@99snuff Месяц назад
Need this on Spotify
@vicraiden3068 2 месяца назад
Love the faux 3D effect on the walls in that stage.
@vicraiden3068 2 месяца назад
One of the most rocking songs in the game... paired with the most visually bland stage. It's literally just an endlessly looping canyon or cave. Though at least it has the two big battleship-angel minibosses, which is cool.
@vicraiden3068 2 месяца назад
Between the three final boss themes in this game, this one easily goes the hardest. Really makes you feel like you're going up against the power- and blood-hungry overlord of the enemy army, with the safety of your homeland at stake.
@xnexgax2477 2 месяца назад
This song really captures the themes of the game
@xnexgax2477 2 месяца назад
>i wonder what hes listening to in the gym
@doamaster9696 2 месяца назад
>activates his final form for his last bench press set
@vicraiden3068 2 месяца назад
Those guitars at the beginning always get me. Hands down the most badass boss theme in the game.
@vicraiden3068 2 месяца назад
No good shmup can go by without a battleship raid stage.
@FiRezfps 3 месяца назад
I think this my favorite track from the game
@nicolasezequiel7154 3 месяца назад
@LordDeBahs 3 месяца назад
cool theme
@maciejgrabowski9863 4 месяца назад
Been looking for this to show to friends. What a weird-but-fitting boss theme
@Cosmos0042 4 месяца назад
I personally think this song's melody might lead to a sense of neither happiness nor pain. In other words, DEATH...
@sigmaaicore1652 4 месяца назад
My ass get slapped when watching her head starts flying lmao 💀
@radianceakatheradiantmeepl1004 4 месяца назад
What I hear when my enemies combust and I feast on their organs.
@vicraiden3068 4 месяца назад
Klavula-Velicss' fortress, a very... atmospheric place.
@radianceakatheradiantmeepl1004 4 месяца назад
@vicraiden3068 2 месяца назад
Upon a closer listen, I realized it's a remix of the demo's title screen theme, of all things.
@radianceakatheradiantmeepl1004 2 месяца назад
@@vicraiden3068 Ah, I remember you now.
@ghostcat9786 4 месяца назад
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"The development of a fusion engine powered spacecraft was underway. However, faced with imminent destruction, there was not enough time or resources to build prototypes and conduct repeated test flights. Furthermore, the Regressionist forces had also begun working on building rockets meant to shoot down any Exodites attempting to flee. The most important aspect of spacecraft engineering was the creation of the engine. Since fusion power had already been established and put into practice, it was safe to assume that the Regressionists also had this technology. Even if the Exodites did manage to escape to another planet, the Regressionists would not be far behind. The only option left for the Exodites was to build an interstellar spacecraft. However, interstellar space travel could not be achieved with fusion engine technology alone. They needed to build the very last invention the wicked ones wrote about on the ruins, the pinnacle of all human intelligence, the [Bussard Ramjet Spacecraft]. The wicked ones left behind blueprints for the Bussard Ramjet Spacecraft, but its design was based only on theory. Mankind had not been able to discover hyper electromagnetism nor implement fusion based power generation. So the design, based on primarily assumptions, was greatly unfinished and replete with flaws. The design for the Bussard Ramjet that the wicked ones left behind was like an elaborate puzzle. Simply ignoring the many flaws and gaps present in it, would result in a largely incomplete model. However, attempting to design it from scratch with the angels limited knowledge would have also been impossible. So they had no choice but to modify and develop upon the unfinished theoretical design, all while fending off attacks from the Regressionists. It was a development plan with no guarantee of success."
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"Using the deciphered knowledge from the ruins and their own astronomical observations, angels learned that the Earth will become uninhabitable within a few tens of millions of years. Moreover, their immediate way of living was soon to be in jeopardy as well. Having only just recently given birth to their own civilization, the angels were already hurtling toward the brink of extinction. The life cycle of the sun was progressing faster than mankind had predicted, and there were signs that its progression was only going to get faster. The dissipation of surface and atmospheric water into space had already begun to occur. At this point, the environment will continue to deteriorate at an accelerated pace. Predictions estimated that the angel civilization, at its current size, could only be sustained for the next ten thousand years. For the angels, whose lives are very long, this time frame meant they were in real and immediate danger. The ruins left by the Wicked Ones contained many descriptions of astronautical engineering. If the angels wished to survive, their only option was to flee to another planet. Thinking in terms of long-term livability, it made more sense to migrate to a planet not within our current solar system, but one orbiting a star beyond it. The development of advanced rocketry and the study of nuclear physics became angel society's top priority. Unfortunately for the angels, the Earth's moon has already long since disappeared. Mars, Earth's nearest neighboring planet, having also undergone massive expansion of its orbit path, had been absorbed into the asteroid belt. To make matters worse, due to the more than two dozen 5 km and wider asteroids that have pummeled Earth over the last 2.3 billion years, there are now large pieces of terrestrial debris floating around in Earth's orbit. Compared to the human era, Interplanetary development and space travel had now become vastly more difficult. Arduous research of nuclear physics and rocketry science were carried out at an expedited pace. The angels' natural tolerance to radiation incidentally worked to their benefit in this endeavor. From the time of their inception, their creators knew that resistance to radiation and self-regeneration would be essential for them to maintain eternal life within the angel biome. Only 20 years after developing their first nuclear power plants, the angels were already implementing fast breeder reactor technology in them. For the angels' interstellar migration plan to work, the invention of fusion reactor technology was necessary. However, mankind has failed to perfect the fusion reactor. The way forward must be paved by the angels themselves. In the 21st century, the anti-nuclear movement gained momentum. Support for nuclear physics decreased, with more emphasis on research into renewable energy, synthetic foods and biology. Later, when the success of ethical birth control made it possible to afford electricity consumption, all reactors were decommissioned and fusion reactor research was discontinued. By the 21st century, most of mankind’s collective intelligence had become devoted to the development of angels, and few people bothered to study nuclear physics anymore. That said however, their theoretical understanding of it, which they recorded in the ancient ruins, were largely complete, just not ever utilized in practice. The angels embarked to fulfill this dream of perfect nuclear physics that mankind had left behind."
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"The very sun that now torments the angels and is robbing them of their future. Furthermore, a fusion power generator can be aptly described as nothing short of a man-made miniature sun. Some angels vehemently objected to the idea of re-creating the sun they so hated. There were also those that feared the creation of fusion energy would cause the Earth to become engulfed in flame just as the sun was. Much to their deficit, the Polenm-wide telepathy network facilitated fast and easy transmission of not just knowledge , but dubious theories and notions as well. The angels' hatred and fear of the sun lead to anti-sun, anti-fusion, and anti-space travel sentiments. The wicked ones wrote about human history as objectively as possible. They also wrote of how intelligence was considered to be the greatest of all evils. Furthermore, they also made note of how their kind were cast as heretics for going against the objectives of the Angel Biome project. During the final days of humanity, those who could not give up their attachment to knowledge came to be known as [Wicked Ones]. Feigning complaisance to the Angel Biome project, the wicked ones deceived and betrayed mankind in every way possible. They eventually conceived the most heinous invention in all mankind's history, the crystallization of evil known as the [Billion Year Brick]. When an [Angel] fuses with another life-form, that life-form becomes an angel. The wicked ones lived deep underground and underwater making little contact with the surface world, but even still, certain small form angels encroached into their environment. The angel biome project had achieved totality. The wicked ones focused all their efforts into gathering knowledge and perfecting the billion year bricks. Having made no efforts toward the research of biotechnology, they were defenseless against the infectious spread of angels. Salvation was delivered unto the wicked ones. One by one, the bodies of the wicked ones mutated, until finally all of humanity was transformed into perfect angels. One human managed to engrave the mutation process into a billion year brick. But ultimately, even the wicked ones were raptured into angeldom. Just as all the others, they became devoid of desire, intellect, and all forms of suffering to live in bliss as angels."
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"At the end of the 21st century, humanity united to eliminate all evil and misery from the world. Then, after hundreds of years of working toward this goal, they created the angels. The earth was filled with angels, and a world free of sorrow had finally been established. There was to be eternal peace. But there were traitors within the human race. What a travesty it was indeed. Those who did not want to live in this paradise began to appear. True and utter blaspheme. Intelligence. That is what must be eradicated for the sake of the angelic kingdom. Intelligence must not be passed on to the next generation. It proliferates. Not a single fragment of it was to be left behind. But the wicked ones collected and preserved the sources of it. The wicked ones recovered and restored a nuclear submarine that was supposed to have been long abandoned. Perhaps it had been merely hidden away from the world by forces of evil who secretly aimed to use it again one day. Not only did the wicked ones restore the existing one, but they went on to build more new ships of this kind as well. They established a base of control that spanned the bottom of the ocean. Terrifying it was indeed. Evil thoughts, suffering, and sadness are products of [Intelligence]. Even in a world filled with happiness, [unhappiness] can be created by accident. So long as one was free of intelligence, there was no need to worry about unhappiness. However, intelligence, curiosity, and the inquisitiveness that comes from them, nurture the seeds of unhappiness, and bring suffering into the world. Then, the wicked ones created the most destructive invention in all human history. That invention was the [Billion-Year Brick]. What should not exist in this world, the accumulation of mankind's evil mind, the last and greatest sin created by man, was these [Billion-Year Bricks]. Most of mankind's creations crumble and wither away into nothingness after a few hundred years. Even amongst those that do, even fewer of them withstand the passage of ten thousand years. After one million years, anything man-made will normally have been long consumed into the Earth's crust by generations of ground movement. The only things that could remain after ten to 100 million years are fossils. The billion-year bricks, however, were designed to last for three hundred million years. These were fossils of evil. Evils carved into these billion-year bricks, would remain there for three hundred million years. This materialization of the wicked ones’ persistence and the maledictions they engraved upon them lasted far longer than they would ever know. The billion-year bricks withstood the passage of two billion years, em-burdening the angel paradise with the past sins of mankind. After an eternity without it, [Intelligence] was once again unleashed upon the world."
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"For the majority of the life that I can remember, I lived within the scorching heat belt. Awakened to a new sense of self, and having re-discovered the pleasures of predation and the joy of strength through mutation, the angels began to spend all their time in battle with one another. I however re-discovered not the joy of predation or mutations, but a strong sense of fear toward pain and death. I gradually adapted to avoid fighting. When the other angels began to flock together, I would flee from them by living in hiding within the scorching heat belt. The more I grew to fear pain and death, the more I became obsessed with gathering the knowledge needed to survive. Eventually, collecting and organizing knowledge became my reason to live. I avoided conflict whenever possible and resorted to predation only to the extent that was required to keep myself alive. I am an older breed of angel and thus lacking in physical strength, but using traps and cliffs to my advantage, I managed to pray on weakened targets who had been driven out in the open by others. Learning that I could gain my victims' knowledge by absorbing their nerve ganglia was a fortuitous discovery. This meant that I could sustain myself while simultaneously gaining the knowledge that I so desired. From afar, I watched the rise and fall of many angel tribes. The world changed at a dizzying pace. After time, I began to feel like I wanted to watch it change forever. Thousands of years after so-called "intelligence" had reawakened my consciousness, I became aware of fluctuations and confusion within my memories. I learned that as I went on absorbing the ganglion of others, it became difficult to discern my own experiences from the experiences of my victims. While I was still able to feel the presence of my own nerve ganglion strong, differentiating the memories and experiences of others from my own was still possible. However as I gained more and more ganglia from others, I gradually began to lose grasp of my own. I didn't think much of this phenomenon at first, but the stronger I began to fear my own death, the more it began to dwell on my mind. I began experimenting with new placement and connection methods for collected ganglia. It became evident that the cognitive interference of other ganglia could be reduced by using less of them, and positioning them farther away from the main ganglia. After learning that, unimportant memories were organized, abstracted, and then usually removed from the neural network. Extracting just the memories from these ganglia required much time and concentration. But it was also a necessary task for maintaining uncluttered thought. While I lived in hiding within the scorching heat zone, I spent my days manipulating ganglia. Memories of the last two thousand years were placed nearest to the central ganglia, and memories older than that were regularly pruned and their connections thinned. Despite my diminished combat ability, my ever growing wealth of knowledge proved a most effective weapon. Interestingly, where most emotion-based memories seemed to gradually fade away, the fragmented memories I had of the millions of years following my re-awakening into self-awareness seem to remain constantly as solidified knowledge. The basis of my actions may be deeply seated in a marriage of my experience struggling to stay alive during those years and the survival skills that came with it."
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"The most important thing in prolonging the existence of this angel world was to remain [Unchanging]. It was permissible to use existing ability to adapt to one's own environment, but mutation was synonymous with destruction. Homogeneity was the source of unity, and would bring about everlasting stability. The genes of living things are easily destroyed by exposure to radiation. In mankind's effort to streamline their function for self error correction, they made it so that angels all shared the same DNA. All angels across the Earth became as one single life entity. From the skies to the depths of the oceans, there was an abundance of lifeless angels too, as any angels that experienced genetic variation were corrected. These lifeless angels were not living things, but more resemblant of [Material] as they required no energy to sustain their existence. Only contact with another living angel could fill their angelic cells with life and make them become active again. After their bad genes had been identified and corrected, living angels would expend a quantity of their own body to reproduce themselves through them. Based on the fear that this act could result in illness, mankind created a safety device to ensure the safety of the angel world."
@ventrfund46 4 месяца назад
Hey I just wanna ask where did you get the whole lore from? I really wish to know the characters in this game names and the lores. Each one I watch on RU-vid will always be the same ending, sorry if this disturbing you
@vicraiden3068 2 месяца назад
​@@ventrfund46 Every stage in Angel at Dusk nets you a paragraph or two of information about the game's world. If you can beat it all, you'll gradually get the whole story.
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"The Regressionists believed that in order to strengthen their unity, a powerfully captivating [Symbol] was needed. What they chose to serve as that symbol was the seventh schizoplast of [The First Fallen Angel]. In order to strengthen the seventh schizoplast even further, they fed it a diet of artificially mutated bodies. As well as made it fight with a variety of different types of angels. The seventh schizoplast was modified physically and mentally to the point that it was incapable of intelligent thought. Being the first angels to lose intelligence, it quickly became the most important angel in all of history. The Regressionists called it the [Angel of Eternity] and treated it as their symbol. The birth of the Angel of Eternity increased the momentum of the regressionist movement greatly. The Angel of Eternity attacked and devoured enemies and foes alike, all while spawning malformed angels one after another. Repeated forced mutations eventually caused the Angel of Eternity to become unable to create perfect replicas of itself. The Regressionists collected the malformed angels spawned by the Angel of Eternity, and fused them amongst their brethren. Then a miracle occurred. In addition to becoming more powerful through fusion, fused angels also lost the ability to feel pain and anguish. Moreover, they lost their ability for intelligent thought. The schizoplasts once thought to be malformed, were to become the source of their very salvation. A large challenge for the regressionists was how they were going to carry out the removal of intelligence from all angels once all the Exodites were eradicated. Once angels became self aware and gained intelligence, they were no longer free from the ability to feel pain. The capacity for both pain and thought were closely connected; Not only that, but they also affected the physical structure of the body. The angels created by mankind long ago, and the angels that exist in the present were now two entirely different life-forms. Even small ganglia respond acutely to pain. The only difference between the main ganglion, necessary for intelligent thought, and terminal ganglia was the quantity and complexity of the connections. Even if all angels were to have their main ganglion removed, so long as they had any ganglia capable of experiencing pain, the potential for developing intelligence was still present. The only way to rid themselves of the potential to feel pain, was to slowly mutate it out of their ganglia over time. Even if the Exodites were eradicated, there was still a risk that further dissent could begin to rise from within the Regressionist faction. Just as there had been wicked ones living amongst the humans, there too could be traitors living amongst the regressionists as well. It became crucial that ignorance spread across the world as quickly as possible. However, so long as the angel of eternity continued its predation, it would go on spawning schizoplasts and building up the [Angel of Regression]. Even if by some chance an angel was born with intelligence, the Angel of Eternity and its dependents would swiftly destroy it. By its own savageness, it could perhaps eventually eat its way to becoming the only life-form left in the whole world. The Eternal Angel, as its name implies, will become the sole guardian of all eternity."
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
Well but it's likely destroyed by [Angel of Evil].
@sigmaaicore1652 3 месяца назад
@@rwf_99type Huh, I thought it's Angel of Pain who defeats her
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"One by one, the angels began to re-acquire a concept of self. First and foremost they regained the sensation of pain, re-establishing the concept of [Discomfort] in a world otherwise replete with happiness. Next, they felt hunger. If they chose to avoid internal predation out of fear of causing conflict, they would now suffer from hunger. In order to escape from these feelings of discomfort, they began re-developing the ability to think. To develop intelligence takes millions of years, but to the angels and their 2.3 billion year history, it felt like no more than a moment.<br> This would mark the end of their longstanding stability and tranquility. Perhaps this was their way of adapting to their now deeply inhospitable world. Perhaps even mankind's perfectly created angel biome, unable to withstand the passage of 2.3 billion years, had begun to deteriorated as well. Perhaps bursts of gama ray radiation had caused the angels bodies to mutate against their will. [Sin], a concept which had perished from the Earth so long ago, has now returned to the angels."
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"The world was sundered in two. All angels sensed that the end of the world was nigh. The day that the sun would destroy all life on Earth was still far off, but for the long living angels it was an apocalypse that could happen within the sentient period of their existence. The time had come for me to make a decision: Continue to hide in the scorching heat zone and await my inevitable demise, or share in the final dream left behind by the wicked ones."
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"The year 2.3 billion A.D. The earth's sun has turned orange and is becoming bigger and brighter. It has begun to expand as a result of hydrogen depletion. The moon has drifted farther from Earth, and the planet's axis tilt has become more prominent. Atmospheric temperatures have risen, and the angels have fled underground, into the oceans, and into the twilight hours of dusk and dawn. The day of eden's eternal slumber has drawn near."
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"Most of mankind's creations crumble and wither away into nothingness after a few hundred years. Even amongst those that do, even fewer of them withstand the passage of ten thousand years. After one million years, anything man-made will normally have been long consumed into the Earth's crust by generations of ground movement. The only things that could remain after ten to 100 million years are fossils. The billion-year bricks, however, were designed to last for three hundred million years. These were fossils of evil. Evils carved into these billion-year bricks, would remain there for three hundred million years."
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"Mankind had transformed all life on Earth into [Angels]. Through the discharge of microscopic angels into the atmosphere, they granted angelic properties unto every plant, germ and bacteria. The world now replete with angels fusing, dividing, and transmitting happiness to one another, the [Angel Biome] was born. This individual communication between angels on Earth created [Earth Angels]. Devoid of the existence of pain and suffering, it was an Eden of ever increasing happiness."
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"The seventh of my schizoplasts, despite having all the same memories and brain pattern as myself, somehow came to hold the exact opposite way of thinking. This was incredibly hard to believe. However, considering that I do not seek out contact with others, it is likely possible that this schizoplast reached this decision not through the influence of another entity, but rather through thoughtful deliberation. This is not an unlikely scenario as it is quite possible that I myself have become regressive in this same way. I wish to inquire to this schizoplast as to what led them to their present state of mind, but alas the Angel of Eternity no longer possesses the cognition necessary for dialogue."
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"All of the galaxy groups are aging. The same could perhaps be said about the super clusters of galaxies as well. The presence of dark matter causes the structure of the universe to break down and galaxies to grow further and further apart infinitely. Dusk has begun to fall upon the entire universe. The time spent on board the ship has now been over 600 years; More than half of its expected durability. The 200 bodies worth of ganglia inside me have all but fused together, and are now coming up with math and physics problems, calculating, then proving them almost automatically and entirely on their own. In order to see the end of the universe with what little time we had left, we decided to accelerate the ship."
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"Mankind had transformed all life on Earth into [Angels]. Through the discharge of microscopic angels into the atmosphere, they granted angelic properties unto every plant, germ and bacteria. The world now replete with angels fusing, dividing, and transmitting happiness to one another, the [Angel Biome] was born. This individual communication between angels on Earth created [Earth Angels]. Devoid of the existence of pain and suffering, it was an Eden of ever increasing happiness."
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
"The answer can be found at the center of stars. As mentioned earlier in the story, hydrogen fusion occurs inside stars. When tremendous pressure is applied to multiple atoms, they combine to form a new atom. When this happens, a large amount of energy is generated. that is the true source of all the star's heat. Hydrogen is the simplest type of atom, and forcing them together results in the second simplest type, helium. Hydrogen becomes helium through nuclear fusion, and helium eventually becomes the main driver of more reaction. Further fusion of these atoms produces carbon and oxygen. Stars with a mass less than 10 times that of our sun cannot generate enough pressure to fuse carbon or oxygen. These stars lose their heat over time, eventually becoming [White Dwarf] stars. Stars with more than 10 times the mass of the sun produce iron with the nuclear fusion reactions occurring at their centers. Iron, being a highly stable element, prevents further fusion reaction from occurring. Nuclear fusion reactions may have stopped, but the enormous weight of the star compresses upon itself, eventually causing a supernova explosion. A star with a mass 10 to 20 times that of the Sun will have a nucleus that remains after such a supernova explosion. These are neutron stars. If the mass of these becomes even greater, they will become a black hole. Now, what happens when these cycles continue over and over for hundreds of billions of years? The answer is [Iron]. Celestial debris scattered by a supernova explosion will eventually be captured by the gravity of neighboring stars. Generally, it is understood that most of the matter will gravitate towards the black hole at the center of a galaxy. However, neutron stars will eventually cool down, and black hole will evaporate. What will be left then? Iron. Iron will be left. Extremely dense iron under extremely high pressure. Yes, heavy metal. Heavy...metal...... H.e.a.v.y....m.e.t.a.l... At the end of the universe, heavy metal is all that will remain." --Lanmoliwf, the last Angel.
@jozseflevai3282 4 месяца назад
"Did someone say HEAVY METAL?!?!" - UO, Angel of Heavy Metal
@sigmaaicore1652 3 месяца назад
How do you unlock this entry? I've tried everything but still can't unlock this one
@rwf_99type 3 месяца назад
@@sigmaaicore1652 eh I just checked the files sorry :/ I heard that this should be automatically unlocked after finishing all stages in game?
@rwf_99type 5 месяцев назад
I'm told this game actually has a very romantic story, as evidenced by the final plot text.
@radianceakatheradiantmeepl1004 4 месяца назад
@user-us1vx3yy5j 3 месяца назад
​@@radianceakatheradiantmeepl1004Yes. Romantic. The sun dies out and the remaining angels who haven't left await their demise. Context is key.
@radianceakatheradiantmeepl1004 3 месяца назад
@@user-us1vx3yy5j I have the game and all but I don’t exactly see it as romantic.
@namelessfaerie1302 5 месяцев назад
Love it. Dat bassline.
@R0XOMPAEL 5 месяцев назад
Trailer song! That flute is just way too iconic for me when it comes to this whole soundtrack. Love it
@selenagarcia-gamache566 6 месяцев назад
Lucy, Luke, Lucien and Lika confronted Popolenniy-Pi-Pi; Angel of Mercy/Lika comforting Popolenniy-Pi-Pi like a good baby. (0:00)
@selenagarcia-gamache566 6 месяцев назад
Red-Velvet Cookie and Liliane becoming partners/Pastry Cookie reminds Lika's birthmark of the quad's ancestors with the 🌟 on the forehead. (0:00)
@namelessfaerie1302 5 месяцев назад
What the hell?
@selenagarcia-gamache566 5 месяцев назад
@@namelessfaerie1302 uhh, it's just my story from in my head.😅😅😅
@selenagarcia-gamache566 5 месяцев назад
@@namelessfaerie1302 and plus, I love this music.
@namelessfaerie1302 5 месяцев назад
@@selenagarcia-gamache566 Oh, carry on then I was just confused as all hell lol, but yeah, the music in this game owns
@selenagarcia-gamache566 6 месяцев назад
Good ending: Red-Velvet Cookie forgiveness to Liliane/Liliane reunited with her siblings and Lika's kindness-speeches.😭 (0:00)
@namelessfaerie1302 5 месяцев назад
@selenagarcia-gamache566 6 месяцев назад
Boss theme: Liliane Satanas Phase 3/Final Round. (0:00)
@selenagarcia-gamache566 6 месяцев назад
Sky-Battle!; Liliane's Cake-Dragon VS Red-Velvet Cookie's Cake-Dragon. (0:00)
@selenagarcia-gamache566 6 месяцев назад
Boss theme: Liliane Satanas Phase 2. (0:00)
@selenagarcia-gamache566 6 месяцев назад
Red-Velvet Cookie and Pastry Cookie went after the Satanas siblings/Liliane's raged-jealousy. (0:00)
@selenagarcia-gamache566 6 месяцев назад
Boss theme: Liliane Satanas Phase 1. (0:00)
@selenagarcia-gamache566 6 месяцев назад
Lucy, Luke, Lucien and Lika VS Liliane and her Bloody Cake-Dragon/"Family never fight each other!" (0:00)
@sigmaaicore1652 6 месяцев назад
Oddly charming music for uhh.. flesh horrors
@money-fo6kk 6 месяцев назад
@money-fo6kk 6 месяцев назад