Sustainable Human
Sustainable Human
Sustainable Human
"We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive." ~ Albert Einstein

Changing the way we think is the most difficult and necessary challenge for our species right now. It's like the old adage that says that "fish don't know they're in water." They're so surrounded by it that it's impossible for them to see. The water is like our ways of thinking. The assumptions we make about life have been so reinforced throughout our lives that we have difficulty seeing them. Yet our survival as a species depends us making the choice to understand, develop, and live from a new manner of thinking.

This channel is dedicated to exploring and sharing these new ways of thinking.

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Co-founders / Storytellers / Video Producers - Chris Agnos and Dawn Agnos
The Hidden Lives of Bees | Erika Thompson
2 месяца назад
How Humans Regenerate Earth | Dr. Lyla June
2 месяца назад
How To Resist Radical Evil | Chris Hedges
3 месяца назад
Why Do We Make Life So Hard? | Jon Jondai
3 месяца назад
The Force That Drives Humanity
4 месяца назад
Humanity's Secret Weapon
11 месяцев назад
We The People | Mark Charles
Год назад
@Incantationem 21 час назад
I just love the double bind where one's pathologized as suppressed, but rejected when expressed.
@LiamsCR День назад
I love this video so much, so amazing.
@alinasayara33033 День назад
@CoverageAwarenessStudio 2 дня назад
capitalism affects your awareness!
@samantham5019 2 дня назад
And here we are trying to save the whales again from climate change our government wants to take over our oceans # saveourbelovedgeographebay
@Ace-xi1wo 3 дня назад
Im so happy my social teacher showed me this, I may be autistic and I’ve been watching this video on repeat nonstop😭🙏
@thor2437 3 дня назад
More conservatives would agree with you than liberals on this!
@johnscalicut 3 дня назад
This is my assessment Ecology
@Callitout-kl1uq 4 дня назад
“This society is about filling people’s emptiness from the outside, which can never be done.”
@michelleprim9801 5 дней назад
Bend the future in a humane and loving direction . Wow!
@packardsonic 5 дней назад
@KarapetyanGagik 6 дней назад
I asked chatgot to recommend me a video to watch on RU-vid, and it suggested this one 🤯🤯🤯
@earthandstraw 6 дней назад
Good video but Stephanie Kelton just ads confusion, is it just that she is an academic? The Fed does not create money, they only create "reserves" which are used as an inter-bank settlement system, a separate circuit. The global commercial banking industry controls the creation and allocation of all money as interest bearing debt, in the process of making loans consisting of the principal created as a deposit and the interest is added to that debt. As the principal is paid off, that money is extinguished while the interest, which must come from the principal of another loan, goes to profit the bank owners and into asset pools. This is the economic growth imperative as society competes to pay the interest on the debt and not lose their collateral. However, every 10 years or so when loan payments (money destroyed) exceeds loans being made (money created) the system crashes for lack of money and loans default. This has been called "the business cycle" but is more a monetary/finance system cycle but the banks can create one just by not making any loans, as they did in 1929. This then allows a transfer of wealth as the real wealth collateral from the loan defaults is picked up for pennies on the dollar, further concentrating wealth to the top which is then used for more power and control. Because all the money is created as interest-bearing debt, interest costs are buried into the prices of all the goods and services we buy. Beginning with the supply of raw materials, processing, shipping, wholesaling, and retailing etc. all required borrowed money. On average 50% of the prices we pay for goods and services are due to interest being paid to the banks. Money Power As former World Health Organization director Margaret Chan explained, "most of the organization’s funding comes from private donors and that they decide what that funding is to be spent on." In other words, only money talks, and Bill Gates, in this case, funds the WHO and tells it what to do. This is true as nearly every public and private institution in the world including governments, they are controlled by big money, as the 2014 Princeton study on political influence by Gilens and Page indicated. As Lord Acton pointed out well over 100 years ago, “power corrupts.” The “power” he was referring to was money. He continued that “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Here he was referring to the power to create money, which is a public power that the commercial banks of the finance industry usurped from our government through legislative sleight of hand in 1913. They have steadily increased their power and control ever since. As Lord Acton said, “The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks. “ Money is a social power embodied in law, we need to change the law. monetaryalliance dot org
@dannydarrkko 6 дней назад
lmao we just had to immerse ourselves and zoom in on the poop 🤣
@qigongfire5456 7 дней назад
An incredible story that touched my heart and gave me an insight to this phenomenon. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story about "Angels Glow"
@kokolanza7543 8 дней назад
Thank you!
@Enfpmom 10 дней назад
Sitting in my car alone listening to do as I quit my job can’t stop crying
@Jdndndkdkskek 10 дней назад
For me, this is just more empty talk. If anything I’m connected to myself but disconnected to humanity. I try but nothing works.
@laneybreck-uw5fz 10 дней назад
Nature is like calming for the human soul.
@user-il1nx9bl9z 10 дней назад
I suggest u have a bulletproof will and the persons that need access to it have it
@AdrianMcMaster 11 дней назад
Does Stephanie Kelton endorse this video? I suspect not. You should not infer that she does.
@thegrowtentofficial 12 дней назад
Bro tried to make a speech but ended up making subjective points which could be interpreted differently or exploited, speaking vaguely like this is what is responsible for loopholes
@KootFloris 12 дней назад
Interesting. It says 6 comments, I only see one. How does that work?
@christiandaniels8045 12 дней назад
Not while capitalism is the law of the land. People will do what makes them the most money no matter the consequences. Edit: to let everyone know I’m a social democrat. Since the Cold War gave everyone brain rot to the point you can’t criticize capitalism without being labeled a communist.
@eonsinfinity534 12 дней назад
But say that and suddenly oh so you don't like capitalism? It's the greatest system in the world. Are you a communist? Are you a socialist?
@eonsinfinity534 12 дней назад
Source, things people have said to me
@TrySomeFentanyl 12 дней назад
Well I hear Russia is having work force shortages. I’ll pay for your one way ticket so let me know.
@christiandaniels8045 12 дней назад
@@eonsinfinity534 no I’m a social democrat. All I’m saying is that unless the governments boot is on the neck of these corporations they will do whatever makes them the most money. Usually what makes them the most money is terrible for the environment and against the interests of people like you and me. Not always. Sometimes those interests do lineup like in the case of a company who’s trying to develop a cure for some disease so they can make money manufacturing it but those instances are few and far between.
@gamezillakilla1835 12 дней назад
@packardsonic 12 дней назад
@Aprendeelespanolcomouncastor 12 дней назад
Che bellini ❤
@TheWayofFairness 13 дней назад
It's because of unfairness. We need the World Fairness Agreement ASP. People are traumatized every day.
@BicycleFunk 13 дней назад
The sortition system of governance is having a modern rebirth due to this line of thinking becoming more mainstream by the day.
@GodHelpMe369 13 дней назад
Our God is able and can see your heart’s cry. He knows every tear that has fallen and continues to fall from your eyes. Take heart - Christ is close to the broken hearted! He is a God of good surprises.
@packardsonic 13 дней назад
@packardsonic 13 дней назад
@Islamabad_property123 13 дней назад
@fd-to7ex 13 дней назад
Generation Z-ERO will be homeless soon. 😎
@avaabedzadeh5289 13 дней назад
Awsome Good job
@miguelcontreras7008 13 дней назад
@packardsonic 14 дней назад
Thank you
@beaglybeagle 14 дней назад
Magnificent! A great learning experience!
@ouraganp 14 дней назад
Cette vidéo hyper médiatisée et fort belle au demeurant en terme d’images raconte les conséquences de la réintroduction des loups dans le Parc National de Yellowstone aux U.S.A. à partir de 1995, soixante dix ans après leur éradication. Elle s’appuie et glorifie les recherches menées dans ce parc par une équipe de deux chercheurs américains, W. Ripple et R. Beschta, et leurs collaborateurs, qui ont publié depuis 2001 pas moins de vingt-cinq articles scientifiques sur ce retour des loups et leur impact. Ils défendent la théorie dite de la cascade trophique (i.e. alimentaire) et de « l’écologie de la peur » induites par le retour des loups sur les grands herbivores (wapitis essentiellement) : au final, les loups auraient ni plus ni moins indirectement transformé le paysage du Parc et notamment le cours des rivières ! … Sauf que toute la communauté scientifique locale n’approuve pas, loin s’en faut, ce modèle, le nuance a minima très fortement et le fait savoir depuis la parution du premier article mais sans que jamais ces points de vue divergents n’aient été pris en compte par les médias (7). Il n’empêche que nombre de scientifiques reprennent cette histoire comme complètement avérée En ces temps troublés dominés par les infox, voici un bel exemple véhiculé cette fois au sein du monde scientifique lui-même ou comment un dogme s’installe et devient vérité www.zoom-nature.fr/les-loups-de-yellowstone-une-trop-belle-histoire-naturelle/
@user-ej5gx7ph7q 15 дней назад
@jorgeayala6054 15 дней назад
ah ok. tengo que matar venados, right?
@theCynecologist 15 дней назад
If you demonize power, power will keep its destructiveness. There are many people who are trying to use their power for good. Your channel has power too, yet it is not empty.
@DearProfessorRF 15 дней назад
The matter is to not rely on people in power to bring about change. Truly, some people in power, not all as the narrator says in the video, are empty of the knowledge of what is the real duty of a leader.
@theCynecologist 15 дней назад
I love that you advocate for the Brilliance not tested in school. I don't love that you dismiss the Brilliance that is tested in school as inferior by calling the other "True Brilliance" in the title. That's just repeating the mistake.
@packardsonic 16 дней назад
Thanks for this. I hope to work with you soon
@maryjordan7482 16 дней назад
I used to watch films when I was a kid about what happened in the camps couldn't belive such cruelty excisted obviously now I know different ❤❤😥💕
@antoniescargo1529 16 дней назад
Nederlands kenteken.
@mapatofu10 17 дней назад
All warm and cozy logic but did you really analyze the outcomes of the alternatives? democratic decision making? does the receptionist know as much about semiconductor design as the expert? those democratic companies wouldnt exist after 10 years 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@mairtohainle9773 17 дней назад
D.A.D 😢
@KootFloris 17 дней назад
Indeed, and the core the help this the most is PLAY. Play is how nature invented learning. And school hamper play and drill you to give the expected answers.
@psyopswitch 17 дней назад
school need to be more about how the child learns
@Sanne-nw8hn 10 дней назад
ie. individual learning plans ❤
@psyopswitch 10 дней назад
@@Sanne-nw8hn yeah, like for those kids that are hands on learners show them something, then break it down, they should have shop or mechanics class earlier, to figure out how the kid learns best. some kids need to touch something then explain it. I think there are many more engineers out there than we know, and has been a great waste of knowledge
@Sanne-nw8hn 10 дней назад
Preaching to the choir 🙌 ! We don't have to wait until middle school for SHOP classes. On top of public schools 🏫 we have tuition-free options and Indiana allows 🏡 homeschooling. Free tutoring for grandmas 👵 raising grandchildren +++