Word of God Christian Church Beaumont
Word of God Christian Church Beaumont
Word of God Christian Church Beaumont
The Intent of Word of God Christian Church is
to grow into a holy temple in the Lord, for the habitation of God through the spirit. (Eph 2:19-22)
Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ himself being the chief
cornerstone. (Eph 2:20)
For unto God be glory in the church by Christ Jesus, through all ages, world without end. Amen ( Eph 3:21)
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Contentment;  A Learned Virtue
3 месяца назад
3 месяца назад
3 месяца назад
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5 месяцев назад
5 месяцев назад
6 месяцев назад
6 месяцев назад
6 месяцев назад
Paul's Message to The Philosphers  pt. II
7 месяцев назад
Run the Race Set Before You.
7 месяцев назад
The God Who Finishes. Phil 1:6
8 месяцев назад
8 месяцев назад
8 месяцев назад
Test All Things
10 месяцев назад
10 месяцев назад
You Have Heard His Voice, Harden Not Your Heart
10 месяцев назад
What We do at The Lord's Table
11 месяцев назад
Why isn't Everyone Saved?
11 месяцев назад
The Riches of God's Inheritance
Год назад
@annawashington9859 3 месяца назад
I thank God for His mercy, grace and faithfulness. So blessed to be under His judgment instead of man's. He's just and gives us exactly what we deserve instead of man's judgement. Thank God the blood of Jesus was a part of the great plan of Salvation or we would all be lost and cast into the Lake of Fire. Once again Pastor Johnson another inspiring and much needed word of God. Bless you
@annawashington9859 8 месяцев назад
Thank you Lord for Salvation. I recognize Your hand on my life when I was lost and without Christ, but You directed me along the righteous path and I will be forever thankful. You deserve all the Praise Honor and Glory. God be the Glory. Thanks Pastor for giving us the truth and sound doctrine that we need. Praise God
@annawashington9859 10 месяцев назад
Thank you Lord for saving a people for Yourself and allowing me to take part in Your great plan of Salvation. You are merciful, faithful and loving and long suffering with us. Have mercy and all the praise honor and Glory goes to You ONLY. Thank you Pastor for delivering another comforting message. To God be the Glory
@annawashington9859 10 месяцев назад
I thank God I serve a sovereign God who is just, faithful and loving. Praise God and Pastor for bringing Gods words of Salvation to this dying sinful world. Glory to God 🙏
@annawashington9859 11 месяцев назад
Thank you Pastor for this message which is needed as we go through this evil and perverse world. Those of us that Love God are in the world but not of the world. I thank God for Salvation through Jesus Christ who is the only way. Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life. God bless you and strengthen you to continue to bring forth His Word.
@edwardjackson9906 Год назад
Amen 🙏🏾 unc
@annawashington9859 Год назад
Hearing this message again brings to mind that I can only know the will of God through studying, hearing and applying His word. It settled me with peace and comfort throughout all of my difficult journeys in this life. We can't live joyfully without Jesus deeply in our heart. Praise God. Thank you Pastor for sound doctrine. May the grace of God be upon us all!!
@annawashington9859 Год назад
I listened to this message again and I was edified and encouraged to continue to stand on the word of God doing these trying times. My journey has been difficult but looking for that blesseth hope of glorification and being in the presence of the Lord one day gives me the strength and peace to continue on that narrow path to hear "Well done my good and faithful servant". Bless you Pastor because your messages are always on time and Spirit filled to give us what is needed to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.
@annawashington9859 Год назад
Thank you Pastor for reposting this message. It gave me courage and strength during the pandemic and it's uplifting me today as I go through another trial and journey in my walk with Christ. His word is true and faithful. He will never leave us nor forsake us. His grace is sufficient. Praise His holy name. Bless you Pastor. 🙏
@annawashington9859 2 года назад
Praise God. Timely message that we need to hear. We are living in uncertain and lawless times and the only peace, comfort and joy comes from the Almighty God. I pray that I will focus on Jesus who is my help, strength and Savior. Thank you Pastor for the word of God at the Right time! He is The on time God. Bless you Pastor and Praise God!
@annawashington9859 2 года назад
Thank you heavenly Father for saving me from the Lake of Fire and giving me the hope of eternal life in heaven. I was on the wrong path until You called me and changed me. You are so merciful and kind to us sinful people that deserve death. I honor You and praise You. God bless you Pastor.
@annawashington9859 2 года назад
Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a "son" of God through the adoption by being born again by the Word of God. My hope is in the glorified body in heaven with the Great I AM, Jehovah Jireh. Listening to the Word of God gives me so much hope, comfort and peace as I go through the trials and tribulations of this world. God bless you Pastor for being right on time with the encouraging words that is needed. Praise God and God bless you.
@annawashington9859 2 года назад
Yes, tribulation is here and the only way we can endure is having a relationship with Jesus Christ to have fortitude. Praise God for His promises and blessings.
@annawashington9859 2 года назад
Thank you Lord for giving us at Word of God Christian Church a loving and unified family in Christ. We need each other to Stand up for Christ and each other in this evil and lawless world. With Christ as the foundation, the thread is thick and tight to hold us together if we hold on to Him. Praise God and God bless you Pastor.
@annawashington9859 2 года назад
Thank you Pastor for teaching us the Word of God and how the world is not our friend and we can not keep company with those that oppose the will of God. We are in the world but not of the world. We were bought with a price, the blood of Jesus Christ. God bless you and Praise God.
@annawashington9859 2 года назад
My chains are gone, I've been set free. My God my Savior has Ransom me. I've been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. Thank you Lord.
@annawashington9859 2 года назад
Thanks Pastor for reminding us that "Purity and Holiness" is extremely important and needed in the church, especially in these perilous times. Without the church, this world would be chaotic and extreme wickedness beyond anything we can imagine. Thank you Lord for Your plan of Salvation and Redemption promise to all that believe. May the grace of God be upon us all.
@annawashington9859 2 года назад
Thank you Lord for the blessed redemption of the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you Pastor for your work of giving the word of God and encouragement to His people. May the grace of God be upon us all.
@robertnieten7259 2 года назад
Thank you pastor for your anointed and uplifting Bible lesson. I will have to respectfully disagree with your take on the meaning of Titus 3:5." The washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit ". As you mentioned in this verse, remission is speaking of a spiritual operation which I believe makes up regeneration and is part of the new birth. As Peter said in Peter 1:21, " The like figure ( Noah/ flood water) also saves us not by putting away the filth of the flesh, but by the answer of a good conscience toward God..". As Jesus told the apostles that two make up the new birth, "Repentance and remission of sins will be taught first in Jerusalem" ( Luke 24:47 ) and to " wait in Jerusalem until you recieve the promise of the Father" ( Acts 1:4 ) which is not a spiritual operation but an addition to our spirit of the Holy Spirit. The Word recieve in the original Greek means" to take hold of" which takes action on our part. As a result of obeying the command to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.. for the remission of sins, the Holy Spirit remits our sins, as the result of the Lord's shedding of blood, by spiritually circumcising our conscience,, removing the guilt from past sins and restoring to it its childlike sensitivity to sin giving us back" a good conscience toward God" we had as children.. This is forgiveness of sin in action by the Holy Spirit removing the consequences of sin on the believers heart by removing the guilt that resulted from it. Paul speaks of, "One Lord, one faith, and one baptism" ( Eph.4:5 ) and in it recounting the foundations of the Christian faith he mentions," .. the doctrine of baptisms" ( Heb 6:1,2 ). We know he isn't speaking of multiple water baptisms or multiple Spirit baptisms but two baptisms that make up the one baptism that the new birth consists of, water and Spirit. Look also at Paul in Acts ch.22. After speaking with the Lord and being blind, fasting, and in repentance three days Ananias comes to him and after the restoration of his sight says to him, " Why tarriest thou ( What are you waiting for)? Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins calling on the name of the Lord". As a result of Paul's repentance and baptism his sins are "washed away" by the Spirit regenerating his conscience( removing the guilt) and by calling on the Lord recieved the Holy Spirit, as a result of the Spirit baptism, and spoke in tongues as the initial evidence so that Ananias could quit praying for him to recieve because he had recieved the Holy Spirit. Lastly, regeneration does occur as the result of repentance followed by water baptism and the we are new creatures in Christ as the result of the Holy Spirit becoming one with our spirit and remaining within us.
@shirleywashington2838 2 года назад
Thank you Pastor for this message, I know for 2022 I will go through trials and tribulations, but I won’t be alone because as a child of God He will be right there with me. He will give me the strength to go through, thank you Jesus for Hope, Mercy and Grace!
@annawashington9859 2 года назад
A needed message of inspiration from the Word of God during these unsettling times. Come quickly Lord. Thank you Lord for providing YOUR people with the weapons we need for our spiritual battle. May the grace of God be upon us all.
@channeynicole1962 2 года назад
Thank you for reposting!
@annawashington9859 3 года назад
The spiritual battle going on now during these times of unrest with Satan against God's people, Praise Jehovah Sabaoth, who is here to fight our battles. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Much needed word from The True and Living God Almighty. Bless you Pastor
@shirleywashington2838 3 года назад
Excellent message, Like David we need to trust and have faith in God to fight our battles, no matter how big or small. When we forget what God has done in our life it dims our sight our faith and our trust in God. So we’re fearful and run like the Israelites, instead of remembering what God has done and can do. Whatever happens it’s not our battle it’s the Lords (Jehovah Sabaoth) our warrior who will fight for his people and get the Glory, thank you Jesus.
@S.O.B.E.RLivingMinistries 3 года назад
Great word
@annawashington9859 3 года назад
The Righteousness of God!! Where would we be if God had not allowed us sinful people into the plan of Salvation? We would have no hope only death and eternal torment. But because of the Righteousness of God, our justification gives us peace with God. Something we could never do on our own. To God be the Glory. Bless you Pastor
@cyn091955 3 года назад
Christ is the Rock; His work is perfect.
@shirleywashington2838 3 года назад
God wants us to have a relationship with Him, as sheep’s being totally dependent on the Shepherd. A good Shepherd know the cares and tender affection towards his flock. If Jehovah Raah is a Shepherd to us we must be as sheep, inoffensive, meek, quiet and silent before the shearers, we must know the Shepherds voice and follow Him. Ps.23 speaks of the Lord as our Nurturer, Provider, Guide, Protector, Companion. God as our Good Shepherd meets our spiritual needs. He nourish, refresh, restore, guides and protect us. He has provided our greatest need-(Salvation) and (Redemption) from our sin. The Good Shepherd is the One who searches after His followers, save them, guides them and supplies their needs. Jesus self-sacrificing life provides the perfect blueprint for making a Good Shepherd. He is our Jehovah-Raah!!
@annawashington9859 3 года назад
Jehovah Raah our Shepherd. We are dependent on The Great Shepherd for His protection and benefits. Ezekiel 34:11-31 God said He will both search and seek out His sheep that are scattered. He will feed them, bind up what is broken and strengthen that which is sick. He will save His flock and they will no more be a prey. Jer 3:15 God said He will give us Pastors according to "Mine Heart", which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. True and faithful Pastors are men after God's own heart, serving under the Great Shepherd Himself.
@ritajohnson2197 3 года назад
In this world is only darkness and death!! Psalms 23 describes God as a good shepherd feeding, proctecting and leading us in this world of Darkness. I love how David described God as being a Shepherd who protects us with his rod and staff when there is danger. I believe God wants us to be like a sheep depending totally on him for guidance and protection, he loves us and wants to keep us safe from harm as we walk through this world of darkness and danger, HE IS JEHOVAH RAHA OUR SHEPHARD!
@Missteree21 3 года назад
Good word!!!
@cyndikain2220 3 года назад
Wonderful Word of Promise! The Lord is our Defender! Stand Strong in Faith!! Do not faint or waver when faced with adversity, the Lord shall defend His purpose for your life! Watch, and Pray, and live Holy everyday!
@shirleywashington2838 3 года назад
Just like the Israelites murmured when things not going right, we do the same thing and have to be reminded of who God is. God is also preparing us for what’s to come, let us look around and see where we are in this corrupt world! We are in desperate need of Jesus! He is our provider and healer!
@ritajohnson2197 3 года назад
Wonderful Message✝️
@cyndikain2220 3 года назад
Awesome Word!🙏✝️
@annawashington9859 3 года назад
Awesome word Pastor. I have a Father who loves me enough to save me from my sins to give me eternal life and remove me from His wrath. To God be the Glory. Amen
@annawashington9859 3 года назад
Yes Pastor, we can see changes, especially from those that are against God and His church. We can't be slack in knowing and acting on His word. Thank you Pastor for your guidance and love for your church family. May God continue to bless you and strengthen you
@michaelthomas2276 3 года назад
Thank you Pastor for the message.
@michaelthomas2276 3 года назад
Thanks Pastor for a well put message. We have to stand on God's word and to never get slack. May God bless us all.
@cyn091955 3 года назад
The message is right on time, God always remind me that no matter what I going through to remember God is taking care of me, I am a Christian, and never forget what my character should be. God word always provides strength for me to move on.
@annawashington9859 3 года назад
Good message Pastor. Knowing God is in control and being sons of God gives us the reassurance that no matter what comes against us, God has the final say. Thank you Jesus for your shed blood and pierced body and Resurrection so that I can have the best gift, eternal life. Amen
@shaquintaliving4885 3 года назад
Amen ! Thank God for The Holy Spirit !!!!
@michaelthomas2276 3 года назад
Hey Pastor thanks for message and I say Amen to God.
@annawashington9859 3 года назад
Yes Pastor, Yahweh is above everyone and everything. Thru His mercy and power we are able to live in this sinful world. I thank God for allowing me to be a part of His chosen people. To God be the Glory and God bless you. In the name of Jesus
@cyn091955 3 года назад
Pastor I like the new beginning of today message, what a beautiful sermon and it ties into our Sunday school lesson.
@annawashington9859 3 года назад
To God be the Glory. Needed THAT word today to bring to our remembrance that we are not in control of our own lives. We may think we are. We need to fall on our knees and ask God to lead and guide us so that we understand it's only by His Mercy and Grace we have come this far with His strength. Praise God
@michaelthomas2276 3 года назад
Thanks Pastor for recapping on this it gives a different in our eyes. God bless you
@annawashington9859 3 года назад
Thank you Pastor for your faithfulness and obedience in sharing God's word. Help me Lord to remember that the battle is Yours and I should be still and wait on the Lord and be of good courage. God bless you Pastor
@annawashington9859 3 года назад
Yes Lord, you have been kind and merciful to us. To God be the Glory
@ritajohnson2197 3 года назад
We have the draw near with a true heart and with full Assurance in our faith! these are some trying times. I thank God for the word it is what is needed to sustain us and to help us move forward with confidence. thank you Pastor, good word.