Brain Injured and Bored
Brain Injured and Bored
Brain Injured and Bored
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Brain Injured and Bored is a video podcast/diary about my recovery from a severe brain injury I received July 6, 2021. Each week I will document my progress, accomplishments and struggles as well as talk about whatever topic I find interesting at the moment. This is a project to help stimulate my creativity as well as cure my boredom (as the title suggests). If you like it, cool! If you don’t, it’s not for you anyway. 🧠😞🔨
✨the only way out is through✨
📧: braininjuredandbored@gmail.com
📸: @Virgloo
🐦: @Laura_AnnP
@adlron1 3 месяца назад
I’m shocked that no one thought to rescan your brain??
@420gzuz Год назад
its great to hear somebody express self appreciation, self confidence, and self esteem, and self respect, and see it translate into self-liberation from old burdensome habits, without any arrogance at all. you're awesome.
@braininjuredandbored9449 Год назад
I want to point out some good things that happened this year: I got to spend a lot of time with Nala. I got to spend a lot of time with my dad and our relationship got closer I got to spend a lot of time with my grandparents I reconnected with my college roommate and I value our friendship I grew up a lot this year I learned how to be alone I appreciate all the good that this year brought 💕
@420gzuz Год назад
believe it or not, i actually do FULLY understand the challenge you describe in everything from the triggering effect of waking up to find your abilities regressed, the pain and difficulty of reliving the trauma in having to describe and explain it, the lack of words to express the magnitude of the experience, the feeling of abandonment when it's someone who should have stuck with you "in sickness and in health"..... seems like we've both gone through quite a few parallel experiences in our lives... props to you for being able to express it sometimes better than i can... lol @ glad ur not lactose intolerant cuz it was cheesy..... happy thanksgiving. its weird for me too this year. family moved to florida recently so i'm more alone than before as well... fwiw, you are awesome! :)
@420gzuz Год назад
the past couple years have been really rough on me too... covid interfered with my efforts to self-treat my own health problems which had just been revealed, one by one, after struggling thru a year of living alone with my pets and struggling with a very debilitating illness which, at the time, was misdiagnosed, and was from a cause which remained unknown until much more recently when my own research brought me to a solid hypothesis regarding wtf had happened to me..... APPARENTLY, a tooth infection, if located on a mandibular molar (lower jaw) the infection can easily spread into the "neck space" without any obvious visible symptoms. From here, it can spread to the jugulars, causing blood clots which most doctors are baffled by, it can spread upwards and damage the brain, it can spread downward and affect lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, digestive tract, skin, and probably everything else within its reach. the wide range of symptoms, which tend to alternate in severity after presenting themselves one by one, are rarely traced all the way back to the dental abscess... especially if a person gets sepsis from it and dies... lets hope we both have a bright and fun future ahead of us. seems we are both ready for it. good riddance, 2022.
@420gzuz Год назад
i could be way off base with this, but my guess is that statement of purpose is an explanation of what reason you have for wanting to enter their program, like what do you expect to gain from it, whereas personal history sounds like a resume that includes relevant diplomas and certifications. i'm anti-washington state university since they scheduled an appointment for my cat to get a very specific form of cancer treatment... nobody gave us any reason not to drive 390 miles on date of the appointment to begin the treatment before they finally informed me that they do not and cannot provide that form of cancer treatment but they are willing to cut off his tongue and jaew or euthanize him for me instead if either of those should interest me..... people pleasing is perfectly fine if you can remain mindful while doing it. mindful that if you're not enjoying yourself, you're making a personal sacrifice without reason to expect anything tangible in return... wishing you the very best tom from wa
@420gzuz 2 года назад
omg... where, oh where, might i find someone like you?!
@420gzuz 2 года назад
not crazy... just really honest, and real, and human, and going through what you need to go through in processing a really harsh reality...
@420gzuz 2 года назад
never seen you before this video... but i think that you've got the right mindset to come out of this firing on all cylinders, so to speak! you seem like you'd be a very enjoyable person to get to know better. i'm in Washington, for what it's worth. consider this an invitation to reach out to a total stranger who thinks you seem really cool... if you ever feel like it.
@420gzuz 2 года назад
ok, now that i've watched up to the point where you have three cheetos left, i can say, with confidence, that i would benefit from having somebody just like you in my world. subscribed. looking forward to more glimpses into your world...
@braininjuredandbored9449 Год назад
thank you so much!
@ambassadorofhappiness500 2 года назад
Don't cry, there will come a day when we will miss the dearest thing and they are parents, friends can be compensated for the best, losing them is very difficult, but this is life, there are curves like stock shares
@ericarodovalhofife1090 2 года назад
This is priceless!!!!
@octavio1276 2 года назад
@akidudontknow 2 года назад
ALSO, make sure your sunscreen is multi-spectrum or mentions somewhere that it protects from UVA and UVB rays. And the hat rocks. You should get one of those massive like lady-on-the-beach-on-a-romance-novel-cover sun hats
@akidudontknow 2 года назад
I think generally speaking the best way to handle it is to find out if he has like a parent/guardian or a roommate or someone helping him that lives with him or anything like that and talk to them if you can to see how to make him understand you’re not ok with socializing. Alternatively, just tell him you’re not comfortable with hanging out. If he does live with something that impairs his reading and interpretation of social cues then a clear, concise approach may be best. That does sound very stressful, though, and I am by no means an expert, but I hope you can feel safe walking in your neighborhood again soon.
@lauraphillips6509 2 года назад
This video quality is garbage omg
@akidudontknow 2 года назад
Nah it makes sense to not be like that excited cause it probably doesn't feel real at this point yet, and like they said it won't be a night and day difference, it's gonna be a gradual thing. It's tough to get excited about gradual progress until you get to the end and can look back. Happy for you, though, and glad that there's a light at the end of the tunnel (and hopefully that light won't hurt your brain now)
@braininjuredandbored9449 2 года назад
I’m just now seeing this but omg thank you 🥹
@lauraphillips6509 2 года назад
ew that thumbnail
@broken_luh6925 2 года назад
Bom dia
@lauraphillips6509 2 года назад
HMU for cookies
@akidudontknow 2 года назад
I think that--if allowed by the rules of this challenge--you bring a solar charger for your phone. Otherwise, you use the phone to convince people that you have prophetic powers, and once you have enough influence you can just be like "Ah, it doesn't work for you because only I can unlock its secrets!"
@braininjuredandbored9449 2 года назад
That is a brilliant idea. You just have to try to avoid getting assassinated because you’re so powerful but that can’t be that hard
@akidudontknow 2 года назад
Hey that nurse needs to be fired like holy shit. House, M.D. has better bedside manner and he's written to be the biggest asshole he can be
@braininjuredandbored9449 2 года назад
Tbh i wish House was my doctor. He’d smack me with his cane and make everything work again. I’d take his attitude over that nurse.
@davidfife9639 2 года назад
Watermelon is the best fruit
@braininjuredandbored9449 2 года назад
I’ll accept that opinion.
@akidudontknow 2 года назад
"The vaccine gods, but that's just science" XD
@davidfife9639 2 года назад
Pog video 😎
@braininjuredandbored9449 2 года назад
I would like to add that even though this episode might not be as entertaining as last week, this is what my life is like. Some days I feel good and on top of things and others I do not. That’s the point of this project is to document my experience of where I am in that moment with this recovery and just in life. Hope you still like it anyway 💖
@lauraphillips6509 2 года назад
we stan a brain injured queen🧠💕