My channel specializes in creating the "Everything Possible" series' for games such as Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne, with more on the way. I enjoy any game that challenges me and pushes me to the breaking point. There are a number of exciting projects up ahead with the various Soulsborne games, and some other games planned from time to time to keep the channel varied.
I enjoy games with challenging gameplay like the Soulsbornes games, rogue-likes such as Rogue Legacy, action RPG's like Dragon's Dogma, and several others.
I love to interact with the community that has been growing up around the channel, so please don't hesitate to leave a comment or send me a message!
Email: bluelizardjello@gmail.com

@genxmonk70 Час назад
5:15 Blue meets his first actual Giant
@6xlord907 3 часа назад
I like the cyclical nature of having to start over. Now, if the straits weren't as dire, maybe a gimmick for each new attempt would mix things up, but honestly so far each start has been slightly different anyway. I get that max difficulty is challenging enough as is without straying from the formula for entertainment value, but then again I've never been able to get into the game without getting completely overwhelmed right off the bat, so I could be wrong.
@6xlord907 3 часа назад
Dang, gravity comes for us all -__-
@vinzclortho80 5 часов назад
I absolutely love this series. The restarts, setbacks, successes and the joy you have when playing have me hooked. Since you started posting these again, I look forward to them every day. Cheers!
@roxy.saints 7 часов назад
how can you get that if you're a sorcerer? that badge of vows?
@danny4fw 8 часов назад
this chapter is so bad , the game plays one way for 5 chapters and then chapter 6 feels odd and unfinished , I was close to stoping the game here and the only reason I kept playing is I knew the end was in sight
@DracoNobilis 8 часов назад
Blue Cloud Step coiuld have saved you a lot of frustration. Just saying😅 at least it eas the only way for me that I was able to land a 4 points heavy strike on the Inspector.
@Jea_4 14 часов назад
I like the playthroughs where you focus more on being organized. You don’t have to be OCD level, but your last playthrough was definitely driving me a little batty with all your messiness, haha. Really though, I just like watching you play this game no matter what you’re doing. Glad you continued with another season. I also see a season three, so…
@IottiPH 15 часов назад
Blue, you might be planting your trees too close. Don't know if it is, but it does look like it. Turning on the smart cursor with the acorn will plant them nicely apart if that's the case! Another "hotkey tip" is that right clicking is enough to equip stuff and you can use it to change itens that are equipped with the ones in vanity. It's pretty useful when you get the hang of it!
@nathan7605 15 часов назад
Hello, been a fan the expert hardcore run and it was thanks to you that my first ever run I reach hardmode safely... even though I died while farming the wall of flesh due to a fat finger on my end using recall potion.. so yea remove the potion/mirror from your hotbar when you're fighting him please if you are as clumsy as me 😂
@AkumaItachi 17 часов назад
I have to politely disagree with the fact that Ch6 is unfinished It being barren is the point, it is the mountain that Wukong and his people lived on, the one that was decimated by the Council You have 5 relics now, heading for the 6th one and the last step is to acquire Wukong's gear from the guais that were left there I really liked the theme there personally, it felt like the calm before ths storm
@SephOutkast 22 часа назад
Blue, I could watch you start over a hundred times and I would still love it. With this game, it's never boring.
@j.thomas1420 22 часа назад
For a potential S4, try playing on a "getfixedboi" seed. It's especially hard but extremely fun =)
@Bebopbopable День назад
Fuck yeah!
@jerrygross8073 День назад
If you haven't already played it, I hope that you'll do a playthrough of Stellar Blad.
@BlueLizardJello День назад
I haven't. I'm intrigued, but I don't know that it's a good fit for the channel.
@jerrygross8073 День назад
@@BlueLizardJello I respect your decision if you think it's not a good fit for your channel. I would like to know what types of games that you think is right, so that in the future I will know what to and not to recommend.
@ElkabongTex День назад
Good morning Blue, This chapter felt rushed to me. They just wanted to get the game to market so this is what we got. Chapter name is fitting, Unfinished.
@BlueLizardJello День назад
It's really not good. You're absolutely right, "Unfinished" is a fitting name.
@fzoulcmbyl2134 День назад
That's a shame, the environment looks amazing, sort of gives you a Jurassic Park vibe. I wonder if they will flesh it out with a DLC.
@bobatea2845 День назад
Hiya Blue! Loving the Series/s so far! It's a delight every time i see you on my home screen <3 •Here's a tip thats helped me through the early-game!: Getting Abigail pre- Queen Bee with the gravestones you 'collect' I find to be a massive boon thats saved me a lot of strife. Abigail can stun lock enemies like skeletons from throwing bones at you, and kill bees/ servants of Cthulhu with ease! Don't worry about it becoming a graveyard biome unless you have 4+ of them close together, but each sunflower negates 1 tombstone! Ofc play how you want Blue, its always a pleasure seeing how YOU overcome the games challenges. Take care and don't die <3
@BlueLizardJello День назад
I forgot all about Abigail! Of course, with a hardcore character, there's only one way to get gravestones...
@rodrigoalvarado9524 День назад
Dang. After all that building too... Honestly kind of impressive though, you were almost full health, panicked and used your shield of cthulu accidentally, you missed the hook & dodged landing on that treehouse both so millimetrically. But yea, fun series, will keep watching season 3. Cheers :)
@grymmjack День назад
Great episode
@BlueLizardJello День назад
Aw shucks
@fzoulcmbyl2134 День назад
These guys took me a few attempts to get past, as always...they seemed much more aggressive than they did here and they also cancelled several of my attacks/bonks. Chapter 6, almost done!
@BlueLizardJello День назад
I've hit a wall. Hard.
@grymmjack День назад
Lol just eventually. Plan flan.
@BlueLizardJello День назад
Mmm flan.
@grymmjack День назад
Doing good man
@BlueLizardJello День назад
This world is so generous!
@fzoulcmbyl2134 День назад
To your question of wasn't there a shrine after running the gauntlet of the big ball - It was right at the start of the side path, so basically you would start half way down the gauntlet path, around 4:10 .
@BlueLizardJello День назад
Yeah, but, that means I'd have to pay attention. Does that sound like me?
@shreyas7207 День назад
Blue, you are now able to go back to the great pagoda in chapter 3. You can choose to do so now, or after getting all the gear in chapter 6. Looking forward to seeing it!
@BlueLizardJello День назад
I went back. I wish I hadn't.
@fzoulcmbyl2134 День назад
I'll be interested in seeing this.
@NiksSofa День назад
The world gen makes this look like a totally different game, such nice large connected caves!
@BlueLizardJello День назад
The caves just keep going and going and going...
@NiksSofa День назад
@@BlueLizardJello Ohno. Now I'm interpreting any comment by you that ends with "..." as forshadowing of a new season...
@BlueLizardJello День назад
@@NiksSofa haha! I can tell you now that season 3 is still going :)
@NiksSofa День назад
@@BlueLizardJello phew :)
@Ltpancake420 День назад
Yk Blue I think you’d enjoy a baldurs gate play through. that’d be a long one though lol
@jacobchamberlain3047 День назад
I want you watching me while I sleep" 🤔 Seems a little sus Blue.
@BlueLizardJello День назад
Don't yuck my yum.
@YourACun..t День назад
Blue I barely started the game and already annoyed with the attack power does it get better in the game or does it stay constant where every fight will be the same challenge
@BlueLizardJello День назад
You never get truly powerful. The attack power creeps up slowly, but the enemies also get stronger so you never feel overpowered. You do get more abilities and tools and builds definitely make a huge difference, but this isn't Elden Ring where you can one-shot a boss with the right setup.
@YourACun..t День назад
@@BlueLizardJello thanks blue that’s exactly what I was wondering
@grimsworld День назад
you can replace blocks that are holding up sand instead of mining them, but you cant replace sand or silt, i like to have stone hotkeyed when mining. it seems to be the same speed as mining but idk
@BlueLizardJello День назад
That is very, very smart.
@arzog6446 2 дня назад
well diamond staff is only like 2 dmg more than ruby and ruby uses one less mana i think
@BlueLizardJello День назад
I believe it pierced more enemies though, doesn't it?
@xaxaq1624 День назад
@@BlueLizardJello Both the diamond staff and the ruby staff pierce through 1 enemy.
@BlueLizardJello День назад
@@xaxaq1624 well dang! I was wrong. And now I know!
@ChrisScottStockman 2 дня назад
And we got dragon's Dogma 2 and it's really tedious and it takes 2 hours to get out of the tutorial
@BlueLizardJello День назад
The tutorial was too long and the endgame was boring, but I really enjoyed Dragons Dogma 2!
@KiallVunMyeret 2 дня назад
29:40 You could say that you're 'blue'sing it
@BlueLizardJello День назад
You could. But please don't.
@ElkabongTex 2 дня назад
The True Ending approaches Blue is crushing it.
@SLADE3128 2 дня назад
For the bull armor, you can only get the set by going through new game plus. They have quite a few items/upgrades/spell/portraits hidden there. Though it doesn't really change the game unfortunately, and ultimately feels like a victory lap with more power. I was hoping for some improved bosses, cause I had read it, but they never really felt like it.
@Yamayamauchiman 2 дня назад
You're making me want to replay! If you want to do some things differently, I'd suggest going underground a bit more aggressively on day 1 and just restarting if you die. You'll get your starter gear (hook/boots/double jump) a bit faster and especially that early HP will prove invaluable. If you die, it'll only be on day 1/2 so you can ditch the footage entirely (or make a video of your deaths). Your question on hardcore: I doubt people will care if you don't play hardcore. Skilled/risky gameplay seems to be the way to go, making things enticing.
@BlueLizardJello 2 дня назад
Oh nooo. That would be awful! I bet there are some open speedrun categories ;)
@preacherplays 2 дня назад
After two seasons talking about a hellevator, you finally decided to almost build one. Then I was afraid you were going to fall.
@BlueLizardJello 2 дня назад
Almost kinda maybe! Sort of.
@blind_playthroughs 2 дня назад
Great episode! Fun fact, there's a spot in the ice wall of the Bishui Cave Beast arena that if he breaks it, you can go through and he will follow you and his moveset will turn to an ice variant - which looks like its easier. From my understanding, the rewards are the same.
@DracoNobilis 2 дня назад
Blue I killed the Bishui beast first try too (though how I hqve no idea) so I didnt get t0 see it either but myvfriend told me this fight aqctually extends to two more arenas and in the next arena he turns completely ice. Would have been cool to see.