Occultists Anonymous
Occultists Anonymous
Occultists Anonymous
Occultists Anonymous is a group of friends playing Mage the Awakening (2E). Drew thought it would be fun to record it and somehow managed to convince the others to join in. We've begun to branch out to a little bit of other TTRPG content.

Watch us Friday Nights on Twitch: twitch.tv/TheOnyxPath
Listen to us in Podcast form: castbox.fm/channel/id2077608
Support us on Patreon: staylucky.club
Into The West - Episode 58: The Inquisition
21 день назад
Into The West - Episode 57: Just Desserts
Месяц назад
Into The West - Episode 51: Red Sky at Night
3 месяца назад
Into The West - Episode 48: An Idyllic Sunday
4 месяца назад
Into The West - Episode 46: Chain Breaking
4 месяца назад
Into The West - 10 Years Later
5 месяцев назад
@Manyfetch День назад
In terms of the Dominion, I'd have been thinking about helping out the werewolf pack and their authority over their territory, instead of the vampire
@HV2HJ 2 дня назад
Exciting stuff
@namename2186 2 дня назад
Legba and Craig in the Astral is always a treat
@namename2186 3 дня назад
Why am I not surprised that these players of all people made a cryptid cabal?
@kastrullocknagel5092 4 дня назад
You are so, so lucky. And I suppose fortunate that Drew is so forgiving as an ST.
@namename2186 9 дней назад
Dammit, I was looking forward both to the mansion fight and the two storm thyrsus causing shit. It is kinda sad to have all these loose and interesting plot threads wrapped up in a time skip, though I suppose it is more realistic than the Rookery mages becoming fucking HORRIFYING mages in less than a year. Also, when did Rilla ever leave?
@OccultistsAnonymous 9 дней назад
Next episode will talk more about Rilla!
@emberlepage8885 11 дней назад
This was dope! Love to hear more Forsaken stuff from you
@OccultistsAnonymous 11 дней назад
Unfortunately it's unlikely, but we've discussed it.
@namename2186 11 дней назад
How scary do you have to be to intimidate the thrice-damned abyss ;-;
@brandonylion 13 дней назад
‘Verisimilitude’ and ‘yeet’ used in the same sentence, we live in the fucking future 🙏🤌👌
@namename2186 17 дней назад
Was the prime journey just translating the book? I already know what the death and life journey are
@namename2186 17 дней назад
Question, why do attaiments not cause breaking points even though seeing a vampire does?
@OccultistsAnonymous 17 дней назад
We've misquoted the rules a couple times... They don't cause Quiescence and Dissonance, they can still cause Breaking Points.
@namename2186 17 дней назад
@@OccultistsAnonymous Basically, they don't get wiped from sleepers' heads by the abyss as they are as real as vampires, but they still cause psychological stress depending on the circumstance
@namename2186 18 дней назад
I think I just accidentally caught spoilers about this "Stalker". I stopped watching the rookery right at the episode where they saw somebody was a pure creation of life, and I am pretty sure that the Stalker is the guy who did that
@namename2186 18 дней назад
I find the coven's reaction to the army men a bit unreasonable. Imagine denying IRL police, let alone military, a search because you don't like their sexist comments. That is a wonderful way to a cause a bunch of people trying to do their jobs Karen levels of trouble
@namename2186 18 дней назад
Everybody else is stunned, meanwhile Ralph is channeling the spirit of Songbird The Ghost Puncher
@namename2186 19 дней назад
The Theodosia+Catherine conversation has to be one of the most adorable interactions I have seen between two fictional characters
@IaMSpeaks 22 дня назад
munch munch, crunch crunch.
@namename2186 23 дня назад
I haven't gone far into the episode, but I really hope they spare him because I just really freaking like fallen sorcerers. I want a small army of ethically questionable occult bastards
@namename2186 23 дня назад
Legba is becoming a fucking HORRIFYING mage. 4 gnosis means a fuck ton of yantras and a fuck ton of dice; the moment he gets his two arcana to 4, OH BOYYYY
@IaMSpeaks 24 дня назад
Really like this Fae-Time supernal.
@OccultistsAnonymous 11 дней назад
They were really fun to mess with considering I didn't have a ton of prep for it!
@namename2186 25 дней назад
Can I understand what releasing Paradox does? Especially what exactly what Isabel did
@IaMSpeaks 25 дней назад
When did Chris and Ralph swap places?
@namename2186 25 дней назад
question, what does plucking a person's soul do? I am aware that the soul is basically made of every subtle arcana, but life and sentience can clearly exist without it. It would be great to have an "in chronicle" answer instead of all the God Machine fuckery
@OccultistsAnonymous 25 дней назад
Plucking their soul?
@namename2186 25 дней назад
@@OccultistsAnonymous The soul jar spell
@OccultistsAnonymous 25 дней назад
Oh! You mean removing their soul! There's a set of three conditions that represent the failing will to live that you are afflicted with while missing a soul. It can be very nasty after a time. Mages can even lose their ability to cast spells.
@namename2186 25 дней назад
@@OccultistsAnonymous Yeah, but is the soul just willpower then? Why does it include Fate and Time and Death and also Life? Da fuq is a soul? How can a person be a person without a soul? What is the entomology of yeet? All valid questions
@namename2186 25 дней назад
@IaMSpeaks 26 дней назад
new covenmate: achieved.
@OccultistsAnonymous 25 дней назад
Gotta get all the party members!
@namename2186 29 дней назад
God, I love the adamantine arrow. This is exactly the magical balls to the wall social fuckery that should happen when you put players like this and pentacle mages in the same room
@brandonylion Месяц назад
That flashback mechanic is awesome!
@OccultistsAnonymous Месяц назад
Yeah, one of the best narrative tools I've seen in awhile.
@namename2186 Месяц назад
Alright, I know it is not in good taste to leave two comments, but Isabel woke up, got threatened, landed a bullet on the thrice-damned *space* mage, organized her cabal, tracked said space mage down in a matter of minutes, and then spun her block with double revolvers. Woman was sitting in her cushy office wondering what type of tea she was going to have only for a sledgehammer and pissed off Spanish royalty to kick down her door
@namename2186 Месяц назад
@namename2186 Месяц назад
I find it interesting that while death mages can basically grab any ghost and go "SIT, BOY", Spirit mages seem to have a much more predator-and-prey situation going on with the caveat that mages can get a metric fuckload of essence pretty easily. I am waiting for the day Isabel can just go "Your very being as well as your court is what I Weave, Rule, Create, and Unmake. Step. Aside"
@OccultistsAnonymous Месяц назад
Oh Spirit mages can do it, and in fact, are better at it than Death Mages! It's just the difference of vibe and decision for the characters.
@namename2186 Месяц назад
@@OccultistsAnonymous Interesting, I wonder if it is just because Isabel is fucking with so much high rank stuff
@namename2186 Месяц назад
Can 8 successes intimidate a supernal? Also, "how do you kill a truth" with a lie :). Also also, DID YOU JUST GIVE THE PARTY A POTION THAT CAN AWAKEN ANYBODY? THE PENTACLE WOULD KILL FOR THAT
@namename2186 Месяц назад
I haven't finished yet, but what in the fuckity fucking fuck is that thing? The zero kelvin sphere I mean
@OccultistsAnonymous Месяц назад
@namename2186 Месяц назад
Which one of us couldn't they burn" Give Isabel a few more dots in forces....But seriously, the answer is all of you. Bring all the guns you want, I will be in fucking twilight with my space magic friend
@namename2186 Месяц назад
Ain't no fucking way Cloak pulled a Talk No Jutsu on a fucking ghost. Also, I always found it kind of weird that resolving a ghost's anchor or banishing them or any of that good stuff never solves the problem; it just dumps them in the underworld to suffer some more. When death is supposed to be a natural transition, for the natural state of that transition to be suffering doesn't sit right with me. Of course, the real souls go elsewhere, but the fact that ghosts themselves are a fundamental part of the capital D Death arcana means they existed before Paradox and consensus was an utter bitch
@CptRyaffio Месяц назад
stream starts 36:46
@CptRyaffio Месяц назад
wait... Poseidon was hiding on Jupiter? Not Neptune? What heresy is this?
@namename2186 Месяц назад
I am very excited that we are finally getting to the mage shenanigans, but I am also slightly confused. I can tell that the crossroads just represent the space arcana connections between people, but is the "real" papa legba a goetia? I have heard Goetia referred to loosely in both the rookery and here, but Goetia are supposed to *only* be dark impulses from the mind of a sentient being. What is Papa Legma then, and how does mind aspect manifest (I will just say "thing" for now) manifest at a crossroads of space?
@OccultistsAnonymous Месяц назад
Goetia are NOT only dark impulse. They represent any thoughts, memories, urges, etc. from within your mind, discussed between people, or from the dreams of rocks, trees, and planets. So Papa Legba is the Goetic representation of the Vodun Loa, their god of crossroads and travel and communication. There is some similarity to Hermes
@namename2186 Месяц назад
​@@OccultistsAnonymous Alright, that makes a lot more sense; the wiki isn't very good. Beyond that, the heck are supernals? I was under the impression that they don't go out into the physical. (If we are going by Exalted lore, all mages are reality-bending fairies from outside the bounds of reality. I am not kidding, that is the canon source of awakened souls according to Exalted which takes place before all other white wolf systems)
@OccultistsAnonymous Месяц назад
No, the wiki can be quite bad, especially since some of it is 1E content, some of it gets edited together with fan theory stuff or WoD content. You should swing by the Discord, there's a bunch of folks there who are super eager to discuss and answer these kinds of questions for ya. Supernals are symbols of existence, each representing an aspect of reality. They don't go out into the physical normally but they can be summoned! (We don't care about Exalted lore here.)
@namename2186 Месяц назад
@@OccultistsAnonymous Yeah, I am probably going to head over to the Discord. As for exalted, most people don't even know about that crackhead of a game
@kastrullocknagel5092 Месяц назад
After so long it was incredibly cathartic to see the bad-bad-man get dusted. On other news, Theodosia's wife is on the road to maybe awaken? What heartache might be in the wings? Find out next time on ItW!
@OccultistsAnonymous Месяц назад
I'm sure taking Catherine up to the Tempest would be totally fine...
@IaMSpeaks Месяц назад
(catching back up) The Ash joke made me sad.
@namename2186 Месяц назад
I think Theo is going to slowly become that old woman stares down ghosts as their numenera bounces off of her. She really tanked getting her body rapidly decayed, put up a ghost shield, and didn't lose a single other resource for the rest of the fight. I know that she was "shaken" mechanics-wise, but holy shit, I will never stop being impressed by how hard death mages counter ghosts
@OccultistsAnonymous Месяц назад
Ghosts don't stand a chance against them
@IaMSpeaks Месяц назад
Rewatching, still a cool reveal.
@CptRyaffio Месяц назад
Stream starts 31:17 Break ends 2:05:16
@namename2186 Месяц назад
I haven't even started the episode yet, but this is a much much much much much much much MUCH more relaxed pace than the previous chronicle, which makes sense I suppose, but it can also feel kind of "skip skip skip" to hear a bunch of newbie mages have philosophical discussions about things that the audience already knows the supernal end point of, especially after hearing the much more interesting and opinionated out-looks of the Rookery mages
@OccultistsAnonymous Месяц назад
Oh don't worry, we crank this up to 11 quick enough. :D
@namename2186 Месяц назад
@@OccultistsAnonymous I shall wait for shit to hit the fan, probably once the cabal has the classic 2 or 3 gnosis, 3 dots in ruling, and 2 dots in the second ruling
@CptRyaffio Месяц назад
I believed in Chris! ❤
@namename2186 Месяц назад
With 12 successes, I am surprised they didn't throw chest-sized rocks with one hand like softballs
@namename2186 Месяц назад
I keep forgetting that Craig is a Moros because he is just such an Acanthus in his speech, thoughts, rolls, everything
@OccultistsAnonymous Месяц назад
I do this too!!
@brandonylion Месяц назад
Giant Jumping Spider Monkey!!
@Chuck-kc3pg Месяц назад
Just starting to get ready to play Mags with my group. Really pleased to have found this.
@OccultistsAnonymous Месяц назад
Awesome! Glad to hear about new folks starting up their own games. Enjoy our bumbling and learning. :D
@CptRyaffio Месяц назад
stream starts at 56:32
@CptRyaffio Месяц назад
what happened there? that is a rather long time till the start of the stream
@OccultistsAnonymous Месяц назад
We thought we were going live ... then things happened. :P
@CptRyaffio Месяц назад
poor Lily! what an intro to an adventure that'll be!
@CptRyaffio Месяц назад
stream starts at 27:02