what this love
what this love
what this love
@Storylinesphere1208 День назад
Prioritize your own mental well-being and consider seeking professional guidance to help navigate this difficult decision.
@j.l-w9959 4 дня назад
Not wrong obviously he is cheating
@breannaxoxo3850 5 дней назад
Wonder if he had waited if it was his bio kid. Getting cheated on can be traumatizing, but the kid went through an actual trauma. I would never trust him again.
@donaldwillis2267 5 дней назад
If its not your child, it doesnt deserve anything from you
@redrackham6812 12 дней назад
YTA. When you called the police on your husband, you definitely became the @$$#0|€.
@redrackham6812 12 дней назад
This is beyond ridiculous. OP may be a guest, but her boyfriend is a lawful tenant, and he has every right to have guests over, and what he does with said guest in the privacy of his own bedroom is none of his roommate's business. The busybody roommate needs to mind her own business and get a life.
@redrackham6812 14 дней назад
It's not her inheritance at all. It's just a gift you promised her. After what she did, you would have every right to withdraw that promise. There was no reason for her to think that that promise was in no way conditional on her behavior. I don't know what she did to her little sister, but it sounds as though it must have been pretty awful. Just remember, though, that making this decision could permanently impact your relationship with her.
@redrackham6812 14 дней назад
Of course not. She had her chance and she blew it. Probably the only reason she wants him now is that you're with him; nothing makes a man more attractive to women than already having a woman. Tell her to go pound sand.
@kilamkam 26 дней назад
So shes mad the friend assumed she was for the streets.. When she is in fact, for the streets....
@untiedshoelaces2588 Месяц назад
OP needs to really think about leaving this guy. He has blinders forhis family and the brother will make her life miserable just for the fun of it. I can see a future un which OP gets cornered and terrorized by the brother and a grou of his friends. He has no boundaries and, even if he did, OP's boyfriend has too much doormat un him to properly protect her.
@heyjohnson5535 Месяц назад
Key note u want children dont be shy have 1 out of wedlock 1st that way u are sure she will atleast have 1 of your children otherwise u end up with someone for almost 20 years 10 married and realize those entire 20 years u were told nothing but lies to make u marry her. U might think everything u want is what she wants mine even said it to me wasnt like i said i want this many kids 1st and she just agreed she said 3 or 4 and really thats all i needed to hear i was smitten. Now we are almost 40 and not only dk we not have children i can literally count on 1 hand how many times i have had intercourse with my wife wife in 10 years. She said a womens aloud to change her mind. Well know thats a thing they are either gonna be a hidden gem or a roomate that treats u like an atm. My advice marry a girl who comes from a big family if u want a family def dont marry an only child cause they are prob spoiled and will simplg be roomates that got married to look like shes winning at life. Dont regret the last 10 years of your life like i do.
@jerrydrouillard Месяц назад
Tell her other child’s father to buy him an Xbox.
@GrimmyRu13 Месяц назад
NTA 😂 she need to tell her other bd to stop being a deadbeat
@lelajones6591 Месяц назад
Don't have s&x if you don't want to be a father
@GrimmyRu13 Месяц назад
Is she trying to sleep with you when you’re drunk? 4:49
@GrimmyRu13 Месяц назад
Baby trapp?
@GrimmyRu13 Месяц назад
She didn’t want to understand you, NTA. I get the wanting to be serious part, but 6 months isn’t enough for her to act the way she is
@GrimmyRu13 Месяц назад
The brother is teen, if he makes a sincere apology get over it. Unless this is a hill your ready to die on, also are you the weirdo?? Like if you get along with the parents, may share your life with this man why was it a problem for him to refer to them as your parents also? Just leave him 😂
@bagwangeeth259 Месяц назад
Here I was thinking who 'They' were?
@heyjohnson5535 Месяц назад
Run for the hills i thought the same thing 6 months in but really wanted children and thougt marriage was the route that would lead me there. When i had a problem after 6 months and still hadnt cresened my marriage with my wife i thought f it im done. Told her there is no reason to stay together i want children and abstinence wont get me there. She decided to give it to me so thought ok things will change. No they didnt that was the 1 time for another year or more now its been 10 years and everytime ive mentioned it being over she begs and pleads with me that she would change and do whatever i wanted if i just let her stay so i give in cause obviously i love this women but nothing has ever changed my life is a pointless joke and currently feel like their is nothing in my life to motivate me to want to move foward. All i ever wanted was to be a father and i wasnt some intravert i had multiple beautiful women in my time and she was one of them. I have been with an actual women who wanted my children and i know what that feels like and this obviously isnt that. I dont know what this is or why she hasnt left short of a meal ticket.
@andynorck2389 Месяц назад
I don’t even get why OP is angry. Maybe the friend was actually trying to push him to actually make it official because she thought it was dumb how he acted as if they were exclusive when they weren’t actually. Or maybe she was just trying to annoy him a bit as a joke, and since they weren’t exclusive, even if it was true it wasn’t bad, like cheating or something. So OP is TA.
@heyjohnson5535 Месяц назад
I was friends with a guy for closer to 15 years who decided after i got married he should just jump in with the 1st piece of trash he met. This women was actively cheating on him and a partaker of hard substances and my friend also started down that trail and eventualky moved in with her and the 4 children she had from 4 different dads. Wasnt a week that went by one of the dads wasnt threatening to remove their child. So my friend thought cause she was such a train wreck he should marry her. Itold him no dont do that that would be the dumbest thing u did in your life. Then next time i see him he says u want to be my best man we are getting married 8 hrs away because her dad is a fugitive so he didnt feel comfortable leaving his home. They drove to her fathers home to get married and he asked me to join them. I at the time just took over my family farm cause my dad died and couldnt simply leave for a week so i didnt go and we stopped talking pretty much immediatly. Then they got divorced like 3 months later after she tried murdering him in his sleep oh yeah and did i mention her home was shot up during a driveby in Zanesville Oh. U know cause theres some serious gangs out in the country sides of Zanesville..... they broke up he moved saw him once since and thats that.
@boatthere867 Месяц назад
ya the girls nuts. he needs to leave her and run lol
@sashaking1115 Месяц назад
@user-dh2xb6pi1n Месяц назад
NTA, your mother is very controlling
@TheKhashan Месяц назад
giga cringe all around
@VRDejaVu Месяц назад
Another controlling AH.. What a surprise.
@shailysree1131 Месяц назад
When lucy's ex broke up with her because of a cheating that involved martin, what makes you think that they still might not be sleeping together when they have lied to your face straight about their past. Its not only about sleeping together its the cheating that should be the issue.
@Rorschachqp Месяц назад
You shoulld probably get a new Subway Surfers background video since this one is so laggy. Also, it would be nice to not have an Indian-sounding accent would be nice because it makes it harder to follow.
@ThomasWooods 2 месяца назад
I mean, kinda yeah. Okay so, Martin and Lucy are absolutely wrong for going out their way to deny having had sex but it makes sense because they were probably just worried youd make them end their friendship since most partners overreact about that stuff. He probably thought the lie was fine since they werent sleeping together anymore anyway. So heres why poster is the A hole. Youre making 2 best friends break apart just because they used to have sex years ago. Their relationship ended before yours started, and you have absolutely no right to decide on what your bf did before your relationship. If he had a gf before you, thats not rude or weird at all. If he stayed close friends with that gf, who cares? Both my gf and me have an ex in our group close friends. I have 2 even. Neither of us minds or cares, as long as we dont cheat on eachother obviously. Poster is absolutely the a hole here
@sufiahempire7364 2 месяца назад
Agree. If she can't trust Martin with Lucy, she needs to drop Martin instead and find another guy
@sufiahempire7364 2 месяца назад
I think you need to drop Martin instead. Because if you can't trust him now, you probably can't trust him after this, even after you marry him
@thebean6731 2 месяца назад
@lynaeeakettgreene7208 2 месяца назад
NTA, you have every right to your freedom. She's an adult that needs to get the help to be responsible. Staying is merely enabling her addictions. Walk.
@MilkshakeGuruTTV 2 месяца назад
Not the A**hole but probably a dumba** for thinking that dropping her was gonna solve there issue. The dude straight up lied about something and then make excuses. You literally founded your relationship on that trust and them both telling you that they never did anything together. That foundation block was a lie. Just leave him. They will eventually end up together anyway. Bet.
@pheonix133630 2 месяца назад
Why is it OP's job to 'keep the peace' when they're mother is *literally* trying to poison her with something she *knows* she's allergic to when she's *pregnant* ? And who tests their adult child about that severe an allergy? WTH is wrong with the mum and extended family?! Go LC unless she can stop being such a nut job and tell those defending her to take a long walk off a short pier for only caring about your poisoner mums feelings over your and your fetus' physical health.
@zobiaccancercrab29scotty74 2 месяца назад
I will leave that group entirely and just continue doing what I'm doing because it seems to me like they are annoying as hell I will just leave the group if you still continue to draw what I want to draw
@jdavis7613 2 месяца назад
NTA. If the mother quit drinking and smoking she would have the money for her an apartment. She chooses not to. Give her a 3 month notice that you are moving into your own apartment. You can't sacrifice yourself for her choices.
@Avighna 2 месяца назад
Not really, but then again I don’t see how making that assumption was a bad thing. Do you perceive yourself as a bad person for sleeping with other people? PS: please use a better AI voice in the future
@sarahprice659 2 месяца назад
You need to get authorities at your school involved to keep him from harassing you. It’s possible that he has some issues with mental illness that need to be addressed, but his behavior towards you is unacceptable. It sounds like something that could escalate very easily too. You need to make sure that you are safe from this guy.
@amyjames7760 2 месяца назад
Being an introvert who loses energy through social contacts is real. However, while your family will keep inviting you, your friends will stop calling. Friendship requires reciprocity and sometimes you do things you don't want to do in order to maintain those friendships. Do you not be surprised that your friends move on to other people who actually want to spend time with them.
@thatswhatisaid8908 2 месяца назад
How awful. Imagine your whole family knows your son, and you have never even met him.
@TrueBlunty 2 месяца назад
yes. u could have been his ambition but no u gave him another reason to throw up his hands and say "why bother" some people need help seeing the way due to years of the same.
@duygunurtan3180 2 месяца назад
Wtf that dude is Natalie 's dog at that point. Hell , even the dog owners are more relaxed than her
@shaezee-pajama7316 2 месяца назад
She's fucking around . Simple 😂😂😂
@jaggerjack61 2 месяца назад
If they mean nothing and you havent talked to them in 5 years then delete them.
@mmbkm461 2 месяца назад
@GrimmyRu13 2 месяца назад
She’s a weirdo. Red flags, run
@TrueBlunty 2 месяца назад
oooo shocker he had to move like he told u when u got together. seriously ladies why are u all so dull theses days. a guy could walk up to u tell u he is a felon, will get u prego, leave u and take ur money and all u thinkin is "hiiiii handsome" 😂😂😂
@VRDejaVu 2 месяца назад
YTA - By your own admission in the comments, you got together knowing exactly what his job entailed. If this is really about you, and only you, then get a job and stay, ALONE.
@darthbiscuit 2 месяца назад
If a parent chooses themselves over their family then yes, they're the a-hole. Son needs to go where the father goes. Shes his wife and should go where he needs her most to keep the family strong. The husband should know how stressing it is for his social wife to go to solitary locations and find a solution for that. If he can't then he's failing his family.
@dominiqueschmidt560 2 месяца назад
Spare pixels spare pixels Maam
@untiedshoelaces2588 2 месяца назад
I am not surprised by this outcome. OP was taught at an early age that trusting women was not in the cards for him, yet he continued to make the same mistake throughout his life.