Astrophel Gaming
Astrophel Gaming
Astrophel Gaming
My channel for whenever I wanna post gaming clips, or for covers of songs and maybe some original songs
@mikeeischen6477 3 дня назад
I wish things could go back to the way they were. Just us three, spending time at the park, playing in the living room, laughing, and loving together as a family. Im doing my best to keep it together, but you were my glue for the broken parts of me. Now, like a house of cards, a little breeze could push me over, and everything will tumble down. I miss you, i miss everything. I am broken without you. I love you...
@SetiaWidiana 3 месяца назад
I always heard this song for sleep
@GraceMaplegem 9 месяцев назад
By the way I was listening to this before my in person final exam for an otherwise completely online class over the summer. Being cooped up and stuck having to do those lessons. I woke up super early to quickly study on the day of the final, and the morning was beautiful and blue similar to in the picture in the video. It got me through the loneliness of studying and I always look back on this video with fond memories rather than melancholic ones.
@priscyvasquez4713 11 месяцев назад
You will never be alone❤
@NickTasy Год назад
I love you Destiny....so so much. I wish I could tell you that
@brooga Год назад
no matter what happens, i always find myself coming back to this video. It comforts me like no other. 3 years ago i was going through the hardest point of my life, this video was a pillow at night to rest on. I found myself returning to it a year later when i moved out and feared the silence at night, this video specifically would fill up my walls with sound. Right now i’m here at it again tomorrow I start my first job and this video found itself holding hands with those big events in my life. I panic when I don’t see it, my biggest fear is it getting deleted.
@Astr0phel11 Год назад
I’m glad to have been able to make an impact with this video, it’s very simplistic but it seems a lot of people have enjoyed it. I was almost gonna delete it today since I’d like to start making different types of videos soon but seeing your comment changed my mind, so thank you for enjoying it.
@nautcyrcworl1806 Год назад
Vuelven aquello días que pensé olvidados, aunque ahora tengo un dolor irreparable solo te puedo decir gracias
@myxa3842 Год назад
god help me. she’s my soulmate, I never want to let go. it’s my worst fear
@ST4R_G1RL09 Год назад
I wish he could stay with me forever
@muzikkstonk1387 Год назад
@alejandrosanchez9389 Год назад
Real music right here
@w4du515 Год назад
I just miss being a kid so muchhhh🥲, i wanna go bad real bad... love you all guys, i hope your doing well
@heyokaraddon47 Год назад
Feels so good to feel my feelings, then to let them go.. and not to harbor them and let them torture me. I miss my sister every single fucking day. " We didn't know we were making memories; we were just having fun." - Winnie the Pooh
@demira_knight2856 Год назад
I lost every one of my friends and lover... My bf said it was for my safety so he and his friends had to unfriend me on every platform we shared.. and my friend said I had blocked them.. and blocked me not knowing the truth... I don't know what I did to deserve this.. maybe I deserve to be alone...
@sahra.1843 Год назад
Yorumlarda herkes yabancı oysaki bir yerlerde bunu gecenin bir vakti benim gibi dinleyen kişiler de var. Onlara bir şey söylemeli miyim bilmiyorum. Başaracağıma dair inancım yokken zaten nasıl yapabilirim ki bunu? Hiç. Şunu biliyorum bir tek ihtiyacımız varken aynı gökyüzünün altındaysak ve bir yerlerde buna denk geldiysek hala umudumuzu yaşatmalıyız. Yoksa benim yıldızım çok uzun zaman önce sönmüş olurdu. Sönmedi ve galiba umudum sayesinde sönmeyecek. Yıldızın temsil ettiği şey bir yaşamsa arada düşmek her zaman olacaktır muhtemel son ayağa kalkmak ve ben yapabilirim. Olumlama gibi düşünün yapabiliriz başka şansımız yok zaten. Kader meselesi şekillendirmek bizim elimizde. Neyse çok konuştum gidiyorum ❤️ yıldızını parlat daima. İyi geceler diliyorum (:
@nathanlowry323 Год назад
I miss what we had
@muhammadrisky3906 2 года назад
Gua sendiri kah di sini?
@anothaccurhat1004 Год назад
tos 👊🏻
@davidoverton2 2 года назад
Although some people are only temporary fixtures in our lives, that does not make their existence any less important to us.
@sirine-vlogs 2 года назад
Sometime all I think about is that I'm ugly, don't really deserve my life, happy think should never happend to me, I'm a bad person having a bad personality I'm just tired of everything, no one really care, sometimes I'm sure that my family don't love me, if I die one day they will laugh
@itsjinie5722 2 года назад
Am I the only one here feeling empty as hell nothing seems good or bad no tears no pain just void in my chest everything is the same even with trying not to do the same shit Not interested in anyone or anything just living even tho that emptiness is killing me sometimes the feeling of dying alone just because you can't feel the love, the need to ask for help the fear is killing me
@sirine-vlogs 2 года назад
For years I stayed alone and sad, I didn't have that much friend to help me so I helped myself always, but sometimes I can't stay strong, I just want someone to hug me and tell me that Everything ok, but they just leave me and say I'm stupid so I stuck alone, alone and listening to sad music, stressed and crying They think I'm not a good person, even mom once told me I'm not a good person, I'm just tired of everything, being alone and weird for everyone is hard
@mrredeyes7021 2 года назад
Everyday I miss her I just want her to forgive me
@TheBlaze1907 2 года назад
When the post nut clarity hits
@Laufeys_1fan 2 года назад
Dear person who’s reading this, Hello, it’s been almost a year since I’ve been here. I’m still liking every single comment I see here. How are we all? Have we drunken anything today? Have we eaten today? If not I would go get a glass of water and even just a banana, granola bar, or anything else would help too. Just wanted To let you all know that, you are worth it. You’re amazing. You’re kind. You’re sweet. You’re courageous. Your strong. You’re responsible. You’re respectful. You’re wise. You’re beautiful/handsome/pretty/cute/lovely and everything of the above. I care about you and so many other people do too. I know sometimes life gets rough and sometimes things happen, but you can’t just let it end. You were put on this planet for a reason, and you must try to find that reason. Wether it be a person, place, thing, or just an idea, try to find it. Try to be happy. Just try, and I promise, you may succeed. I have faith in you. If you are struggling with anything right now, money, love, parents, family, divorce, body image issues, dysmorphia of any kind, mental health issues, or anything else, it’s going to be alright. I know it hurts, I know you just want to cry and scream, but you just have to push through it. You have to make it. You have to see that there’s some form of light at the end of the dark, and ever so cold tunnel. I love you. Stay safe, happy, healthy, and many more things. <33 - love, Ang3l 🫶💗 p.s : All the people in these comments are so sweet. I’m also so sorry for all the people in these comments. It’s so sad to hear everyone’s stories. I hope you’re all feeling better and well, get some rest. Ilyg <33
@anothaccurhat1004 Год назад
@anastasiagrebenyuk6049 2 года назад
He's my Ellie, but idk whats on his mine. we don't talk but I know its hard without him, and knowing he may not feel the same is the worst thing. I hope we grow old together and have a good youth 💔🥺
@blakeiooo1424 2 года назад
@Gnaaaal 2 года назад
Always cried when i heard this, been listening for 7 days now. Just hoping no one get the same feeling as mine, not even myself wanted it, but things didn't end up good. Good bye everyone.
@ronnierold5441 2 года назад
I really miss you. I dont even know how to show you how much i miss you. I feel like you are the only one that really cares about me and loves me. You show it so well, but man, it is so easy to love you. Ive never felt this way for anyone before. It feels like i dont even have to try to love you, i just do. I really hope you are the one but i dont know how i am supposed to handle you leaving. I dont want you to forget about me. I really truly love you.
@clauditasefa 2 года назад
i need to someone to tell me this is just a game and that i can restart it and play from the very beginning, when i was just a kid. when i didnt know what school is, or stress, or fears, or boys. i wished i could cry only when i would be hurt physically.
@C0oki333 2 года назад
Every time I have a panic attack and or bad anxiety and that feeling that your mind is being overloaded and you can’t sleep, that you know you can’t stop overthinking and you feel like it’s gonna crash? Well, I do. And at that point, I always find myself here, especially at night, listening to this beautiful arrangement. Thank you! ❤️
@abbigailtarghetta7758 2 года назад
dear *****, i miss you, i know the time we had together is done and what we had was special. but i wish i could change what i’ve done. i told you i would change and i felt i did. i miss all of our good memories we created. all the good times we spent together. laughing, crying, cuddling, dancing in the dark to our favorite songs. i remember the time a sad song had played while we were slow dancing and you cried so hard because you thought we would’ve been perfect together for the rest of our life. you got your snot all over my shoulder ;( if i could go back and fix everything wrong i would. i feel like i’ve changed the way i am. i started to do things i haven’t done or never did. i started working out. it’s been a couple months and i’ve lost about 27 pounds. maybe in another universe, there’s a chance of us being together and being perfect for each other. thank you for making me feel happier than ever and making me feel confident in myself. you helped me thru a lot. i still think about you. i’ll always love you forever. i hope to see you again my love <3
@LaMuertedelEspiritu 2 года назад
@micciminach7864 2 года назад
I still see zoe laverne LMFAOAOA
@melanielecoy1001 2 года назад
I’m numb….): idk how to cope. Lost my grandma to Covid-19, it isn’t the same. Still feels like she’s gonna come around, even tho I was there when we had to pull the plug. I hate feeling so alone. She was always there for us. I feel ashamed sometimes. Cause I feel like I coulda did more. But I was young & dumb:((( I wish I can change the past.
@brooga 2 года назад
last time i commented on this video was 2 years ago, this will always be my comfort video forever, the first time i heard it i was going through many problems and reached a point of my life where i felt stuck mentally and physically as my family’s situation was getting worse day by day and so did my mental health I am happy to say that what we were scared of the most did not happen and we are now surviving :) I am very thankful for all the comfort this song brought to me, without it i would’ve had several sleepless nights note: this is the longest youtube comment i’ve ever written lol
@JarredWoods 2 года назад
She’s finally happy guys… just not with me..
@angeliquepokia3659 2 года назад
It gets better 💗
@JarredWoods 2 года назад
@@angeliquepokia3659 <3 Thank you for the kind words
@raissalopes1204 2 года назад
gn guys
@raissalopes1204 2 года назад
i miss my old self
@wyattcovin4523 2 года назад
I’m sorry that on that day, there was no one to lift you into their arms. And then, what became of you. I’m sorry no one was able to help you then, but allow someone to help you now. It’s time to rest, for you, and for those who you’ve carried in your own arms. Take it slow. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
@SeleNight 2 года назад
@laurenrfenwick 2 года назад
“At some point in my childhood, my friends and I went outside to play together for the very last time, and none of us knew it.”
@djp1363 2 года назад
One day life just stops. It’s a crazy thing to think about. No one in the world knows what’s next
@turtle5252 2 года назад
She didn't see the waterfall
@chriscanul4075 2 года назад
Dated this girl, Ella, called her Ellie, we made so many plans together, we were determined to build a life together and one day she just... disappeared. It's been four months and the last thing you told me was to find someone who could make me happy, apologizing over and over again for every fault and failure in our relationship, saying she was a bad girlfriend and I need a better one, but how could I find a better one when the best girl in the world disappeared? Please God just bring her back
@anneflavia8519 2 года назад
@highwaytohell3755 2 года назад
And suddenly the world goes quiet..
@kevinavansaantares4165 2 года назад
I never heard this (up song) like this before, until i get sleep and in my dream, i heard this song on rainy morning and than i woke and search this song. now im shock because this song is same on my head.
@kevinavansaantares4165 2 года назад
Sorry im not good in english
@Bonkstar 2 года назад
I miss him
@just_kristaalt9285 2 года назад
~a vent that I just need to get off my chest~ He was my best friend, my everything, I had Loved him at his worst, he helped me get into the relationship I’m in now, he was the one who held me tight when I told him I was Sexually Abused and told me everything was going to be ok, he would call me till the sun came up to make sure I got some sleep, but he got sick…he knew his fate, so he bought me a necklace and put it around my neck, all I heard around me at the time was the beeping of his heart monitor in his room, he tucked my hair behind my ear, “I love you June bug” he whispered, the next day he seemed to be getting better, so he was discharged a week later, everything was ok until he had a panic attack about his death and claimed he was in so much pain at the time (it was written in a notebook) and had ended his life, he shot himself dead, the one person who understood me, who loved me at my worst, who never gave up on anything in life, was dead, a week later I noticed a line going through the necklace, it had been a locket, and it had a tiny photo of me and him at the lake, our best photo, he looked so happy and healthy, but now he’s gone… And thank you everyone who read this far, it’s been a month since his suicide and I have never taken the necklace off, life never seems the same without that one person, and this was the song we listened to the night I told him about my S/A he knew I loved the movie UP and there’s so much I wish I could say about him, I could write a whole novel series about how amazing he is, but thank you for reading my vent </3
@imamjuanda24 2 года назад
I love you all 😘🥰🥰🥰