Glenn Diesen
Glenn Diesen
Glenn Diesen
NATO's War on Ukraine
Месяц назад
@iRelevant.47.system.boycott 15 часов назад
A totalitærian regime is taking us to war.
@jan-martinulvag1953 15 часов назад
That this video dont have 300 000 views already tells me that something is very wrong in the world of ordinary people . A nuclear war will surely wake up these sleepers
@wgs85 16 часов назад
Tusen takk Glenn 👍 følger ikke norske politikere med ? Støre er vel ikke ond, eller dum ? Hva har skjedd med dem ? For ikke å snakke om stillheten rundt ns2
@wgs85 16 часов назад
Maybe this whole thing will lead to the dismanteling of the EU as it now more and more resembles the USA in all the wrong ways. Elite far away from the people. Patting eachothers back.
@danieleleopaldi4667 18 часов назад
Dangerous, ignorant, violent, arrogant and much more negative characterized the most of the European and Scandinavian leaders, politicians and journalists. We are in deep crisis and it is a shame! Glenn Diesen, one of the few objective, brave and hionest intellectuals. Thank you Glenn!
@user-mn7sg2cz1t 18 часов назад
Ukraine, which has been carrying out decommunization in the country since 2004, lustration, abolition of the Communist Party, demolition of monuments to Lenin, went to Communist China to bow down. We in Russia just laugh at how one can be such idiots, corrupt, vile Nazis. They killed their own people, and now they bow to the Chinese Communist Party. You can see that they are convinced people at the head of Ukraine.
@jameslawrie3807 18 часов назад
Israel is allowed in the Olympics while Russia and Belarus are not. The whole world watches this sort of sanctimonious hypocrisy in disgust and the West is oblivious.
@AntoinetteJanssen 18 часов назад
I wonder what exactly has created the U-turn in UrsulavdL.'s career as, in the first place, a mother, who created new lives, and now on the top of live killers, further: the U-turn in her career of being a gynaecologist, a.o. helping women to get children, so supporting nature in creating new life, and now, as the opposing to create life killing life of not a few, but tens of thousands, and who knows how many in the nearby future. WHAT can change a human being from the one side of the red line, where life is respected and honoured, to far over the red line into the direction of death and destruction?
@danilsimble4389 18 часов назад
Tusen takk, Glenn, for den jobben du gjør med å formidle et mer nyansert bilde!
@JK-gw1yf 18 часов назад
Thank you Glenn. You are the only one seeing the whole, as for ex noticing how France has become US friendly.... most likely after recent years of hybrid attacks on France, not.least Niger and arranged violent demonstrations last few years. The question is how and if Europe can avoid a US proxy war starting with possible covert proxy missile attacks from Finland....??
@Longtermthinking 19 часов назад
I disagree with the term suicide. This is not a self sacrifice. It is the sacrifice of the futures of their people but not them.
@emanuellasker3650 19 часов назад
The Great Division of the Lord If only the EU understood that the Way of the Lord is Concentrated Order! Then they would fear that Russia need only continue steering close to it, keeping her sails as full of its righteousness as she can, and depriving the West of more than the little it is willing to hoist its spirit toward. For this is the great division of the Lord! The wicked cannot know it: he desireth not the truth; he hateth the orderings of righteousness, and loveth his own belly -- he revileth the fear of the Lord. O, let me not come into the counsels of the wicked, nor shall I sup with godless men -- but I shall seek the Word of the Lord, and in His righteousness will I trust. Remember me, O Lord, that from Thy wrath I may withal escape.
@bsure4 20 часов назад
Are the Zionists controlling the EU as they are the State Dept?? the Project of the New American Century was the Aggressive policy promoted by P Wolfowitz and it is still in force. It was and is a subterfuge to back up Israel expansion with US military strength. Blinken is closely associated with D Kagan, W Kristol and was an ardent promoter of the Iraq war .
@moderate1452 20 часов назад
After the penny dropped in Paris I conclude that we no longer require or need Western Values and Morals. Love ZA Edit: The rules based order if you will. lol;
@davidcritchley3509 20 часов назад
The Western public, by and large, have been primed over many years to perceive Russia and the USSR as one and the same entitly. A dictatorship over which there can be no concessions. That Putin invaded Ukraine as a naked power grab. They present no factual proof for either of these assertions. They present it as a truism beyond deconstruction or criticism. Creating a propaganda-driven mindset within the Western public. Putin doesn't really care who is US president. They are untrustworthy and inconsistent. What happens on the battlefield will decide this.
@GraceCanadaful 20 часов назад
I am an old woman living in Canada. It is of my own opinion, that all troubles started when women enter politics in the huge number. That should never had happened. Women, generally speaking, base decisions on feelings not reason. Very few are rational and diplomatic. Women changed political landscape.
@_-martin-_ 20 часов назад
An interesting perspective. My country of Denmark has a female PM and she definitely fits your description. She bases her decisions of feelings not reason. She is one of the main reasons Denmark has sent 3 times more money to Ukraine compared to the US relative to country size.
@Xcoria 21 час назад
They have cast aside all pretence of democracy in their desperation. It's all unraveling, the world is tired of the Western yoke and now we have that most dangerous thing, hope.
@AgentBlackCrow 21 час назад
What a fantastic interview, full of great questions and answers. One for my ‘favourites’ folder.
@davidk6269 21 час назад
I applaud Orban's determination to follow a policy that is consistent with Hungary's best-interest; however, from the moment that he assumed the rotating EU Presidency and started to make efforts to start a peace process to resolve the Ukrainian fiasco, it was obvious that the EU would act swiftly and with great malice to punish Hungary and Orban. I hope that Hungary is able to weather the storm and able to pursue policies that are consistent with its long-term national interest.
@my1my181 21 час назад
Stoltenberg is a war criminal
@wennerstierna 21 час назад
Go full feminism and EU leadership and you'll end up with 'diplomacy' in the style of divorce and custody battles templates.
@_-martin-_ 21 час назад
The EU leadership is a bunch of morons of the highest order! They are not working for European interests but for US interests! It is like shooting yourself in the foot!
@terrencedludlu8370 22 часа назад
Great discussion 👍🏽. 🇿🇦
@adrianmorris5546 23 часа назад
Glenn Diecen and Lena Petrova you always bring such an incredible background history and indepth analysis you talk so clear thinking and hope that One day European leaders can grow a brain as vast majority can break the chains from the West and the United States the EU are waging war never peace talks
@phoebusapollo4677 День назад
Who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline? Why is the western press quiet about it?
@henrikisberg4869 День назад
But we (Europe) cannot wait for US to change. That is only helplessness or selfinflicted subordination. We must wake up ourselves, show some confidence and take charge of our own countries, security etc. And if we cannot find common EU-ground, we may as well leave EU or EU may as well dissolve, handle all bilaterally and perhaps start all over again in a more ASEAN approach. Now, the EU is clearly dysfunctional and a selfdestructive path that not really benefit any country-member in the long-run. The Euro is not working, the PIGS get destroyed etc. Brexit have its own brittish peculiarities, but now e.g the swedish socialdemocratic leader wants to through out Hungary... As long as some animals act as more equal than others the EU can obviously not function very well, probably not last very long either. It's a shame. I would have wanted the european integration to work. But with the Euro and enlargement before a federal level with a real common budget including some social transfers by tax like in the US, i.e without solidarity and respect it's indeed doomed to fail sooner or later. EU-institutions has not really developed at all in the direction that would have been needed during this century. Doing things in the right order is crucial.
@notadodo День назад
One o the reason we have these problems is because too many are too timid to talk facts and call things what they really are. whil the so called independent media keeps pussyfooting around, the USA/EU/NATO will continue their demonic woke destruction of humanity.
@henrikisberg4869 День назад
Brilliant and thank you so much! However, the European suicide is also stupid from a US perspective. In other words, the US is also making suicide. The US will in the long-run not benefit from making its european vassals weak and dependent. It may have seemed to worked after the WW2 when basically everyone but the US was weak. But not really, the US share of the global economy has diminished ever since. Obviously, just trying to control everyone else wasn't the right choice in "the unipolar moment". Now, that destructive ambition is only futile, because the economy of the world, the fundamentals behind political power, looks very different. Turning also EU into a kind of Latin American subordinate and weak backyard will not make the US more competitive in the long-run, but only accelerate the US relative weakness. It's already obvious that the US cannot rule the world on it's own, with lojal but weak friends, by global state-terror, threaths, sanctions etc. The zero-sum and divide and conquor-thinking will be the US fall. And as Lena points out repeatedly, the crisis will come also to the US rather sooner than later. It will of course accentuate the process. The US would have benefited much more from competitive and prosperous partners. Those who think (or at least acts like for a lot of other reasons) that benefits only come from the losses of others have not really learned economics, and they will loose. The ASEAN:s and the BRICS will show them how it's done, with multipolarity, neutrality, non-alliances, respect and above all win-win-reasoning. That's where the most prosperous future is. It's sad that "The collective West" does not want to be part of it, but instead appear to want to be an increasingly isolated and insignificant relative looser. On the other hand it's so encouraging to see how "The rest" now seem to be able to finally come out of the western colonial grip. The world as a whole may get better. Just let us hope the process doesn't end up in WW3. To succeed, "The multipolar countries" must continue to bite their tongue, take the first hit (like in Ukraine and Palestine and hopefully nowhere else), just defend themselves and continue to focus on building, propose peace-deals etc while "The West" exhaust itself on destructive schemes and activities. Given the controlled emotions and confidence the multipolar proponents now show, the anarchic world order may finally start to head in a more healthy direction.
@HappyDT День назад
The EU is led by FOOLS
@JayzsMr День назад
The mistake of realism is assuming everyone behaves like rational actors or that rationality is somehow the default of humans. When they dont , rationalists dont question their model but just feel smug that others are so stupid. This is not serious science.
@laurencekelly5081 День назад
Does the west led by a doomsday cabal in America have a desire to blow up the planet and everything on it.
@iRelevant.47.system.boycott День назад
The Zionist element of Empire seems to be working in that direction. Some of the things said by Bush the younger post 116 is somewhat disturbing.
@absolutelynotfunny7092 День назад
Saw this on her channel and subscribed. your rational actor analysis is spot on! the glue to any democracy is common values, culture and religion. Rainbow ideologies destroys the common values, culture and tolerance in religions. Subordination to these make rational actor predictions impossible .. hence hard to govern, grow and develop as a nation. Maybe this is the actual agenda of the global institutions. We are not in a good place right now! (had to get this off my chest ... thanks!)
@absolutelynotfunny7092 День назад
why global institutions? Check out.. Peter Sutherland speech to house of lords 2012. BBC article. "undermine homogeneity in Europe" It is all about power and undermining nation states to achieve this.
@a.randomjack6661 День назад
It's not EU doing that to itself, it comes from across the Atlantic.
@iRelevant.47.system.boycott День назад
EU/EEA is little more than a political construction build on top of NATO for the purpose of suppressing an synchronizing the individual sovereignty of the nations of the alliance. A good illustration is how Hungary now is treated after taking sovereign action regarding the conflict in Ukraine. Call for it to withdraw from EU and NATO is voiced by Europes hyena. EU/EEA punishment for over a decade, due to it protecting its sovereignty from NGOs under the pretext of 'corruption'.
@user-vy2xi2qz1q День назад
I wonder why we have clowns like Scholz or Macron if guy’s like Glen are out there. Smart, intelligent. Why we do not elect guys like him
@a.randomjack6661 День назад
Because they are selections, not elections.
@iRelevant.47.system.boycott День назад
Nobody can make it to high office, unless they got a closet full of skeletons.
@phoebusapollo4677 День назад
Because they will be discredited, bullied and chewed out by the US.
@emanuellasker3650 День назад
"Ask not, What is the reason the former days were better than these? -- for thou dost not inquire wisely concerning this." -- Solomon A great lesson from the antediluvian account in The Genesis is that when our structures crumble within due to our own weakness, foolishness, and sin, we seek relief from our misery without. And so goeth the empire, convoluted narrative notwithstanding. But the Russians will accept only so much abuse... Meanwhile, though not widely known, Genesis also indicates that the devil gains authority over us as we cultivate disordered meditations relative to the divine orderings and their attendant spirituality. Moreover, that even beloved Cain was overpowered by the devil because Adam inadvertently prioritized success over an alert spirituality proves that anyone is so subject, and may be unreachable even by the Lord's warning. And American Founder John Adams saw that democracy can only work for a moral and religious people... any other will gradually wrangle and direct it to satisfy their lusts. qed sel
@yotoma День назад
Glenn!!! Excellent discussion!
@boysiedent6149 День назад
I simply annoy stand the sound of the voice of American women. Just imagine living day and night with such a women
@DRSulik День назад
Glenn, face reality, it has all been done to enrich the Biden and friends dynasty.
@ttrons2 День назад
The ignorance is worse than you can imagine. The speaker of the parliament of Canada thinks we fought against the Russians in WW2. So the moron invited a Ukrainian Nazi to the house.
@iRelevant.47.system.boycott День назад
It is not ignorance. The Banderites in Ukraine and Nazi leftovers in the Baltic's where supported well into the 50's. Resulting in around 300'000 civilian casualties. There is nothing new about the present situation.
@PerceivedREALITY999 День назад
Instead of arming Ukraine; EU tax payer money should be spent on infrastructure, healthcare, education etc.
@notadodo День назад
WHY, what do you know that is factual about Ukraine? How about the USA rebuild the Gazan Infrastructure and then Ukraine, seeing USA/UK/EU are the only terrorists on this planet/universe. No point in rebuilding anything in Ukraine until the USA is removed out of every country it has destroyed. Because you will rebuild and USA will destroy... How about a real lesson in REALITY999 go to Ukraine first then talk.
@PerceivedREALITY999 День назад
Last year, the EU approved 12 sanction packages against Russia and the Russian economy grew 3%. Meanwhile, the German economy is in "tatters". The EU sanctioned itself.
@JimyCoooL День назад
How come you follow every channel that i follow?
@a.randomjack6661 День назад
@@JimyCoooL Because he's got taste 🙂 I bet he follows other channels in at least one other language. I do, but I don't see him on the French channels I follow.
@a.randomjack6661 День назад
Look this one up, It clarifies lots of things Imperial Pipe Dreams - Charlotte Dennett (DCC44) 🖖
@iRelevant.47.system.boycott День назад
@@JimyCoooL Good question. Do you also notice how few 'regulars' there are, not accounting for the bots ?
@pla9012 День назад
The yt interference on your channel pretty glaring now.same episode on lenas channel has 120+k views in a few days, this one,599....😮
@iRelevant.47.system.boycott День назад
Norway is a very liberal country /s
@planet4allofus День назад
The West's direction was to implement full global domination that's why they're so inseparable. This will be it's downfall. I see Europe in the end separate from this and the only union left will be that of the 5 eyes against the rest of the world. This will be a fatal mistake on their part.
@user-ne8yi1io4h День назад
Glenn, you know about these problems, what's the solution for Europe?
@a.randomjack6661 День назад
Whatever the solution might be, it will not be applied. Vassals decide nothing of that sort of importance.
@iRelevant.47.system.boycott День назад
Realizing European is a fake identity, and reasserting National sovereignty within the BRICS space.
@jayspik6498 День назад
Glenn Russia 🇷🇺 has no time limit to conclude the SMO.. Time is on there side..
@jayspik6498 День назад
The 4 Oblasts are none negotiable.. and Russia 🇷🇺 will take all of Novorossiya.. As for the West of Ukraine 🇺🇦 that could be negotiable, that Russia 🇷🇺 don’t take that as well..
@coracora161 День назад
Where is Russia in the medal score of olimpics games? What they did with the Russia athletes?
@janriversen7574 День назад
Russia is not allowed to participate in the Olympics. The West (USA-EU) also uses the Olympic as a weapon against anyone who does not submit to the West's dictatorship
@a.randomjack6661 День назад
Banned. They even banned cats and dogs from that country to take part in competitions, and that was 2 years ago.
@laurencekelly5081 День назад
@@a.randomjack6661 How sick in the mind do you have to be to do that.
@jayspik6498 День назад
Ukraine 🇺🇦 won’t hold till November, forget February..
@Always_Pistachio День назад
The problem is, how can anyone trust the Western powers to fulfill any agreement? History suggests that you can't. So how could the Russians trust an 'agreement'?
@Cryptoversity 2 дня назад
1:04:06 Glenn and Alexander making great points here....US will only suffer a prestige loss, but Germany who have been duped and Europe have a major problem on our doorstep which ENGLAND and USA created.