If you like Pokémon Nuzlockes should feel right at home. Enjoy!

Aiming For 5 Episodes A Week

Trying to branch out to other games though. Thanks for stopping and looking I appreciate it!
@King1smael 21 час назад
🤔 least favorite gym leader I don't think i dislike any of them to be honest with you. I actually like all of them. Volkner was feeling confident on this team and actually had a good team unlike other gym leaders. Also both Machamp & Meganium did a fantastic job. I knew you had it in you Collin. Now it's time to make your way to the Pokemon League
@EllisHCN День назад
Middle! Happy 4th my guy! I ended up working and then relaxing for this one haha xD the neighborhood had some cool fireworks though! Went from heartwarming stories of 4th of July to Noctowl and Golduck holding on for dear life against the Gyarados lol! Great job clearing out the gym and other trainers. See you in the next one -(^-^)'
@NuMiddleearth День назад
@EllisHCN Happy 4th to you! Dang, that sucks you had to work, but hopefully, it wasn't too bad. I relaxed as well, didn't go to the Parade or Fireworks show. Neighborhood have decent size fireworks? Lol i know. I just want to talk about my 4th of July's growing up and about losing 2 of my team members 😂.
@EllisHCN День назад
@@NuMiddleearth wasn’t too bad! But then I actually had today off so it worked out great xD not the biggest or baddest fireworks but there was a good hour or two of everybody using what they had haha
@PokeFanaticYT День назад
I had a terrible 4th of July and no wonder why i don't go anywhere especially with my family because they always are starting problems. Without me getting upset and not putting my hands on them i just ignored them and walked away. It did take me 2 or 3 hours to get home because i was at my cousin's house and she lives far. But anyways how was your 4th of july? Feebas is terrible and useless just like magikarp but i love both Gyarados & Milotic. You are also one step closer to volkner. What pokemon do you think he will have on his team just take a wild guess?
@NuMiddleearth День назад
@PokeFanaticYT dang really sorry to hear that. 2 hours isn't too bad of a drive. At least I don't mind those drives. My 4th of July was good. I didn't do a whole lot of anything besides relaxing but will take it. My guess is going to for Volkner a Gen 4 pokemon like maybe Purugly as in Ace. What you thinking?
@PokeFanaticYT День назад
@@NuMiddleearth i meant to say I walked home
@EllisHCN День назад
Middle! I love Kyogre and Groudon, so cool man. Great catch! I never saw Ragnarök but heard good things and I enjoyed hearing how much you liked it! Grumpig refusing to learn a Psychic move is hilarious xD "I don't need it." Huge stone edge episode, from both sides. Great job and will see you in the next one - (^-^)'
@NuMiddleearth День назад
@EllisHCN same here best pairing in pokemon, in my opinion. You got to see Ragnorok is so good. I highly recommend it! One day that Pig will learn a psychic move, hopefully lol.
@CurtyB 2 дня назад
I'd give Ragnarok a solid 7.
@NuMiddleearth День назад
@@CurtyB what in the move bumped it down to a 7 if I may ask?
@King1smael 3 дня назад
I actually liked Thor Ragnarok. I really like how Thor and hulk teamed up in this movie. But I'm kind of upset that in infinity war hulk became smart hulk which was stupid. Yesssss you finally caught yourself a legendary pokemon. Will you be using Groudon against Volkner? Did you also know that Klay Thompson left the warriors to play for Dallas.
@NuMiddleearth День назад
@King1smael same here, great movie! It was a surprise but awesome team up Hulk and Thor. Also, with you with the smart hulk was kinda terrible. Was wondering when I first legendary would show up lol. No, probably not use ground on against volkner unless i lose a Pokémon but I hope not. I did hear about Klay it was between Mavericks and Lakers for him, and he chose Mavericks, right?
@King1smael День назад
@@NuMiddleearth yep he's on the mavericks
@King1smael 4 дня назад
Favorite fire type of all time will be either magmortar or Infernape. It's great to hear that you have a new place even though moving to New places is always a pain in the butt. I also don't think you can go wrong with any fire type pokemon as long as they have a good moveset. Mars & Jupiter were tough to beat but here comes the real test against Cyrus. Man that drapion was really trying its best to not let cyrus down and almost knocked some of your pokemon out. If golem was still alive drapion would have been taken down immediately. But anyways well done destroying team galactic once again and I'm crossing my fingers that you get the final gym badge.
@NuMiddleearth 3 дня назад
@King1smael move is a lot of pain. You got that right lol. True, but what's your favorite fire type pokemon design and to use? Thank you. I appreciate it, and I should be fine to make it to the gym, hopefully
@EllisHCN 5 дней назад
Middle! Congrats on the new place my guy, that sounds awesome. I loved all of the fire types you talked about, my favorite is actually tied between Chandelure and Volcarona. I do love Charizard tho xD ghost fire is sick and volcarona overcomes the bug deficit! Salazzle is the ultimate glass cannon, great pick. I’m with you on snakes lol! Always some stressful double battles here but you clutched it! Another great episode -(^-^)’
@NuMiddleearth 3 дня назад
@@EllisHCN thank you! Chandelure is up there for me as well. Those double battles where a lot of fun randomize
@King1smael 6 дней назад
I think my favorite place that I've visited so far is North Carolina and it's even peaceful. Hopefully one day I can go back down there. Oooh a trip to Italy that sounds both fun & interesting. I hope you have fun on your trip whenever you decide to go. Team Galactic and their boss just have no answer for you in every battle. I was hoping that a legendary or mythical pokemon would have hatched from the egg but instead you got a sentret. Well it's time to beat Cyrus one more time in the next episode I know you can do it. See you in the next episode ✌️
@EllisHCN 7 дней назад
Middle! Great job against Cyrus! A very tough question, but recently I found myself traveling across the Chesapeake Bay and it was really cool. Just one long bridge on the water and that's all you could see for miles xD so excited for your trip to Italy! That is going to be incredible. No more deaths, team galactic can't handle the heat right now. You love to see it man, will catch you in the next one. Keep up the hard work -(^-^)'
@EllisHCN 8 дней назад
Middle! Loved hearing your thoughts on the first Tom Holland Spider-Man movie! Really well said on all fronts. I feel you on the sunburn, just the worst haha. This is the ultimate Grumpig showcase! Great job making it to Cyrus, you’ve got this -(^-^)’
@NuMiddleearth 8 дней назад
I am just confused because I work in the sun all summer, and now I get sunburnt pretty badly, like what thought I was done with sunburn by now lol. Grumpig had been awesome to us!
@EllisHCN 9 дней назад
Middle! Loved hearing your thoughts on podcasts. I don’t have any that I listen to at the moment but there are some really good ones out there! Staraptor with discharge was wild haha. Great job against Candice! Another great episode my man, will catch you in the next one
@NuMiddleearth 8 дней назад
Podcast I don't listen to a whole lot, but every once in a while, I will tune to one if it's a person I like talking or hear it's good. Wild to me as well staraptor with discharge, and he almost won 😩
@King1smael 9 дней назад
Spider-man homecoming was an ok movie but i do miss RDJ as iron man. Hopefully they bring him back in secret wars in a few years. Yo imagine if every superhero and villain popped up in secret that would be sick to watch as long as it's good. I can't stand being in the sun for long i absolutely hate it. Did you put on some sunscreen🧴? You are getting closer and closer from taking down team galactic.
@NuMiddleearth 8 дней назад
Really, you just thought homecoming was ok? I will have to disagree with you about RDJ. I think he should stay dead personally. I know there is mutiversus, so you can pick any of them Iron Man, but still, I loved RDJ as Iron Man, but time to move on from him. I did not put sunscreen on thought it wasn't necessary because I had been working in the sun all summer and was done with getting sunburnt but I was wrong lol
@King1smael 8 дней назад
@@NuMiddleearth I just like Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield more than Tom Holland. But I absolutely loved Spiderman no way home with all 3 of them
@King1smael 9 дней назад
To be honest with you i don't listen to podcasts. That ace trainer's sceptile was doing a lot of damage to Grumpig. Ain't no way wormadam is her strongest pokemon 😂. You also definitely had the advantage against her in that battle for sure. Only one more gym badge collin i know you can do it 💪. I also can't wait for the day you start playing black and white on the channel
@NuMiddleearth 8 дней назад
I don't listen to podcast a whole lot, but there's a few of them over the years I watched. Candice should be replaced lol jk. Black and white is half a year from now if I keep kickin' er in gear
@EllisHCN 11 дней назад
Middle! The Genger levitate clutch, Scarlet and Violet have betrayed you haha. Still quite a few options on the bench, you’ve got this. I like really like the design of Canalave City! Looks like Candice in the next video, let’s do it man -(^-^)’
@NuMiddleearth 11 дней назад
Dang, right, it did. I keep forget gengar has levitate because I vs gengar all the time and hit with ground moves in scarlet. Yes, sir. Candice hopefully isn't to bad.
@EllisHCN 11 дней назад
Middle! You have gone a long time without any deaths, gotta love it! Loved hearing your thoughts on GOTG 2, it’s definitely the worst of the bunch. Especially after how good the first one was! Flareonnnnnnnn! Stone Edge hits like a truck. That’s by far one of the most annoying routes to trek through. Well done against the Garchomp -(^-^)’
@NuMiddleearth 11 дней назад
Only matter of time before I lose someone 😂. The pupitar wasn't worth it either ngl lol. The worst route!
@EllisHCN 11 дней назад
Middle! Joker is so hard to beat! Tom Hardy is awesome and the villain character of Venom is a fantastic choice. An evil Spider-Man… it writes itself! Great job against Byron, love the thematic Cranidos haha. Doing work against team galactic! Will see you in the next one
@NuMiddleearth 11 дней назад
Facts! Joker is just an amazing villain. Thank you Byron wasn't too bad of a match.
@EllisHCN 12 дней назад
Middle! I’m so with you on summer lol, it’s just so hot xD I much prefer the colder seasons, but spikeball and ping pong are way up there for me! Love the shiny hunt idea for sapphire! It can be tough but is super cool when you finally get it. Sneasel is really sneaky, especially with those crits man. Grumpig is unstoppable lol, it’s wild.
@NuMiddleearth 11 дней назад
I think it's a cool idea that shiny hunting a sapphire starter with my sp problem is I need a sapphire game without a dead battery, which is so pricey or by a sapphire game with dead battery and watch guides how to replace the battery
@EllisHCN 12 дней назад
Middle! Loved hearing your thoughts on house of the dragon. I haven’t seen it but my brother has told me about it. Great job catching that Kadabra, those Gen 3 trade evolutions continue! Will see you in the next one -(^-^)’
@NuMiddleearth 11 дней назад
House of dragons is a great show! You got that right theres been a lot of gen 3 trades which is good
@EllisHCN 12 дней назад
Middle! The Flash is a great choice. It’ll be Batman and Spider-Man for me, love both of those guys. The slow surfing and Grumpig never missing is too much xD I wanted to watch the boys but it does have a bit too much of that stuff for my liking. Love the concept tho! Machamp, let’s go! And golem? Huge evo to end on -(^^)’
@NuMiddleearth 11 дней назад
@EllisHCN I am starting to think there is a glitch in my game because that pig hasn't missed a hydro pump lol. With you with the boys just to much unnecessary stuff. Big Evos this episode
@King1smael 13 дней назад
I always liked exploring iron Island with riley because he won't ruin anything unlike cheryl 😅. I think you should have kept fake out even though it might not do much but it comes in clutch most of the time. It had to be the gengar out of all pokemon to take down golem. Sudowoodo one of my favorite gen 2 mons. I'm happy that it's on the team. You should be having no problem against candice in the next episode i wish you luck 🤞
@NuMiddleearth 11 дней назад
Yea, you are probably right. With fake out, you should have kept it, but time will only tell. Sudowoodo is definitely interesting, and see what it can do.
@EllisHCN 13 дней назад
Middle! Loved hearing about your favorite sports and sport teams. I enjoy watching the NBA the most these days and growing up I played Golf a ton. You're doing amazing with these questions, they go great with each episode. Fantastic job getting to Fantina, Golduck putting in the work! Fantina herself never stood a chance against the squad. Shadow Force is such a cool move! Another great episode my man -(^-^)'
@King1smael 13 дней назад
I'll rate them when I watch all 3 of them because I only watched the first one. I know right surprising 😅. Everyone loves feraligatr in this Randomizer that's why he keeps coming back from the ☠️. Mt.coronet had quite a few good items like moomoo milk and a choice band. Of course an ace trainer would have Arceus on its team. 😮 Wingull had lugia's special move that is just insane I wasn't expecting that. I agree they have a good cast. Flareon did a wonderful job throughout this series but it sucked that pupitar took it down. Meganium is a good replacement for Flareon. I also wonder if you will train pupitar offline to evolve it into tyranitar. Well anyways with that I'll see you in the next episode
@NuMiddleearth 11 дней назад
Said no one that everyone loves Feraligatr. I think I saw every legendary/Mythical pokemon this run no joke. Tough losing flareon that's for sure. Dmyea meganium going to fit in just fine
@King1smael 14 дней назад
Interesting question of the day. 🤔 I will have to go with Dr.doom (even though he's not part of the MCU) for marvel & Joker for DC because that man is nuts 😂. I agree with you Andrew Garfield did a terrific job playing as both Spider-Man and Peter Parker. He was also really hilarious. Hopefully he gets to fight Tom Hardy's venom if they plan to do that. I guess Byron and Roark just have the same pokemon to see who is stronger between the both of them. It's really sad how these gym leaders are trying their best to take out one of your pokemon but it just fails every time.But I'm happy that you are being patient and making smart moves. See I don't get it how normal trainers and bad guys are tougher than the gym leaders it absolutely makes no sense but I find it really funny by the way. Congratulations on your sixth gym badge by the way see you in the next episode and make sure to save the world once again
@NuMiddleearth 11 дней назад
Didn't care for Andrew Garfield Peter Parker like I did with Tom Holland and Toby Maguire. He was the 3rd beast but best Spiderman. So cool see him fight tom hardy venom. It's just so many trainers on these routes and I never feel like going back and healing the reason I lose pokemon plus nit knowing there move sets don't help
@King1smael 17 дней назад
I don't really go out in the summer time anymore but my favorite activity during the summer when i was younger is playing basketball. I really liked Riley in this game unlike cheryl who just ruins everything especially when you're trying to catch Pokemon 😅. Riley also has a solid team and I've always been a fan of blissey. It's also tanky but not tankier than snorlax. I think the iron islands is by far one of my favorite places to explore in gen 4. I hope you beat Byron in the next episode and get the sixth gym badge see you in the next episode have a good night
@NuMiddleearth 11 дней назад
Basketball is a great choice to play during summer! Big Fan or riley as well. Iron islands is a solid choice for favorite
@King1smael 18 дней назад
I've never seen house of dragon or even heard of it. By the way what app is it on? Kings rock is a good item to give to your Pokemon and I like how it inflicts damage. Do you think bounce is a good move? I can't believe Barry (cough) I mean Kyle has an azelf on his team and still sucks 😅. I love the Kadabra, Probopass & Blastoise Encounters by the way. It broke my heart that you knocked 2 of them out but caught the first one. Blastoise would have been an awesome member to the team
@NuMiddleearth 18 дней назад
Never had a probopass encounter but not bad encounters at all this episode. That was a trainer I was fighting. House of the dragon is on HBO max and a prequel to game of thrones. Bounce is a good move. I just hate the extra turn to use it, and it has worse accuracy than fly
@King1smael 20 дней назад
Spider-Man is my favorite hero in marvel. Either Batman or Wonder Woman is my favorite superhero. Do you think zangoose is any good. I never used it on a playthrough before it's probably not the best to have on the team. Delcatty is a cutie. I love Dragonair and I want to see it evolve into Dragonite and just destroy everyone in its sight as long as you don't get it knocked out. It's also about that time that you finally get to evolve both graveler and machoke. I'm really hoping that you find yourself a legendary somewhere down the road
@NuMiddleearth 19 дней назад
Awesome choices with favorite superheroes. Zangoose isn't that good with a base stat of 458. He's just fast and hits pretty hard. Every other stats is mediocre or below that.
@King1smael 20 дней назад
My favorite sport to watch and play will always be basketball. I think fantina's gym was probably only one of the few gyms that were confusing in gen 4 alongside volkner. That hydro cannon should not have did 40% damage to Golduck since it's not really effective but you know this game can be sometimes. I already knew that fantina wasn't going to be no challenge either that is just sad. Well done getting the 5th gym badge Collin and now you only need 3 more to grab.
@NuMiddleearth 19 дней назад
What made fantina gym confusing? I know that was a lot damage the hydro cannon. Fantina didn't have great Pokémon that's for sure lol
@King1smael 19 дней назад
@@NuMiddleearth when I first played gen 4 I had no clue what to do in fantina's gym
@EllisHCN 22 дня назад
Middle! Double Meganium?! 4:19 100%! I really enjoyed Civil War but will just edge it to Winter Soldier! Loved hearing your thoughts on the Holland and Mcguire Spider-Man/Parker debate. I just realized your playing diamond haha, I was thinking it was platinum this whole time! xD Grumpig doesn’t miss! Loving this rag tag group of mons. The gym leader cliffhanger. Great episode my man, keep up the amazing work!
@NuMiddleearth 21 день назад
Oh really, you never noticed I was playing diamond? I am trying to be every pokemon nuzlocke style but making different normal playthroughs and my randomizers if its the same gen and region. Ngl I am loving this rag tag team ad well lol
@EllisHCN 22 дня назад
Middle! I guessed Fellowship or Return of the King, I couldn’t remember which ahhhh. Love it, that is a fantastic choice. Both of those are way up there on my list. It’s so hard to pick a favorite but I’ll list a bunch from different genres… Se7en, No country for old men, prisoners, the great escape, it’s a wonderful life, the dark knight, all 3 lord of the rings, Shawshank redemption, holes, and Nightcrawler! I could go on and on, I love a lot of classic animated movies too like the iron giant and the fox and the hound xD Your team is putting in a ton of work right now man. Grumpig clutching with hydro pump was wild! Catch you in the next one -(^-^)’
@NuMiddleearth 21 день назад
I never watched se7en, shawshank redemption, the great escape, or it's a wonderful life. But the rest is so good and great choices besides maybe holes I thought was ok for me. I with you this team is putting work in
@King1smael 24 дня назад
I enjoyed watching Captain America civil war and i like how they also introduced black panther into the mcu. It's a good thing that cyrus doesn't pop up in celestic town on pokemon diamond. I believe that he is way more tougher in pokemon platinum. Seems like fantina ran away from you 😂 im just kidding
@NuMiddleearth 21 день назад
Black Panthers entrance to the mcu was a good one, that's for sure. I was so prepared for his fight in celestic town to lol. Honestly wtf fantina get to your gym haha
@EllisHCN 27 дней назад
Middle! Great job against Maylene! There are so many games that I have enjoyed over the years. Pokémon Leaf Green, Super Smash Bros Melee, Star Wars Battlefront, Call of Duty MW2/World at War, Halo 3, and the early seasons of League of Legends to name a few! These days it'd probably go to Risk: Global Domination haha xD I have heard great things about Witcher 3, nice choice! Great job against Crasher Wake and almost there on those final evolutions. MAGNEZONE, that's hype. Another enjoyable video, keep up the amazing work -(^-^)'
@NuMiddleearth 27 дней назад
Thank you as always! You made some great classic choices with favorite games, and I played every single one besides League of Legends never got into that game. And makes sense you chose risk: global domination. The MVP of my normal nuzlocke of platinum
@EllisHCN 27 дней назад
Middle! No guard is a really cool ability. "I didn't really care for the person under the mask!" Got em'!!! Haha really well said my guy. Antman was a solid movie. Wasn't the best but way better than the worst of the MCU. As with most of your reviews, I agree with you on all fronts! HMs are brutal in gen 4, especially defog and rock climb xD torchic encounter, let's go! Crit blazekick on your starter is pain. The fossil shall go back to where he came from. Catch you in the next one -(^-^)'
@NuMiddleearth 27 дней назад
Haha oh, I got em. Oh man, the hms are terrible, and they make you have to have them on even later into the game, which sucks. Happy with the torchic and surprise it didn't run. That was a heartbreaking loss and crazy a crit killed. If I am not wrong, the first blaze kick didn't do 1/3rd dmg right?
@EllisHCN 27 дней назад
Very well said and you’re right, the Typhlosion must have low rolled that first blaze kick as it didn’t even do 1/3 but then critter for over 2/3 Cradilly’s health……. Or it was the blaze passive being activated 16:50 =(
@NuMiddleearth 26 дней назад
@EllisHCN dang forgot about ability Blaze, most likely it good point
@EllisHCN 27 дней назад
Middle! Some really nice TMs, well done my guy. Love your passion for Sword and Shield, I feel like nobody really talks about it. I typically listen to music while I play Pokémon so I actually have no idea which soundtracks are better than which xD Noctowl with the flinches through confusion was sick. Going from Oran berries to Sitrus always feels amazing. Cradily has been here since day one! I was guessing Explosion off of the title, but mirror coat is much more subtle. Rest ez to the pokeball himself! Flareon one shotting Rayquaza with an avalanche is crazy!
@NuMiddleearth 27 дней назад
Lot of fun this part of the randomizers because of all the tms you can get and never knowing what they will be I found out. Yea, I don't know why people didn't like sword and shield, and maybe you know why? Oh really, you don't listen to pokemon music? You missing out lol jk. I got attached to cradily actually and I'm surprised I did. I'm definitely moving up there as a favorite pokemon somehow because of this run. I always run into a mirror coating pokemon seems like.
@King1smael 27 дней назад
Favorite game of all time that's one tough question I can't answer because i enjoy playing lots of games. These gym leader fights have been so easy so far but when you're fighting against random trainers or team galactic they give you a challenge. Will you be using magnezone later on in this series?
@NuMiddleearth 27 дней назад
Seems like every nuzlocke I play randomized of course, I lose my pokemon to random trainers and never gym leaders, just how I play the game, I suppose against important battles and then against gym leaders. Probably not magnezone is way down the list of pokemon waiting to be used, but with me, you never know lol.
@EllisHCN 27 дней назад
Middle! Fire punch probably just edges flamethrower with Flareon's base attack. With how many newer star wards shows and movies have fallen flat, I was happy to hear how much you liked the bad batch! I haven't seen it but loved the original animated clone wars episodes. Focus sash Sudowoodo with head smash sounds terrifying lol. Have you seen Invincible? The Lairon goes home early. It's tough with that low special defense. Aggron will join you in spirit later on. I feel you on the lazy swap outs, it can definitely be funner risking it for the biscuit! See you in the next one -(^-^)'
@NuMiddleearth 27 дней назад
Oh ok cool so I picked the right move for flareon. The live action star wars movies and shows have been so bad lately and very disappointing. Actually, it really is sudowoodo, and I have 30s clips of people underestimating his attack in doubles. You are right on in randomizer and actually use not fully evolved Pokémon to keep them alive is so hard
@EllisHCN 28 дней назад
MIddle! I am with you on just playing some games for fun. My brother was really big on the Battlefield games, I liked how "realistic" it was compared to say Call of Duty haha. I didn't explore much of the underground in D/P/P either lol. Really cool story on when you started and stopped playing Pokémon. It's always interesting to see how we got here haha. "I knew you had something" the heartbreak of those baby Pokémon with late evolutions. The randomizers are funny cause they can increase the enjoyment with all of the different Pokémon but they can be a whole lot more difficult. Great stuff, will see you in the next one -(^-^)'
@NuMiddleearth 27 дней назад
Sometimes, I need a break from the sweats in call of duty. What I like about battlefield as well as the realistic feel and just having fun, not recalling caring about stats, and also cod so many great players I feel. Randomizers, so much because of the reasons you said exactly
@EllisHCN 28 дней назад
Middle! You are showcasing a lot of Pokémon here that I have rarely used, I love it. Platinum is my favorite Gen 4 game. It is quite challenging, has amazing starters and is a nice in-between of Gen 3 and 5! I really enjoyed hearing all of your thoughts on all of the games. Well done on keeping the squad safe and sound, I'll see you in the next one -(^-^)'
@NuMiddleearth 27 дней назад
It's probably not a good thing that I am showing these Pokémon meaning I am killing a lot off but thank you lol. Yea, I think most going to say platinum, but there is a big fan of heartgold people out there.
@King1smael 28 дней назад
I love pokemon black and white version 2 soundtrack especially Iris's theme song. It's definitely number 1 for me. 🤔 Delibird and Slakoth are not bad encounters. No way chingling had mirror coat as a move that really caught me off guard. We both weren't expecting that to happen. Nuzlockes can be stressful sometimes
@NuMiddleearth 27 дней назад
Black 2 is a great soundtrack and up there for me as well. Can't remember, the Iris theme song I played black 2 in years. Slokoth and delibird are not great encounters either lol.
@King1smael Месяц назад
Well I'm not a fan of the Star wars movies and the only game I like is the forced unleashed. For some reason I always liked bonsly when it's fully evolved and becomes a sudowoodo. It's probably because of brock. 😢 Farewell to lairon why is it always the strong pokemon fainting 😭
@NuMiddleearth Месяц назад
Never played forced unleashed. Sudowoodo is actually really good but just so frail, but the sturdy ability helps yea I jinx myself with last episode title
@King1smael Месяц назад
My Favorite Gen 4 game will always be Pokemon Platinum and I just love exploring the distortion world even though it can be quite confusing. It's the first time seeing a flying type pokemon getting caught in a nest ball. I thought it would only work for grass & bug types. Don't jinx yourself with the title of the video collin
@NuMiddleearth Месяц назад
Platinum is such a great game! Nest ball has been so clutch this early in the playthrough. Your thinking net ball that works on bug/water types
@EllisHCN Месяц назад
Middle! I haven't played S/V but anytime I see the pros use Calyrex... it's insane! Favorite Eeveelution is so hard to choose since they are so cool. For Nuzlocking I think Vaporeon is my go to since with surf/ice beam it can just carry really hard. Leafeon/Glaceon have really been growing on me too. I will take anyone of them that you give me lol. I am so with you on the different seasons and sunburn haha. The fitting flareon! Vibrava goes down, I feel that. Either speed tied or maybe quick claw? Only losing one not too bad with the surprise fight. See you in the next one -(^-^)'
@NuMiddleearth Месяц назад
That shadow rider calyrex is insane right now in regulation g especially being able to testralize. That great point with vaporeon. I can't remember if I had a quick claw on it or not tbh now. You might be onto something got to rewatch. Follow up. I concluded it was a stupid speed tie somehow using damage calculator
@King1smael Месяц назад
There are quite a few different eevelutions that i like but my favorite is definitely Espeon. Meteor mash is a great move and it could easily knock out fairy types if they were in the game. I like flareon as well especially in gen 1. Yea i don't think vibrava is faster than arcanine but it sucks that you lost it. I wanted to see it evolve into Flygon but i think you should have chosen Golduck
@NuMiddleearth Месяц назад
Vibrava was faster the move before, just saying i went first Magnitude and he went dizzy punch after if you watch that battle again. Any eeveelution is a good choice.
@EllisHCN Месяц назад
Middle! Palkia is a monster, nice job there. Loved hearing your thoughts on the Blue Beetle haha xD I haven't seen it but think I would feel very similarly as you. The randomizer really does hype up the encounters! I am glad you enjoy doing these man, its a great way to interact with your fans and explore all of the Pokémon games. Aggron is really cool! Let's go Chikorita! Another enjoyable episode -[^-^]'
@NuMiddleearth Месяц назад
Doing these really gets me to do randomizers, or I'm not sure I would ever do them even though I really want to do them. Also, have accountability as well or might cheat a lot,lol. And like you said, interact with me, for example, like you. Aggron is very cool. Hopefully, I can make it to Aggron, but 2 4x weakness doesn't help at all lol
@EllisHCN Месяц назад
Middle! Favorite evil team is probably team Rocket. Just your signature bad guys who are really bad at being bad haha xD just a casual Giratina saying hi. A dragon rage mankey, that is terrifying! Loved hearing all of your thoughts on the evil teams. Lava plume on Castform was a little typsy but you did a great job in this gym battle man. Way to utilize the whole team especailly against Zapdos! Pikachu and Rotom will be some nice additions to the squad -(^-^)'
@NuMiddleearth Месяц назад
Team Rocket is just the classic villain team. Made me loose a Pokémon that terrifying mankey 😮‍💨. Thank you that zapdos was a pain. I am hoping that rotom is randomized
@King1smael Месяц назад
I never got a chance to watch blue beetle just yet but i do have to say I'm a fan of xolo since he is in the show cobra kai on Netflix. For some reason mars is the only commander in team galactic who gives people a run for their money. Machoke and chikorita are amazing encounters. I think you caught a few starter pokemon in the grass already in the previous episodes right? By the way how was your weekend collin?
@NuMiddleearth Месяц назад
Same here, big fan of xolo and Big Fan as Blue Beetle, but his family in the movie I just didn't care for. Mars is the only galactic member I like besides Cyprus. I've had a totodile starter encounter but couldn't catch it
@javitomm Месяц назад
Good one! I like that Meawscarada 💪🏼
@NuMiddleearth Месяц назад
Thank you! Same here, good design for a Ex I thought
@mismisimognomo101 Месяц назад
Love the music ! 🖤
@NuMiddleearth Месяц назад
Thank you! You have a guess where I am getting the music from?
@King1smael Месяц назад
My favorite evil team is a tough one because i like team rocket, galactic and plasma. I have no clue who to pick. Omg you could have an giratina if the hoothoot didn't pop up. Hoothoot is still a good pokemon though. Poor Zubat got knocked out way too early. The god of thunder is here and wasn't going down without a fight but I'm glad that it didn't knock out anyone which is great. Congratulations on getting another badge let's keep moving forward
@adamrempel1411 Месяц назад
cut your nails
@NuMiddleearth Месяц назад
Yea little long, and probably week after the recording, I chewed them off lol