoon wal awaloon as per Quran And ofcourse ahlul bait are included in sabiqoon wal awaloon but not the other 9imams
@dave84111 5 месяцев назад
Why didnt Ali and Salman Farsi (may Allah be pleased with them) rebel against Umar (RA) if the stupid things you say about them are true?
@archaic1026 5 месяцев назад
Why no mention of the Qur'an or of the Prophet of Islam (S) himself as means to guide?
@asefhosseini3074 6 месяцев назад
Allah curse be upon Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman the monafiqeen.
@mk313_ 6 месяцев назад
Hazrat Zaib ibn Ali Zainul Abideen's son gave the people that rafidhi title who left him Why you don't tell them about this?
You Majoosi shia is Rafidi+Nasibi
@thegermansteve5635 11 месяцев назад
Ah what is shaykh doing ? Nothing he said is an element of wahdat al wujud. Ibn arabi didnt say "creation and creator are the same". He never ever never never said that, so what you are doing dear shaykh is almost slander.
@Greeky-y2w 11 месяцев назад
STOP DIVISION !!!!! Your divisions killed millions of people and destroyed the whole middle east ! Shut up everyone of you and work to build your ocuntries ! STOP DIVISION you evil
@ibadurrahman01 Год назад
Just one problem. I don't believe in hierarchy It's Allah and Me . Don't need anything in between
@ssenogalawrence-s2e Год назад
hahaha these majoos, pawns of ibn salul the jew
What is the need of wahfat al wajood (kufr and shirk) just learn understand quran sahih hadees
@hoslabara2703 Год назад
Then why Shia people says Ya Ali moula instead of Ya Allah moula. They thinks Hazrat Ali r.a may be Noor of Allah. Shia people definitely believes Wahdat Al wujud aqeedah.
@thelightwithin7121 Год назад
That's not what that means, it's not pantheism.
@ashikurrahman1388 2 года назад
The name Shia came into existence may be in 656 or later. And the Companions of Prophet Muhammad SAW were true Muslims.
@ammarkhan2802 2 года назад
@whyiamashia9497 Год назад
Prophet was the one who give us the name Shia here is the proof ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-qY6D81F-Nf4.html
@agitated_royal Год назад
May Allah guide you so that you see that the man who the prophet pbuh called his successor was his cousin and his 11 sons after him (may god's peace be upon them) and son in law, not anyone else.
@imranRafidhi 3 месяца назад
وَإِنَّ مِن شِيعَتِهِ لَإِبْرَاهِيمَ And most surely Abraham was among the Shi’a of him (i.e., Noah) [Surah As-Saffat 37; Verse 83]
@ashikurrahman1388 2 года назад
The name Shia came into existence may be in 656 or later. And the Companions of Prophet Muhammad SAW were true Muslims.
@barashah1171 2 года назад
it is the belief of ibn e arabi and mulla sadra.....
@habiv1377 2 года назад
( از تحریر عباس علی ہسپر نگر گلگت ) قرآن کے اصطلاح میں امام اور خلیفہ میں کیا فرق ہے؟؟؟ لوگوں کے نظر میں امام کون ہوتا ہے ؟؟؟ عموماً لوگوں کا خیال ہوتا کہ امام مسلمانوں کا وہ رہنما ہوتا ہے جو لوگوں کو رہنمائی کرتا ، دینی تعلیم دیتا ، تربیت کرتا ہے۔۔ دین کی باتیں بتاتا ہے اور انہیں آخرت سے ڈراتا ہے۔۔۔ اکثر لوگوں کا خام خیا ل ہے کہ امام مسجد ، فقہ اور پھر احادیث کا ہوتا ہے جبکہ قرآن کے مطابق ایسا نہیں ہے ۔۔ ہر مذہب کا کوئی نہ کوئی پیشوا ہوتا ہے اور اس مذہب کے ماننے والے انکو عزت کی نگاہ دیکھتے ہیں۔ مثلا عیسائیوں کے ہاں پادری ہوتا ہے اور پادری کو اور بہت نامون سے جانا جاتا ہے مثلاً Bishop یا vicar ۔۔۔ اسی طرح ہندو مذہب کے ہاں پنڈت ہوتے ہیں جنہیں کو اور بھی ناموں سے جانا جاتا ہے۔مثلا یوگی، سوامی ، گرو ، اور یوگن وغیرہ۔۔۔ مسلمان کے ہاں امام ہوتا ہے جنہیں خلیفہ بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔ امام از قرآن!!! قرآن مجید میں بہت مرتبہ لفظ امام آیا ہے ایک مرتبہ سورہ البقرہ (2)کی آیت 124 میں اور سورہ القصص (28) کی آیت نمبر 41 میں ۔۔ جب ابراہیم ( علیہ السلام ) کو ان کے رب نے کئی کئی باتوں سے آزمایا اور انہوں نے سب کو پورا کر دیا تو اللہ نے فرمایا کہ میں تمہیں لوگوں کا امام بنا دوں گا عرض کرنے لگے میری اولاد کو فرمایا میرا وعدہ ظالموں سے نہیں ۔ سورۃ البقرہ آیت 124. واضح رہے کہ اللّٰہ نے جب حضرت ابراہیم علیہ السلام کو امام بنایا تو انہوں نے دعا کہ اللّٰہ میرے اولاد کو بھی(امام بناؤ).. جس کا مکمل زکر پرانا عہد نامے کے کتاب پیدائش کے باب 17 آیت 20 میں آیا ہے ۔۔ اِسمٰعیل کے حق میں بھی مَیں نے تیری دُعا سُنی۔ دیکھ مَیں اُسے برکت دُونگا اور اُسے برومند کرونگا اور اُسے بہت بڑھاؤنگا اور اُس سے بارہ سردار پَیدا ہونگے اور مَیں اُسے بڑی قوم بناؤنگا۔۔۔ یاد رکھیں اس دعا میں نہ صرف بارہ امام کا زکر ہے بلکہ بلکہ ان کی بڑی قوم کا ہونے کا بھی وعدہ ہے۔۔۔۔ اب سوال یہ ہوتا ہے کہ آخر وہ بارہ امام یا پھر سردار ہے کون؟؟؟ جب ہم حتٰی کہ اہل سنت کے احادیث کا مطالعہ حدیث کا مطالعہ کرتے ہیں تو ہمیں پتہ چلتا ہے کہ حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے بھی انکی بشارت دی ہیں مثلا رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا کہ ان کے بعد بارہ خلفاء ہوں گے۔ ہم مشکوٰۃ المصابیح میں پڑھتے ہیں: میں نے رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کو یہ فرماتے ہوئے سنا کہ اسلام بارہ خلفاء تک شان و شوکت سے نہیں رہے گا، ان میں سے ہر ایک قریش سے ہے۔ (اور ایک روایت میں ہے) ’’لوگوں کے معاملات اس وقت تک زوال پذیر نہیں ہوں گے جب تک کہ ان پر بارہ آدمی حکومت کریں گے، ان میں سے ہر ایک قریش سے آئے گا۔ اور ایک روایت میں ہے: دین قائم رہے گا یہاں تک کہ قیامت آجائے کیونکہ ان پر بارہ خلفاء ہوں گے، ان میں سے ہر ایک قریش سے ہے۔ مشکوٰۃ المصابیح جلد 4 ص 576، حدیث 5۔ ان روایات سے ہمیں یہ پتہ چلا کہ رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے بعد اس امت کے حکمران کی تعداد بارہ ہی بتائی گئی ہے۔۔۔ اب سوال یہ پیدا ہوتا ہے کہ وہ تو خلفاء کے بارے میں کہا تھا اس میں آپ کے امام کے بارے میں کہا سے زکر آیا ؟؟ خلیفہ مسلمانون کے نزدیک وہ ہوتا ہے جو مسلمانوں کے اور حکومت کرے۔ جبکہ قرآن کے اصطلاح میں ایسی کوئی بات نہیں ۔ قرآن مجید قرآن مجید میں لفظ خلیفہ انبیاء کرام کے لے استعمال ہوا ہے ۔۔۔ اور یاد رکھیں کہ ہر نبی حکمران نہیں بنا ۔۔۔ اور اگلی بات حضرت آدم علیہ السلام کو بھی خلیفہ کہا ہے اب کوئی مسلمان ہمیں یہ بتائیں کہ حضرت آدم علیہ السلام نے کتنے سال حکومت کی ہے ؟؟؟ سورہ البقرہ آیت 30۔ اب بات واضح ہو چکی ہے کہ امام اور خلیفہ ایک ہی معنی رکھتے ہیں اور یہ دونوں الفاظ انبیاء علیہم السلام کے کے استمال ہوے ہیں۔ اور یاد رکھیں کہ ہر نبی حکمران نہیں بنا.... اور یہ بھی یاد رکھیں کہ شیعہ وہ واحد فرقہ ہے۔جو بارہ امام یا خلفاء کو مانتے ہیں۔ اگر پھر بھی کوئی اعتراض ہے تو اور کوئی بارہ سردار کو ماننے والا فرقہ بتائیں!!! اور یہ بھی مزید یاد رکھیں کہ حکومت کا حق بارہ امام ہی کو تھا۔ اگر انہیں انکی حق سے محروم رکھا تو اس کا مطلب یہ نہیں کہ وہ خلیفہ یا امام نہیں۔۔۔۔ آخر میں اللّٰہ سے دعا ہے کہ ہمیں صراط مستقیم پر چلنے کی توفیق عطا فرمائے!!! یا اللّٰہ ہم تیری ہی عبادت کرتے ہیں اور تجھ ہی سے مدد مانگتے ہیں۔۔ آمین۔
@HarrisVanRensselaer 2 года назад
Tffffu, Na3ala tula 3alek ya rafidah
@MehediHasanSizan 2 года назад
This RU-vid channel and its creators are the reason why we are Muslims are so divided now these days. Murderers you'll have your reckoning on the day judgement.
@MehediHasanSizan 2 года назад
This RU-vid channel and its creators are the reason why we are Muslims are so divided now these days. Murderers you'll have your reckoning on the day judgement.
@mohammadkarim5764 2 года назад
What about Ali (radi Allah) himself? Was he a shia? What about Salman farsi (radi Allah), What about the prophet Muhammad(sl) was he a shia? If they were, im ready to become a shia today. One tiny little example, recorded by the historian, when Utman ibn affan (radi Allah) was seized by the khuarij, Ali (radi Allah) had posted his beloved son to protect him. One famous statement of Ali (radi Allah) about Abu bakar (radi Allah), "you should have seen him in the battle of badar, he was like a ferocious lion in front, behind, left and Wright of the prophet Muhammad ( sl) when anyone from the enemy came close to the prophet(sl)," . let me warn you before you criticize any companion of the prophet (sl) . May Allah guide us all.
@mohammadkarim5764 2 года назад
What about Ali (radi Allah) himself? Was he a shia? What about Salman farsi (radi Allah), What about the prophet Muhammad(sl) was he a shia? If they were, im ready to become a shia today. One tiny little example, recorded by the historian, when Utman ibn affan (radi Allah) was seized by the khuarij, Ali (radi Allah) had posted his beloved son to protect him. One famous statement of Ali (radi Allah) about Abu bakar (radi Allah), "you should have seen him in the battle of badar, he was like a ferocious lion in front, behind, left and Wright of the prophet Muhammad ( sl) when anyone from the enemy came close to the prophet(sl)," . let me warn you before you criticize any companion of the prophet (sl) . May Allah guide us all.
@Ykobaissi23 2 года назад
What about abu bakr himself ? What about prophet Muhammad (PBOH) Did he ever mention the idea is Sunni. As Shia and a Sunni scholars both ackonolwege these are simply schools of thoughts after the death of the prophet. Do your own research but at the end of the day following the ahlulbayt is synonymous too following the path that the prophet Muhammad and the knowedlge his family had left too guide the Ummah however we all know that political diverissions alter the end truth
@mohammadkarim5764 2 года назад
@@Ykobaissi23 It is overwhelmingly sad, Heart breaking, that Muslims are arguing, and judging amongst one another, Allah Subhanahu tala mandated arguing and debating with the yahood ( the jews ) and the nasaras (the christians) today's one of the cheapest trend is saying " do your own research" without knowing any thing whatsoever about the person. In the final khuthbah ( the last and final speach ) the prophet Muhammad (sl) said I am leaving two things amongst you, the holy Quran, and the hadith, as long as you hold onto it, you will never get lost, or be misguided. In authentic hadith, the profet said do not criticize, pass comments on my companions, cause you will never be able to do the sacrifice they have done for islam, you will never be able put the effort they had put. The prophet (sl) loved his companions. How dare some so called muslims seldom curse Abu Bakar , Umar, Uthman ( radi allah). I am neither Shia, nor Sunni, I am a muslim, I believe in 1 Allah, and the last and final messenger prophet Muhammad( pbuh) love his companions, it is that simple. Please, for the sake of Allah, don't smell politics here.
@ibadurrahman01 Год назад
​@@Ykobaissi23 Hey , I saw people making their back bleed by flogging themselves Is that a shia believe or sunni?
@primewarrioryt5981 20 дней назад
Tell me the meaning of Shia
@swishcheez6021 2 года назад
Whadatul wujud is the beleif that only God exists pick up a book on it before speaking on it and be afraid of Allah
@soldierofmahdi3235 2 года назад
Wrong habibi
@soldierofmahdi3235 2 года назад
Not only god exists we all exist too and we are quite seperate
@swishcheez6021 2 года назад
@@soldierofmahdi3235 no bro look at the lay level what wahdatul wujud is that God is the only thing that exists by himself (wajib bil dhat) and everything else Is mumkin bil dhat and to exist we need wujud from a prior cause considered in ourselves we are nothing we don't exist, without God we can't exist and we won't exist so in a way we don't exist. But God doesn't need anything to exist So God is the only being that exists TRULY while everything else needs another to exist
@Technewlogy 3 года назад
But if you think about it all things are made up of matter or you can say everything in the world is matter and matter is made up of atoms so how is it wrong to say that everything is one and only one because after all everything has been emerged from an atom.
@sidney6021 3 года назад
This guy is definitely a rejector
@bapabdo4120 3 года назад
wahdat al wujud is the haqqiqah.
@agiomagikos 3 года назад
So the reason I said all sufis claim this is because if they do not then they will be forced to reject their sunni mystics such as bayazeed albestami who is very celebrated and who claimed to reach such a high status that he was one will Allah swt. And even shaykh Nazim al haqqani Has said you can either serve Allah and make tawaf around the Kaaba or you can become one with Allah and enter inside. This is shirk. Plain and simple.
@agiomagikos 3 года назад
There is oneness of existence and Allahs swt oneness extends that we can become one with Allah to some small degree as his adherents. However to say that existence is Allah is shirk and takes one outside the fold of Islam. The oneness of a person is not like the oneness of Allah. Just as Allah is merciful but NOONE can have mercy like Allah. I’m saying that we connected with Allah through servitude but we are not one in such a way that we become Allah swt or one day have a true realization that we were Allah all along as the sufis claim. All sufis claim this.
@honeyz926 4 года назад
سلام الله عليكِ يا مولاتي يا فاطمة
@t908kenworth 4 года назад
Zoroastrian majoosi
@safetyleednkom8274 4 года назад
You misunderstood wahdatul wujud
@mrkks123 4 года назад
Tyre head
@lionheart6848 4 года назад
😂😂😂 SubhanAllah MaschaAllah you Made me Smiley Brother Jazak Allahu Khair
@mrkks123 4 года назад
@truthdontlie6445 4 года назад
Why don't you open comments in your video regarding Hazrat Abu Bakar Umar Uthman, coward hypocrate son of shytan
@SixFeetUnder1111 5 лет назад
By Allah! How can you call Abu Bakr, Umar and uthman r.a evil? You are truly misguided. What are you trying to say about prophet Muhammads judgement on the ppl who where the closet to him? May Allah guide you
@gamer2popspops970 3 года назад
True, Shi`ites have bizarre beliefs, but at the same time, Sunnis don't seem to care that much about the A’immah from the Household of the Prophet Muḥammad (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم). For example, Imams Abu Ḥanifah & Malik ibn Anas are said to be students of Imam Ja`far the son of Imam Muḥammad al-Baqir (who was a grandson of Al-Ḥasan & Al-Ḥusayn), but Sunnis take the students of Imam Ja`far, or their students, as A’immah instead of their teacher, whereas most Shi`ites take Ja`far as an Imam!
@dowmd93 Год назад
@@gamer2popspops970 Ofcourse Sunni do respect Imam Jaffar but historically lot of false statements have been attributed to Imam Jaffar and that’s why Sunni are careful to what statements are presented as relating to Imam Jaffar.
@HMD1986- 10 месяцев назад
They are worst than Jew . الحمدالله I left this Shia cult . I follow Quran sunnah salaf ( 3 early Muslim generations of Islam )
@Barrister-shufiq 5 лет назад
when u say your dead imams have the power over every atom of this universe... according to your creed imams have the ability to heal the sicks like Allah does , they hear dua like Allah hears and u always ask madad to them when in quran there is verse ''iyya kana budu wa iyya kanasta'in (only to you we worship and only to you we ask madad) , is this islamic? how can these heretics shia people can talk about tawheed, sufism and sunni sufi imams! shia and tawheed?!! joke of the year! lol
@gamer2popspops970 5 лет назад
Aren't you neglecting what Shi'ites did to Zayd ibn 'Ali (a descendant of the Prophet Muḥammad (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) who is accepted as an Imam by Zaydi Shi'ites, but not by Twelvers and Isma'ilis), to whom this word is attributed? Just as it was the Shi'ah of Al-Kufah in 'Iraq who encouraged Zayd's grandfather Al-Ḥusayn to join them and help them fight Yazid, before betraying Al-Ḥusayn and killing him and his family in Karbala’, it was Shi'ites who abandoned Zayd ibn 'Ali when he was fighting against another Umayyad tyrant, Hisham ibn 'Abdul-Malik, and so he called them with this word, as the stories go.
@gamer2popspops970 3 года назад
@Truth Seeker That's not what Zaydis think, Allah did not say whether He would appoint Muḥammad al-Baqir or his half-brother Zayd ibn `Ali as an Imam, rather He said that He wished to purify Ahlal-Bayṫ from Rijs (Impurity) in the Qur’an (33:33) so the Twelver claim that Al-Baqir was a "Divinely appointed Imam", and that his brother wasn't, is controversial, I'm not saying that Sunni aḥadith are perfect, but Twelver aḥadith tend to be unreliable, `Ali named 3 of his sons with the same names as his 3 predecessors, which doesn't make sense if he didn't like them!
@gamer2popspops970 3 года назад
@Truth Seeker No, Islam would not be a fake religion with Abu Bakr as Caliph, regardless, because there is a passage on Imamah in the Qur’an that Shi`ites have missed out! القرآن، سورة القصص: وَقَالَ فِرْعَوْنُ يَا أَيُّهَا الْمَلَأُ مَا عَلِمْتُ لَكُم مِّنْ إِلَـٰهٍ غَيْرِي فَأَوْقِدْ لِي يَا هَامَانُ عَلَى الطِّينِ فَاجْعَل لِّي صَرْحًا لَّعَلِّي أَطَّلِعُ إِلَىٰ إِلَـٰهِ مُوسَىٰ وَإِنِّي لَأَظُنُّهُ مِنَ الْكَاذِبِينَ ﴿٣٨﴾ وَاسْتَكْبَرَ هُوَ وَجُنُودُهُ فِي الْأَرْضِ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ وَظَنُّوا أَنَّهُمْ إِلَيْنَا لَا يُرْجَعُونَ ﴿٣٩﴾ فَأَخَذْنَاهُ وَجُنُودَهُ فَنَبَذْنَاهُمْ فِي الْيَمِّ ۖ فَانظُرْ كَيْفَ كَانَ عَاقِبَةُ الظَّالِمِينَ ﴿٤٠﴾ وَجَعَلْنَاهُمْ أَئِمَّةً يَدْعُونَ إِلَى النَّارِ ۖ وَيَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ لَا يُنصَرُونَ ﴿٤١﴾ Qur’ân, 28: 38) Fir`awn (Pharaoh) said: "O chiefs! I know not that you have a god other than me, so kindle for me (a fire), O Hâmân, (to bake brick) upon the clay, and set up for me a Ṣarḥan (a lofty tower, or palace, etc.) so that perhaps I will look to the God of Mûsâ (Moses); and verily, I think that he is one of the liars." 39) And he and his hosts were arrogant in the Land, without right, and they thought that they would never return to Us. 40) So We seized him and his hosts, and We threw them into the Sea (and drowned them). So behold (O Muḥammad) what was the end of the Wrong-doers. 41) And We made them A’immah (Leaders) inviting to the Fire, and on the Day of Resurrection, they will not be helped.
@Themukhlis019 2 года назад
@@gamer2popspops970 are you sunni bro?
@Themukhlis019 2 года назад
@@gamer2popspops970 Assalammualaikum bro, I just want to talk to you
@mujahidkhalfan5246 5 лет назад
This man is speaking about something he knows not of. May God guide him to understanding that He need not adopt the approach he has.
@mujahidkhalfan5246 5 лет назад
“And wheresoever you turn, there is the Essence/ Wajh of God”. -Quran This is Wahdatul Wujud.
@mohammedhanif6780 5 лет назад
@@mujahidkhalfan5246 so when you look in the mirror do you see the wajh of Allah or your wajh?
@mujahidkhalfan5246 4 года назад
@@mohammedhanif6780 Who looks in the mirror?
@rdwn_ridwan 4 года назад
@@mujahidkhalfan5246 it is not that simple my brother, it is a process of understanding
@mujahidkhalfan5246 3 года назад
@Hussein Abbas Husein Abbas, do you enjoy chocolate or vanilla in your ice cream? Do you realize what is going to happen now? Do you know the meanings of the names at the back of your keyboard computer?
@troisiemevoie8840 5 лет назад
Bar Wahdati la'nat
@mujahidkhalfan5246 3 года назад
Seems like you are doing what you do best.
@leymonukas9837 5 лет назад
story maker🤔
@gamer2popspops970 5 лет назад
Just as it was the Shi'ah of Al-Kufah in 'Iraq who encouraged the Prophet Muḥammad's (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) grandson Al-Ḥusayn to join them and help them fight Yazid, before betraying Al-Ḥusayn and killing him and his family in Karbala’, it was Shi'ites who abandoned Zayd ibn 'Ali ibn Al-Ḥusayn when he was fighting against another Umayyad tyrant, Hisham ibn 'Abdul-Malik, and so he called them with this word, as the stories go.
@mohamedshamim9558 5 лет назад
Wahdatul wujud is not pantheism
@mujahidkhalfan5246 3 года назад
It all depends on what is meant by pantheism. If pantheism is defined as "The reality of all that is, is none other than God", then there is nothing wrong with "pantheism" so defined. But if pantheism is defined specifically as "God is the sum of all existent parts", then clearly, wahadtul wujud is NOT pantheism.
@rapisode1 3 года назад
@@layth4282 There is no basis to assume that the creation is not the creator. Yes, if you want to believe in hearsay (the book says this, so it is true). To be an independent thinker like Ibn Arabi you need to have courage to follow your intuition and logic at the same time. If anything, we as humans have always believed that the creation is alive and kicking, and that it is a manifestation of the ALL. You cannot understand this intellectually. The intellect is only interested in objectifying so that we can understand 'it'. But in reality, there is no 'it', there is only the whole. The whole can only be felt, like Ibn Arabi has shown us.
@rapisode1 3 года назад
@@layth4282 There is no basis to assume that the creation is not the creator. Yes, if you want to believe in hearsay (the book says this, so it is true). To be an independent thinker like Ibn Arabi you need to have courage to follow your intuition and logic at the same time. If anything, we as humans have always believed that the creation is alive and kicking, and that it is a manifestation of the ALL. You cannot understand this intellectually. The intellect is only interested in objectifying so that we can understand 'it'. But in reality, there is no 'it', there is only the whole. The whole can only be felt, like Ibn Arabi has shown us.
@abdirizakahmed2375 3 года назад
@@rapisode1 "Apart from Allah everything is vain." this is true. Allah sustains reality and in his absence it would cease to exist. The reality of all is finite. The god I believe in is infinite. Allah ≠ The reality of all
@rapisode1 3 года назад
@@abdirizakahmed2375 I believe in what I can see. This world I live in sustains me. That is my god.
@simpatikelyberqyqaj6269 5 лет назад
You cant say for imams alejhi selam
@babakureys2995 5 лет назад
Our imams are from ahlel bait ali muhammad.you say in the prayer als.ali ibrahim also salawat only selected
@simpatikelyberqyqaj6269 5 лет назад
@@babakureys2995 hope Allah puts you on the right path because what you're doing is Shirk
@babakureys2995 5 лет назад
@@simpatikelyberqyqaj6269 trust me i was sufi salafi everything.why mushrik audhubillah
@simpatikelyberqyqaj6269 5 лет назад
@@babakureys2995 I also have members in my family that are sufis , they are far away from the islam deen , they drink alcohol , they hurt themselves , they do the dhikr like animals , they adore they shejh ( they priest ) also when he's dead they go at his grave and pray , they make Allah xh.sh friends , the Quran saids that Allah doesn't have any family , friends , he's the strongest and the most merciful one .
@j.3628 5 лет назад
"Sunnism" a.k.a. bakrism is like christianity and judaism a false replica of Islam. Bar umar lanat.
@shahidabbas2561 5 лет назад
Rafida is blessed name ❤
@gamer2popspops970 5 лет назад
Not necessarily in the words of Zayd ibn 'Ali (a descendant of the Prophet Muḥammad (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) who is accepted as an Imam by Zaydi Shi'ites, but not by Twelvers and Isma'ilis), to whom this word is attributed. Just as it was the Shi'ah of Al-Kufah in 'Iraq who encouraged Zayd's grandfather Al-Ḥusayn to join them and help them fight Yazid, before betraying Al-Ḥusayn and killing him and his family in Karbala’, it was Shi'ites who abandoned Zayd ibn 'Ali when he was fighting against another Umayyad tyrant, Hisham ibn 'Abdul-Malik, and so he called them with this word, as the stories go.
@Saber23 5 лет назад
Gamer2Pops Pops it is if the Imam said he is from the Rafidha then it is a blessed name and no filthy pig can take it away from us
@gamer2popspops970 5 лет назад
@@Saber23 Do you mean that Zayd ibn 'Ali (a descendant of the Prophet Muḥammad (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) who is respected as a brave Mujahid and martyr like his grandfather Al-Ḥusayn, even by his own family) is a "filthy pig"?
@gamer2popspops970 3 года назад
@Truth Seeker That's not what Zaydis think, and Allah did not say whether He would appoint Muḥammad al-Baqir or his half-brother Zayd ibn `Ali as an Imam, rather He said that He wished to purify Ahlal-Bayṫ from Rijs (Impurity) in the Qur’an (33:33) so the Twelver claim that Al-Baqir was a "Divinely appointed Imam", and that his brother wasn't, is controversial: القرآن، سورة الأحزاب: وَقَرْنَ فِي بُيُوتِكُنَّ وَلَا تَبَرَّجْنَ تَبَرُّجَ الْجَاهِلِيَّةِ الْأُولَىٰ ۖ وَأَقِمْنَ الصَّلَاةَ وَآتِينَ الزَّكَاةَ وَأَطِعْنَ اللهَ وَرَسُولَهُ ۚ إِنَّمَا يُرِيدُ اللهُ لِيُذْهِبَ عَنكُمُ الرِّجْسَ أَهْلَ الْبَيْتِ وَيُطَهِّرَكُمْ تَطْهِيرًا ﴿٣٣﴾ Qur’ân, 33: 33) (Feminine tense) And (O wives of Muḥammad) stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like the display of the Times of Ignorance aforetime, and perform the Ṣalâṫ and give the Zakâṫ, and obey Allâh and His Messenger. (Masculine tense) Allâh only wishes to remove from you the Rijs (Impurity, evil deeds, sins, etc.), Ahlal-Bayṫ (People of the Household (of Muḥammad)), and purify you a thorough purification.
@gamer2popspops970 3 года назад
@Truth Seeker And Caliph Al-Ḥasan ibn `Ali abdicated in favour of his enemy Mu`awiyah ibn Abu Sufyan of Banu Umayyah, thus giving him the Khilafah under the watch of Allah, so what could `Ali Zaynul-`Abidin ibn Al-Ḥusayn give either of his sons Muḥammad al-Baqir and Zayd, when his uncle and father-in-law Al-Ḥasan separated the Khilafah from the family of the Prophet Muḥammad (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم, that is Banu Hashim)?
@Mo-mx9kg 5 лет назад
Prophet Muhammad Saww said i leave behind two things Quran And Ahlul Bait a.s . he didnt say i leave behind Quran and and Rumi or Abu baker ibne arabi . Irfan falsafa is haram and biddaat. if you want to know Allah swt then follow what Ahlul bait a.s has explain to that limit and no more or no less.
@mujahidkhalfan5246 3 года назад
The Prophet also didn't say I leave behind "Mo". So why should anyone listen to your comments?
@abumusab3324 5 лет назад
They were called rafida because they rejected Islam and followed ibn Saba the jew. Ahlul-Bait (a.s) are the ones who gave you this name when you refused to accept the Imamah of Abu Bakr (a.s) and Umar (a.s).
@GoodNewsForStrangers 5 лет назад
Lol you wrong.
@haidarali3153 5 лет назад
No you are wrong. Imam Muhammad al Baqir (a.s.) said: I am from the Rafida, I am from the Rafida, I am from the Rafida. We reject the tyrants Abu bakr , Umar, Uthman and other tyrants. We shia must say: "We are from the Rafida insha'Allah", because we might be weak in our rejection if there would be a difficult test.
@stethophillic1248 5 лет назад
we have only Mola Ali (as) and progeny (as) after prophet Mohammad (pbuh) none else
@zakariahanaffi9641 5 лет назад
Haidar Ali nice fabricated Hadith are the only thing filled in the Shia Hadith collection! Just remember the entire ilm of riljaal wss founded by Sunni scholars centuries before Shia scholars thought of collecting hadiths
@haidarali3153 5 лет назад
@@zakariahanaffi9641 You bakris shouldn't talk about ilm al rijaal it is totally false and fake in bakrism. You even have the most recited quran recitation "Hafs" from Asim and he was a shi'i. You take his quran recitation, but you don't take his narrations because he is rafidi 😂
@ahsan1971 5 лет назад
To hell with the enemies of Ahly e bayt ... May the enemy of Bibi Zehra salam unha alyhaa reward with hell
@ahsan1971 5 лет назад
@amadufahad8281 5 лет назад
give the adults meat with bones. and give the babies milk.that is just.
@user-fm8ic3so2y 6 лет назад
PLAYLIST: Enquiries About Shia Islam: ru-vid.com/group/PLDt1Kldmx43BQEYDdhZnjcUI9f19aStV8
@yahyaconverttoshiaislam8600 6 лет назад
thank you for sharing and for the useful links in the description. We must be aware of such ideas creeping into the Shia world