David Swanson
David Swanson
David Swanson
Thomas gets baptized - 5-19-2024
2 месяца назад
Selah’s baptism 💦 ✝️
2 месяца назад
Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site visit
3 месяца назад
Selah skis 🎿
3 месяца назад
Kacy skis 🎿
3 месяца назад
Snow monster
3 месяца назад
Isaiah Jones - Selah sings8
7 месяцев назад
Isaiah Jones - Selah sings7
7 месяцев назад
Isaiah Jones - Selah sings6
7 месяцев назад
Isaiah Jones - Selah sings - Certainly!
7 месяцев назад
BCMS CHEER - September 9, 2023 🤘🏻
10 месяцев назад
Maysn cheer camp - 2023
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Selah cheer 2 - 2023
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Selah cheer camp 2023
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Gaga birthday - 66!
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Walking with Cinderella
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Selah cheer 2023
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Selah - a good hit! 🥎
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Selah - an out
Год назад
Selah scores on Ava’s HR
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Selah - a triple
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Selah at the bat 🥎
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@Natalikiseleva69 23 дня назад
@Natalikiseleva69 23 дня назад
@kylagonzales4034 Месяц назад
So cute
@fafafa-mk1uf 2 месяца назад
@coachflow9120 5 месяцев назад
Is this a man or woman. Honest question. Hard to tell these days. Wanted to make sure I was not offensive. Thanks for the video. Awesome store. I will check it out soon. BTW…God Bless President Trump, Honorary Son of the South!
@tonyford3713 8 месяцев назад
I would back the owner of this shop in a lawsuit against you for typing the inside of his property which he owns without his permission. And then slandering not just him but the whole South for your one-sided opinion and not having the balls to say something to anyone in there.
@tonyford3713 8 месяцев назад
Your ignorance to the bases of everyone has a right to believe in what they believe in super Cedar intelligent period
@nathanhud671 9 месяцев назад
You sound kinda fruity to be honest.
@jordanherndon2450 10 месяцев назад
spelled multi-national wrong in the title
@Spartacus6125 10 месяцев назад
Thank you! Darn iPhone typing
@KyleButler-bh6bn Год назад
Hey David this is Thomas keth Holland
@downunderfrown5700 Год назад
Cool video 👌
@toddbpiofia Год назад
Great Video !!
@jamesmead8460 Год назад
Disliked cause your just begging for attention. Not the little girl I'm talking about the helicopter mom
@jamiemoore6532 Год назад
Lordy what we on 😂
@thomaschambers9431 Год назад
He’s a history teacher. That dumbass don’t even know where he was. It don’t surprise me a bit. There are more dummies than there are people with smarts. He’s just making more dummies.
@Xdavidlaid.aesthetics Год назад
tennis in ohio
@chillzfr4876 Год назад
well its a good start
@amygreufe2578 Год назад
Brave girl. I went swimming with Stingrays in the ocean when I was really young and fed them and it scarred me for life- I'm not the biggest fan of them now. It felt like the Stingrays ate my finger but they just sucked on it and I couldn't get my finger away from the stingray... Scary.
@jeannehafer6754 Год назад
Feeding the stingrays is one of my favorite things to do at the zoo. They are so gentle and remind me of playful puppies.
@Lamarhuffstutler Год назад
Why would I debate a communist?
@scottcash75 Год назад
Just admit you were just to much of an effeminate douce to say anything in the store.
@nomadicpups8044 Год назад
You only have 3 likes.. there are currently 32 comments (including the one I am posting) and none of the comments are on your side so I am assuming that the other 31 commemers did as I have done and put a thumbs down on your video. Maybe you should take that as a sign that you should stick to reviewing places that you have an open mind about prior to walking in the door. Your bias prior to entering the store is so obvious.
@kennyjones5920 Год назад
We’d message you and have a conversation with you like you begged us to at the end, but we are better off not casting our pearls to the swine 😂
@kcglide Год назад
Mr. American History teacher explain to RU-vid the Crittenden-Johnson Resolution, the March 2, 1861 - Corwin Amendment, and why Lincoln threatened war on any state that failed to collect the new Morrill tax. "there will be no invasion except to collect taxes." ~ Abraham Lincoln, 1st Inaugural Address ~ Also why did the North allow four slave states to fight the duration of the war for the North? Maryland had 87,189 slaves, Delaware had 1,798 slaves, Missouri had 114,931 slaves and Kentucky had 225,483 slaves as of the 1860 census. And why was West Virginia was added to the Union later as a slave state?
@dixieforever1 Год назад
Yes, when the Confedate flag was 1st flown and when Lincoln initiated his invasion of the south on April 15, 1861, the US/Union had more slave states (9) than the Confederacy (7)! It wasn't until after Lincoln requested troops to invade the south and prevent their Independendence that other slave states separated from the US to join their southern neighbors. They didn't want to contribute to Lincoln's unConstitutional, deadly attack on their fellow southern Americans. Throughout the rest of the war the US/Union controlled 5 slave states (DE, MO, KY, WV, MD). That's why there are examples of slave owning Yankee troops burning down southern abolitionist homes and towns.
@kcglide Год назад
A meddling Yankee is God’s worst creation; he cannot run his own affairs correctly, but is constantly interfering in the affairs of others, and he is always ready to repent of everyone’s sins, but his own. -North Carolina newspaper, 1854
@VincentBalducci Год назад
100 the south was right
@kellybarrow8581 Год назад
The mind is like a parachute, it only functions when it is open and this guy teaches school?
@johnnybroyles2008 Год назад
The dialogue would mean to have a conversation based on educational facts. Meaning muster records, true documents, and many other archival records. Not what your liberal arts college has taught you. Not what you found from people who have been taught from other liberal arts colleges. The fact of the matter is you obviously don't entertain both sides of the argument and way out the truth. You're an obvious proponent for a tyrannical government. Lincoln himself made the statement and you can take it however you want that if he could end the war without freeing one slave he would. Sit and calculate the amount of people who died in the war between the states. Then calculate how many people would have been fighting from places where they owned no slaves. Slavery was absolutely wrong. It was definitely not what the war was fought over. I have a relative who fought in that war and had no slaves. He fought because the goods he was growing and taking to market where tariffed by 50% by Abraham Lincoln's order. While you're at it go check out general order 200. In order that allowed northerners during the war to rape, still from, kill Southerners be it men women or children, black or white. There were many that this was done to under Lincoln's government. Get your facts straight little mister. Nobody wants to hear your bigotry or peddling of the fallacies that you've been taught by people who had a narrative to push. A narrative of cancel culture. When God said do not cast your pearls among swine... Your words are not the gospel. The gospel was something that was to be preached. The words you are speaking do not equate and no manner to what God was talking about. What's you're basically saying is I don't want to express my opinion among people who have a completely different opinion because they might publicly humiliate me.
@kellybarrow8581 Год назад
Stop! You are confusing the issue with facts!
@LaurensWildlife Год назад
Your historical ignorance is rivaled only by your geographical ignorance--and what a smug, arrogant damnYankee/scalawag you are.
@richardgano6809 Год назад
Let's go Brandon!
@leegeranios1785 Год назад
Yankee trash. War criminal.
@therebelshopllc9912 Год назад
Thank you for the free advertising. For that favor, I'll forgive your filming in my store without permission. By the way, the name of the town is Clayton, not Rabun (the latter is the name of the county), and it's near the border of Georgia and North Carolina, not Tennessee. Your geographical ignorance is rivalled by your arrogance.
@theknob1 Год назад
I so admire your accuracy! I loathe arrogant ignorance. LOVE the shop!
@JohnRebCSA Год назад
I love y’all!
@nicholaskXIII Год назад
@JohnRebCSA Год назад
LOL you turned off comments on your last video😂 what’s wrong buddy? Can’t handle the heat?
@JohnRebCSA Год назад
The right for independence. Period.
@JohnRebCSA Год назад
I would love to debate you. It would be funny to watch you lose
@JohnRebCSA Год назад
Yankee GO HOME
@JohnRebCSA Год назад
Move your ass back up north. You Yankees think y’all can just come down here and disrespect us and our way of life.
@tomyoung8563 Год назад
Doesn’t sound like you’re ready to listen to the other side
@JohnRebCSA Год назад
He’s a yankee coward. He won’t even respond to people😂 he thinks he knows about the war yet he was scared to debate anyone.
@tjc8653 Год назад
Awesome shop👍🏻👍🏻
@johnhall9160 Год назад
Rebel Shop is a great place.......Ronnie Van Zant said Mr. Swanson "A Southern Man don't need em around anyhow"
@RaDHeyward Год назад
You couldn't even get the name of this town right!? Cool shop! It's no surprise the descendants and relatives of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry George Mason, etc supported the Confederacy; “Confederate generals fought for independence from the Union just as George Washington fought for independence from Great Britain." - Prof Dr Walter E Williams Even Britain saw the irony of Lincoln acting like King George III and Longshanks. They knew southern Americans were doing the same thing as Revolutionary American colonists and defending themselves from Godless, money hungry, dictatorial, Imperialist Yankees and the south were fighting for Independence just like the original 13 colonies. Even warmongering Lincoln clearly said his invasion had nothing to do with slavery. “The contest is really for empire on the side of the North, and for Independence on that of the South, and in this respect we recognize an exact analogy between the North and the Government of George III and the South and the Thirteen Revolted Provinces. These opinions are the general opinions of the English nation.” - London Times, November 7, 1861 Today's book of the day: "American Terrorists: Lincoln's Armies in the South" www.amazon.com/American-Terrorists-Lincolns-Armies-South/dp/1518873782/ref=sr_1_4?crid=28V47MGDWRGXP&keywords=war%20crimes%20against%20southern%20civilians&qid=1564442991&s=gateway&sprefix=war%20crimes%20against%20,aps,123&sr=8-4&fbclid=IwAR2m6HznnahpcQM2hO3RO3WNgiKS-5JZI5Y2KC_VBLlWsSFwKwmjyGZm_is
@ktvideoproductions Год назад
Yeah, the snarky tone of the video will likely get the same biblical opinion back your way regarding “casting pearls”. Doesn’t sound like you were willing to have a “measured” dialog because YOUR mind is also obviously made up. Sooo. Not saying I agree with the Rebel Shop’s choices either but at least people like Matt Walsh and other similar actually have the guts to at least TRY to have the conversation. Sooo. Mic drop.
@brentblackwood8188 Год назад
Apparently your not confident enough in what you claim to be the truth to even attempt to have a conversation on the subject. I’d you’re not willing to approach the people with which you disagree with then in my opinion you should sit back down and keep your mouth shut.
@cindyreynolds3018 Год назад
Looks like a great shop! I'll look for it next time I'm in the area! Long live Dixie!
@hereitisoutdoors1624 Год назад
what a cool store, you do not have have facts, you have opinions and propaganda, the victors write the history. What arrogance! that you must be the pearl and others are swine.
@VincentBalducci Год назад
The rebel shop is amazing!!! We proudly fly the confederate flag in NJ and NY! Teacher here who knows the south was right! It was the war of northern aggression.
@johnclanton1061 Год назад
Love the Rebel Shop. Your video reminded me to return sometime soon. The Cherokee Declaration of Causes to join the Confederacy accurately sums up why Southern Americans fought: "Now hear the testimony of an unbiased witness, the red man, The Confederate States sought only to repel invaders from their own soil and to secure the right of governing themselves. They claimed only the privilege asserted by the Declaration of American Independence, and on which the right of the Northern States themselves to self-government is founded, of altering their form of government when it became no longer tolerable and establishing new forms for the security of their liberties." Since Yankees promised to protect slavery forever if the south just simply returned, why do you think Lincoln insisted on invading the south and waging a brutal unethical and immoral war on millions of Americans?
@drummerchappell Год назад
That’s how it happened, mmkay kids, mmkay Mr. Makay. That was pretty neat though. I always enjoyed things like that in school.
@cody_newell3598 Год назад
That was my hometown for 10 years!! I'm 15 now living in North Dakota..... tell Steve at IGA to keep me a stockpile of them Andy's Grilled Delights 😂😂
@southernlivinglife2495 2 года назад
I'm also from alma ga have a bless day