MOCA Experience
MOCA Experience
MOCA Experience
“West Meets East” If you are curious about China, let's lean into that more!
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@simontam732 2 дня назад
But BRUCE LEE Hilario fight on 1970 before he go back to Hong Kong and the LA national airport flights to the seven karate professional about 8 to 10 minutes finally he won’t
@andyyinni7451 13 дней назад
you need visit china, that’s real Chinese food.
@MortalXu7961 14 дней назад
@archerli4783 17 дней назад
@linchangsin 18 дней назад
《剛剛,剛剛發現了新大陸- -是花果山》林長信/2024-10-6   哥倫布的艦隊在從西班牙西南海岸的帕洛斯港出發后,1492年9月首先到達了美洲的加那利群島,史稱:發現新大陸。   荷蘭/東印度公司,正名為聯合東印度公司,是荷蘭歷史上為向亞洲發展而成立的特許公司,成立於1602年3月20日。 >>>   汉-司马迁《史记-滑稽列传》王曰:“此鸟不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。”   400年後,直到2024年8月20日《黑悟空》發售以來,歐美與全球的網游庶民,藉著電玩全球普及之變,才自《黑悟空》發現了亞洲的中國文化内的美術、音樂、民唱、宗教、文學(章回、結構、人物刻畫、主配角、性格、人生觀、劇情、轉折與發現的設計...)、情仇、地理、風土、景觀、色彩、審美、舞蹈、運動、以及打鬥與功夫、...; 但並不是異域感(好奇的觀察新奇的野獸或四不像);   全球庶民才脫下了墨鏡,打心裏認真在驚呼連連中看待:華夏文明,這,才正式剛剛發現了新大陸。//
@tinaz1818able 21 день назад
“A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains” Scroll, Northern Song Dynasty, by Wang Ximeng, Silk, Colored, 51.5 cm in height, 1191.5 cm in width. The “A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains” scroll is the only surviving work by Northern Song Dynasty painter Wang Ximeng. This painting depicts the magnificent landscape of the motherland. The picture features undulating peaks, vast rivers, and a majestic atmosphere. High cliffs and waterfalls, winding paths, houses, green willows, red flowers, tall pines, and bamboo create a beautiful scene. The landscape includes fishing villages, pavilions, cottages, water mills, and long bridges, all set according to the terrain and environment, harmonizing with the mountains and lakes. This scroll uses concise techniques, brilliant colors, and meticulous brushwork to showcase the grandeur of the country’s mountains and rivers, and is considered a masterpiece of Song Dynasty blue-green landscape painting. In composition, the artist fully utilizes the multi-point perspective characteristic of traditional long scrolls, dividing the scenery into six sections over the ten-meter-long scroll. Each section primarily features mountains, connected by long bridges or flowing water, making each part both independent and interconnected, achieving an artistic effect of changing scenery with each step. The use of various compositional methods such as high, deep, and flat perspectives adds rhythm and dynamism to the picture, making it captivating. The scroll inherits the traditional “blue-green method” in coloring and brushwork, using mineral pigments like azurite and malachite, with exaggerated colors for a decorative effect, known as “blue-green landscape.” This method developed early in Chinese landscape painting, with many artists like Zhan Ziqian, Li Sixun, and Li Zhaodao excelling in it during the Sui and Tang dynasties. Although some Song Dynasty painters also used this method, no existing work surpasses the “A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains” scroll. Wang Ximeng’s work shows a more delicate style, reflecting the meticulous and rigorous style of Northern Song court painting. The brushwork is precise, with no flawed strokes. The tiny figures are dynamic, and the water ripples are drawn stroke by stroke, adding movement to the scene. The overall view is grand and magnificent, impressive both from a distance and up close. In terms of color, the artist seeks variation within the blue-green palette, using thick or light colors and adding ochre for contrast, making the layers distinct and the colors gem-like and dazzling. The famous Yuan Dynasty calligrapher Pu Guang highly praised this scroll, writing in the colophon: “Among the small scenes of ancient and modern paintings, it stands alone for a thousand years, like the lone moon among the stars.” This comment is considered fair. From the depicted scenery, it mainly features the elegant and delicate landscapes of the south, with some northern landscape characteristics added to certain mountains, making it a meticulous work combining southern and northern landscapes. The architectural forms, life scenes, and tools used in production in the Jiangnan water towns suggest that the artist had a deep understanding of the Jiangnan region, and his artistic creation likely came from life. Given that Wang Ximeng created such a grand work at the age of 18, he must have had rich life experiences. Therefore, it is speculated that Wang Ximeng was from Jiangnan, though his exact birthplace is unknown.
@tinaz1818able 21 день назад
《千里江山图》卷,北宋,王希孟作,绢本,设色,纵51.5厘米,横1191.5厘米。   《千里江山图》卷是北宋画家王希孟传世的唯一作品。此图描绘了祖国的锦绣河山。画面上峰峦起伏绵延,江河烟波浩淼,气象万千,壮丽恢弘。山间高崖飞瀑,曲径通幽,房舍屋宇点缀其间,绿柳红花,长松修竹,景色秀丽。山水间野渡渔村、水榭楼台、茅屋草舍、水磨长桥各依地势、环境而设,与山川湖泊相辉映。此卷以概括精练的手法、绚丽的色彩和工细的笔致表现出祖国山河的雄伟壮观,一向被视为宋代青绿山水中的巨制杰构。   画家在构图上充分利用传统的长卷形式所具有的多点透视之特点,在十余米的巨幅长卷中将景物大致分为六部分,每部分均以山体为主要表现对象,各部分之间或以长桥相连,或以流水沟通,使各段山水既相对独立,又相互关联,巧妙地连成一体,达到了步移景异的艺术效果。高远、深远、平远多种构图方式的穿插使用更使画面跌宕起伏,富有强烈的韵律感,引人入胜。   《千里江山图》卷在设色和用笔上继承了传统的“青绿法”,即以石青、石绿等矿物质为主要颜料,敷色夸张,具有一定的装饰性,被称为“青绿山水”。此种表现方法是我国山水画技法中发展较早的一种,在隋唐时期如展子虔、李思训、李昭道等许多画家均擅长青绿山水画。纵观宋代画坛,虽然也有一些画家用此法创作,但从目前存世作品看,尚无一件可以超越《千里江山图》卷。王希孟在继承前法的基础上,表现出更趋细腻的画风,体现了北宋院画工整严谨的时代风格。此图用笔精当,一点一画均无败笔。人物虽细小如豆,却动态鲜明。微波水纹均一笔笔画出,渔舟游船荡曳其间,使画面平添动感。综观全幅,又不失雄阔的境界和恢宏的气势,远观近睹均令人折服。在用色上,画家于单调的蓝绿色中求变化,虽然以青绿为主色调,但在施色时注重手法的变化,色彩或浑厚,或轻盈,间以赭色为衬,使画面层次分明,色如宝石,光彩夺目。元代著名书法家溥光对此卷推崇备至,在卷后题跋中赞道:“在古今丹青小景中,自可独步千载,殆众星之孤月耳。”此论可谓公允之见。   从此卷所描绘的景物看,系以南方清丽秀润的山水为主体,在部分山峦的表现上加进了一些北方山水的特征,可谓集南北山水于一体的精心之作。从画面表现的建筑形式以及江南水乡的生活场景、生产劳作使用的工具等方面看,画家对江南地区有着较为深刻的了解,其艺术创作当来源于生活,而王希孟于18岁时即创作出如此宏幅巨制,不可能没有深厚的生活积累,由此笔者推测,画家王希孟应是江南人,至于具体籍贯便无从知晓了。
@iroquoispliskin3285 28 дней назад
@mbaijuniorebakoclyde3235 Месяц назад
Such a useless editing focusing on the dude with the headphones reactions more
@ngjitsing8154 Месяц назад
@frankenriqueisdal4625 Месяц назад
@chichiuhui658 Месяц назад
@lilithqin3685 Месяц назад
@cosmi750612 Месяц назад
對啊 就像貼了三天的文 沒人理你 像是在這獨自打手槍一樣嗨
@xianyanwang2705 Месяц назад
The phrase they didn’t translate at the end was ‘Now that you have seen the future, why don’t you bow to it?’ Interestingly, the word ‘bow’ in Chinese sounds the same as ‘buy,’ leading people to joke, ‘Why don’t you buy it?
@kingso-h8k Месяц назад
一個遊戲就一堆小粉紅在打飛機 😂😂
@Zenmatrixx Месяц назад
You guys could turn into Jedi if you want. Is all about mental power. ;)
@Yvcvvb1 Месяц назад
@zhenli2745 Месяц назад
you asking why that person whom he has no head? where is his head.? do you have the answer for that ? let me tall you what is this all about. this person whom is not a just person he does has he's head. he is one of the Buda monk in the one of the temple. in this temple he willing make the sad people happy that is he as monk what he does. in the year 1800 after the British and franc invited China. they destroy the temple and cut off this Buda's head bring it back to England today it head still at British museum. but today the British still dented what they did back to 1848 what they did in China. now you as west people why? then ........ did you fell sorry what happened then?
@蔡源-e7m Месяц назад
头被英国抢走 了现在在英国
@TinaTina-pv6mw Месяц назад
@saywes8568 2 месяца назад
@风顺-d8k Месяц назад
@goodygoody5002 2 месяца назад
:et me tell you guys where the HEAD is ...... British robbed it from China during the world war and still sitting in the Britain museum now, shame on them.
@小吉-v5l 2 месяца назад
@lsjzlqlsjzlq 2 месяца назад
The closing words mean why you don't show your worship to the future when you come across it.
@martintang2097 2 месяца назад
If you wish to understand the story of wu kong Read the journey to the west is one of the classics Chinese novels
@Ada_9527 2 месяца назад
His head is in the British Museum
@liho4108 2 месяца назад
At 1 minute and 20 seconds into the video, the woman asked: Why does he have no head? The truth is that it was a statue of Lingji Bodhisattva whose head was stolen by the British and is now in the British Museum. This is used to satirize Britain as a robber country. 
@liho4108 2 месяца назад
@haia4998 2 месяца назад
@limsengleong 2 месяца назад
@rabinwang3822 2 месяца назад
@文雍田 2 месяца назад
@孙和谐 2 месяца назад
@孙和谐 2 месяца назад
@许景泓 2 месяца назад
@Lisa11450 2 месяца назад
@focl-maddox 2 месяца назад
@duxs5248 2 месяца назад
it's Chinese looog, different from Western dragon
@colinwang-qz8qb 2 месяца назад
@只会越来越好 Месяц назад
@felixdom9693 2 месяца назад
They know how to dress like china Korea Japan they know fashion in China they even had their local brand they don't depends on American brand all the time they know to stylist themselves
@faketrump3605 2 месяца назад
show's Chinese is not your first language. it's 无人早餐车. first it's a 车. more specifically, it's a 早餐车. finally, it's 无人. so 无人早餐车.
@ela-v9f 2 месяца назад
I feel like I’m on the wrong side
@kimgung-b2u 2 месяца назад
@hu1715 2 месяца назад
@maimuieng8471 2 месяца назад
@cinnamomumcamphora8943 2 месяца назад
每4年就要向2008北京奧運開幕朝聖一次 上次東京時就朝聖過 現在巴黎時又朝聖了 😅❤️
@leonchia4820 2 месяца назад
where is London?
@hanxiaohan430 2 месяца назад
@andychan1899 2 месяца назад
@上水天然 3 месяца назад
@paulpwthuang 3 месяца назад
These people know nothing about this dancing!