The Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence Students' Association (CASA) at the University of Toronto seeks to bring together everything interested in the mind.

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@cdes68 10 месяцев назад
I figured it out, it got stolen.
@AirplaneModeMedia Год назад
Watching this 10 years later. Excited to see the foresight.
@maudeeb 5 лет назад
Mind opening, like an unholy vivisection
@christopherhamilton3621 Год назад
I’d call it fundamentally holy… 😏
@itsokay5608 6 лет назад
We don't have A.I. because we don't have I.
@krustykraken9331 7 лет назад
"So, we have no idea how to seamlessly join Math with AGI." Perhaps because it's NOT A MATH PROBLEM. Nor is it a programming problem. All the engineers you pay to solve problems they were taught to solve are going to be near useless in implementing a system whose constraints are not defined.
@JoshFlorii 2 года назад
They seem to be making some serious progress in recent years though. We'll see how this plays out before long.
@JohnSmith-ut5th 7 лет назад
Well, now we are only a short time away from the singularity. I figured all of this out about 5 years ago, but I knew that if I shared the information we would be unprepared for the consequences. Unfortunately, we are still unprepared for the consequences. It looks like we have found Fermi's "Great Filter". Artificial Intelligence *will* kill all human life, and probably all other life on Earth.
@blackraider777 8 лет назад
beautiful lecture, one of the best i've seen about intelligence and thought processing
@MaxPr1me969 10 лет назад
If you want to create A.I. than you need to program it to do one thing. And this ONE thing must supersede all other programming. It must be programmed to SURVIVE!!!! -Max Prime.
@bighands69 11 лет назад
If you can figure out ways to develop technologies into the homes of the developing world at cheap prices then you will make money as this is a massive growth field. There will be 2 billion people coming online in the next 10 years and they will have needs desires and price points for their needs. The new world is just ahead of us if you can see it.
@bighands69 11 лет назад
You are going to seem a lot of developments over the next 5 to 10 years. Google now and Apple Siri are only the beginning and in 5 years time they will be able to do all manner of things. Keep an eye on the "internet of things" this will be a field were people will be able to make massive amounts of money study embedded systems to be able to take advantage of this.
@mikeyo1234 11 лет назад
The only feasible way to human like intelligence AI is to have an evolutionary process, similar to how we evolved, that will create intelligence indirectly. We can't evolve systems well inside a computer, as the environment in which something evolves is not complex and rich enough (indeed that is the main problem, it's easy to simulate a single cell inside a computer, but not the environment in which it lives).
@christopherhamilton3621 2 года назад
The problem is ‘embeddednes’ or lack thereof.
@mikeyo1234 11 лет назад
The problem that the number of ways of reformulating the problem are often huge. It's as if once we know the answer, e.g. with the chessboard problem, reformulating the problem is easy. So we can only reformulate the problem once we know the answer, so it doesn't get us anywhere.
@christopherhamilton3621 2 года назад
You miss the point: you’re conflating the problem of covering the board without information with the problem of reformulating. They’re not the same.
@Killuminati1blood 11 лет назад
Somebody short form and dumb this down for the U.S version
@bighands69 11 лет назад
There are many uncomfortable aspects to AI interaction. I would say by the time we reach that level of technology we as people will have evolved to a point were violence like this will not exist. Over the next 15 years google glass and IBM watson type technologies will merge with out intelligence and this will lead to a period in the 2020s were we technology and science will move so rapidly that we today call it a technological singularity.
@GrimTheCrow 11 лет назад
"..without the possibility to load it self with the same information it had before it died". No re-incarnations they are playing hardcore.
@GrimTheCrow 11 лет назад
Hell yeah! But would it be ethical to put an inteligence inside a video game? Imagine GTA 10 where AI begs for its life (if it is an individual, virtual AI with reproductional and survival instincts)... So if you kill an AI in the virtual world without it having the possibility to load it self with the same information it had before it died... I'm not sure what you would call that.. The AIs would probably group up to kill our avatars in the most efficient way possible. :P
@ryanthomas7119 5 месяцев назад
That would be interesting and ironic because if the AI were self aware it would almost be like we were the gods just randomly appearing in their world but we would be very stupid gods who were not nearly as intelligent as they 😂
@GrimTheCrow 11 лет назад
We have to make it create itself (learning, right from wrong(taboos), walking, comunicating, etc...). There are people trying to make an artificial brain. You should look up "spaun brain" (Semantic Pointer Architecture Unified Network) on youtube. It is said to be "the most realistic human brain yet".
@eskelCz 11 лет назад
So why don't we have an AI yet? This sounds like a solid ground for making one. :) Thanks for sharing, great lecture.