Just me, recapping my thoughts from my podcast, The Ramblings of an Insomniac. Check it out wherever podcasts are available! You won't regret it. Ok, you might. But what are you going to lose? Really, it's like 20-45 minutes out of your day. You can listen while you clean, drive, work...just play it while you pass the time. Who knows? You may love it? You may learn something?
I do NOT EDIT my podcast. I don't use editing, a studio or anything but my phone. You hear my dogs, neighbors, crickets, coyotes, nature, etc. I keep it all in. Just ME. My REAL life.
Sharing the things that keep me awake at night. The random thoughts that prevent me from sleeping. I discuss the extreme guilt I have over my mom's death. How family addiction, abuse and our government has shaped my life. I discuss anxiety and being an only child. I talk about anything and everything.


August 31, 2024
21 день назад
Hate Is A Strong Word But…
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April 11, 2024
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April 11, 2024
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April 12, 2024
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28 дней назад
July 24, 2024
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June 25, 2024
2 месяца назад
Are You Kidding Me? Boo Hoo
3 месяца назад
3 месяца назад
June 4, 2024 @ramblingsofaninsomniac49
3 месяца назад
May 29, 2024 @ramblingsofaninsomniac49
3 месяца назад
George floyd
3 месяца назад
@bradleygerber7317 18 дней назад
Serious quetion: why would you vote for a man who is promising to be a dictator? Follow up question: have you ever read a history book? Dictators don't help people or fix problems.
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 18 дней назад
@@bradleygerber7317 how so? Dictator? Do you know the definition of of the word? How do you feel TRUMP is a dictator? Remember, he was president b4. He was not a dictator then. In fact, he did more for America than any president since Regan. That's an actual FACT. Not opinion. There were ZERO wars. InFACT, he signed a PEACE treaty w/iran. PEACE treaty. Only president to do so. Peace. No wars. No Russia or China or Iran breathing down our neck. No skyrocketing inflation. No taking away right. No constitutional rights being taken. Our amendment not being effed with. No censorship. Dems like Bidenn& Harris are currently, right now and for past 4 yrs, are trying to dismantle the American constitution. Thats dictatorship. They FORCED ppl to get VACINATED or they get FIRED. That's dictatorship. They FORCE parents to allow their MINOR CHILDREN to take hormones & allow them to dismember their bodies WITHOUT telling the PARENTS! Taking away parental rights and giving it to TEACHERS & counselors! That's dictatorship. Forcing men in women's sports, bathrooms & lockerrooms against actual biological woman, dictatorship. And I specifically said tell me why you are voting for Harris? Said to tell me reasons u are voting for Kamala. State a single policy u like if hers. Not one she stole from Trump . I said give me a reason u are pro Kamala. Tell me what she has done as VP for past 4 yrs & what policies she talked about, recently, she is bringing to presidency? I said do that WITHOUT naming Trump or talking about Trump or asking why I like Trump. You can't. You didn't. You failed. U did what EVERY, SINGLE, DEM does, eye off ball. Answer a question w/a wurstion. Never actually answering a question. Why? Bc u have NO IDEA WTF you are talking about! U literally are a lemming. No research. No education. No doing ur homework to check actual facts or stats. None of it. Just blindly following like a lemming, off a cliff. Sad
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 18 дней назад
@@bradleygerber7317 thank you for 💯 proving my point. Lol
@bradleygerber7317 18 дней назад
​@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 40/44 cabinet members have said NOT to elect him again. We can thank those 40 people for being the guardrails that saved us the first time. He said he wants to be a dictator and he tried to steal the 2020 election. What more do you need to see or hear? You're in a cult. Wake the f*ck up.
@bradleygerber7317 18 дней назад
​@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 one of the telltale signs that you're in a cult is when you stop believing what you see with your own eyes. You have seen Trump say he wants to be a dictator and you have seen him praise dictators, yet you still believe he doesn't have aspirations to be a dictator. Wake up, people.
@TragicallyDelicious 22 дня назад
There's literally nothing ballsy about anything that you believe say or where
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 22 дня назад
@@TragicallyDelicious I didn't say it was ballsy. I said my sons. And where I live, I'm surrounded by ppl like YOU. Libs that beat up 80 yr olds for wearing a Trump hat. Set fire to ur business for having a Trump sign. I don't feel anything I say, where or believe is ballsy. When did I say that? But thx for ur completely POINTLESS, IRRELEVANT & STUPID comment, tho.
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 22 дня назад
Is that ur thing? Going around, trolling? lol I'm very sorry to inform you, it's very 2023, woke of you. Have you learned any new words other than racist, bigot, transphobic or nazi? You are entitled to ur opinion. But you have zero idea what I believe. You see videos. Catch little bits of what I believe. You don't know what I wear. Other than on my videos. And you don't know what I say, other than on my videos. Do you watch ALL of my videos? ALL on RU-vid, Facebook, clapper, insta? Do u listen to my podcast? Have you listened to ALL of episodes? I'm guessing, no. So u don't have any idea if what I do, say or believe is ballsy? Again, I never said it was. You have no clue what's ballsy where I live, though. Ppl in PDX have on NUMEROUS occasions, BEAT UP ppl for wearing MAGA or Trump clothing. Ppl in Portland destroy businesses, try to get u fired or life ruined bc u are a Trump supporter. The Biden admin flat out calls republicans NAZIS. Threatens Maga, censors us & is trying to take our guns. Ppl in numerous cities, across America have been harassed, beat up, threatened, etc for wearing a MAGA or Trump hat. Or anything w/a Flag! I can't even wear my country's FLAG, w/out being insulted. So kingly, be quiet. U literally have ZERO CLUE WTF YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.
@herbbenson6884 28 дней назад
Truer words were never spoken. Stay strong, proud, and happy! Trump 2024!!
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 27 дней назад
@@herbbenson6884 thank you trump2024
@wandaclark2649 2 месяца назад
Biden's debate? Give me a break! There's so many televised examples of trump not able to pronounce words and having brain freezes. These are all signs of dimentia which his father had.
@rurukachu1 2 месяца назад
What leads you to believe that Trump loves our country? Everything that he does is self-serving. It's easy to say "I love America" if it gets a bunch of followers; it's harder to back up with actions and examples. Also, please explain how he supports vets when he called them losers and taunted a gold star family? Cite your sources, ma'am. Our country was the laughing stock of the world while he was president.
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 2 месяца назад
😂😂😂😂 our country was the laughing stock when TRUMP was prez??? Trump? Interesting, bc Russia, Iran & china wanted NOTHING 2 do w/us until BIDEN. Trump brokered a peace deal btw Israel & Sudan. Now there is civil and national unrest. We look weak. Biden has dementia. Leaders of other countries respected Trump & knew not to mess with/America. He had our backs. Trump was/is huge supporter of vets: www.militarytimes.com/opinion/commentary/2020/08/26/president-trump-has-been-a-champion-for-americas-veteran-community/ www.military.com/daily-news/2020/08/10/here-are-2-veteran-supporting-bills-president-trump-just-signed-law.html www.npr.org/2017/08/23/545617174/fact-checking-trump-on-veteran-affairs
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 2 месяца назад
The Trump Administration helped hundreds of thousands of veterans find employment in the civilian workforce, and it eliminated every penny of Federal student loan debt owed by American veterans who are completely and permanently disabled. trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov › ...
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 2 месяца назад
@Polcat94 2 месяца назад
He says he wants to be a dictator...kinda goes against the american dream and freedom sooo....
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 2 месяца назад
@@Polcat94 ??? Who says that??? Not Trump. Plz provide a single bit of evidence in which Trump said he wanted to be a dictator? Or where you are getting that idea? We already have a dictator in Biden.
@Polcat94 2 месяца назад
@@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 lol Biden is not a dictator my dude. Google exist he's said he wanted to be a dictator before and when called out for it now he's saying oh only for the first day I only wanted to provoke the left.
@kevinzadonowicz9147 2 месяца назад
Trump loves himself, he’s doing this for the glory of it not for the American people. If you think he’s doing it for us then you’re a fool
@ronwade2354 2 месяца назад
ttump knows how to take advantage of US that is all He knows about being a COMMON AMERICAN...
@ronwade2354 2 месяца назад
trump did not pay his contractors who he thought were commoners
@ronwade2354 2 месяца назад
trump univerity😢 . trump took advantage of common Americans who made the mistake and believed trump university was legit. a CON MAN ENTERTAINER
@ronwade2354 2 месяца назад
What does trump know about the economy ? NOTHING
@ronwade2354 2 месяца назад
trump prays our Economy crashes into for his own Dictatorial Presidential Run
@ronwade2354 2 месяца назад
@Creedthecat 2 месяца назад
@milasgamma6143 2 месяца назад
BS 💩
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 2 месяца назад
BS? What is BS? My video?
@milasgamma6143 2 месяца назад
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 yup! Trump only cares about himself. He knows what to say to get people's support. I'm a Republican and I'm not voting for him.
@Sussauces 2 месяца назад
Both of them suck, they both have no idea what a common American is because they are both wealthy. We gotta stop with the “political party” wars. It’s what keeps us Americans divided.
@wandaclark2649 2 месяца назад
Your ignorance is so deep. Biden grew up in a working class family where his dad to work hard to feed his family and put food on the table. Trump grew up in a wealthy family and he lost all of the hundreds of millions his dad left him due to bad investments and poor business decisions This woman is an example of the uneducated people trump says he likes. Biden created more jobs than any president in the last 40 years. Trump is the biggest liar that ever lived in the White house.
@andfam33 2 месяца назад
He actually wants your tax dollars to give his friends, he wants to line his pockets with cash, he wants to be a dictator for gawd sake! What so sort of delusional are you!
@lilamybigworld 2 месяца назад
these people are brainwashed 🥴
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 2 месяца назад
ME? Plz provide a single shred of evidence or ounce of proof that TRUMP is lining his pockets w/tax dollars. Plz show facts. Do u know what a FACT is? What EVIDENCE OR STATS are? Plz, educate yourself before speaking such embarrassing lies.
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 2 месяца назад
@@lilamybigworldthese ppl meaning, those that don’t support BUDEN?
@bryce8498 2 месяца назад
Let’s get the old geezers out of there and get young blood in the oval office
@user-nl9ul5ve8n 2 месяца назад
Biden was a soldier trump faked bone spurs.
@JohnEDepth752 2 месяца назад
Trump loves the country so much he lied to avoid the draft. You're both morons.
@ben8147 2 месяца назад
Now look at it a bit wider. Neither of the old men have a thing in common with the average American, besides nationality. Why are we wasting our e energy fighting (PERPETUALLY) over the two parties when we could work together to demand a functional government with effective leadership.
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 2 месяца назад
We can actually vote. It’s up to the American ppl to stop voting these ppl in. Every year they get elected by US. Going to city council meetings, starting LOCALLY is important. Trump may not be charming or speak eloquently. But he has PROOF he was a great prez. Biden has PROOF he’s been terrible. Starts locally. And we need to stop re-electing ppl
@ben8147 2 месяца назад
@@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 local elections are important. But I will say that this nation hasn’t had a president of integrity since Kennedy, and hasn’t had a good one since Coolidge. Our chances of electing a quality candidate to federal office is effectively nonexistent. You cannot exist at the federal level without being in bed with moneyed parties of significance.
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 2 месяца назад
@@ben8147 I don’t feel trump is in bed w/anyone. That’s why most politicians hate him. I feel Regan had dignity. Regan was a great man of integrity, in my opinion. But most politicians are corrupt. Regardless of political party. They’re all in bed with each other. Our system would work if, we the ppl, were educated & took time to learn about how government works & voted. Again, city council meetings are important
@rgnold2517 2 месяца назад
Trump 2024!
@ronwade2354 2 месяца назад
you got to be kidding
@rgnold2517 2 месяца назад
@@ronwade2354 nope, more real AND truthful than anything else we are being offered
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 2 месяца назад
@@rgnold2517 trump! 🇺🇸
@rhondabraxton8998 2 месяца назад
Sick trump
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 2 месяца назад
Why? You’re saying TRUMP is sick?? Soooo, the man SHOWERING WITH HIS DAUGHTER, sniffing children’s hair, allowing sex trafficking & talking about kids rubbing his legs & sitting on his lap… that’s not sick???
@stargatis 5 месяцев назад
People who speak Spanish come from a plethora of countries in Middle and South America, not just Mexico.
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 5 месяцев назад
I know. That’s why I made sure to say, I wasn’t speaking about those that are from any other country. Just Mexico. If a person was born & raised in and lives in Mexico, no Spain or Venezia or Columbia. Mexico. I feel they are Mexican? But I’ve been told that’s not PC?
@rexpardus2924 5 месяцев назад
What ??? I prefer that you call me Mexican instead of Hispanic
@bluv7443 5 месяцев назад
I get it, you can say Mexican if the person is naive to Mexico . But if the person is naive to America n have Mexican DNA then we call the person Hispanic 🙄
@mdelgadoqable 5 месяцев назад
Grow up
@rayabalos4805 5 месяцев назад
You can call me Mexican ALL DAY 😂
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 3 месяца назад
@reginaldthomas552 5 месяцев назад
In texas dont call a Mexican Hispanic
@beccarodriguez1980 5 месяцев назад
Im Mexican, and i dont think its politically incorrect. We're Mexican, period.
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 5 месяцев назад
@Superhighfoo 5 месяцев назад
It's not an issue with calling Mexicans; Mexicans, the issue is that South America is like 10 countries not just Mexico
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 5 месяцев назад
That’s why I was saying if someone is from Mexico. Not Colombia or Costa Rica, etc. just Mexico. Then I feel u are Mexican. Not Hispanic?
@iv5949 5 месяцев назад
Literally none of the latinos i know would like to be called Hispanic. The only thing is that not everyone from latin america is Mexican, nationality is a separate thing from ethnicity. If it's truly necessary to the conversation to refer to someone's nationality, just ask where they're from and you're fine.
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 5 месяцев назад
If someone is from Mexico, not any Latin country, I feel saying, Mexican, shouldn’t be offensive?
@skip2mylou982 5 месяцев назад
I’m a proud ass Mexican… Mexican all day. My parents are from Mexico I was born here and claim Mexican.. Chicana…Latina and CHINGONA depends how I’m feeling lol.. only people that are not Mexican get offended when you call them Mexican..like being Mexican is a curse lol..oh yeah but don’t call me Hispanic… its a made up word lol for the census .. real talk
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 5 месяцев назад
@jessgutierrez-hefner747 5 месяцев назад
Not all Latinos are from Mexico. Just make sure they do have Mexican heritage before you assume they are from Mexico.
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 5 месяцев назад
I do. That’s what I mean. If from Mexico, is it ok to say, Mexican?
@PabloRodriguez-gg6bw 5 месяцев назад
To me if you call me mexican its not ofensive… am proud of it
@wereallyrollin6680 5 месяцев назад
Some people live in Mexico and aren’t Mexican or identity as Mexican if you talking bout sum Mexican person said it racist to say it then that foo just on sum shit we love Mexico rep it and always say long live Mexico idk where you heard that
@MrIdontknowww 5 месяцев назад
Just like the china virus or COVID, it depends on the person saying it... If you're white then the problem is the presumption(prejudice)of racism
@thechiefwildhorse4651 5 месяцев назад
So what part Europe did your family come from? -COMANCHE NATION
@joec4278 5 месяцев назад
Calling Mexicans ….Mexican is not offensive. What did they tell you that you are supposed to call them?
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 5 месяцев назад
@Tobias12293 5 месяцев назад
Just to have something to wine about
@yankee666-go4xg 5 месяцев назад
Sounds like a made up problem old lady
@tomcondon6169 5 месяцев назад
Latinis/Latinas denotes people from the Latin speaking countries of tge old Roman Empire, conquered by Arab countries, which eradicated the peoples white skin and blue, green, or grey eyes, leaving only brown eyes for the most part. There are exceptions.
@tomcondon6169 5 месяцев назад
Hispanic denotes people from Hispanolia. I just did a search to confirm. Hispanolia has been scrubbed. It was the area of the peninsula that Spain and Portugal occupy right now. I believe parts of France as well. Like Irish being carried away into slavery by Cromwell, and Irish slaves in America, Hispanolia has been scrubbed from history.
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 5 месяцев назад
So it’s ok to say Mexican?
@tomcondon6169 5 месяцев назад
a.) There is nothing wrong with Mexican. You are the first I've heard of it. You made it up, b.) American: Peruvian are Americans, as are Braxilians, Panamanians, Nicaraugyans, and Canadians. People in the United States are not, "Americans," by definition. We are United States citizens. We call ourselves Americans, everyone knows we do, but you can not define people in the United States as Americans.
@bullbunnies 5 месяцев назад
i didn't know mexican was derogatory are you sure about that?
@chethaynes5802 5 месяцев назад
Mexican is acceptable
@NIKNAK1 5 месяцев назад
If you’re from Mexico it’s fine…. But if they’re Spanish that’s insulting….. not everyone is Mexican that speaks Spanish….. just like you wouldn’t want to be called Korean if you’re from china or Japan just like Australians don’t want to be called kiwis…..it’s Hispanic…..
@noramero2955 5 месяцев назад
Says who? I am Mexican and that’s what I tell people.
@BeardedBeaver 5 месяцев назад
Why??? Well because even with global warming, we seem to have more snowflake's than ever. If they get offended, that's their problem, not mine
@Desertrebel48 5 месяцев назад
Stupid liberal
@shewanttheducky495 5 месяцев назад
My great grandparents were Mexican, my grandfather, my mother, and I are Americans. We're from America, born and raised. We may have Mexican blood but I'm an American more than I've ever been a Mexican.
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 5 месяцев назад
So you don’t feel it’s disrespectful to say, Mexican?
@shewanttheducky495 5 месяцев назад
@@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 absolutely not. A problem saying someone is Mexican. It's a Nationality, same as someone from India is Indian.
@georgiann6412 5 месяцев назад
I was born in the usa im hispanic, mexican, mexican american, american, north american, don't care. I'm a retired nurse, people constantly asked me where I'm from, arizona I'm from arizona.
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 5 месяцев назад
lol not funny that ppl ask. Just love your response ❤
@ParticleLarry 5 месяцев назад
They might be from Puerto Rico or South America.
@ramblingsofaninsomniac49 5 месяцев назад
But that’s why I specified if from Mexico. Not Venezia or Panama or Columbia. But if from Mexico, I feel there’s nothing wrong w/sYing Mexican?
@cwb_banshee_420 5 месяцев назад
I mean I kinda wanna too lol
@JoseQuintero-th3pu 5 месяцев назад
I'm good with you I prefer mexican