Michelle Chalfant
Michelle Chalfant
Michelle Chalfant
Подписаться 68 тыс.
Healing Through Grounding with Clint Ober
3 месяца назад
Practical Intuition with Laura Day
3 месяца назад
Managing Triggers at the Holidays
4 месяца назад
How To Get Unstuck and Change Your Life
5 месяцев назад
5 Ways To Live From Your True Self
5 месяцев назад
Understanding Psychedelics with Matt Zemon
6 месяцев назад
Human Design with Emma Dunwoody
6 месяцев назад
How To Build Trust in Your Relationship
6 месяцев назад
Grieving Gracefully with Kris Carr
7 месяцев назад
How To Make Peace With Your Past
7 месяцев назад
Summer Series: Why and How To Feel Your Emotions
9 месяцев назад
@othyothman233 8 часов назад
The voice is so bad
@sadie6141 17 часов назад
Thank you🙏🏼I needed this!!
@Elphidore 17 часов назад
See under the microscope the effect of the earth's natural electrical charge on blood circulation. I really like this video on RU-vid : « EARTHING IS FREE! Blood Quality Improved by Earthing by Dr. Cimone Kamei of Jujube Hawaii Clinic »
@kelseywatkins5413 3 дня назад
Wow this was amazing. This was manageable for time too, I loved this whole meditation
@almouj1480 4 дня назад
@kingdavid92792555 5 дней назад
Thank you for this wonderful help.❤
@AbhayMishra-md8sq 6 дней назад
Thanks for bringing this Podcast. Been Grounding for over a year. I feel blessed.
@dodgerea8639 6 дней назад
Fun to find this years later, Michelle! Thank you for this wonderful conversation with you and Pete once upon a time. Such a joy. 😊🙏🏼
@trustuniverse 7 дней назад
When she said blow torch I was ready 🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂😂
@melissap439 7 дней назад
Did anyone have a big metal pole attached 😅
@Ilovemusic793 10 дней назад
Italian American northeast catholic houeehold here
@OyasumieEdit 10 дней назад
I will defeat my subconscious mind ... And make it think in positive way I was in a survival mode every single day I will succeed training my subconscious mind because I deserve better that's my conclusion.
@blobmonster9494 11 дней назад
Kids used to live in dirt. We used to eat dirt. Lol
@chloebryant6192 11 дней назад
Love your positive way of looking at this 😊
@Karie4212bk 12 дней назад
Thank you 😂
@lulu52110 13 дней назад
very powerful. Thank you💗
@zedhaych2184 14 дней назад
Thank you so much for your meditations they came exactly when i needed , much love and gratitude ❤
@nealparker4527 14 дней назад
Loved this Interview and i love all Laura's books! The Circle is lifechanging for sure!!
@Echo.12345 14 дней назад
Thank you so much for this❤
@hcmangs3634 15 дней назад
Hope all is ok, Michelle! Love your podcast.
@cynthiag.5048 16 дней назад
I am so proud of myself for how deeply I have healed myself since I was too young to understand what was going on inside me. To grow up in a default state of feeling alone, unworthy, unloved, unseen, unheard… and to grow up feeling an inherent sense of deficiency and worthlessness- to question if your existence in the world even matters, and STILL expected to be a functional person… is so painful. I still have bad days. But I know my parents did they best they could with what they had at the time. And thankfully now I have the tools to do better and break generational curses. I am so grateful to be where I am today. I still have a long way to go but I love myself, I validate my own feelings, I am worthy of love, and I am going to be okay. It’s taken me so long to get here.
@simonesauerland5513 17 дней назад
The music is very loud and I can’t hear your voice???😢
@shirleynorman3782 18 дней назад
Is grounding safe for.persons with joint replacements and heart monitors or defibrillators and other heart devices
@blobmonster9494 11 дней назад
Should be. No different then you walking outside barefoot.
@bro.0ni 18 дней назад
Thank you so much for sharing this video, it's helped me get through my darkest times and it's the guided meditation I return to the most. Love and light to you all! 🙏🏻💕💫
@Ramzblood 19 дней назад
Real love will NEVER EVER push you to harm yourself. Healing from mothers that harm .
@fluffy3950 19 дней назад
When did this happen? A lof videos are getting pulled from other narratives to build a bloggers content based on 🧢
@JonnyLWarren1 21 день назад
I heard this guy is a scam artist
@lauren.11111 23 дня назад
Thank you so much Michelle 💓💓💓
@pawprintsjersey5787 29 дней назад
All symptoms you say brain fog lack sleep severe moods anxiety anger. Definitely food is huge. Gut Definitely connect with hyperthyroidism. Hormones. I'm 4 years on medication want to heal completed ❤. Stress a killer 😢😢
@pawprintsjersey5787 29 дней назад
Just found you. Wish you speak Thyroid issues Hugh ones now adays with most women. I'm hyperthyroidism. My friend diagnosed under active thyroid. Why so many women the root cause, throat centre speaking truth, iv been gluten dairy free diet absolutely makes a difference. But we have to heal trauma from the body ❤. Thank you ❤
@Elphidore 29 дней назад
There is a big difference between the 'ground' plugged in from an electrical wall socket, and the other outside with a steel rod placed horizontally under the surface of the earth, at horizontal rather than vertical, just as the feet in the turf are on the surface of the ground rather than buried deep in the ground. The natural electrical charge of the earth is concentrated on a fairly small thickness of around 30cm. Deeper, the load decreases quickly. When I drive in my steel rod, I measure a voltage loss on my multimeter if I drive it deep rather than lightly. The natural electrical charge of the ground is really only on the surface. The 'ground' of the wall electrical outlet is connected directly to the water inlet and outlet of the house, at a depth of more than one meter. I can measure the natural voltage of the ground by connecting the steel rod outside the house, with the ground of the wall electrical outlet. I measure 540 millivolts! What happens is that the natural electrical charge of the ground which passes through the steel rod has the polarity complementary to that of the 'ground' of the electrical wall socket!!! Putting your feet in the grass is the same thing as collecting the natural electrical charge from the ground, and conducting it inside the house with a conductive wire. There is a major difference in the feel of connecting to the outside when you plug the lead wire into a rectangle of steel pin mesh. Contact with the skin is direct. And if I plug the same rectangle of pin mesh into the 'ground' of the electrical wall socket, I feel absolutely nothing! The natural electric charge is zero in this 'ground'. As the electrons are beneficial, they must come from the outside via the steel rod planted in the ground, or on the horizontal surface under a light layer of moist earth to keep the earth conductive. The only benefit of the 'ground' on the electrical wall socket is that the pin mesh I keep under my feet can only evacuate the excess charge that the body could evacuate. Well-being is found at this level only. But if you want the electrons useful for the body (540 millivolts), you have to connect outside the house and pass a conductive wire through the window! Feet on the spindle trellis rather than on an insulating foam mat gives a very different feeling. I literally feel the electrical charge from the ground rising in my legs, and yet, I am in the house! Feet on the grass are perfect in the summer, but the rest of the year, like in Quebec, it's impossible. This is why we must seek this natural electrical charge from outside to benefit from it all year round, so that the immune system can work better all year round. People catch the flu in winter because they are in the house without contact with the outside world. Take a multimeter and do some testing. Measure the ground voltage, and collect it with a steel rod and a conductive wire. No need for a special mat, just squared pin which is sold in rolls in hardware stores, and it will be perfect! Also cut a rectangle of pin specially to put in your bed, and plugged in the same way. Place this pin mesh in contact with the skin, under the thighs, and you will actually feel a physically pleasant sensation. Even a child can do it easily. It's worth trying !!!
@theweightlosslady1 22 часа назад
Make us a video so I can learn to do this
@Elphidore 19 часов назад
@@theweightlosslady1 Comme je parle français du Québec, ça peut être difficile, mais par écrit, je peux entrer beaucoup plus dans les détails. Allez dans une quincaillerie pour acheter une tige d'acier plaquée zinc d'un mètre, ou 36 pouces. Ça coûte environ $2. Vous pouvez la couper en deux parties égales avec une scie à métal. Vous avez donc 2 parties égales de 50cm ou de 18 pouces. Plantez une tige d'environ 30cm, ou 12 pouces dans un sol humide ou mouillé, et fixez sur cette tige un fil métallique qui ne rouillera pas, parce que la rouille réduit progressivement le voltage qui va passer. Il faut acheter aussi du fil électrique en vrac d'une longueur suffisante. On peut acheter du fil électrique ordinaire dans les quincailleries. Le fil électrique est fait en deux parties, pour porter la charge positive et négative. Séparez les deux parties de ce fil sur toute sa longueur, parce qu'on a besoin d'une des deux parties seulement. Fixez ce fil électrique simple au fil métallique qui est déjà sur la tige d'acier, et faites passer le fil par la fenêtre, et fixez l'autre extrémité du fil à un treillis de broche d'acier quadrillée. Le treillis de broche se vend en rouleau dans les quincailleries. Si vous cherchez un rouleau de broche à poule, vous trouverez aussi les rouleaux de treillis de broche quadrillée. Un carré ou une surface de 12 x 18 pouces peut suffire pour se mettre les pieds dessus. C'est plus confortable de mettre ce treillis de broche directement sur un tapis ordinaire. Ce sera plus confortable pour les pieds. Moi, j'ai installé ce treillis de broche directement à mon bureau d'ordinateur, puisque je suis longtemps devant mon ordi, et que c'est plus utile là qu'ailleurs. Préparez aussi une autre surface de treillis de broche pour le mettre dans votre lit, et placez-le sous vos cuisses, au-dessus des genoux. Vous allez aimer l'effet que ça procure ! Je vais continuer mon explication dans le commentaire suivant.
@Elphidore 18 часов назад
@@theweightlosslady1 Avec un multimètre, vous pourrez facilement mesurer le voltage naturel qui se rend jusqu'à votre treillis de broche dans la maison. Fixez la sonde noire du multimètre sur le treillis de broche, et la sonde rouge dans le 'ground' de la prise électrique murale. Le 'ground' est parfaitement neutre, et ne procure aucune arrivée d'électrons. Le 'ground' de la prise murale ne permet que d'évacuer le surplus de charge électrique dans un objet. On peut aussi poser la sonde rouge du multimètre sur un calorifère ou sur un tuyau d'eau dans la maison. Tout va vers le même endroit, vers la terre. Quand on a les pieds dans le gazon, on désire avoir les électrons du sol qui vont monter dans nos jambes. Alors, ce n'est que par la tige d'acier qui est plantée dans le sol humide qui va permettre de transmettre cette charge électrique naturelle du sol jusque dans la maison, sans se préoccuper de la météo. Le 'ground' de la prise électrique murale ne permet pas de faire la même chose, parce que le 'ground' de la maison est plus profond dans le sol, soit environ 4-5 pieds sous la surface du sol au niveau de l'entrée d'eau et des égouts. La charge électrique naturelle du sol se trouve près de la surface du sol, et non en profondeur. Au Québec, l'été n'est pas long, et pourtant, il faut se brancher à la terre toute l'année, pas seulement l'été. Si on attend l'été pour être en contact avec la terre, on a le temps de tomber malade durant l'hiver... Donc, je récupère la charge électrique naturelle du sol pour en profiter à l'année dans la maison, exactement comme si j'avais les pieds dans le gazon 12 mois sur 12 !!! J'ai mesuré un voltage qui arrive sur mon treillis de broche, à 540 millivolts. C'est un très bon résultat, et c'est suffisant. Si le voltage est moindre, il faut voir à déplacer la tige d'acier dehors pour qu'elle puisse mieux performer. N'oubliez pas de replier toutes les petites broches coupées qui dépassent tout le tour du treillis pour éviter de se piquer la peau. Les pieds sur le treillis métallique, vous allez sentir une agréable sensation qui monte dans les jambes. Les électrons arrivent et font déjà un bon effet sur le corps. Les globules rouges se chargent électriquement, et se repoussent les uns des autres, ce qui donne donc une meilleure fluidité du sang dans le corps. Un sang qui est déchargé électriquement donne un sang dont les globules rouges s'agglutinent ensemble, ce qui peut provoquer la formation de caillots sanguins. Alors, en chargeant naturellement le corps en se branchant à la terre, le corps va commencer à en bénéficier, et l'état de santé de la personne va s'améliorer progressivement !
@Elphidore 17 часов назад
@@theweightlosslady1 J'ai commencé à expérimenter une nouvelle façon de se brancher à la terre. En lien avec la tige d'acier à l'extérieur, je fixe mon fil électrique sur une cuillère !!! Je garde la cuillère à la renverse sur ma langue quelques minutes pour favoriser un contact direct. La tête, en passant par la langue, c'est une autre partie du corps qu'on peut facilement mettre en contact avec la terre, et pas seulement les pieds. Pour que le fil électrique tienne sur la cuillère, j'utilise une pince crocodile à l'extrémité du fil électrique, et la pince tient sur le manche de la cuillère. La charge électrique se rend alors sur la cuillère. Lorsque je fait chauffer un bol de gruau ou de la soupe dans le four micro-ondes, par la suite, je plonge ma cuillère branchée directement dedans avant de manger. C'est probablement utile pour rétablir la nature de l'eau dans sa charge électrique naturelle. Les micro-ondes du four altèrent la qualité de l'eau. Pour les pinces crocodiles, on les trouve sur Amazon en paquet de 100 unités.
@Elphidore 29 дней назад
540 millivolts is what I measure coming from the surface of the ground, compared to 0 millivolts coming from the 'ground' of the electrical wall outlet. It is absolutely necessary to plug in outside to take advantage of the natural electrical charge of the ground. The electrical 'ground' of the house is too deep in the ground to have these electrons which are essential!
@elwoodgroves7848 29 дней назад
What an interview!!! Bravo, Ms. Chalfant. Thanks for having Dr. Chaudhary on your podcast. She is awesome!!!
@wendycampbell2881 Месяц назад
Omg I had three layers of feeling frustration, anxiety, then sadness it’s cleared after 3 goes I was sceptic too lol
@Thomasthicc Месяц назад
This is so powerful on it's own. Even more so when coupled with TRE (Trauma Release Exercises). This put me into the biggest full body tremor I've ever experienced.
@GoldenDelighto9 Месяц назад
This absolutely moved me. Thank you so much.
@josephashenofsky8266 Месяц назад
Epic. This is incredible. Very informative and excellent information. Thanks 2 you both
@rickbrummer3628 Месяц назад
A healthy love of money is ok, the Excessive love of money (greed) , that's a problem
@lexilexikitschart3146 Месяц назад
I do love money because it gives me peace of mind
@mugdhapatil2489 Месяц назад
Homeless to billionaire by Andreas Pira
@Sereneis Месяц назад
Music level is too high, distracting
@user-xd2id5vn5j Месяц назад
Dear Michelle, I would like to share the audio of this meditation in a group setting. I find it so helpful in my healing process from c-PTSD that I would like to share it with others like me. Would that be OK with you? Thank you so much ✨️🙏🏻✨️
@caronkoss2830 Месяц назад
There are millions of parents, including me who leave their narc/borderline ex and then they end up alienating the children from the normal range parent. They hate us more than they love the children. The children go through Psychological Splitting, also called Parental Alienation. In reality the children alienate themselves from their who they truly are/were and end up living their lives keeping the NPD/BPD/Alientor emotionally regulated. It's a transgenerational psychological problem and can take years for the children to understand what happened to them, if they ever recognize it.
@madhurirathod4217 Месяц назад
I keep coming this guided meditation since 2020 and it helps me always to feel home after this , i feel the love and acceptance of mother earth , thank you for creting this safe space for empaths.
@beast7913 Месяц назад
Ive learned more about who i am so much in this past year its almost scaring me lol. Ive had this inate ability since I was a child. I dont read minds necessarily but i have the ability to emotionally mirror peoples emotions so that they will open up to me so i can read them better. I find myself constantly wanting tobknow how people tick. I mirror emotions so others can relax while they speak. I know how to emphasize in such a matter that causes others to tell me their faults and weaknesses. Even from complete strangers and they always say to me...why am so open with you? Im also a human lie detector by default. This is my most dominate empathic trait ive come to realize.
@beast7913 Месяц назад
I've had this as long as I can remember. I love it but it sure is taxing to the mind and body
@laurengeorge4671 Месяц назад
I needed to let go of an ex who has moved on and is likely going to marry someone else. When I did the meditation I saw this dark thorny vine connecting our hearts. I sobbed and felt so much emotional pain, it took me to the threshold of what I can feel. But then suddenly I felt relief, comfort, and lighter. I want their relationship to be okay - without my energy interference or his on mine. We were just young and accidently messed it up, he found her before we could make amends and she was ready for him. It's not healthy for me to hold on but somehow there was this cord and it was causing this pain for years. I'm grateful for this mediation.
@jays4dayzllc164 Месяц назад
This is truly beautiful
@peivandryks5217 Месяц назад
This is one of my favorite guided meditatons, I peridodically use it. The way I go deeper and deeper with this "scuba diver embodiment" gets me on the brink of a hypnotic state, and I can feel the energy in my heart chakra expanding. Thank you, I feel more whole and complete each day.
@Charmaine9 Месяц назад
This was great, but I struggled to hear you over the music.