Pyjama Princess
Pyjama Princess
Pyjama Princess
•♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪•
I love my life, even the dark hallways since I stopped listening to the negative voices in my head....Anyway, the light is on and someone special is home....and that person is meeee!!!

5 things that about sums me up:
1) My name's Reine.
2) My husband is Winsly.
3) We have 3 beautiful cats Biscotto, Brioche and Tea whom we are crazy about.
4) I'm a Filipina who now lives in Italy and works as a freelance translator and cultural mediator.
5) And I'm a professional bathroom singer. But only when the door's closed. Because even if I still believe in miracles, other people may not and they may sue.

•♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• •♫♪ ♥ ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪•
la tortura / terapia alla Mariella
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Singkil warrior prince particular
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Biske, Bree-Bree & Teina
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So Close - Jessica & Clayde
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Winsly & Irene
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Hotel Croce di Savoia
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our cat Brioche playing with Ipad
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Crazy Cats and Chocolate Candies
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Biscotto, Brioche e Tea
11 лет назад
@ericules5558 Месяц назад
Confidence is good, but heart and personality are what matter to me, don't have those I see no point entertaining even a days relationship with ya.
@Original50 5 месяцев назад
All men soul's are 13 years old. They learn more skills and earn better pocket-money as they age, but they stay in psychic puberty their whole lives. 😊
@uwancarbonel2776 5 месяцев назад
No. Man attract to woman who say hi first.
@sunsets7201 6 месяцев назад
This from a genetically slim woman, who used to be very confident: men do like confident women -- for fun, adventure, sex, etc. but not for long term partners. They prefer to choose a less gorgeous looking, less confident woman to be their partner. Why? Because that does NOT make them feel THREATENED. A confident, smart, pretty woman freaks men out. There are VERY few who can handle it. Just look around and see how many ugly, unhealthy looking couples there are while all the pretty women are single. Is it their fault? I don't think so. In my opinion, men have a much worse confidence problem, especially when a woman surpasses them in any way -- looks, education, intelligence, skills, career, money, even height. How many men are happy with a taller girlfriend? Please explain that. Most of the differences you talk about have a lot more to do with how people were brought up, traditional marital roles and their emotional intelligence.
@masetrucking6048 6 месяцев назад
If women don’t think too highly of themselves it’s because they have been conditioned to think that their only value is in attraction.
@ghostwriter3587 Год назад
Hail line of durin. It will never be broken.
@AshrafIslam-t1m Год назад
Not true. Shy and modest women are very attractive as well.
@syebethel Год назад
A single woman who is "confident" marries and becomes "difficult" or a "b%*$h".
@Clarisse-y2y Год назад
It's not true that only white women have this issue...this lack of confidence. When you say women of color I'm assuming you also mean Asian women. We do also deal with lack of confidence in ourselves. Have you met an Asian mother? She's the very one who instills in her children this lack. MANY Asian moms point out to their kids all their flaws and shortcomings. Trust me, this is not only a problem white women face.
@angusmackaskill3035 Год назад
@davemathews7890 Год назад
@methrowrecords Год назад
Keep it real, a nice rack.
@bubblefish76 Год назад
He's already exposing the real core of the problem. When mentioned Queen Latifah... she's "healthy" as she is not slim. So our problem is not our brains, it's the F*king stereotypes society/men/etc is pushing with their undeniable preferences about how a woman should look to be liked. I'm no buying this guy's Bs about women being self depreciating by nature. We've been constantly subjected since childhood to criticism and rejection, based solely on how our body is shaped.
@youtubeuser4181 Год назад
Funny stuff,... and an interesting perspective! Where are all these diffident, insecure women? Well, anyway that has not been my experience with White women, and I'm almost 60 years old. And why make the racial comparison anyway? Just making the comparison can create resentment, jealousy, and competition. Pitting women against one another. How many Black or Hispanic women do you know well enough to say that we are very confident? Are you basing that solely on outward appearances, and a MOVIE? If we're going to draw conclusions based on movies, more specifically a woman 'coming across as very sexy' in a movie, then there goes your whole premise! Maybe it just surprised you that the movie allowed you to see a big, beautiful, Black Queen that way. There are cultural difference that can create different insecurities in women. Black and Hispanic cultures do not look down on full figured, healthy, "thick" women, so weight will probably not be the issue. There are other insecurities. But adversity can and does breed inner strength and determination. And where are all of these men that just LOVE confident women? Men are intimidated and threatened by confident women. Women should not base their self-value on what men may think (collectively) or how they behave. "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." Love yourself, and let it emanate. That's a lot of love all around. That should be the message❣
@ravenouspathogen Год назад
Times have changed, a confident woman is now why many many many MANY men are going their own way or taking their talents overseas.
@shaohanyu6917 2 года назад
This is incredible! This deserves to be viral !!
@roberthoward1950 2 года назад
@sonyamihaylova1433 2 года назад
Sta scritto: Esodo - 20: 1-26 20 E Dio diede tutti questi comandamenti, dicendo: 2 “Io sono Geova tuo Dio, che ti ho fatto uscire dall'Egitto, dal paese di schiavitù. 3 Non avrai altri dèi all'infuori di me. 4 Non farai per te alcuna immagine scolpita, né somiglianza di alcuna cosa che è lassù nel cielo, o che è sotto la terra, o che è nell'acqua sotto la terra. 5 Non prostrarti davanti a loro e non servirli, perché io, l'Eterno, il tuo DIO, sono un Dio di grande devozione. Per le trasgressioni dei padri ho punito i figli fino alla terza e alla quarta generazione di quelli che mi odiano, 6 ma ho pietà anche della millesima generazione di quelli che mi amano e osservano i miei comandamenti.7 Non usare il nome del tuo Dio, Geova, in modo indegno, poiché Geova non lascerà impuniti coloro che usano il suo nome in modo indegno. 8 Ricordati del giorno di sabato e santificalo per te. 9 Sei giorni lavorò e fece tutto il suo lavoro. 10 Ma il settimo giorno è un sabato di consacrazione all'Eterno, il tuo Dio. Né tu, né tuo figlio, né tua figlia, né il tuo schiavo, né il tuo schiavo, né il tuo bestiame, né lo straniero che abita nella tua città. 11 Poiché in sei giorni Geova fece i cieli, la terra, il mare e tutto ciò che è in essi, + e il settimo giorno si riposò.Quindi Geova benedisse il giorno del Signore e lo santificò.12 Onora tuo padre e tua madre, affinché tu viva a lungo nel paese che l'Eterno, il tuo DIO, ti dà. 13 Non uccidere! 14 Non commettere adulterio. 15 Non rubare! 16 Non testimoniare il falso contro il tuo prossimo. 17 Non desidererai la casa del tuo prossimo. Non desidererai la moglie del tuo prossimo, né il suo schiavo, né la sua serva, né il suo bue, né il suo asino, né alcuna cosa che sia del tuo prossimo.Ecclesiaste 12 - 13.14 Ascoltiamo la fine di tutta la parola: temete Dio e osservate i suoi comandamenti, perché questo è tutto per l'uomo; 14 Per ogni cosa nascosta, Dio renderà giustizia ogni azione, buona o cattiva."E vidi un altro angelo volare in mezzo al cielo, avendo il vangelo eterno da predicare a coloro che abitano sulla terra, e a ogni nazione, tribù, lingua e popolo. E disse ad alta voce: Temi Dio e rendigli gloria, perché è venuta l'ora in cui giudicherà; e adora Colui che ha fatto il cielo e la terra, il mare e le sorgenti delle acque.E un altro angelo, un secondo, lo seguì, dicendo: La grande Babilonia è caduta, è caduta, ha fatto bere a tutte le genti il vino della sua fornicazione. E un altro, un terzo angelo, li seguì e disse ad alta voce: Se uno adora la bestia e la sua immagine e riceve un marchio sulla sua fronte o sulla sua mano, berrà del vino dell'ira di Dio , che è preparato puramente nella coppa della Sua ira; e sarà tormentato con fuoco e zolfo davanti ai santi angeli e davanti all'Agnello. E il fumo del loro tormento sarà per sempre; e coloro che adorano la bestia e la sua immagine non avranno riposo né giorno né notte, né chiunque accetti il marchio del suo nome.Ciò richiede la pazienza dei santi, di coloro che osservano i comandamenti di Dio, e la fede in Gesù” (Apocalisse 14, 6-12). Eppure è scritto: Temi Dio e rendigli gloria, perché è venuta l'ora del suo giudizio e adora colui che ha fatto il cielo, la terra, il mare e le sorgenti d'acqua ”(Apocalisse 14: 6, 7). Sta scritto: Giovanni 3:16: Poiché Dio ha tanto amato il mondo, che ha dato il suo Figlio unigenito, affinché chiunque crede in lui non muoia, ma abbia vita eterna. E chi rifiuta il dono della salvezza è scritto: Apocalisse 14:10 Egli berrà anche del vino dell'ira di Dio, che è preparato puro nel calice della sua ira, e sarà tormentato con fuoco e zolfo davanti ai santi angeli e davanti all'Agnello.nifesti, né nulla di nascosto che non sia conosciuto e venga fuori. Luca 8:17. Questo mondo se ne va e se vuoi essere salvato, rendi gloria al tuo Creatore, pentiti! Luca 6:31 - E come vorreste che gli uomini facessero a voi, fate anche voi a loro. E questo è il versetto d'oro della Bibbia: Poiché Dio ha tanto amato il mondo, che ha dato il suo unigenito Figlio, affinché chiunque crede in lui non muoia, ma abbia vita eterna.Giovanni 3:16 Dio vi benedica!
@myusbisbroken7898 2 года назад
I can testify that this is extremely accurate. There’s this one girl that I knew in my teenage years who otherwise would’ve been about average to below average in terms of attractiveness, but her confidence made her downright SEXY. She came out like 2 years after I had a crush on her but we’re still really good friends to this day.
@jodirowe2996 2 года назад
I am intelligent, confident, sensual,; men say they love it…until they say they are intimidated by my kindness cannot be everlasting
@gaikbeelee3642 3 года назад
A stand up comedian..
@noneofyourbuizness 2 года назад
Get some help
@matildamaher2650 3 года назад
I’m from India, living in a western country, I was so surprised to hear about eating disorder.
@christianhafer9819 3 года назад
This guy is actually pretty funny. I'm getting married, and we had to take this PreCana class, and the couple teaching the class played clips of this guy. I was quite amused.
@44aske 3 года назад
he is a comedian
@kitcarson9047 3 года назад
GIRLS. .....what turns a man's head more than anything else.....is the fire in your eyes and spirit that shows you desire him....and a look like you haven't eaten in three days... .a man will always come home to that......
@youtubeuser4181 Год назад
@kubes8388 3 года назад
it's not black or white confidence from others. you need it but it's not perfect, never will be. trust in yourself doing the right thing tho, having that type of confidence ends up being the only thing that isn't as flaky as people, ur together with urself until the very end.
@dottyjyoung 3 года назад
What an idiot. 10 bucks says he's in the closet.
@dramastars11 3 года назад
@jehubenyhvh6872 3 года назад
An authentic Female image, is the girl, inside, making their clothes outside, look pretty ... smile ... Taught my daughter that "she" is always beautiful, and ""she makes" her clothes " look pretty"" ... Not the other way around ... Why do we spend so much time and $$ on our appearance? "Fear of being judged" by other humans, correct? Sad face 😢 Insecurities lead to comparison, comparison leads to judgement, judgement leads to abandonment, betrayal and rejection ... The 3 cords of hell ... Go vertical and be affirmed by God instead of humans ... Selah
@hijamparvati6116 3 года назад
Ur such a comedian.....really laughing god ly make differ betn men n women no 1 cnt defined
@СнежанаНешић 3 года назад
So, can some boy explain to us girls why would Barbie have to walk on all four? 🤣
@AryenQuitlong 3 года назад
Beautiful rendition to my favorite song, good job! Thank you for making this 👍
@sawderf741 4 года назад
I think things might have changed quite a bit in the last decade so keep in mind this is a little out of date. And is older than its upload.
@sawderf741 4 года назад
On tinder 50% of women are considered above average by men. And less than 20% of men are considered above average by women. Please I just want chaos in the replies. Please no common sense or understandings thank you.
@curtisstapleton7167 4 года назад
Queen Latifah. IS A SEXY WOMAN !!!!!
@chrischance7746 4 года назад
Look all men are not attracted by the same things to a woman , that's why we all fall to different types of people. To some a nice ass and small waist is the thing and to others something else....
@khushieverma 4 года назад
I don't understand the barbie joke
@sawderf741 4 года назад
Big huge busts no waist. She be too top heavy.
@brentfaiza1597 4 года назад
Count the strong independent women who have a great plans in life! Good video😂
@markgungor7013 3 года назад
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family (Matthew 22:39) you shall love your neighbour as your self, (Jeremiah29:11) for I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +09159559256) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you... ......
@zankozjan5132 4 года назад
I love mems and everything...But this is superior
@user-tk4qd8dj1p 4 года назад
Hard to be confident as a woman when finding and sorting through men to find a husband means every guy you politely reject, insults degrades belittles and violates your self esteem. Dating is so brutal.
@brysonorosa632 4 года назад
Oof Shouldn't be like that :/ sry to hear you've had a hard time of it. Don't listen to guys like that, look for people who are kind and level headed. I'm not trying to make it sound easy, I went years looking for a girl who was that, and any but interested in me lol. But being "picky" really pays off
@screeningmimi 4 года назад
Anyone still here from 90 Day Fiance? ;D
@florenceward6954 4 года назад
Hahahaha he so true
@Mudsville1 4 года назад
Maganda pagkasalin, pero sa.last chorus, rhyming wise mas maganda sana kung sinulat at inawit mo sya ng ganito ang lyrics Inasam ng kay tagal Na ikaw ay mapagmasdan At sa pusong nagmamahal Sa wakas ay matagpuan
@Infinitebrandon 4 года назад
I'm sorry but what a dork. Is he a Christian pastor or something? Overly religious people are so out of touch with Gods reality whenever they think they know it all. Hey pastor, you need a soul to be funny
@panagiotiskostastheoktisto6709 4 года назад
Do you people understand if it was not for women man would live for ever we would never have anyone to tell us what is deadly simply we would never figure it out
@substancenotvibes.4914 4 года назад
Dudes and dudettes. Hol'up. What is the gentleman's name? Anybody?
@sawderf741 4 года назад
Mark Gungor
@witnesskihiyo5208 4 года назад
I am fearful and wonderful made ...Praise God!
@sabrinawanderer7560 4 года назад
I don't care who doesn't like me. I'm not so stupid not to know what they're up to. I just keep on loving people even if it means i get hurt in the end. It's better to be hurt than be the cause of someone's heartbreak... It's better to give than always receive...God is love and we should love like that.
@mac243877 4 года назад
Was sad to hear recently marks wife Debbie passed away in 2017,
@youtubeuser4181 Год назад
@davebb36 4 года назад
Men appreciate a woman who appreciate what men do for them.
@sawderf741 4 года назад
Hell yeah