Augustine Pt.2  by Dr Ng Kam Weng
8 месяцев назад
The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis (1943)
9 месяцев назад
Immanuel Kant, lecture by Dr Ng Kam Weng
10 месяцев назад
3. Why is Isaiah called the fifth Gospel?
10 месяцев назад
@AdrianNgHK 6 месяцев назад
Oneness Pentecostalism is a new form of rejecting the Trinity. It may be interesting to take on their arguments and explain why their position is heretical.
@moekengang8859 9 месяцев назад
Superb summary of the great divorce!
@infouserpeng6568 10 месяцев назад
Thanks good lucid review. Tau or 道 is not just way of life. Lao Zi was describing the emergence of something from nothing to Innumerable due to a principle he could not name or classify. For want of word , he called that principle Tau. Hence the translator in John 1 used Tau for Logos, quite befitting I think.
@moekengang8859 10 месяцев назад
Excellent presentation of God being triune from the OT. Kfc
@ancientflames Год назад
Because they already fit with your pre established theology is the #1 and main reason.
@michaelwong-g9b Год назад
very interesting discussion brother
@ardentspy Год назад
But car engines in fact evolved. And the parts are not brought together -- tchk -- they've been refined, swapped out, changed bit by bit. You've done amazingly well at disproving your own argument.
@moekengang8859 Год назад
Hi Kam Weng, I am speaking as a layman. Does life have to be strictly biological? What is life actually….. and consciousness? I claim that I am alive because I am alive and can talk and reason. Is that all there is to it? I have heard of this fine tuning argument and agree that the beauty of the earth, its creatures and natural wonders cannot be by chance…. Like thinking a rolex can evolve by chance. Perhaps, the first question may have to be “ What is life?”
@KFChan Год назад
Is there any worldview with coherent logic without having an axiomatic premise?
@parrotbrand2782 Год назад
Bible should not be incompatible with science unless you have a very narrow interpretation of the Bible. 1Cor1:27. God chose the foolish to shame the wise. It is true that the majority of believers including church leaders are very foolish in terms of scientific knowledge. They discount any scientific ideas without even understanding them.
@parrotbrand2782 Год назад
Young earth believers would take everything literally. So it means insects have 4 legs and value of pie is 3 and not 3.14...because these are literally from the Bible. If you don't want to consider the Bible as a maths book or a biology book (hence getting insect features and value of pi wrong) , then why do you regard the Bible as a book of historical chronology ??
@KFChan Год назад
It's almost a certainty that atheistic scientists have zero appreciation to the theologians contribution to the field of knowledge. They do not even acknowledge theological truth as any form of real knowledge.
@michaelwong-g9b Год назад
Keep up the good work and looking forward for upcoming podcast.
@billysbrown654 Год назад
Love the explanation, brief and to the point. Thanks Dr. Ng Kam Weng.