My Gardening Year
My Gardening Year
My Gardening Year
I am an ordinary domestic gardener living in southern England. I am one of thousands like me who enjoy pottering in our gardens and experimenting with new ideas.

I have no special expertise beyond that which the garden itself has taught me over the years with innumerable small successes and failures.

Whenever I visit a new garden or hear any gardener speak, there is always at least one thing that is new to me and inspires me to try something different in my own garden.

If you watch the videos I post, you will doubtless see many things about which you know more than I do, but I hope there are also a few ideas that you can take into your own garden and make your own.

I have disabled comments as I would want to reply properly to any questions I received, and I spend too long on the computer anyway! If you would like to contact me, however, please email me at gardening@huggett.info.

Happy gardening!
Brian Huggett - October 2020.
@grahamthomas411 3 года назад
On your videos august 11th 2021 no longer able to reply to your video ( comments turn off ) anyway thanks for your time 👍👍👍👍👍👍
@my-gardening-year 3 года назад
Hi Graham - Many thanks for your message. I'm sorry about turning off the comments on the videos. I would be absolutely delighted to communicate with you or anyone else who wants to discuss any of the videos, but I would prefer to do that by email. As I explained in my description of the channel, anyone can contact me at gardening@huggett.info. If you have any thoughts or questions, please email me. I would be very pleased to hear from you. The comments on this video were left switched on by mistake, but I won't change that now as otherwise this conversation will be lost. Very best wishes, Brian.