Welcome to my channel.sail with me on a cruise .we visit beautiful islands.enjoy shopping.cruise life , islands historic culture .tourist attractions ,try local food
Playing Pokémon Go on islands.
Thanks for watching
Orchids of Angkor Wat in Cloud Forest
3 месяца назад
Rose Romance @ Flower Dome
3 месяца назад
Borealis@Gardens by the Bay.Supertree Grove
4 месяца назад
Azaleas of Shangri-La@Cloud Forest
4 месяца назад
Genting Skyworlds Theme Park Malaysia
5 месяцев назад
@Raymanwee1933 8 дней назад
Last time is day in Phuket . But now only night
@edwin23060 8 дней назад
Hi.Yup ,arrived Phuket around 3:30pm ,back to cruise 10:45pm.Thanks for watching.
@wanlingjaw2904 24 дня назад
hi! appreciate your video. just wanted to check how long is the bus ride to shopping area? anddd i know you joined the shore excursion but do u think grab is readily available at deep sea port? or maybe do you see many taking grab from there?
@edwin23060 24 дня назад
Hi,Thanks for watching ,to shopping mall is about one hour 15 minutes depending on traffic conditions,grab or taxi is available @ Deep sea port.I am not sure how many taking grab ,too crowded that day .Thanks
@inko7106 29 дней назад
I saw for sept the cruise gg to Phuket will be either patong bay / or deep sea port . If it’s at patong bay then we need to take the boat correct? And what time u need to be back at the port ? Thinking just go to shopping mall.
@edwin23060 29 дней назад
Hi,if cruise docks at Patong Bay,yes .we need to take ferry.Thanks
@inko7106 29 дней назад
@@edwin23060 thank you
@inko7106 29 дней назад
Is it possible to take a grab to the mall instead of joining the tour? And may I ask what time u need to be back at the port?
@edwin23060 29 дней назад
@@inko7106 Hi,Thanks for watching,yes. you can take a grab or taxi to the mall.we need to be back to the cruise before 2300hr Singapore time subject to any changes.Singapore time is one hour ahead of Thailand .Thanks.
@inko7106 29 дней назад
@@edwin23060 thank you so much
@edwin23060 29 дней назад
@@inko7106 Hi,you are welcome 🤗
@chngwx Месяц назад
My family and I appear in ur video twice HAHAHAHAHHA 🫣🫣
@edwin23060 Месяц назад
@@chngwx Hi,Thanks for watching. so coincidentally .😊🙏
@dugioodugioo Месяц назад
Great video Edwin! i'm also going to embark on the same cruise as you. As this is also my maiden cruise, there's alot of things which I cannot find online. Hence, maybe you can give me some tips? first of all is there a place for me to find out the shore exclusion itinerary? And i also read somewhere, there is actually meal times. i.e if dine outside meal time, i'll be charged with additional fees
@edwin23060 Месяц назад
Hi,Thanks for your support.shore excursions counter is located at Deck 6,you can make any enquiry on shore excursions itinerary.breakfast from 0700 -1000am,lunch from 1130-0230,dinner 1730-2130pm subject to changes. restaurant will be closed after meal time.enjoy your trip.Thanks for watching
@pcmac5544 Месяц назад
Hi, may I know will there be any snack and supper available besides breakfast, lunch and dinner?
@edwin23060 Месяц назад
Hi,Thanks for watching.snack or afternoon tea available on Tuesday to Thursday from 1500 to 1630.subject to any changes .supper -cup noddle is available in casino with membership card from 2330 until stock last .subject to any changes. Thanks
@happypanda7003 Месяц назад
Back in 2023,on two occasions I've took this cruise to Phuket and also supposedly to be berth at Deep Sea Port. However, on both occasions, the ship has berth in the open sea, and all of us had to take a smaller boat to reach a port jetty. The area around the jetty was rather undeveloped with a small pasar malam outside. This is vastly different from the port in your video. Wonder why the big difference when my trip and yours suppose to be berth at Phuket Deep Sea Port ?
@edwin23060 Месяц назад
Hi Thanks for watching. Genting Dream cruise is the first Cruise berthed alongside Deep Sea Port.this new port opened on 24/7/2024 this year .thanks
@henrywong3396 Месяц назад
How much it cost
@edwin23060 Месяц назад
@@henrywong3396 Hi Thanks for watching.for shopping tour is S$30 per person.
@edwin23060 2 месяца назад
Hi,Thanks for watching. my travel date is from 14/5/2024 to 17/5/2024.arrived Phuket Deep Sea Port is 15/5/2024,Genting Dream Cruise is Dock at Deep Sea Port.ferry service to the Shore is necessary and is free service.Patong Beach also need ferry service .Thanks
@happypanda7003 2 месяца назад
Hello Edwin, may I know which date did you travel when the video was taken ? The reason for asking is because I noticed there are other videos that showed the cruise visited the Phuket Deep-Sea port (not Patong Port) but the cruise ship actually berth at the port. So there is no need to take a ferry across to the shore. Thks
@connieloo9538 2 месяца назад
Watching your video makes me feel so headache and nauseous 🤮👎
@edwin23060 2 месяца назад
Hi.Thanks for watching.for shopping tour is S$35 per person,to book shore excursions tour is located at deck 6 excursions counter .There is various tours packages .Thanks.
@mickang899 2 месяца назад
@@edwin23060 Edwin teo thanks, you send to the MGT no use my points already expired so many I think now they don't like member to booking on app is ok forget it, member to them is not important now , enjoy still have many cruise Disney cruise is coming no worry's of cruise, I every month I go to dream cruise, is time to give out of dreams cruise, many years I onboard dream cruise now very disappointed of booking, see my record every week I onboard thanks Edwin teo
@edwin23060 2 месяца назад
👍👌,you are welcome.
@66yyjhy5 2 месяца назад
Hi can i know how to join the cruise tour in phucket as will be first time there. so i think better to join the tour. how much and where to join? what palces they visted?
@oppobedok3254 4 месяца назад
@shunlaiei5981 4 месяца назад
@user-law0funiversal 4 месяца назад
佛陀是佛法的开山祖師~唯有从生活里亲自实踐佛法去修心,修到圆满一切因缘,心无挂碍,一切归空,脱离六道轮回而出世的法,即佛法。 如能明白而亲自实踐佛法才算踏入佛法的门槛,即佛门,你才算是佛门弟子。 佛陀的十大弟子是佛教的开山祖師,是佛陀湼槃后,再聚集一起口述佛陀传的法,让修行弟子继续修行,佛经开编章里的"如是我闻"便开始了,直到后世编写成经書,创立佛教,造佛像,造寺庙,从经文里明白佛法变成念经,念咒,打坐观想,超渡法会,吃斋,放生,火供等等的仪规,各教各派林立,佛教便逐渐形成,因观点不同而形成大乘,小乘,密宗等等。所以佛教的开山祖師是佛陀的十大弟子。而现在跟随佛教修的弟子是佛教弟子,所以请大家不要误会佛陀,佛陀当时只是口传佛法,没有创立任何教派,而佛教的成立是全因佛陀十大弟子的因缘。所以佛陀沒有留下任何东西,只有留下佛法,而佛法是否能留传?唯有看有人要真心无我去求佛法吗?或跟随佛教继续于佛教的方式教導呢?这一切沒有对錯,看佛法和佛教的因缘。最后要为佛陀十大弟子正名,他们口传佛法无误,他们做好他们的工,而心痛的是,他们的徒子徒孙,已把当初口传的佛法改到变成现代"我认为"的佛教经典了。 佛法便是佛陀教導我们通过修行而出世的方法。 那什么是修行?修行是修心,因为一切法唯心造,你生命里遇到的所有人事物都是耒考驗你內心的,它们所有都是法,是让你修心的法,而它们是否能触碰你的心,让你心慌不定,喜怒哀樂或內心寂靜且处于大定状态?你踫到时内心如何用心法应对?这总总的意思即一切法唯心造,问回自己当下是心定还是心慌?心定你才能看清一切真实相而減少因果,从而脱离轮回,心慌你便盲目的跟隨因果再造更多因果而一直轮回,万劫不复。 那你要如何开始修心呢?你要从自己生活经历里去实踐,才能明白一切法唯心造,这一切就得从自己因缘里所遇见的人事物放下我认为,減少贪嗔痴慢疑,开始于天地良心做为自己的第一法则,第一顺序,去面对生活,家庭,工作,名利,一切。。去训練内心渐渐不受任何人事物困绑,任何的喜怒哀乐,悲欢离合都接受,去迎合做好它。用良心去还父母債,儿女債,人情债,金錢債,去学習还債而不再偷取,用良心去圆滿自己的因缘,用良心做到恶缘转换成善缘。天地良心便是人的真本性,只是多数人被贪嗔痴慢疑埋沒了良心,当你能自动自发,于无私无我,念念善念念舍的心,亲力亲为去行动做好每件事情时,你的天地良心已经开始觉醒。 我们人是没有自由和权力,我们只是做好我们的责任,我们的身份是父母,那做好父母的责任,是老師做好老師责任,是大師做好大師责任以此內推。。,像宇宙万物,太陽,月亮,地球沒分尊卑大小,它们只是做好它们身分该做的责任,假如太陽有自由和权力,假如它要自由,它离开轨道,远离地球不做工了,那地球就立刻灭亡,整个宇宙秩序也乱了,所以宇宙要跟随宇宙法则,从宇宙到天地,从我们的世界看即是天地法则,宇宙要跟随宇宙法則,那我们人类也要跟隨天地法則,不能有我认为,要让自己的身心跟随大自然运行,然后做到一天,內心放下一切困绑,当下能百分百自然而然于无我天地良心运用在生活里,把每一件你遇到的人事物都用心做好,那你便溶入大自然,当做到心量能像宇宙一样无边无际時,那便和大宇宙同步运行,当下不受任何人事物的困绑,任何的喜怒哀乐,悲欢离合都接受,去迎合做好它。这時才是佛陀说的开悟了,开悟后沒有停留,一直用天地法則做好自己分內事,一直自度,才能度有缘人,从有缘人里再看回自己,是否有任何執念,内心归空直到生命结束,溶入宇宙和宇宙同步运行,那便是湼槃。这便是原始佛法,于天地法则为本。
@edwin23060 4 месяца назад
@user-law0funiversal 4 месяца назад
@richiewong6084 4 месяца назад
@edwin23060 4 месяца назад
Thanks for watching 🙏🙏🙏三步一拜仪式在提醒世人佛祖成佛之路漫长且困难重重,而且考验信徒在証悟之路上的耐心和信心. 謝謝🙏
@edwin23060 4 месяца назад
Hi,Thanks for watching,Lion dance was on Feb 2024,during Chinese new year.Thanks for your support.
@tommyliangwei3724 4 месяца назад
January 2023
@TanHanyao 6 месяцев назад
how early do u book genting cruise ? when i book, they say is full, only have excutive suites.
@edwin23060 6 месяцев назад
Hi,about three months earlier,need to book in advance .Thanks for watching.
@jasonlim8170 6 месяцев назад
Will it cruise sick ?
@edwin23060 6 месяцев назад
Hi,Thanks for watching. Genting Dream Cruise has Clinic (Medical Centre)in case of anyone fall sick.Thanks
@davidlim8192 6 месяцев назад
Hi, may I know how many hours on Phuket itself? i.e. From wat time to wat time? 😅 Thx!
@edwin23060 6 месяцев назад
Hi.about five hours in Phuket.from 7am to 1pm.Thanks for watching.😀
@jessicaregina1956 6 месяцев назад
Kids in gaza could have used that water
@edwin23060 6 месяцев назад
Hi,Thanks for watching.
@Serene_S.H.E 7 месяцев назад
How long did u stop at Phuket ?
@edwin23060 7 месяцев назад
Hi,about 5 hours.Thanks for watching.
@DogeGuyVids 7 месяцев назад
I got a nundo Chansey today
@edwin23060 7 месяцев назад
Hi,you caught a rare Chansey Pokémon.Thanks for watching .
@edwin23060 8 месяцев назад
Hi,Genting Dream Cruise has many shore excursion packages,for shopping tour is $40/= Sing dollar per person.Thanks for watching.
@pd777 8 месяцев назад
Hi nice video. could you give me an idea about shore excursion prices in Phuket please?
@edwin23060 8 месяцев назад
Hi,Thanks for your support,car rental with driver is 5 hours 1500 Thai Bath,Thanks.
@zhenyaling5291 8 месяцев назад
Sis, turun ke penang sewa supir berapa ya??
@edwin23060 8 месяцев назад
Hi,$150 Malaysian Ringgit for four hours in Penang .Thanks for watching.
@edwin23060 8 месяцев назад
Hi,from 10-12-2023 to 13-12-2023.Thanks for watching.
@teddiosgaming 8 месяцев назад
When was this period?
@Tampines-gl1uz 10 месяцев назад
❤ wishing you a Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 2023 and a happy new year 🎉 2024 from Singapore 🇸🇬 ! Happy Birthday Jesus 🎂 God ❤️ You and Singapore and 🌎
@edwin23060 10 месяцев назад
Hi,Merry Christmas 🎉2023 and Happy New Year 🎉2024.Thank you for watching,Thanks for your support.
มีแต่สิ่งปลูกสร้างจากมนุษย์ ไม่มีธรรมชาติ
@ettoresilverwood4197 10 месяцев назад
Promo'SM 😏
@edwin23060 10 месяцев назад
Hi,Thank you for watching.share my shopping experience and how to go from Johor Bahru City Square to KSL City Shopping Mall.Thanks😊
@bambangadhijatmiko 10 месяцев назад
wahh keren banget. padahal pekan lalu juga sempat ke singapore tapi gak mampir ke sini huhu nyesel
@edwin23060 10 месяцев назад
Hi Thank you for watching 😊
@erictayverystrongimaginati1662 10 месяцев назад
@edwin23060 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for watching.😊Thanks for your support.
@chinmayanand7848 10 месяцев назад
Is wifi available on cruise?
@edwin23060 10 месяцев назад
Hi,yes,wifi is available on cruise.Thanks😊.
@elainelabrooy3438 11 месяцев назад
How much is this trip?
@edwin23060 11 месяцев назад
Hi,Pls check out this link rwcruises.com/. Package options .Thanks 😊
@derrickg91 11 месяцев назад
@edwin23060 11 месяцев назад
Hi,Thanks for your support.
@edwin23060 Год назад
Hi,this is non-sponsor video.Thanks.
@chengyu6443 Год назад
Wow feeling on the promotion
@edwin23060 Год назад
Hi,thanks for your support,this video is for our sharing experience on cruise.Thanks
@edwin23060 Год назад
Hi,No,I booked the trip at Genting Dream cruise deck 6 excursion counter on actual day.thanks
@lifeafter5083 Год назад
Hi. Did you book the coach earlier for trip to Pyramid?
@AnNissa53 Год назад
View dari point mana nii
@edwin23060 Год назад
Hi , pls check out this link. www.rwcruises.com/. 😊😊 Thanks
@gor5275 Год назад
How to get the 'Cruise Palace cabin' anyone can help?
@edwin23060 Год назад
Hi,Thanks for your support 😊.
@spain_walk_ Год назад
Excellent shopping tour 💗 Thanks for sharing! I give you all my support!😘
@edwin23060 Год назад
Hi,Thanks 😊.Please subscribe Thanks😊
@chengyu6443 Год назад
@edwin23060 Год назад
Hi,Jewel Changi Airport has more than three gyms.you can do shopping as well.😊Pl subscribe , thanks 😊