Andy Sterkowitz
Andy Sterkowitz
Andy Sterkowitz
Why I Haven't Been Posting
11 месяцев назад
How to Learn to Code in 2023
Год назад
Full Stack Development Explained
2 года назад
5 RULES to Write Better Code
3 года назад
@HrissW 9 часов назад
Wow Still L
@amigalemming День назад
If you want to understand how CPUs work, do not use C languages but use assembly language directly.
@mmmar7317 День назад
TL;DR Yes.
@NewJayqwe2 2 дня назад
At A-Levels, I remember hating Chemistry since I was so bad at it but because it was a major weakness of mine, I worked on it and felt as if I had done a 180 degree turn with the subject, was proud of myself by the time exams came around buut need to do this now with programming 😤😤
@TheLucanicLord 2 дня назад
Programming itself requires hardly any. It depends on the problem domain. A typical business app isn't going to use much beyond add subtract and multiply. Games, you're going to need more geometry. Logistics optimization, you're talking stats & calculus.
@davidcull5983 2 дня назад
lmfao... "for those of you who don't know databases are like spreadsheets"... When I was being taught MySQL in 2018 the tutor asked if anyone knew what a database was, my response was "Glorified Spreadsheet"
@vamsikrishna- 3 дня назад
your video is very informative my issue is i break down the problem and i know what Data Structure to use to solve the problem but i cant think of what changes to make to the DS to solve the problem
@Kevin-jb2pv 4 дня назад
My first language was QBasic, then C++, then visual Basic, then Java, then years later I learned Python. My opinion on this is that, well, if you are learning programming on your own, and you can't figure out how to get Python or C# _running..._ Then maybe you should consider taking a class, instead. If you can't follow online setup instructions and figure out how to get up and running with Python, Java, or C[X], then I don't really know how you're going to be able to learn programming independently. Yeah, there's a little setup for these, but there's a bajillion tutorials online that give you clear as well as fully narrated videos that walk you through every step from clicking the download link to opening the IDE, and I think that anyone interested in learning how to program should _probably_ be expected to be able to manage following said instructions. I'm not saying, "if you can't set these up on your own then *_DON'T EVEN BOTHER TRYING TO LEARN HOW TO PROGRAM LOL!"_* But what I *_AM_* saying is that if someone can't follow an online tutorial to even get started, then their level of experience with computers is probably low enough that they're unlikely to get very far with learning on their own in the first place. Maybe they should try taking some basic courses (online or IRL) to learn some basic - intermediate level computer use skills before trying to dive right into programming. And if they do want to skip straight into the code, then that's fine, but that person would almost _certainly_ benefit _greatly_ from receiving instruction from a teacher who can help to fill in those gaps in knowledge. I just think that if someone can't figure out how to get these set up, they're unlikely to have the computer use, reading comprehension (AKA ability/ maturity needed to follow written instructions), and/ or problem solving skills (not to mention a tinkerer's temperament) to troubleshoot their way through the installation hurdles. Programming is _all about_ slamming your head into the desk and screaming in frustration to find that one misplaced semicolon that's causing your program to crash randomly or just refuse to compile. I think anyone who lacks the patience and willingness to tinker through the setup process is unlikely to have the right temperament to try and learn programming _by themself._ That doesn't mean they shouldn't _ever_ learn, just that they would probably benefit greatly from having another meat puppet like themself standing near enough to them to help point errors out on the screen and explain things to them. C++, for beginner level programming, isn't really _that_ hard, IMO. Yeah, C++ _can_ get ridiculously complex real quick, but if we're just talking about someone trying to learn how to print "Hello World" or use a for loop to display a specific number of crude dick drawings on screen, then I don't think it's really too much of a leap. Are they _better off_ with something like Python to start with? ehhh... Probably. Is it an impenetrable barrier that no beginner could ever be expected to grapple with? No, I don't really think so. The commands are a little more opaque, but once you learn those and get a grasp of the universal fundamentals of programming, I think it's not as bad as a lot of people say it is. We're talking about _basic_ level shit, here. They'll probably run into a steeper learning curve the further they try to progress in C++, but I think that even then it's not as bad as some people make it out to be. I think PHP is an... Interesting choice, but not completely insane. If someone is really, really interested in learning how to do backend web development, then it's basically the go-to. Also I've never in my life heard someone suggest that someone pick up SQL as a first "language." IDK what sick person hurt you or someone you love(d), but I'm truly sorry that someone so disturbed is running around in the world spreading their sick form of chaotic evil. (Though I guess if one were wanting to learn PHP as a first language, then SQL probably couldn't be avoided for very long...)
@user-zd5rx7qr2o 4 дня назад
swift is very easy to get started with you just go to the swift playground
@jstnflnt 4 дня назад
Thanks for the beginner-friendly explanation
@alphadog_18 5 дней назад
I'm a first-year student, and I've been learning three programming languages: Java, C#, and Python. So far, I have been able to create a calculator GUI
@gasparcaraballe825 5 дней назад
C/C++ --> C#/Java --> Python, PHP, JavaScript. That is my programming journey.
@FrederichPedersen 5 дней назад
I have an addition to the "capstone pyramid", there is a place beyond the capstone, which is solving problems that real humans actually are facing. Which in terms of programming means, build something that solves a problem for someone out there, and either make it open source, or try to monetize it somehow.
@i93sme 5 дней назад
Learn first to program not a programming language. Learn to solve a problem and create a decent algorithm for it. Then you can translate that in your language of choice. Plus this video is total BS, your employer and team and project will dictate the language in use.
@fenmadeveloper4541 5 дней назад
What about .NET MAUI? The language is c#
@MarkMcMillen2112 6 дней назад
Nice video, however, I'm way past my "first" programming language. I learned Basic back in high school in 1984, then Fortran in college, and I've done a bit of VBA in Excel, but mostly I haven't been a programmer for 30 years, so it feels like I'm starting from scratch. I'm trying to learn Python in my spare time and even that feels pretty overwhelming.
@rezaghasemzadeh9440 7 дней назад
it's not that hard
@vrakitine 9 дней назад
In Software Engineering, besides programming paradigms and methodologies, I would also highlight Worlds... In the context of software engineering, I discuss an interesting question with my students - what is primary, the Hole or the Bagel body (the algorithm or the code)? Does the Hole generate the Bagel, or does the Bagel body create the Hole, or did the Hole exist before the Bagel body? After that, we move on to discussing two Worlds of software engineering: Algorithm-centric and Code-centric, similar to our understanding of whether the Sun revolves around the Earth or vice versa, the Earth revolves around the Sun. It's very interesting to listen to their reasoning on this topic. In v-agent oriented programming (VAOP), Finite State Machine Programming, and model-driven engineering, we support the Algorithm-centric world with our methodologies, while for many, the Sun continues to revolve around the Earth, and there are no other options. For example, read what representatives of the Code-centric software world write: "The code is the algorithm. The code implements the algorithm. Therefore, the code documents the algorithm automatically." Such zealous Code-centrists burned Giordano Bruno for saying that the Earth is not the center of the Universe, but the Algorithm is. It's best to start familiarizing yourself with VAOP with this article on Medium: "Bagels and Muffins of Programming or How Easy It Is to Convert a Bagel into a Black Hole".
@BlueRabbit_ 9 дней назад
Well, to be honest I feel like I'm failing. It's almost a year now and I know that probably I'm not ready for a Junior role. But... I don't want to do anything else because I've never invested so much time in learning a new skill, it should mean something right ? If you really didn't want to do something or don't like something you quit before 3 months, that's my opinion at least.
@floramerano6293 9 дней назад
Fuck Leetcode. BIG WASTE OF TIME!!!
@JordanICM 9 дней назад
I don't think ANY of these things will help you. They're just skills that you develop along the way. Stating these skills will not magically make you think like a programmer. There's no shortcuts. Study and struggle through it like everyone does. And the best advice I can think of is find whatever random thing you're interested in and do your own projects that you enjoy. You'll learn in school, but if you enjoy some random area of programming, then you'll dive deeper in your own hobby projects and learn more through them.
@izzy-wt9sr 10 дней назад
I initially learned JavaScript and Python
@Aidandgaf 10 дней назад
I don't see any reason not learn a language, or even not to learn anything with opportunity or desire.
@antoinebguitar2869 11 дней назад
Im at like end of first year of school, at first it was fun learning the language and how to do things and now its frameworks on top of framworks and all of it just to learn another framework. So far the learning to building ratio is 80% to 20%, I learn a new framework just to build the same old boring employee/products app over and over.
@DylanMorisson 11 дней назад
C++ was my first language. I wrote my first game in it at 14 but I will admit it was a pain in the ass.
@qwarlockz8017 11 дней назад
Oh no! I really hope you get up to full speed soon my friend! You are great and really helpful. You are appreciated.
@LuealEythernddare 12 дней назад
Thing is that you literally said not to learn these for first languages? C#, Java, Python, etc are what the vast majority of university courses will teach as first languages. My last university taught a bit of VB to get basics in, then dropped the students straight into C#. I transferred into WGU, and there is no guarantee you'll be put in a Python or JS class before either the Java or C# (WGU Software Engineering gives you a choice between Java or C# classes). So as I eluded, most universities will put you into Java or C# first. Maybe it's different when you have a professor who'll give directions on how to get IntelliJ or Visual Studio up and running?
@marciac95 12 дней назад
Took me 4.5 months but costed my mental health
@zedev444 12 дней назад
clickbait opinionated beard for a neck yeah this guy going on my blocklist
@dirkstark2870 13 дней назад
@ger5956 14 дней назад
Would you change any of this advice if you made this video today?
@gunbuster363 15 дней назад
Bullshit. We don't need more junior developers who don't care about fundamentals and have no idea what they are doing. If they don't have the ability to get a Java/C++ program running, they are not made for software development.
@JasonMu-xw1fc 16 дней назад
I'm hurry.l started with java it is OK to start but l takes time Im planing to start machine learning from zero to hero ...😅
@christiancontreras4492 16 дней назад
I took an introduction CS class with C++ as an elective in college and it scared me away from programming for years 😭. Definitely wasn’t the path for me.
@samsepiol5533 17 дней назад
Thank you! I tried learning C# and spent 4 hours just trying to set it up only to have to factory reset my Mac and restore from Time Machine. Python has been much better for me (once set up properly) and I’m down to try JS!
@LeakersBanger 19 дней назад
I wanna make apps what direction can you point me to
@valdimer11 19 дней назад
Imo the only way to get better at thinking like a program is just too program. The more problems you solve, the easier it is. (Unless you are just going to stack for the answer without understanding WHY that fixes your problem)
@alexguerrazzi 19 дней назад
I started from Pascal, then C++ then java. I think best programmingf language to start is VB, is simple and does It all. Can't understand because Microsoft get rid of It. But VB is really helpful to start learning programming
@nikolakosanovic9931 19 дней назад
1:55 It made sense to me instantly I would probably name it is24
@rederickfroders1978 19 дней назад
Also Actionscript
@svevianadelsius5154 19 дней назад
What programming language that is important is not the same for all people/companies. A very big company need other things than a person that only code for fun. So think about what's important for you. It can be speed, that it must work for millions of code lines, that it gets you a job. If you have it as a hobby you don't need those things. What you need is a way to get help if you get stuck. It can happen that you like to program so much that you decide later to start a company or get an education. But you can change programming language then. Most programmers have started programming in a programming language they don't use at work.
@baambaam3976 20 дней назад
At first I thought would problematic, becoming to reliant to ChatGPT, the way people do things will become solely reliant to chatGPT but overtime I grew to accept it and it's now a useful tool for coding projects when ever I ever get stuck.
@rtothec1234 20 дней назад
One I will add to this is not understanding one’s local dev environment and/or not knowing how to set up one’s tooling. One time we hired a guy could not troubleshoot his own dev environment and would not try to learn. He expected other devs to do it for him. Eventually we let him go. He was dead weight since he’d manage to screw up his dev environment a lot.
@Piston1776 21 день назад
Hey I just wanted to say thank you for this video. I am somebody that struggles horribly with perfectionism and it has held me back from a lot of opportunity in my life because I always felt like whatever I made wasn't good enough and I wasn't worthy. I have so many broken coding projects instead of just saying its good enough and finishing it. So going forward I'm going to take this with me and accept that it's good enough. SHIP IT!
@sigmatraooo9915 21 день назад
You can create gold with element from periodick table., By fusion. Actualy this is hapening in the sun.
@MrJayspeaks 22 дня назад
Yes, why not? ChatGPT writes and debugs all of my code already. Companies are not going to pay “developers” $250K a year to write code. Those days are over or soon will be. Work remote from Bali or Portugal for $60K. More than enough to live a great life.
@user-ho9fq7bm7v 22 дня назад
To code the right way is to study it official in a university or school.
@ninorielpatalinghug7026 23 дня назад
where's the link sir
@sarasaleem7420 23 дня назад
I heard somwhere that coding is to programming what typing is to writing. Writing relates to ideas and thinking while typing is the execution of those ideas . Similarly, learning to code doesn't guarantee programming skills. You have to think and think again and try builing ideas and methods then code them away. This is a simple reminder but is very effective when you're actually stuck in the loop with no growth in programming skills.
@Dennis-yl3cf 24 дня назад
okay so where should I practice them